
Full Name: Glóin

Name Meaning: The name Gloin is found in the Völuspá.

Aliases: Unknown

Birth Date: TA 2783

Date of Death: FO 15

Race: Dwarf

Parents: Father, Gróin, Mother, unknown

Siblings: Brother, Óin

Spouse: Unnamed wife

Children: Gimli











Glóin fought in the Battle of Azanulbizar (the last battle of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs) in TA 2799, and in TA 2941 Glóin and his brother Óin accompanied Thorin and the other dwarves (as well as the hobbit Bilbo Baggins) on their quest to Erebor and the Lonely Mountain to reclaim their home from the dragon Smaug. He was mostly known for being the one, together with his brother, to get a fire started with the help of his noticeable skills with a tinderbox. When the Battle of the Five Armies was fought Glóin was there too, and afterwards he settled down in Erebor. In 3018, during the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, Glóin attended together with his son Gimli. After this council Glóin is not mentioned again and it is unclear what he did between it and his death. He died at the age of 253 years, in FO 15.


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