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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 1st, 2011, 8:50 pm 
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Frodo found he was unable to smile long at the antics of his fellow hobbits. The time spent in the Golden Wood had been good for all of them, easing their weariness and giving them new strength to continue on. But for all the high spirits, Frodo inevitably found his thoughts returning to the dark road that still lay before them. The thought of Merry and Pippin fooling around was at odds with the thought of them in Mordor; and would they ever make it that far? Would any of them?

“Are you alright, Mister Frodo?” Sam whispered, receiving a quick nod from Frodo in response. He was almost grateful for the enforced silence; it saved him having to explain his thoughts to Sam, or indeed the rest of the Fellowship. The words he had spoken with Galadriel were still heavy in his mind; Frodo wished he could maintain the good spirits of his companions, but he realized the temporary cheer was only adding to his anxiety.

- - - - -

Ilasrian rode alongside her fellow warriors, laughing as the rest of them did and occasionally daring to throw in a comment of her own. However, her mind was not completely at ease, as no doubt was the case amongst others; it was not pleasure that had brought them upon this road, as one glance at the weapons they all bore would attest.

Although they had for the time passed the darkness around Dol Guldur, something apparently was not right. The unsettling silence Ilasrian herself had noticed, but the voices of her companions had distracted her. Quiet had descended upon the company now as well, many seeking to draw weapons.

But what threat could be so silent? The servants of the enemy were loud and careless; stealth had never been their game. Ilasrian’s eyes scanned the surrounding forest, hoping her eyes might alight on something even slightly unnatural.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 2nd, 2011, 7:20 pm 
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Aragorn sat further down the riverbank, a little detached from the rest of the Fellowship, gazing at the calm, rippling river. He quietly smoked his pipe, listened to the Hobbit's bickering and Gimli's grumbling, yet his thoughts were entirely somewhere else. The responsibility of the Fellowship's quest and the grief of the loss of Gandalf pressed on his shoulders, like a heavy burden. Their weariness and sorrow had decreased during their peacefull stay in Lothlorien, but Aragorn's heart was still troubled; the memories of their dark journey through Moria not forgotten. Hadn't he warned Gandalf not to go through the mines of Moria? Hadn't he said if you pass the doors of Moria, beware! Never had he expected to continue the quest without Gandalf, without his leadership annd advice, or at least not in this stage of their journey.. But now Gandalf had fallen and all hope was lost, the Lord of the Golden Wood himself had said so..
Aragorn exhaled another puff of smoke and his hand touched the jewel around his neck lightly; it was cool and light. Then suddenly he heard Arwen's voice, faintly, as if far away: Ae ú-esteliach nad...estelio han. Estelio ammen.
Somehow his confidence was more strengthened and Aragorn sighed, resigned. If he would have to lead the Fellowship, then he would do it without hesitation or doubt. He would not be without hope or trust eventhough their journey seemed hopeless and the road full of peril. He would lead them on, like Gandalf had asked him, lead them to Mordor.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 3rd, 2011, 11:58 am 
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Rhavaniel pulled her horse to a halt and turned in her saddle to look at her companions. The same look was on each of their faces- Worry. She lowered her bow momentarily and glanced at the elf who had stiffened. He silently gestured towards the river, indicating an unusual sound. The light that graced the Golden Woods was powerful, but it was told that orcs and goblins often tried to breach the border. Could they have set up camp across the river from the light, waiting and gathering forces in the dark? Or were they already across the river, camping but two days march from Lothlorien? She shuddered and aimed towards the rushing water, so shallow this close to the elven city.

Sadron caught her eye and dismounted with a soft, pulling his long thin blade from its sheath as he did. They were not far from the riverbank, and according to the councilors memory, there was a natural ford a short way off. If any creature of darkness was planning to cross the river surely this would be the place. He had been distracted of late, off his guard. He pulled off his cloak and hung it over his saddle. They were not safe yet, not since the one ring was moving ever closer to Mordor. One slip up and they would all be doomed. Night was falling; day was gone by now, the sun had gone down and twilight had settled over the land. The river would reflect the remainder of the light- and any tracks left by any creature would be visible. The company of elves would have the advantage of the dying light should it come to any confrontation.
He glanced at his sister and back at his fellows, slipping into the shadows that served as a barrier between the river and their path.


