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PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 11:00 am 
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Name: Tyhon Goldenbow
Species: Elf
Age: 1,203
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Gold
hair color: Golden-blonde with a streak of silver above his right eye
Weapon(s): Golden bow and a quiver of enchanted golden arrows (They always return, unless they are broken), a white-bladed, ivory-hilted shortsword, and several throwing knives.
Normal clothing: Tyhon wears a white tunic, but he has brown Dragonhide armor, some of which he has made a pair of trousers out of, the rest being formed into boots, gloves, and an overtunic. He also has a dark green cloak, which blends into forest and shadows quite well.
Hometown: Darien, an elven settlement in the forest.
Affiliation: Tyhon is from Staragiaes, and is a very determined defender of it.
Background: Tyhon was born at a time when Dragons were commonplace, and in a place where they were far from tame, and still hunted down humans and elves. His skill as a bowman is incredible, even among his species, and it has been said that he never misses. He shot his first dragon when he was only eighteen, bringing it down with an arrow between the scales (the only external spot on a dragon that is vulnerable to unenchanted weapons - enchanted weapons can penetrate their scales) while it was in flight, and breathing fire at him, no less. His hair took some time to grow back, though thanks to the healing powers of a nearby magician, his skin and eyes were healed, though his eyes have been golden ever since, and he has a streak of silver in his hair. He was the first elf, human or any other sentient, near-human creature to ever shoot down a Dragon without enchanted arrows (this was before he got his golden, enchanted arrows), and since has killed three more, though he won't talk about them. He is now one of the most famous avatars of Staragiaes's defenders, and if those from Gogres attack, he will be in the front lines.
Trivial bits of information: Tyhon can wield a sword to some degree, but has never excelled at it, and dislikes swords and axes. He thinks spears and glaives are okay, and uses them more often, but knives, shortswords/long daggers, and Bows are his favorite, all three of which he excels with.


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PostPosted: November 8th, 2006, 3:05 pm 
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Name: Groden Hazelmace
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf (Swamp dwarf, to be specific)
Allegiance(whether allied with one of the four major Kingdoms, or allied with the Rebels): Rebels
Personality: Gruff, sometimes witty, but most often, he doesn't have much of a sense of humor.
Appearance: Brown hair and braided beard, with darker skin than normal for a dwarf.
Skills(any special non-magical abilities, only if applicable): Pretty good tracker, and rocks with throwing axes, battle axes, and maces.
Magic wielder(yes or no): Yes.
Talents(inborn abilities, limit of three): Can enchant metal objects so they are strong, light, and sharp, and he can manipulate mud/earth (with magic, of course), and has rudimentary healing powers (they pretty much enhance the healing powers of herbs, nothing more).
Weapons: A pair of throwing axes, a large battle axe, and his preferred weapon, a studded mace/club, made out of enchanted hazel wood.
Attire: He generally wears lots of armor, being a slow and sturdy sort of warrior, and wears green and brown clothing beneath it all (again, think armor as in what Gimli wears).
History(optional): Groden hasn't done many spectacular things in his life, only fought in a few border skirmishes and worked as a blacksmith, but he has always desired some recognition, and he believes that by joining himself to what he sees as a worthy cause (the rebels), he may make a name for himself. He has made many weapons for the Rebels, but prefers to fight, since he is more skilled at that, unlike the rest of his family, who prefer smithying things.


