Return of the Rings: Our Vision [Starting]
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Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 16th, 2008, 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

As usual - late. Running, letter in hand, she enters the studio. She looked far to small to play the role she had gotten, but shrugging she goes and finds a chair in a corner. There was a few other people in the room, but she was feeling too shy to say hello.

Author:  smeagollum [ June 16th, 2008, 2:48 pm ]
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"We could always just change it to make Eowyn's hair dark," Smeag commented and then sarcastically coughed, "and Frodo a girl." She paused for a moment to recatch Elen's eye contact and then proceeded, "After all, this is our movie."

Author:  Lady Elenriel [ June 16th, 2008, 2:53 pm ]
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Elenriel chuckled at Smeag's comment. "Oh so true," she with a wink. "I had forgotten about that fact." With that she glanced around the set once again. "I wonder who got chosen for the other parts?" she mused aloud as she waved at Sairahiniel who was sitting in a chair before turning her attention back to Smeag.

Author:  Merides [ June 16th, 2008, 5:36 pm ]
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*Squeee!!!!!* Meri danced up and down when she opened her letter. She got in her little blue car, zipped to the airport, and was at the studio by the next morning- surviving on adrenaline and coffee alone.

Rushing into the studio, she was mildly surprised to see several people she knew already there. "Smeag!" She called out. "Elen! Saira! I get to play MERRY!!!!!" She jumped up and down in excitement, the jitters starting to get to her- coffee can do that to a person.

She danced around the room, then collapsed in a chair, shaking slightly. *I get to be Merry...* she whispered.

Author:  Nerissa [ June 16th, 2008, 6:26 pm ]
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Nerissa could not believe her eyes - was this actually true? Could she possibly have been the one chosen to play Aragorn himself?! With near super-human speed she found herself scrambling in the door, and she saw everyone else in the room, all of them quaking with excitement...

She waved a weak hand at Meri, Elen, Saira, and Smeag as she collapsed into a nearby chair, the world spinning around her. "I... feel... dizzy..." she moaned. Her eyes suddenly flew open again. "I can't wait to see my sword!" she said to herself, before clutching at her head.

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 16th, 2008, 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

She looks at the girl who had just bounced in, surprised, "Im sorry... I didnt think I knew you." Shrugging, she gets up and walks towards the small group. "Apparently I'm to be Gandalf. Oddest thing I could think of seeing as Im 5'2. Even with the pointy hat I dont think I'll make height. But then again is [i]is[/i[ called movie magic." Smiling, "Its awesome to be here though."

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 16th, 2008, 6:39 pm ]
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Nienna walked in calmly as Meri bounced in excitedly and right after Nerissa collapsed. She too, was chosen for a part, Legolas was the name of the character in her letter. Nienna smiled at Meri,"Someone's excited. You are lucky then, to be able to get a hobbit." She then leaned on one of the walls, waiting patiently for the others to arrive.

Author:  Lor En Estel [ June 16th, 2008, 10:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

LEE ran into the studio and came up short when she saw all the other people there. She didn't really know them well but felt like screaming what she'd just found out any way. "I get to play Pippin!!!" She then collapsed into a chair and looked around the room at the other people.

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 16th, 2008, 11:24 pm ]
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Nienna smiled again, highly amused by the low amount of people that were rather hyperactive because of this rather exciting event, There goes another hyperactive person. I just hope the next person who comes in doesn't do it screaming like a insane maniac.

Author:  Merides [ June 17th, 2008, 3:23 pm ]
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"I get to play Pippin!"
Seeing her run in, Meri, now slightly calmer, went over to the new one. "I am Merides, but you can call me Meri... and guess who I'm playing- Merry! We could hang out together, like Merry and Pippin... and be Meri and... um what's your name?"

Ok, so maybe she wasn't over the gush. She did wonder when the director was getting there, though.

Author:  Pandora [ June 17th, 2008, 10:39 pm ]
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Pandora, the director and playing the coveted part of Glorfindel, much to her husband's chagrin walked down the hallway towards the room where she had asked the rest of her cast and crew to join up so they could discuss the movie. She could hear the excitement and knew she was getting close. Soon she found the room and walked inside smiling upon seeing her wonderful cast.

Author:  Lor En Estel [ June 18th, 2008, 1:05 am ]
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"Ello Meri!" LEE said turning a smiling face at her new found friend. "I'm Lor En Etsel, but you can call me LEE or Lor. It doesn't really matter. And as to the hanging out like Merry and Pip, that will be neat! Maybe we'll get into as much trouble as them whilst we're at it!"

LEE was still so very excited. This was like an all time dream come true. And now she'd met a cool new friend! It made LEE even more excited to feel the buzz of the others excitement in the air. It was almost too much to handle!

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 18th, 2008, 1:29 pm ]
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Nienna looked up from fingering her luck bracelets as Pandora walked in, smiling. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly as she thought, Hello Director...

Author:  Lady Elenriel [ June 18th, 2008, 8:34 pm ]
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Elenriel's smile widened as the director and her sister, Pandora, entered the room. With that she turned her full attention on her, waiting to see what instructions she would give them.

Author:  Pandora [ June 18th, 2008, 8:37 pm ]
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"Please, sit, unless you are too giddy with excitement, then feel free to bounce about the room..." Pandy grinned as she saw many familiar faces, her sister included before taking a seat at the head of the table, a stack of scripts in her hand to pass out to her cast.

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 19th, 2008, 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

She sits back down, the initial bafflement returning. "Hi... M'am. I think that there MIGHT be a little mistake with my casting..." Flipping through the script, she tries to look enthusiastic. 'At least I get the groovy hat,' she thinks somewhat smugly. Hats were DEFINITELY her forte.

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