Boromir stiffened as a glint caught his eye from the opposite river bank. It took him a moment to shake of his reverie before he stood up, casting the belt to one side as he did so. He pulled his own sword and stepped forward so that the tips of his boots touched the water. It was cold. There was someone, or something lurking across the Anduin. His blood ran cold- Would the Fellowship be tested here? Would they have to stand against the Dark Lord's servants so soon after escaping Moria?
He felt more than saw Merry and Pippin scramble up, brushing the grit off their hands and glancing about nervously. The daggers they had been given by the Lady Galadriel seemed out of place in their small hands, reflecting the fast going light and seeming so sharp.
"Aragorn!" he called as first one figure, then many detached themselves from the dark.


Sadron had sheathed his sword as soon as he had caught sight of the group camping on the other side of the river. He gave a low whistle and felt a small smile of relief tugging at the corners of his mouth. These were no orcs.

Rhavaniel exhaled and shouldered her bow. The tension in their party dissipated bit by bit, as the councilor's signal reached them. As one they moved towards the shore, curious as to who or what lay concealed beyond their vision.


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 4th, 2011, 5:00 pm 
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Legolas quickly drew wary as he walked closer to the anduin. His grey eyes peered over at the opposite bank. They became trained on the trees. He could see flickers of shadows moving between them. Alarm rose within him. Orcs? He asked himself. Could it be possible? Would they have been able to sneak past Lady Galadriel's guard? As soon as he heard Boromir's panicked cry, Legolas pulled his bow from his shoulder and knocked an arrow into place.

Gimli groaned. "Cannot get a moments peace!" The peace that had befallen him when he passed through Lothlorien was gone. He was now standing by the water, battle axe in one hand and a throwing axe in the other. He looked across the river to the trees on the other side, but could see nothing. "What is going on?" He asked quietly. "It is not like orcs to keep us waiting in anticipation..." Gimli grumbled.


Marylyn dismounted her horse, gracefully landing on her feet. She watched as Rhavaniel and Sadron scouted closer to the rivers edge. Still feeling uneasy she moved closer too, her bow ready for a quick attack. Her keen ears picked up voices from the other bank. They are no orcs...Is that Boromir? Could it really be Aragorn? A smile spread across her face as she replaced her arrow and lowered her quiver.


Legolas beamed brightly. "My kin!" He breathed a sigh of relief as he shouldered his bow. "Im gelir ceni ad lín!" He called over to the elves gathering on the opposite bank.


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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 12:40 am 
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Arabella slowly refilled her water bottle in the chilly waters of the Anduin, humming quietly to herself. The silence among the Company was too much for her tonight, and she needed distractions. The information Lady Galadriel had told her, the things she had seen in the Mirror, still weighed heavy on her heart, and she was sure she wasn't the only one who felt that way. She glanced over one shoulder at Frodo, sitting on the shore next to Sam. Ari wasn't sure what it was that Frodo had seen in the Mirror, but his demeanor told her all she needed to know. She gave a sigh, reaching up to grasp her necklace with one hand, as if for strength.

Boromir's cry startled her, and she leapt to her feet, her eyes straining in the dimness, trying to see across the river to whatever thread Boromir had spotted. She raised her hands a bit, ready to cast her Shield Spell to protect her companions if necessary, but Legolas' words made her hesitate. She squinted again, still unable to truly see those on the other side of the Anduin. She glanced at Legolas. She knew better than to question his eyes, but she was still uneasy. "Who are they?" she asked.

(First post! If someone could PM me so I can make sure I'm doing it right and not taking too many liberties, that would be amazing! I don't know why I'm so nervous about messing up.)



