The best scene of all three films
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Author:  Lady Karina [ December 4th, 2005, 4:23 pm ]
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My absolute favorite scene was when Arwen was with Aragorn on the bridge because even though it's kind sad, its still hopeful and (happy?).

Author:  LadyOfRohan [ December 18th, 2005, 3:14 pm ]
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The Battle of the Pelennor Fields :)

Author:  Lothril [ December 22nd, 2005, 1:02 am ]
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Top ten favorite LOTR scenes... in no particular order...

FOTR: The end where Aragorn and Co. go after Merry and Pippin
-Frodo and Sam at the very end of the movie.
TTT: Legolas stair surfing
-Sam's speech at the end.
ROTK: Theoden telling Eowyn to smile.
-the "For Frodo" scene.
-Eomer spearing the guy on the Mumakil
-the Coronation
-Frodo sailing
-Eowyn killing the Witch King

There are others, but those come to mind first.

Author:  eowynfaramir4eva [ December 23rd, 2005, 3:04 pm ]
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OH this IS SO HARD!!!

I have to say when the rohirrium come.

Author:  Galadhrim_arrow [ January 6th, 2006, 4:47 pm ]
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Oh dear. I could no sooner chose a favorite star in the heavens! Does all of it count?

Author:  Valera Elenhathel [ January 7th, 2006, 1:48 am ]
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my absolute favourite in the books is when Eowyn faces off with the Nazgul king...

"No mortal man am I..."

it translated to the movie well :)

another good one is Theoden's "pep talk" and then the charge of the rohhirrim


Author:  pip&leggyluvr [ January 8th, 2006, 10:00 pm ]
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[quote="~RinielAranel~"]oh goodness too hard!!!!! I like just about all of everything...can I divide this up?

Best Speech: Sam's TTT at the end
Best Funny Moment: When Gandalf knocks Denethor out on the head w/ his staff, followed closely by Sam & Gollum arguing about Taters in TTT (lol!)
Best Sad Moment: The end of Rotk! *tear*
Best Music-y/Sad Scene: Pippin singing in RotK
Best Conversation: Scene with Saruman in the beginning of RotK
Best War Moment: Eowyn killing Witch King
Best Triumphant Moment: Pippin lighting the beacons and watching all of the other throughout the mountains...that's cool.
Best Evil Scene: Minas Morgul in RotK, when Frodo watches the whole thing glow and stuff...freaky
Best Scary Scene: Shelob, hands down!
Best Romance Scene: Captain & White Lady! love that scene. :)

Whoa, that's a lot...
overall...ouch...Sam's Speech, I guess

P.S. sorry this is so long!!! I just want all of them to get recognition. :confused:[/quote]

man, u got everything perfect! i would agree w/ all of those scenes. luv the scene w/ sam & gollum arguing about taters. lol :)

Author:  Jax Nova [ January 9th, 2006, 8:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the one where Legolas is sliding down the trunk of the eliphant creature... *forgets name* or where he slides down the stairs ont he shield... that was pretty cool.

Author:  FaZiovsky [ January 30th, 2006, 12:47 pm ]
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- All scenes in Helm's Deep definitelly.
- the scene with Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas jumping out of the corsairs' ship in RotK - cool! The Orc with a scar on his (its) face rocks :P

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ March 7th, 2006, 10:02 am ]
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My favourite scene is the Grey Havens-scene. I luv it

Author:  Old-Man-Willow [ March 15th, 2006, 4:04 pm ]
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Hmmm... There are so many good scenes... Here is some:
The Fellowship of the ring- Frodo decides to take the ring to Mordor, Frodo meets bilbo at Rivendel, Sam comes with Frodo to Mordor separated from the fellowship("of course your going, but im going with you!" lol).

The two towers- Ents going to war 8), many conversations at Helm's Deep, Gandalf comes to help Helm's deep, and just a few Hobbit's part like- Sam's speech in Osgiliath, gollum's capture and wierd Frodo during the battles in Osgiliath especialy the crack of doom)

The Return of the king (so many)- Hmmm... Aragorn jumps with the deads from the ship, Eowin fight with Witch king, almost all Hobbit parts were amazing(especialy the crack of doom), and the last fight near the black gate. Oh and the scenes that is "after the juerny" were good. )

Darn! Too long!! :)

Edited by Nienor for language

Author:  Itarildë [ March 15th, 2006, 11:09 pm ]
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I absolutely adored Helm's Deep! It was soo excited especially when Gandalf came to say the day!!

Author:  Meltithenniel [ March 17th, 2006, 3:47 am ]
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has anyone noticed that in FotR, when Aragorn throws Pippin an apple for second breakfast that he looks up as if it fell out of the sky, and in the flooding of Isengard in TTT, Pip says "I'm starving." and there were apples that floated next to him and he looked up again, thinking that it came from the sky again? that was funny! look out for it if you havent seen it. :P

that's my combined scene :)

Author:  Itarildë [ March 17th, 2006, 9:23 pm ]
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Hey! I just watched it and i did notice that :-D That's really great! I never noticed that until you mentioned it!!!

Author:  eowynfaramir4eva [ April 9th, 2006, 11:00 pm ]
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That's really hard, but I have a couple that when I think of LotR I always think of the charge at Pelennor Fields, and the Black Gates.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ April 12th, 2006, 6:29 pm ]
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Well there are quite a few really.

I really like the whole Balin Tomb-Balrog fight. It's spectacular.

I love the scene in FOTR when the Fellowship see the Argonaths.

The Last March Of The Ents is a really emotional and I think stirring scene. That these beings would go to war thinking they would not return is bravery at it's highest. I love that scene.

The Lighting Of The Beacons is a brilliant scene. The music suits the scene perfectly and complements it in everywhere making it memorable.

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