My RPG Character - Manwathiel
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Author:  arwen1300 [ September 22nd, 2008, 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  My RPG Character - Manwathiel

Name: Manwathiel
Race: Elf
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pet: trained raven who flies ahead to search for enemies and goes by name of Mirima
Parents: Mother: Rhavaniel (deceased) Father: Arthion (deceased)
Time period: 3rd-4th age transition time, born at the end of the war of the ring
Strengths: sharp, calculating, good with a sword
Weaknesses: not very strong, twisted right wrist, (so she's obviously left-handed)
Weapons: sword, daggers, cant handle bow due to wrist
Description: Tall, slender, long brown hair pulled back in single, tight braid, brown eyes, twisted wrist, young appearence, has a sapphire ring from her mother
Character Traits: quiet, reserved, independent, hard to get angry, but once angry is very very angry, sharp tongue, headstrong, rushes into things
Background: grew up in Mirkwood, doesn't remeber parents, roams around but is fond of lorien, twisted her wrist as a child and it healed wrong, learned to fight at a young age, wanders searching for enemies who still remain after the fall of Sauron, learned the finer points of poetry and is a good singer. Searched for the orcs who killed her parents, she's desperate for revenge.
Home: None specified, but is fond of Lorien

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