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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 3:21 pm 
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"Thranduilion!" Sadron called laughing, raising an arm in greeting "We see you travelling in strange company, cousin! Men, Halfings and a Dwarf? Perhaps you have been away from home to long."

Boromir, still standing at water's edge felt himself bristle as the elvish prince was adressed. His gaze flicked back to the elves. So graceful, so wise, so... He did not care if they were Legolas' kin- He too was due respect. He was to be the next steward of Gondor; He- Boromir caught himself and froze. He was not himself.
He sheathed his sword. There was no attack to be feared from elves.

Rhavaniel felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth and turned to face her friends: "Come, we must meet the friends of our so royal a prince," she raised her hand to her brothers horse. The great creature stepped forward slowly, shaking its long mane. The waters would be cold, and the warm-blooded elven steeds would be able to dry off far faster than the elves themselves.
She watched the councillor mount and beckon to their company. He moved forward into the rushing glacial river, and gave a short cry of surprise as he sank deeper than he had intended. They were close to the ford it seemed, but not as close as he had assumed.

Boromir stepped back and sheathed his sword as the elven noble emerged and dismounted, patting his soaking wet steed on the neck and turning back to his companions with a slightly sheepish expression: "Come! The water is lovely this time of night!"

The councillor pulled at the bottom of his robes; they were wet up to his thighs. He looked around at the Fellowship and gave a little bark of laughter "I see my troubles are the least. How fare you? Tell me, where is Mithrandir? It is a stroke of luck indeed to have stumbled upon you!"


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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 5:24 pm 
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As Boromir and Legolas investigated the opposite shore, Frodo loosened Sting in its sheath; but there was only the very faintest of glow on the blade, nothing more than it had been on their journey down the River so far. Certainly orcs on the opposite bank were more of a threat?

But the elf’s sudden exclamation was enough to convince him that it was not orcs. And although he might not have had the same sharp vision as Legolas did, he was soon able to see for himself the nature of the group on the opposite bank. His eyes widened; he had not expected to see elves again so soon.

Still, as they crossed the river, he hung back behind his companions. They would notice him soon enough.

- - - - -

Ilasrian would have laughed in surprise as it became clear who they had mistaken for a host of foes, had it not been for the oddity of it all. It had not taken long for her to identify that one was an elf, same as they; more was her surprise as Sadron confirmed it was none other than Thranduil’s son.

She had heard of Legolas’ departure, of course; though how he should end up in the company of men, Haflings and of all things a dwarf was more of a mystery.

She followed closely as Rhavaniel and Sadron led their horses into the water, curious to hear what the small group would say.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 5:40 pm 
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[ I've not been feeling well, so I can't post right now.. Hope to post tommorow! Don't get too far ahead without me! ;) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 5th, 2011, 8:04 pm 
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The sun's last rays had disappeared behind the vast outstretch of land and the creatures of the day had went along with it. Amara had been traveling alone for months now, in search of answers. Answers that she wanted about her past; about who she really was. What was her purpose? These were things that she didn't understand. She wasn't sure who would know all these answers, but she knew deep in her heart that she would find them.

Being alone during her searching had served as a very difficult task. She missed her home and her kin. Her heart ached to see a familiar face. Just as soon as her mind began to wander on that specific topic, Amara heard chatter in the distance. She quickly went into he defensive mode and got her bow and arrows out, ready to attack when need be. She knew that Orcs were everywhere, so she needed to always be on guard to protect herself.

Walking alongside a river, Amara crept silently toward the sounds that she had previously heard. The closer that she came, the more she had come to realize that these voices were not those of an Orc's. But, of humans and elves. They sounded... Familiar. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she peeked out from behind a tree that she had been hiding behind and saw a single familiar face. Rhavaniel. Her dear friend. This sight made her smile widely, and she came out of hiding.