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PostPosted: November 8th, 2006, 4:07 pm 
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Name: Aerandir
Race: Noldor/Sindarin
Age: 538
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6’10” (2.3 meters)
Weapon(s): A great bow, and a hand-and-a-half sword.
Background: I was born in the land of Nevrast, in the fair city of Vinyamar, not long after Turgon settled there. My father was of the Noldor, one of those who left Valinor, but was then abandonded by Feanor, to cross the Helcaraxe. My mother was a Sindarin maiden of Eglador, who left after Melian the Maia set her fences of power around it, not wishing to be restrained by any barrier. I was raised by the sea, and since I first laid eyes on it, when I was barely old enough to lift my head, I have felt the sea-longing. There was never any doubt in my mind that I wanted to be a mariner. Because I took more to my mother’s side, the Sindarin part of me, I preferred using the bow instead of the sword, though unlike the Sindarin, I did prefer the shapely sword over the heavy axe. When I was only fifteen, not yet having reached my full stature, my father made a beautiful bow for me, a white bow that almost glistened when the sun shone on it. It stood out the more because the bows of the Noldor were normally brown or black, though their fletchings were of all colors. His father, knowing his love of the sea, made his arrows with fletchings of sea colors, light greens and dark blues, though I am unable to say with any honesty at all that that helped to quell the sea longing within me. It has ever been my preference to dress in blues, the color of the waters I love so much.
When I was only twenty years old, my lord Turgon issued a secret decree, declaring that we would move, in secret, to the mountains, where he had a hidden city long in the making. It was his wish that we should call the new city Ondolinde, the Rock of the Music of Water, but in the manner of my people, it was simply called Gondolin. When we left, my heart remained behind, and my thoughts were never far from my home, a constant weight in my mind.
Although Gondolin had many fountains, they served only to deepen my depression, which I knew was felt by many who, like me, were born in Vinyamar, next to the shores of the sea. At times, I would look down as if in a dream on myself, and then my sight would turn far over jagged mountains until it rested upon the beautiful sea once more. This, I am sure, was somehow contrived by the Lord of Waters, who was even then preparing the path my life would follow.
When it seemed that my heart must burst because of the greatness of my desire, Turgon declared that we would leave the safety of our hidden city, and march to battle, in an attempt, orchestrated by Maedhros son of Feanor, to defeat our great foe Morgoth once and for all. If we could have known the name that that battle would receive after its end, maybe we would not have gone. The Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, ended in the utter rout of the Elves and Edain of Hithlum and Dor-lomin, and the death of Fingon the High-king. Many Elves of Gondolin were slain in that battle, but not as many as might have been, thanks to the valour of the men of Dor-lomin. Not a one did flee from that battle, but stood their ground against overwhelming odds, and died, all save one. Hurin Thalion was taken prisoner, and led before Morgoth, whose will he withstood for more than twenty-eight years. Because of the great sacrifice of the Edain, Turgon was able to withdraw and retreat back to Gondolin, from whence we never came again, save a few.
When several more years had passed, Turgon sent messengers out from the leaguer of hills, to travel down Sirion to the havens at Balar, where Círdan had a dwelling. Elves he sent to crew seven ships, all of them those who felt the sea-longing, but I was not one of them. No, I was wounded from a fall while scaling a rock-face, and I could not go. It was my fate to wait for many more years, before I would see my sea again.
Indeed, the time was far closer, when Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountains, brought before the king one of the messengers, by name Voronwe, and also a man, shrouded in a cloak of shadow, yet despite the fact that he was as tall as one of the Elder Children, he had the face of a man. Tuor, the son of Huor, and the nephew of Hurín Thalion, had been sent by the Lord of Waters himself with a warning to the king. While the hearts of many were turned towards leaving, and seeking the havens, the heart of the king was moved by pride, pride in his majestic city, and he resolved to remain.
So it was, that when seven more years had passed, the city was betrayed by the king’s nephew, Maeglin, who desired the king’s daughter, despite the fact that she was wed to Tuor. When the forces of Morgoth came over the hills, I was among those on the wall, for the setting sun was very beautiful. At the first sight of that evil, many fled, the women and children among them, to the innermost part of the city, while the men, the warriors, assembled in their Houses, attiring themselves in their armor. I stayed on the wall, being one of the watchmen of the House of the Heavenly Arch, and within only a very few minutes had loosed all of my arrows into the masses of orcs and wargs, and worse. There were spare quivers on the wall, but even when they were all emptied, still we had barely made even a small dent in the dark army assailing us. The gates were pulled down by great fire drakes, and the warriors of the city were driven back, with great loss on both sides, but while many more orcs were slain than were elves, still it cost them less than it cost us. In the end, despite the fact that Gothmog, the Lord of Balrogs, was slain by the Lord Ecthelion, we were forced to flee. Tuor had prepared a tunnel, in the case of a time such as this, and through it we ran, warriors guarding the front and back. Once we left the tunnel, there was still the rest of the plain to cross, and the mountains, too.
After a long and grievous journey, in which many of the wounded died, or were slain defending the rest, we reached safer lands, lands where rivers flowed, and the song of the sea could be heard clearly. The sea-longing, almost forgotten in the recent events, was awoken within me again, and drove most other thought out of my head. We reached the havens at the end of Sirion after much toil and hardship, and then I was lighthearted and blissful, seeing my true love again after so many years.
Often I sailed with the mariners of Círdan, and ever we returned, for none of Turgon’s messengers had made it to the West, and we dared not go that way. Feeling the Sea-longing as keenly as any elf, Tuor had a ship built, and he and Idril sailed away into the West, doing what no others dared. It is said among us that Tuor, alone of all his race, is numbered among the Elder kin, and lives in peace in Valinor, though he was never seen by men again.
Upon the departure of his father, Earendil sailed often, going ever further west, and I was always there, one of his ever present crewmen. It was during one of our voyages that the havens were assailed by the vengeful sons of Feanor, who claimed the Silmaril that Elwing of Doriath, Earendil’s wife, possessed. Rather than be taken by the oathbound elves, Elwing cast herself into the sea, and was transformed into a great seabird, whereupon she flew to Earendil. Instead of returning to Middle-earth, though, Earendil had us turn the ship around, sailing west, with the Silmaril bound on his brow. We sailed long, past shadowy Isles, and through seas where nothing could be seen beyond the hull of the ship, so great was the darkness. Yet in the end, we sailed out of all that, into a fair bay, more beautiful than any I have ever seen, with a white tower standing tall, and glistening in the sun. As our ship Vingilot ran aground, Earendil forbade us to step down, leaping out of the ship himself, for he did not wish the wrath of the Valar turned against us. After him leaped his wife, Elwing, but Erellont, Falathar, and myself stayed in the ship, waiting for hours for some sight of either of them on the horizon. In the end, we saw neither of them, but many Maiar came, beings of power who seemed to be surrounded by an aura of majesty. They took us, and put us in another ship, more skillfully crafted than Vingilot, and then sent us, under a strong wind, back into the East, bereft forever of our long friends, Earendil and Elwing.
It did not take us long to reach Middle-earth again, at the speed the wind blew us, but instead of going to the mainland, we went to the Isle of Balar, where no evil of Morgoth was, and rested from our travels, and mourned our loss. Indeed, the sea-longing is still strong in me, and will be, I believe until at last I forsake the Eastern shores and sail back to Valinor. Then will I rejoice, cured at last of that which is both a blessing and a plague to me. Meanwhile, though, I shall reside here in Lindon, by the Gulf of Lune, until such a time comes.


