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 Post subject: Lost Realms of Arnor (Continuing, Open)
PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 8:51 am 
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Location: In the snow.

"In the years after King Elessar was crowned, he gave orders for the resettlement of Arnor, north of the Shire and Weather Top, to the far reaches of the Mountains of Angmar and to the Icebay Forochel.
But a darkness still hung over the Downs, and many whole ventured into them were never seen again. Rumors spread that orcs haunted them, and that they came from Angmar where the shadows were gathering.
Men of Gondor marched forth to do battle with them, leaving the White City and their homes, they go to war yet again."

"In this troubled time, Arandur, one of the Dunedain, leads the men of Gondor into the wastes to make war upon the Orcs and find out whence they came."

Arandur was tense, although to any observer he looked as relaxed as ever. But he was worried, he sensed something amiss. An instant latter his fears were justified. There was a scream, and one of the Gondorian soldiers in the column fell, an arrow protruding from his back. Arandur wheeled his horse and shouted, "Shields up!" just as a hail of arrows from the sides of the small ravine, rained down upon them. Arandur was guiding a body of about 300 Gondorian foot soldiers into the wasts to strike at the orcs, and now they were being ambushed. An arrow whistled past his ear, and he rolled from the saddle just as hundreds of orcs charged down upon the column from both sides. Drawing his hand-and-a-half sword, Arandur sliced the first orc to reach him, finishing it off with a downward stroke. There was a clash as the main body of orcs collided with the Gondorians, who fought them off bravely. Arandur cleared a space around him with broad sweeps of his sword, keeping a dozen orcs at bay, then he moved with a blur of motion and killing six of them, made his way back to the men.

Feel free to join up! :cool:

(Please post a bio when you join.)

My bio:

name: Arandur
Race: Dunedain
age: 46
gender: Male
country: Arnor
eye colour: Green
hair: Dark brown, shoulder length
family: Unknown
dress: Dark clothing in the manner of the Dunedain, with a brown or grey cloak.
Shirt of mail in battle.
weapons: Hand-and-a-half sword and short-bow. A common dagger, as carried by many Rangers.

History: Arandur is one of the Dunedain Rangers, wandering the wilds of Arnor, although he has been to the White City and Rivendell in the past. He is a deadly fighter, be it with his sword, bow or unarmed. He prefers the wilds of his ancestral home to the civilized world. He was one of the Grey Company led by Halbarad who aided Aragorn in the War of the Ring. He returned to Eriador shortly after the crowning of King Elessar.

Last edited by Llew on September 1st, 2009, 2:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 6:44 pm 
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Location: P3X-774, Rohan, Moya, or my TARDIS

name: Fearan
Race: Dunedain
age: 37
gender: Male
country: Arnor
eye colour: Grey-green
hair: Dark auburn
dress: Pants, tunic, leather jerkin.
weapons: Sword, bow, dagger, and a form of martial arts (similar to ninjitsu)
Steed: Storm: ... 13_395.jpg
Fearan couldn't mistake the sounds of battle. The crash of armor, the cries of the dying, the sickening impact of metal skewering flesh. And yet he rode towards it. Fearan never could figure out what caused him to ride into danger. He tired to tell himself it was a noble calling to help those in need, but that just didn't seem to fit. No, it was probably his rash, confident pride the urged him on. Whatever it was though, it pushed him to the scene of the battle. He drew his sword and nudged Storm into a gallope. He swung and the first orc: hit. He swung at the second orc: hit. He swung at the third orc: uhoh. The orc ducked with inhuman speed and grasped Fearan's arm, pulling him from his horse. Fearan's sword dropped from his hand as he tried to catch his fall. The orc dropped him, but only to slice off his head, or perhaps a limb. Whatever the target of the orcs blade, Fearan didn't want to find out. He doged the blade and executed a kick the orc's throat, who then dropped like a stone. "Unnarmed combat is a commoner's game unsuited for real warriors, my foot!" He said, taunting the orc he felled and those who thought unnarmed combat wasn't neccesary. He taunted a bit too long, however, and a large orc crashed into him, pinning him to the ground. He waited for the orc to lurch to his feet, but it never happened. Blood, orc blood, trickled onto Fearan. Great, a dead orc. He squirmed away from underneath the orc. "Sword, sword, where is my sword...ah, there it is" He leaped to reach his beloved blade.

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 8:59 pm 
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Name: Deawen
race: Human
Apperance: long copper hair always in a neat braid. wears long black riding dresses.only stands 5ftand1'' she is very kind and sweet looking but has a temper
about: Born to a Rohirric horse breeder Deawen grew up with horses and was one of the best riders but she was a girl and was not allowed by her father to ride much. Her father tried to keep her locked away as a prize to a husband of her fathers choice but Deawen ran away and joined a small group of rebels she was accepted and respected for her talents as a rider and a warrior. Deawen before after the war of the ring was hunted by the Gondorians for various crimes so she moved to the north to escape and when the gondorians followed she fought them back. She has no love of orcs so does not fight for them. She leads a small rebel group called the phantoms. she was trained to kill and that is what she does.
those that know Deawen know to stay clear of her.