It had been a strange thing indeed that ever since the encounter with Lady Galadriel, Merry had managed to remain completely silent. She took over his very thoughts; her beauty, her knowledge, her gifts to the Fellowship. He didn't understand how one elf could hold sway over his whole entire line of thought. Shaking his head a bit, he noticed that everyone had found a resting place and so he decided to sit beneath a tree. He looked around and then slowly pulled an apple from his vest; one that he had been hiding for a moment of relaxation, such as this.

Suddenly, he knew that something was wrong, due to Legolas and Aragorn reacting in the way that they did. He quickly got up to his feet, trying his hardest not to stumble over them and looked around with big eyes. He always got so scared, when he thought/knew that the Orcs were around. His little self wasn't able to take on a large Orc alone and he knew that for a fact. Even if he HAD gotten some sword-fighting tips from Boromir. Swallowing hard, he looked in the direction of the speaking and then realized that Legolas knew this people. These elves. He sighed in relief and then instantly went back to eating his delectable apple.


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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 6th, 2011, 3:00 pm 
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Legolas looked to Arabella. "These are my kin. They are elves of Mirkwood," he said with a warm smile. His attention was drawn back to the councilor. "It certainly would seem so, my friend! What has you travelling so late at night Sadron?" The smile vanished from the Princes face and was replaced by a perplexed expression.

Gimli bristled at the councilor's remark. What was wrong with his company? His beady eyes glared at the elf as he grumbled under his breath. He knew he would always treasure Lady Galadriel's gift, for she was the fairest woman he had ever laid eyes on. She was so kind, sweet and generous. However some elves were not as warm to dwarves as Lady Galadriel had been.

Marylyn mounted her horse and delicately steered her into the water. The horse neighed in surprise and spurred on to the opposite bank. Marylyn was thankful as she was eager to meet the fellowship she had heard so much about. Her eyes swept over the company in front of her. Where was Mithrandir? Her stomach lurched uncomfortably. Something was wrong. Her brow furrowed deeply.

Legolas' eyes flashed to the ground at the mention of Mithrandir. He swallowed, knowing the grevious news he had to pass to his kin. The joy that had befallen the prince when in Lothlorien was gone. Sorrow was scrawled across his face. "We have had better days, Sadron. I am afraid Mithrandir is no longer with us..." He could not bring himself to retell the tale of Gandalf's demise. Legolas looked to Gimli. His cold demeanor had diminished. His head, too, was pointed to the ground a grim expression upon his face.


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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 6th, 2011, 3:51 pm 
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(Are we posting in any particular order, or is it just free-for-all? Like I said, I'm new to this form of RPG)

Ari eyed the group of elves, some of her suspicion ebbing. Legolas seemed at ease, but she couldn't help but hang back a bit as the elves approached. She glanced back at the Hobbits, catching Frodo's eye and giving him what she hoped was an encouraging smile, but she was sure it didn't help. Her hand went up to her necklace again, the proof of her family's long-lasting friendship with the Elves of Lothlorien. Perhaps one of these Mirkwood elves would recognize the jewel as well. She tugged at the chain, as if trying to find reassurance in the gem.

"We have to do the best we can without Gandalf now," she told the Elves, looking down for a moment before meeting the eyes of the one who had spoken to Legolas. "And if you don't mind, I for one would like to know the names of your kin, Legolas, seeing as they seem to know us already, and that alarms me. Just who are you, exactly?"

(This post was rather rough, I know. I'll get the hang of it after a few more posts, I think)



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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 7th, 2011, 5:30 pm 
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[ You're doing fine Arabella ;) And about the order of posting, that's up to Rhav. I usually RP in a certain order.. :yes: ]