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PostPosted: November 12th, 2006, 12:21 pm 
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Name: Tarannon
Species: Human
Age: 30
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Weapons: Black Yew Longbow, sword, daggers.
Attire: Green cloak, green and brown tunic/trousers.
Background: Tarannon was born in Ithilien after the War of the Ring, and after living a relatively peaceful childhood, he decided that he wanted some adventure in his life, so he joined the Rangers. When King Elessar sent troops up to establish an outpost in Eryn Lasgalen, to fill in the gaps made by the leaving elves, Tarannon was one of those who went. He is fairly good with his sword, but he prefers his bow by far, as he has been using it far longer than a blade.


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PostPosted: December 22nd, 2006, 2:59 am 
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Name: Aivon Tagon (pronounced TAY-gohn)
Age: 26
Race: Ikreain
Gender: Male
Loyalty: The Kiani who have not yet discovered their powers (If anyone wants it, I'll be a little more specific about the loyalty)
Location: Rhiosim, I guess
Appearance: Average height, with shoulder length black hair, silver eyes, darker-than-normal skin, and pointed ears.
Weapons: Slightly-curved single-edged sword, and a dagger.
Background: Aivon was trained from the age of six as a bodyguard, and when he was good enough, he was assigned as one of the guards of the Kiani. Since then, he has gone almost everywhere with them, acting as a living shield between them and those who would wish them harm, though indeed those have not been many.


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PostPosted: December 23rd, 2006, 8:30 am 
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Name: K'yahn Tol'ldar
Race: Human
Age: 17
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Weapon: Blue-bladed Lightsaber
Background: K'yahn has been at the Temple since he was two years old, about the same amount of time as most Padawans his age. He spends much of his time with the Healers, his natural empathy allowing him to connect much faster with living beings than most Jedi. He doesn't have much aptitude with electronics, though. Most of his experiments in that area ended up with him back in the Healing Quarters, but to get his own burns healed, not others.


