Return of the Rings: Our Vision [Starting]
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Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 25th, 2008, 12:13 pm ]
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She laughs at Nurr, "You lucky thing. I get to play..." She glances yet again at her letter, "Gandalf." Grinning, "Im trying not to complain too much." Then she turns to Pan, "So... Lets start!"

Author:  Lor En Estel [ June 25th, 2008, 1:30 pm ]
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LEE leaned over to Meri. "If we get trailers, we should name ours. How about the Evil Fortress of Mischief?" Ok, maybe it was random, but it was fun....right?

Author:  Pandora [ June 25th, 2008, 1:40 pm ]
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"You each get your own trailers, they are all near each other and feel free to decorate, name, and have your way with them. Mine says Panda so you'll know where to find me should you need me! Now have fun" With that Pandora left to oversee the production of the film.

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 25th, 2008, 3:42 pm ]
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Nienna grinned, and then opened her mouth to say something, then shut it again, still rather reluctant to say the name of the person, rather Elf, that she was going to play.

Author:  Lady Elenriel [ June 25th, 2008, 11:21 pm ]
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After Pandora had left the room, Elenriel glanced about for someone to talk to. Spotting Nienna, she quickly made her way over to girl. "Hi," she said warmly. "So are you going to play?" she asked, "Or are you going to make me guess?" she added with an impish grin.

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 26th, 2008, 12:04 am ]
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Saira sort of blinked at her script and fiddled with a strand of hair before grinning and standing on her chair, looking around at all the people. This was going to be fun no matter what. She was going to make it that way for herself at any rate.

Author:  Merides [ June 26th, 2008, 1:35 pm ]
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Merides and Nerissa

"Hmm... it seems we will be having our own seperate trailers... maybe we'll park them together and call them the 'Evil Fortress of Double Mischief'... um... or 'The Double Trouble Trailer Park' ... whatcha think?" Meri liked the idea of trouble. She was good at it.

Leaning over toward LEE, she whispered *Join my Pranks in Arda club... you'd love it!* She then opened her bag and showed the Silly String inside, smiling.

Just then, Saira stood. Nerissa and Meri both looked up to see what she would say.

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 26th, 2008, 6:07 pm ]
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Elenriel of Mirkwood wrote:
After Pandora had left the room, Elenriel glanced about for someone to talk to. Spotting Nienna, she quickly made her way over to girl. "Hi," she said warmly. "So are you going to play?" she asked, "Or are you going to make me guess?" she added with an impish grin.

Nienna smirked. "I will not make you guess. I'm to play Legolas. How about you?" She straightened, "I'm Nienna by the way, What's your name?"

Author:  Lady Elenriel [ June 26th, 2008, 9:41 pm ]
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"Good, because I am horrible at guessing," she said with a chuckle. "I'm Elenriel and I'll be playing Eowyn ." she said in reply to Nienna's questions. "Legolas eh? That's so awesome! You'll get to do some wicked archery work!" she said excitedly.

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ June 26th, 2008, 11:52 pm ]
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[[I'm just going to jump in - I've been too lazy to go back and read, so forgive me if this doesn't make a ton of sense location-wise. ;-) ]]

Aramel walked in, completely drenched from head to toe, as a sudden thunderstorm had appeared and made a tree fall on the road to the meeting place. She had been forced to walk the rest of the way, and she hoped the director would be forgiving of that fact that she was this late. "I'm here, Pandora! Galadriel has arrived!" She called out...

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 27th, 2008, 12:58 pm ]
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Nienna grinned, "I know. Exciting! I can't wait to start Archery." She slipped her script in her bag, "Eowyn's going to be exciting to play too."

Author:  Lady Elenriel [ June 27th, 2008, 9:04 pm ]
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"Yeah, I can't wait to start the sword-fighting." Elenriel replied with a grin as she also put her script into her bag. "Although, it will probably be awhile before my character comes in since she first appears in The Two Towers-that is unless of course we change it."

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 28th, 2008, 9:00 pm ]
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Nienna's ears twitched, and she tilted her head with a smile, "There's always that possibility!" She then peeked around her towards Pandora, "Um...Pandora? There's someone outside waiting for you...I don't know who it is though."

Author:  Pandora [ June 28th, 2008, 9:03 pm ]
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Pandora's ears pricked at Nienna's words and looked around until she saw the familiar face of Aramel! "Ahhh Galadriel is here, welcome welcome!" She pulled the girl into the warmth and dryness before offering her a towel that was conviently beside her. "Dry up and meet the rest of your castmates!"

Author:  Nienna of Rohan [ June 28th, 2008, 11:47 pm ]
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Nienna grinned warmly, now more excited than ever, "Yes!! Another elf is here!!"

Author:  smeagollum [ June 29th, 2008, 12:06 am ]
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Smeag had been sitting in the chair for quite some time, and she managed to dose off for an hour or so. Upon waking up from slight hiberation, she looked around in haste working to comprehend the manner of everyone's behavior. It seemed as if everyone was moving out for the day and worrying about the legitimate work tommorrow.

Getting up from the chair with this in mind, Smeag walked up to the nearest person (Nienna she believed it was, but she was still half asleep and unable to tell.) So, are we heading out to eat or do something right now. I am sorry, but I managed to dose off. The 15 hour plane ride was not exactly.... a bucket of roses.

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