As soon as Aragorn heard Boromir's panicking cry for help, Aragorn jumped to his feet, quickly grabbing his bow. It was unusual for Orcs or other creatures of the Dark Lands to creep so silently. But in the twilight, Aragorn could discern that these strangers were no Orcs or foes. Legolas' surprised exclamation confirmed his thoughts and with a faint smile on his face, he lay down his bow.
Some Elves from the Mirkwood had been closely befriended with Elrohir and Elladan, and Aragorn knew well himself.
"Sadron the White.." Aragorn smiled as the Elf dismounted his horse and greeted Legolas. "It's good to see you in these dark times my friend. What brings you here in this late hour?"
A shadow fell over the Ranger's face and he grimaced, as the Elves inquired after Gandalf and he was glad that Legolas didn't eloborate further on the tragic event. It was better not to talk about it, so out in the open. It was not safe. Eventhough the hospitality and safety of Lothlorien were still fresh in their memories, they had to remain careful.
The other members of the Fellowship curiously looked at the party of Elves that crossed the Anduin, but Aragorn noticed that one of them was hanging back.
"Frodo.." Aragorn lay a hand on the Hobbits shoulder and looked at the Halfling. Eversince they had left Lothlorien Frodo had behaved differently. He convincingly feigned a smile when his friends were joking around or laughed when Legolas teased Gimli about his adoration for the Lady of the Golden Wood, but otherwise he looked troubled or sad. "Frodo, are you alright?"


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 7th, 2011, 7:00 pm 
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Trying to muster up the courage, Amara started to walk toward her friend that she hadn't seen in years. Traveling alone made you definitely feel alone a lit of the time. As she thought of these things, she barely noticed that she was walking faster toward the group. "Rhavaniel, my friend!" She exclaimed, not taking any notice of the rest of them.

Amara didn't know how the others would take her sudden interruption of their conversation. But, she hoped that she wouldn't get stabbed for it. So, she started walking more cautiously at this point, keeping her hand on the hilt of her sword.


Merry had really been in his own world the whole time that everyone had been chatting. But, he heard the new elf's voice as clear as day. But, he stayed on his guard. He didn't know of she was a spy or not; apparently, she knew one of the elves, though. The elves that he still was quite unsure about. Sure, Legolas knew them... But, for some reason, Merry had a really hard time learning how to trust people.


Siggy set made by the amazing Lembas!

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 8th, 2011, 8:15 am 
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Sadron's bright expression was wiped off his face as Legolas answered, his voice heavy. The councillor understood. Some things were not to be spoken of openly in such dark times- Even if his new found distance to the darkness growing in Mirkwood was making his heart sing and his mind feel careless.
"I am most sorry to hear that," he murmured, touching his hand to his heart "He was indeed a dear friend to us," raising his head he smiled to Aragorn. The Halfling he was speaking to... Suddenly a fire ripped through his body. The Ring. It was here, amongst them now. Eternal glory- Safety and the restoration of Greenwood the Great! Peace. Extermination of the orc-filth. Battle, death- Sadron shook his white head and took a breath. The seductive voice in his mind left him as he remembered his purpose. The fire diminished and he felt his usual self again. As he spoke a gentle chiding tone slipped into his words "And to you as it seems. Your manners, Estel, they do not benefit from your absence from our beautiful woods. Introduce us to your friends, I bid thee, and raise our spirits after such sore news!"

As the dark-haired woman amongst the Fellowship spoke however, he felt himself bristle slightly. He was nearly as royal as Legolas and not used to being spoken to in such a way: "My name, my lady?" He smiled at her after a moment, never having been able to hold a grudge for very long. It was what made him such a vital part of Thranduil's council. He was a calm spirit by nature:"My name is Sadron and I hail from the woods north of the Forest River of Mirwood. This," he gestured to the black haired elf currently slipping out of her saddle "Is my sister Rhavaniel. With us ride Ilasrian and Marylyn. You may trust us, madam, we wish you only the best."

"Ignore him, his head grows ever larger," Rhavaniel smiled to the woman and glanced at Ilasrian. She was known for being a quick thinker and would have already processed the news she herself was still trying hard to swallow. The wizard she had known since her childhood and had always liked the bearded Istari.