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PostPosted: December 29th, 2006, 4:29 pm 
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Name: Tal Adaran
Age: 43
Species: Elves
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark skinned, light brown eyes, around 5'9", with short brown hair.
Attire: White tunic, brown leggings, brown overtunic, and leather boots.
Personality: That'll be determined in the story.
Weapon(s): Slightly curved sword (a saif, in other words), curved dagger, and a double-recurve bow made out of horn.
Gifted or Exalted: Gifted
Abilities: Manipulation of Fire, Healing
History: Born and raised in the Desert of Abyth, Tal was something of an anomaly, being relatively short in comparison to the rest of his people. He and his tribe were nomads--rare among elves--travelling across the desert between Oasises. They were also warriors, often at odds with other nomadic tribes, so Tal is well trained with sword and bow, and--to a degree--experienced in unarmed combat. In the desert, there are no trees to use for cover, so stealth is of vital importance. Other tribes consisted of highly skilled horsemen, but Tal's tribe and a few others--both human and elvish--relied mostly on footmen, resulting in extremely good stealth.
When he was twelve years old, he was sent to train with the Order of the Gifted, slowly mastering his powers. When he was twenty-five years old he returned to his people, with whom he has lived since then, though he plans on leaving to travel the world soon.
He is famous as a Healer, for many people of his tribe and its allies had sustained serious injuries which he was able to heal. He has equal fame as a killer, though--those who can make it through the fire he shoots from his hands find that they do not last long against him with a sword.


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PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 7:05 am 
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Name: Damien Orondar
Age: 90
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Allegiance(good or evil): Good
Appearance: Height is about 7'2", hair is white-blond, skin is pale, and eyes are grey.
Attire: Brown and Green clothing, mostly.
Weapons: Longsword, dagger, and short spear.
Personality: Um....undetermined. It'll show up, eventually.
History: Damien born in a woodland Elvish settlement to a Warden, who wandered the woods to drive out the evil things that would emerge from the darkest shadows on moonless nights. Naturally, Damien was raised as a Warden himself--after all, children always followed the trade of their parents. His father vanished one night years ago, and since then Damien has redoubled his attempts to slay all predators that would seek to harm his people. Then the Chosen ones came.

Despite the fact that he knows it is for the greater good, Damien is not happy about the fact that he was forced to leave his people--even if it is only for a time--when the shadows and wraiths of the forest seem to have redoubled in number.
One of the 10 chosen(yes or no): Yes
Powers(only if you are one of the chosen or a Demon; limited to three): Healing, Earth Manipulation, and Shapeshifting


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PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 7:06 am 
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Name: Dafyd Winter
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Army of Earth
Rank: Corporal
Appearance: Short blond hair, ice blue eyes, with a height of 6'3" (195 centimeters). He's somewhat bulky, too.
Attire: Standard Military Corporal's uniform
Weapon(s): Auto-rifle, military-issue handgun, a combat knife, and other, mission-specific weaponry.
Background: Dafyd was born to a family of Scandinavian descent, which is where the light hair and eyes come from. Since he was a young kid, he wanted to be in the Military--it was almost all he ever thought about. His desire never changed. It seemed sometimes as though he counted down the hours until he could join the military.

When he finally made it, his thoughts about it didn't change much, though if they did at all, it was negatively. He realized the seriousness of his job, you might say.

Since I don't know much about what the relation between the soldiers and the scientists is, I'm just going to leave it at that for a while.


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PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 7:07 am 
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Name: Ordal
Age: (are the Wallbuilders long-lived?) Undetermined
Race: Wallbuilders
Appearance: Ordal is about seven feet tall, with grey eyes and long black hair, and he's rather thickset. His arms are crisscrossed with scars, and several of them cross his face, but despite his appearance, he actually has a peaceful nature.
Personality: Peaceful
Weapons: None--he does carry a walking staff, though
Background: Undetermined, simply because I'm not sure what kind of a background a Wallbuilder would have. Any hints, Shadowcat/SwedishMoose?


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PostPosted: February 9th, 2007, 7:08 am 
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Name: Feyl'agran, or just Feyl, for short
Age: 33
Race: Kor'daera
Phys. Appearance: At only 5'6", Feyl is average height for his species, with the typical grey eyes and blond hair as well. He is fairly skinny compared to the average human, but not enough that he could be called scrawny. He certainly doesn't look like he works out.
Attire: The Red and Brown robes of the Kael'aghad sect of the Kol'mari clan of the Kor'daera, along with the properly carved staff.
Weapons: A dagger, though he carries his staff everywhere with him, as it helps channel his magic (same with all Kor'daera).
Strong element: Wind, followed by Fire
Background: Feyl'agran was born in the Kor'daeran city of Kol'this, where he was introduced to humans at a young age, instead of meeting one when he was older, as happened to most people. Humans lived in Kol'this in almost as great numbers as the Kor'daera, so they were a common sight for him. He was raised in a typical manner for the Kor'daera--he was admitted to a sect at the age of ten, where he was trained in the use of his magic, and was finally declared a full Mage when he was twenty-two, a little sooner than most in his 'class', though not as soon as others. Shortly after he left the sect's palace to wander the world (also a common thing), he acquired his first Guardian--a human named Dorlan, who seemed to be more skilled than most of his kind in battle, wielding his enormous enchanted warhammer to great effect against bandits or whatever creature they were fighting at the time.