Deawen stood in her stirrups to see the battle below. she was alone and did not wish to risk the fight ahead. the orcs would cut her down instantly and the gondorians too. Against the gondorians she stood a chance but nat against two foes alone. But the urge for battle was in her blood Deawen made up her mind and urged her horse down a path to the battle to an exposed flank of the gondorians away from the orcs. Her Mount Bredol charged into battle running over soldiers as if they were no more than grass. Deawen drew her sword and begun severing soldiers. One soldier with a lance pierce her shoulder she cried out and nearly killed him but he moved away. Deawen cut down more soldiers in her fury. Bredol made a horrible noise as he bit a soldier. Deawen and him worked together as a team showing the deep and rooted bond of a woman and her horse.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 9:19 pm 
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Location: In the snow.

Arandur slashed an orc across the throat, then ducked a clumsy swing from another and stabbed him in the chest as he rushed. Kicking the body off his blade Arandur looked around. He saw that the fifty Gondorian archers that had accompanied them were in the center of the men-at-arms, and were sending volley after volley with deadly effect into the orcs that charged over the edge of the ravine. An orc saber bounced off his mailed shoulder, bringing him back to the fight with a jolt. With a powerful swing he nearly cut the orc in two, but his right shoulder was smarting from the blow. Switching his sword to his left hand he sprang to the aid of a Gondorian who was beset by three orcs, evening the fight as the first one fell to his blade.

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 7:26 am 
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Deawen out of the corner of her eye saw more reinforcments come down the hill. she stopped fighting for just a second to look she was now greatly out numbered and cut off from her retreat. She charged Bredol through the battle she looked for the appearent leader of the gondorians. Deawe knew if you cut the head off a snake the snake is helpless, so she searched for who seemed to be in charge. but still she fought on tiring little as she searched soon she found one he had just came to the aid of a soldier( Arandur) . Deawen advanced quickly swinging her sword up as she came upon him. Then brought the sword swiftly down.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 8:10 am 
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Location: In the snow.

Arandur raised his sword in acknowledgment and shouted to Elegost, "What took you so long? I almost didn't leave any for you!" Suddenly a horse and rider smashed through the throng, sword swinging strait for Elegost's head. Without thinking Arandur jumped for the rider, and batting the swing aside grabbed the riders arm and simply pulled him from his horse.

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 10:45 am 
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Deawen instinctivly grabbed the saddle horn to right her self but she wasn't fast or strong enough she was pulled from her saddle. once her feet touched the ground she twisted around and stabbed at the soldier. then pulled back on her arm " Let GO!" She shouted her voice shrill. she tugged again but not with as much force as the first because of her shoulder. Blood trickled down her arm dripping off in crimsom drops. Deawen was starting to regret not following her first instinct.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 1:51 pm 
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Location: P3X-774, Rohan, Moya, or my TARDIS

Fearan swung, slicing through orc flesh. The sounds of fresh horses and weapons told him that reinforcments had come. He could already see the band of orcs dissasembling. A ways off Storm danced, swerving away from fleeing orcs. He ran to her and caught her. He mounted, and from that vantage point he could see two Dunedain rangers threatening an armed woman. He immediatly spoke up. "What's going on now?" He asked the two.

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 2:30 pm 
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Arandur rolled to his feet, sword in hand. He stepped towards the women on the ground and placed the point of his sword over her throat--just to make sure. Turning his head he glanced at the newcomer. "They're probably together." He said, not in the best of minds after the ambush.

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PostPosted: May 30th, 2007, 4:22 pm 
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Deawen let her sword dropp from her hand she froze as the arrow embedded it's self into her cloak. the touch of cold steel over her throat made her jump cutting her neck slightly Deawen stared at her captors with a wild look, the look only and animal could produce when frightened or angry.but she blinked and it was gone she suddenly seemed to try to play the innocent sweet young lady though Deawen laid still ,but she was tense ready to spring.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 1:08 pm 
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"I was simply asking why you are threatening a woman." Fearan said coldly. "I meant no disrespect." Gondorian lord he muttered sarcastically to himself. He was about to dismount when a man stuck a sword to the ladys throat. "They're probably togeather." He said.
"Nay, sir." Fearan replied. "I am not her companion, nor do I even know her." He glanced back to the Gondorian lord. "My name is Fearan, lord. tell me, what wrong has this woman done?"

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 4:27 pm 
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Deawen laid perfectly still from the corners of her eyes she watched the woods anxiously she suddenly made a sound a high pitched chirp the sword cut alittle deeper but she didn't seem to mind she watched the woods but nothing stirred, she looked dissipointed.a chestnut stallion with flaxen mane and tail whinnied nearby Deawen chirped again.
the stallion edged closer as if responding to her distress call, for that is what the chirp was a distress call but none answered.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 7:32 pm 
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"This women tried to kill Elegost. Naturally it is not appreciated." Arandur said.

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 9:37 pm 
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" well it never is.." Deawen hissed she was getting annoyed at being pinned down " May I get up now?" she asked in a very hateful tone she looked from Elegost to Arandur.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: May 31st, 2007, 10:18 pm 
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Arandur lifted his sword point away from her throat. "Don't try to get away or you will find an arrow through you."

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PostPosted: June 1st, 2007, 8:15 am 
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Deawen sat up slowly but was stopped by the arrow she reached for the arrow and pulled it out of the ground she examined it wieghing her escape. the arrow was well balanced and sharp it would not easily miss it's target."well it's not everyday you get defeated by gondorian scum" she retorted with venom.
" strange dealings indeed" Deawen muttered, Deawen slipped the arrow into her shirts sleeve.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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