Boromir coughed loudly and stepped forward, offering his hand to the councillor. He felt no wish to be introduced to the elvish party by Aragorn: "I am Boromir, son of Denethor High Steward of Gondor."
Sadron halted a moment before taking the man's hand and bowing his head in respect "I am honored, my lord. Your bravery and skill in battle has reached even our darkening realm."
Pleased, Boromir bowed in his turn "There are still tales of Greenwood sung in my father' Halls, my lord. If you are indeed Sadron the White as," he paused and flicked his gaze towards Aragorn "Estel," the elvish word felt odd in his mouth "says, you have accomplished much."

Rhavaniel laughed loudly "Captain! Contain your praise! We have yet a way to travel with the councillor! His head will swell to a size so great his horse will no longer carry him!"

Boromir regarded the elvish women for a moment and then felt a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. It had indeed been a while since he had been in the company of courtly women, not that Arabella did not count as a woman in his eyes, but the elves... They were beautiful indeed.

Rhavaniel started as her name was called from a slight way away. She turned and laughing moved to great her friend: "Amara! It seems tonight everyone is creeping around the river!" They greeted each other in the elvish fashion and then hugged, tradition worn away by years of friendship. "What are you doing here?"

Sadron snorted and winked at Boromir "Women, eh?" He winked cheerfully, still trying to fill the void in his heart that Mithrandir had left. If they had lost the Grey Wizard and the White was proving to be ever more elusive their list of allies was growing thin indeed.
The Stewards son merely nodded, confused. His gaze slid to Frodo and then Legolas. The elvish prince had always seemed so- noble. It seemed that both the councillor and his sister had less blue-blooded mannerisms.


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 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 8th, 2011, 10:17 am 
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"Forgive Arabella, my dear friend," Aragorn said, noticing how Sadron frowned upon the girl's blunt question. "She has a sharp tongue, but a great heart."
As the councillor introduced the other members of his company, he inclined his head in greeting. Rhavaniel, he knew to be Sadron's sister, but the other two Elves were unknown to him. Aragorn could only wonder what this party of Elves was doing in the wilderness. The days had grown dark and there were many dangers on the road. Travelers could not expect to reach their destination safely anymore. It was strange indeed to come across the group of Elves, who usually didn't travel far to the South.

Aragorn met Boromir's gaze for a short moment as the Gondorian mentioned his Elvish name, but then looked away, keeping his face blank. He remembered their confrontation during the Council of Elrond when his identity was revealed to the Captain of Gondor and he was aware of Boromir's sentiment about him. Although they had been forced to cooperate to overcome perils that the Fellowship faced, his behaviour towards him was distant and cool.

"It seems only too long ago since I've been to Eryn Galen.." Aragorn said quietly. "Yet I've heard that darkness also reached the Mirkwood.." He was silent for a moment but then looked at the other members of the Fellowship, who still had not been introduced.
"This is Gimli, son of Gloin and they," Aragorn gestured to the Hobbits "are Halflings, Shire-folk. Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins."


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: I amar prestar aen-
PostPosted: September 8th, 2011, 1:32 pm 
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Frodo gave Aragorn a reassuring nod, supposing that if he could trust anyone in the Fellowship with the thoughts that plagued his mind, it would be him. At any rate, now was not the time for it, regardless of the sudden appearance of the elves. The fact that they were Legolas's kin, and known to Aragorn, was encouraging; it would take time to trust them completely, however; he wondered how long they would remain in each others' company, and how it would affect their journey.

- - - - -

Ilasrian kept her face neutral, though the news of Mithrandir's death both saddened and puzzled her. It was a great loss -- but what worried her more was the way they had neglected to give details about the wizard's death. Surely it was not carelessness that caused them to leave out such important information; it was no doubt their design that his death should remain shrouded in mystery.

But Mithrandir was no ordinary soldier, nor a simple magician occupied with cheap tricks. It would have to have been a dark and terrible power indeed to destroy the wizard.

Ilasrian resolved she would not leave their company until at least some of her questions were answered; however, on the banks of the Anduin where enemies still prowled was no place to exchange such information. For now, she would let Sadron and Rhavaniel deal with the situation in what way as they would, and she would learn what she could in the meantime.

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