
Full Name: Dori

Name Meaning: Unknown

Aliases: None

Birth Date: Unknown

Date of Death: Unknown

Race: Dwarf

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: Brothers, Ori and Nori

Spouse: Unknown

Children: Unknown











Dori was a distant relative of Thorin Oakenshield. In TA 2941 Dori, and his brothers Nori and Ori, joined the group of dwarves that Thorin was assembling for the Quest of Erebor. After Bilbo Baggins had joined the company of Thorin, Dori was one of the Dwarves that showed more friendliness towards the hobbit than the others. Dori and Bilbo shared a preference for good food, and as a result of their friendship he carried the Hobbit during their flight from the goblin caverns in the Misty Mountains.

Dori fought alongside the company in the Battle of the Five Armies and survived, spending the rest of his life in Erebor with King Dain Ironfoot. He was still alive during the War of the Ring, but it is unknown when he died.


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