The Next Age...A Lotr Generation RPG
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Author:  Eruraina [ December 26th, 2007, 12:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Eonera closed her eyes, enjoying the wind, but when she heard the hoofbeats behind come up beside her, she leaned forward and urged Pirate faster. Eonera then reached back and untied the leather strap that kept her orange-gold hair in a pony-tail and let it fly. The wind blowing her hair like a banner felt good. The feel of the strong animal under her surging forward felt wonderful. There was a split second when she felt like her and Pirate were one, but she pulled herself out to dare a glance back to see where Handion was...

Author:  Lady_Raelyn [ December 26th, 2007, 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eruraina wrote:
Eldarion watched Eonera and Handion leave, then turned to his sister.
"What about Elboron? Is it that much of a loss that he is blind? At least he lives. He lives because a shared love is stronger than Morgul poison. There is no need to cry, my sister," he said, wiping her tear.


Eonera led Handion down to the stable, and all the way to the back where her two horses stood. One, a big chestnut stallion with a stripe and two socks named Pirate, and the other the mare she had taken from Rivendell was Hithwen, that was dapple-grey(digging through the posts, I found the names and colors of the horses again).
"You have a horse, right? I'm riding Pirate, since I haven't in awhile."

Raelyn shook her head. " no it's not that. i love him and it hurts that he wont ever be able to see the beautiful way the trees sway in the spring time when the wind blows. or the love in my eyes when i look at him. it's not a problem that he's blind, i just am sad for him. i hope he is not depressed by it to the point where he doesnt feel like living....i've heard of that happening before." she said with all honesty. she needed to speak with him alone.

Author:  Eruraina [ December 26th, 2007, 2:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Well, you'll just have to show him those things. His eyes may not be able to see, but his mind can still. Show him you love him by the gentle touch of your hands in his. Show his in his mind what he is missing by being his eyes for him. Transfer the image from your mind to his through your touch," Eldarion said, and tried to think of an example.
"Like Eonera when she broke her leg, and that horse from Rivendell became her legs. They formed a special bond and became you. You can be Elboron's eyes."

Author:  Lady_Raelyn [ December 26th, 2007, 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Raelyn looked at the floor thinking and then looked up. she smiled at her brother and then stood up and hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. " your right! oh Eldarion. you've always been able to put my mind at ease." with that she rushed out of the room back to Elboron's room forgetting he was not alone. she burst into the door and then blushed, for her excitment was too great it overcame her and emberressed her once again.

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ December 28th, 2007, 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alythrya smiled at Raelyn and said, "Oh, good thing you are here, Raelyn! Arythion and I were just about to go and find Ada and mother, to come and see Elboron. We will be back in a moment. She said and winked at Raelyn before going out the door.


Handion laughed as Eonera urged Pirate faster. "It looks like you are going to beat me, Eonera!" He yelled up to her, yelling against the wind.

Author:  Lady_Raelyn [ December 29th, 2007, 10:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Raelyn smiled at Alythra as she walked by. she went and sat down beside Elboron. " your looking better every minuet." she took his hand. " Elboron, there is something we must speak of." she layed next to him.

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ December 30th, 2007, 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elboron smiled slightly. "Do I really?" He asked, laughing. "Well, that's good to hear." Then, his brow furrowed and he looked at Raelyn. "Of what, my love?" He questioned her. Does she want to leave me now because I am blind?Elboron thought to himself, but he hoped that that would not be the case.

Author:  Lady_Raelyn [ December 30th, 2007, 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Raelyn layed her head on his chest and sighed. " Elboron i love you." she paused. " thats what i was going to tell you many months ago before....." she bursts into tears. " oh Elboron your sight, i dont know what i would do without my sight, my knight your so strong." she said crying into his chest.

Author:  Eruraina [ December 30th, 2007, 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eonera heard Handion, if barely, and slowed Pirate down just slightly. Not enough for anyone to notice, but after awhile the two had become even with each other, and both reached the river about the same time. When they stopped at the brink of the bank, Pirate was so wound up after the run, that he decided to rear. Eonera stayed on, and started luaghing as the bay went back down on all fours...

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ January 3rd, 2008, 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Elboron let out an inwardly sigh of relief. She still loved him. Elboron leaned up and kissed Raelyn lightly on the lips. "My dear Raelyn...thank you." He said simply...he hoped she would understand that those two simple words he was trying to use to describe all the feelings he felt at once.


Handion caught up and laughed with Eonera when he realized she wasn't going to get killed on her horse.

Author:  Lady_Raelyn [ January 3rd, 2008, 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Raelyn was taken to another world by that kiss...her first kiss. she smiled and hugged him. " oh Elboron.." she let out a sigh of relief. " your welcome, my love." she said with pride.

Author:  Eruraina [ January 3rd, 2008, 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eonera stopped luaghing, but kept smiling. She fealt a weird feeling inside her. She felt safe in Handion's presence for some reason.
"Handion? Can I tell you something?" She hesitated, "something I've never really told anyone before?"

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ January 4th, 2008, 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elboron hugged Raelyn back. It was good to know he would always have her to turn to, even if he was blind. He smiled at the thought...a smile of relief.


Handion nodded, a little confused, but he dared not show that. "Of course." He told her honestly.

Author:  Eruraina [ January 4th, 2008, 3:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eonera looked off to the horizon, a far away look in her eyes.
"When I was a little girl, I broke my arm. And during the time it healed, I got this strange dream. A figure of a man on top of a black dragon in the middle of a burning field. 'The light with fade, and the end of days, will come unto your home', he said in a voice almost like a snake. I haven't had that dream for years. And now, ever since I was rescued from Minas-Morgul, I've been having those dreams again. I never told anybody because for some reason, I felt I couldn't trust them enough. But, with you... I..." she shook her head, "I sound stupid."

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ January 4th, 2008, 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Handion moved his horse over, his eyes full of concern. "No, do not sound stupid at all. I feel honored to be trusted with such a secret...if anyone like that ever threatens you, I will kill them." He said honestly.

Author:  Eruraina [ January 4th, 2008, 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eonera blushed.
"For some reason, when I'm near you, I feel safe," she said in almost a whisper, her horse drawing up next to Handion's on it's own.

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