When the first news about the Gohl was released to the Mages of the land, Feyl knew that there would be trouble if the Archway wasn't closed soon. When the Gohl continued to gather their forces of possessed Humans, Belkarans, Laude, various creatures of the land, and weak Kor'daera, it was driven in just how much trouble there would be. He, along with all the other mages of Adaris, was called to a grand convocation at the capitol city of Kor'da'this, where they were informed of the plan that the Archmage of the Kor'daerans, the King of the Humans, the Master Technician (yes, that is the title of the ruler of the Belkarans) of the Belkarans, and the Highlord of the Laude had come up with. From the many possibilities, Feyl was chosen to be the one to close the Archway due to his power, which was both sufficient enough to seal the Archway, and weak enough that he wouldn't prove to be that great of an asset to the Gohl if he should be possessed.


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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 10:12 am 
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Name: Korm (Aerandir)
Gender: Male
Species: Feeorin
Age: 209
Homeworld: Lok
Affiliation: New Republic Infiltrators (Bloodhawk Pirates/Darklight Squadron)
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: No hair
Skin tone: Dark blue
Weapon(s)/body armour: DL-44 Blaster pistol, BlasTech T-21 Light Repeating Blaster
Ship: TIE Defender
Background: Korm was born on Lok, but was dissatisfied with life there, so he got a job as a navigator on a freighter and traveled the galaxy for several years. Eventually, he received pilot training, which he had a natural aptitude for. By the time he was old by human standards, he was an accomplished pilot, combatant, and mercenary. When the fellow Feeorin Nym formed the Lok Revenants to combat the Trade Federation, Korm joined, finding plenty of chances to increase his reputation. After the destruction of the Trade Federation and the Rise of the Empire, however, Korm had a run-in with Imperial Stormtroopers and joined the Rebel Alliance. As the Rebel Alliance eventually became the New Republic, he transferred squadrons several times, until he was eventually placed in Darklight squadron when it was formed, shortly before they were assigned to their Infiltration mission.


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PostPosted: August 16th, 2007, 10:12 am 
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Name: Jhoran Antoral (Aerandir)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 24
Homeworld: Commenor
Affiliation: New Jedi Order, New Republic Infiltrators
Eye Colour: Grey
Hair Colour: Brown
Skin tone: Pale
Weapon(s)/body armour: Gold lightsaber, DY-225 Blaster pistol, J4 Longblaster
Ship: E-wing
Background: From birth, Jhoran was immersed in a culture that relied heavily on interstellar trade and commerce. Doing anything not involving starships was almost out of the question, so Jhoran became a pilot. He seemed exceptionally skilled at it, which was a contrast to the rest of his family. It wasn’t until a run-in with one of Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi that he found out that he was subconsciously using the Force as he flew. Shortly afterwards, he entered the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. However, even after several years of training as a Jedi, and his official Knighting, he still lacked confidence in himself, and found it difficult to serve as a Jedi should.
Through one of his sources, he heard that Darklight squadron would be going undercover as pirates, and he was given authorization to join them.


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PostPosted: August 17th, 2007, 3:20 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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These aren't all your characters! Where's Jhoran from Crystal? And Adanil????


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PostPosted: August 18th, 2007, 12:26 am 
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:P I'm too lazy to put them in. Actually....I don't even remember which pages their bios are on. :blush:


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PostPosted: September 24th, 2007, 12:18 pm 
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Name: Adanil
Age: 22
Race: Human
Appearance: Short brown hair, grey eyes ( didn't really think I would make a character without grey eyes, did you?), and tanned skin. He's about 6'1, and somewhat muscled, since he's been a farmer most of his life.
Weapon(s): A dagger and a scimitar
Background: Adanil has lived in whatever-area-Merrin-and-Kendath-are-in-right-now for his entire life, tending his father's fields, yet always aspiring to be a Dragonrider, or at least a soldier. To that end, he has taken swordsmanship lessons from a local guard, and after acquiring his sword, he prepared to leave, which is about what he's doing now.


That's probably one of, or the shortest bios that I've ever made. Still, the character went quite well.


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