Ruth S. Noel title page
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Author:  Synariel [ April 20th, 2007, 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Ruth S. Noel title page


I was wondering, if anyone knows the translation for the
elvish writing on the title page of Ruth S. Noel's
"The Languages of Tolkien's Middle Earth" book.

Though I know a bit of elvish (meaning how to write with the letters),
enough to write understandable sentances, enough to read what
is on the Moria door, enough to read what is on the ring-I for some
reason cannot decipher what is on this title page.

If anyone has seen this writing who can help me, I would appreciate it.
(I would also appreciate a detailed description of the writing translation
if you can give me one, so that I can understand why it says
what it does, and how.)

If not, and you need to see a picture, I will post it later.
I cannot post it quite at the moment.

Thank you very much. :bye2:

Author:  Nulómiel [ April 20th, 2007, 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd be most interested to see a picture of the inscription :trampoline: , since I don't have the book. And I don't think I've seen the inscription or a translation of it anywhere else on the web. But if you post a picture I could try and help.

Author:  Tyrhael [ April 21st, 2007, 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

The tengwar read Parmaquettar Endoreva — Bookwords belonging to Middle-earth. As for the runes, they're the type used in The Hobbit, and not the Cirth — I'm a bit rusty with them.

As for the book itself as a resource, I wouldn't recommend it. It's outdated and inaccurate.

Author:  Synariel [ April 23rd, 2007, 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you both for helping. :)

I was confused by the flourishy parts of the letters,
I know often times, or regularly, as it is supposed to be,
they are "S"es. That was what made it hard to read.
I guess here they were only meant to be decor. :annoyed:

I see how it says that Tyrhael, except for the "que" part
in "parmaquettar." I see the "q" and the "u" but no "e."

I have another question, Why is the book said to be outdated
and inacurate? I have heard that before.
Who found out that it was?

Author:  Erythen [ April 23rd, 2007, 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

At the time the book was published (1980) there was a lot less information about the Languages of Middle Earth (I haft to mention that this was before I was even born :blink: ). At the time it was a rather good resource but that is back when all we had was "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings", and "The Silmarillion" and I haft to give Ms. Noel credit for doing so well with so little to work with. Sense 1980 the publications of the Histories of Middle Earth and Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien have added new incites in both text and index. In addition 48 issues of Vinyar Tengwar and 16 issues of Parma Eldalamberon (found at have also been published. In some instances a new publication will correct errors that have been made in efforts to understand Tolkien's works. Adûnaic would be an excellent example of this...before the publication of "Sauron Defeated" there was very little information regarding the language, however with its publication came a thirty page essay which aided in understanding it. So this book is inaccurate and outdated because it has not been changed to include information from these newer publications.

Author:  Tyrhael [ April 25th, 2007, 11:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Erythen is right about it being inaccurate because it's outdated — so much information has been published since it came out.

Anyway, the qu (kw) is one tengwa - #4 quesse. The E is one as well - yanta. There is no "U" — it's contained within the tengwa "qu". Thus a word like "quesse" would be written "qu-e-ss-e", whereas "cuile" would be "c-u-i-l-e". The difference between qu- and cu-...

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ August 15th, 2007, 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

really? the orange-y book is outdated? adn i took a whole lot of time looking for one. well i got it. can you tell me an acurate book on learning elvish?

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