~The Peace of the West~
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Author:  Morwen1 [ November 1st, 2005, 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  ~The Peace of the West~

This will be a post about the peace after the war of the ring. Arwen and Aragorn are married, Faramir and Eowyn as well. Well, it is relative peace. Remaining orcs are being rounded up and killed, pockets of deperate wildmen still cling to the old ways and ignor the king of Gondor and the North. Expeditions of historians and adventurers venture into Mordor. We begin here.

Author:  Deawen Elsent [ November 1st, 2005, 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 


Deawen (as always)
i really don't want to post my character most people know me so ya.

Deawen after fighting in the war returned to her home in Minas tirith but she decicded to drop by an old friend Morwen..

Author:  SarahniraLivién [ November 4th, 2005, 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Livién
Also named : Diminarien
Race: Elf
Age: unknown
Gender : female
Appearance: Long waved black and blue hair, slim, attractive, blue deep eyes.
Personality: noble,strong,insurgent,calm,understandable,helpful
Other: The Queen of Waters,Oceans,Seas,Rivers.Has a ring called "Dimina" and she use this ring for help Arda.Looks around to find who needs help.

Livién heard that his best friend,Galadriel had gone.But Livién didn't go.She decided to help world's health.Stayed and looked into Galadriel's mirror.She can't see as well as Galadriel but she can see that 'The world had changed....'.She stayed in Lothlorién,saw that nimrodels were not bright as in the past.Lorién lost its georgeus weather when Galadriel left there.But Livién help there,send her Nymphes to the rivers.She's still working in Lothlorién and looking into Galadriel's mirror to help the others,waiting new life.

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 4th, 2005, 2:09 pm ]
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Name: Rhavaniel
Also named : Arrow
Race: Elf
Age: unknown
Gender : female
Appearance: pretty, long deep gold hair, shinig green eyes.
Personality: flirtatious (with results), happy, cheeky, helpfull, loyal, proud
Other: Best known archress in the lands, known to Aragorn 8also a great friend of him)
Arrow led her horse through the woods happy to be at such a peacefull place. Her eyes glittered as an eagle cried in the sky.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 4th, 2005, 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Jax Nova

Allso named: Jaden

Race: Human/elf

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Seven feet tall, medium build, long black hair, brown eyes.

Personality: Quite, Focused, determined, sarcastic, not often concerned with others problems a great deal, takes life lightly

Jaden had lived a hard past month. He had been training under one of the fw elves that stayed behind. But now his teacher too had left the land. He was on his own. He had herd of the efforts to round up all the oarcs that were left after the war, and decided to go in search of someone who is incharge of one of these efforts.

Author:  Deawen Elsent [ November 4th, 2005, 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

that would be ME! Im in charge of orc rounding up!
it's a new sport!

Deawen wore her black battle attire. she rode down the streets slowly her companions were the phantoms they dressed in black still but with white and blue feathers on thier helms.

Author:  Lady Isteleth [ November 5th, 2005, 8:33 am ]
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i'm not sure if i should join this but can i play my character -she's the daughter of A-A

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 5th, 2005, 11:37 am ]
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Jaden had herd that one named Deawen was focusing an effort to round up and destroy the oarcs and the remnents of the evil forces.

Jaden currently had no horse, but would stop by his uncles house and aquire one for the jorney to find Deawen and join her forces to perg the land of the evil that stained the grounds.

Jaden's uncle Elaven lived not four miles from his present position, it would take him only an houre to an houre and a half to cover that distance.

He started out immedietly, stopping for nothing save a very small meal.

Once he arived at his uncles house he found the place deserted, his kin murdered, and the house burning! "What has happened!?" he asked himself as the answere apeared inforont of him on the ground. An oarc sword, and arows!

Jaden ran and quickly jumped on the back of his uncles best horse that was running free around the area. The sadeless, and bridleless horse responded to Jaden's hand and knee directions as he ran it full speed in search of Deawen.

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 5th, 2005, 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rhavaniel was looking for ward to meeting Dearwen again, and even more to the ork hunting that would be taking place. She came out of the wood, and swung herself back into the light saddle. Suddenly her ears caught the sounds of another horse, and she turned to see a man riding towards her at full speed. She held her hand up to show she was a friend, and waited untill he stopped.

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 5th, 2005, 4:27 pm ]
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As Jaden rode onward he soon saw infront of him a woman on a horse. Her long blond hair ripling in the strong wind.

Determining that she was a friend he inquired, "Do you know where I can find Deawan? I seek to join her in an effort to rid this land of it's evil."

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 5th, 2005, 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

As Jaden rode onward he soon saw infront of him a woman on a horse. Her long blond hair ripling in the strong wind.

Determining that she was a friend he inquired, "Do you know where I can find Deawan? I seek to join her in an effort to rid this land of it's evil."

Author:  Deawen Elsent [ November 5th, 2005, 4:55 pm ]
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Deawen and the phantoms rode down to the first gate people watched them ride down because Deawen made an effort to keep the phantoms presentable she had just been given leave to hunt orcs throught middle Earth. At the first gate Deawen and the phantoms galloped through squeals from children were heard as they went through a low trumpet was sounded and they continued through. in threes they rode black banners each Banner had Dragon on them for each unit a diffrent color. Deawen smiled as she rode under her own banner not any others.

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 6th, 2005, 4:09 am ]
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"I seek her myself. So do many. I am Rhavaniel or, Arrow if you prefer. I think she is over yonder" she waved a gracefull arm " but I am not so sure."

Author:  Morwen1 [ November 6th, 2005, 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

OKay, awesome, guys (and gals :-D ) I like where this is going. Sorry about the delay.

Name: Morwen
Appearance: Blonde wavy hair just below her shoulders, blue eyes, pregnant (I WANT FRUIT!)
Background: "Retired" from Rohirrim cavalry, was an officer (captain), married her long time love Eohric, has awuired some wealth

Morwen was not supposed to be riding without Eohric, but he had ben detained, and she wished to visit her friend Deawen in Minas Tirith. She wrode her first and favorite horse, Breda, at a slow trot over the rolling hills from their home in Edoras. In these days, the West road was again safe to travel on, but she preferred the green grass to gleaming dwarf-mined stones that paved the road. In the far distance, she saw some figures riding about. She took little notice and went along at her own, mellow, pregnant pace.

Author:  Deawen Elsent [ November 7th, 2005, 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

im popular now ! go me :-D :bounce: ))

Deawen's black banner resembled the gondorains but this banner was from her "old world" it was long and graceful. Bredol pranced/galloped across the plains after awhile they slowed thier pace. she had 200 with her all of her own Dragon tears. they came to a forest scouts reported two riders ahead. they rode forward when she saw them she rode forward alone to greet them. she held up her hand as a token of peace "greetings friends I am Deawen of the Dragon tears i am on a quest(to find the holy grail...he he he) to round up orcs in the near by lands.."
Deawen said smiling her blue eyes glinting though her mouth was covered by a thin black veil you could tell she was smiling she did not look fierce nor too soft her armor was light everything was light she never wore chainmail she was in full battle dress but all together it wieghed 20lb all of the Dragon tears were like that. Deawen held up her hand again and the Dragon tears rode forward in perfect rows, then stopped. :drool: (20lb cool! that includes the helm... Im not an egg head!)

Author:  Jax Nova [ November 7th, 2005, 4:14 pm ]
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"I am Jaden, and I seek to join you in your efforts destroy the lingering evils of this land." came a quick reply to Deawen.

"I am a fighting man, a survivor. I hope you will accept my help."

Not wanting to speak for Ravaniel, who he had just met, he said nothing of her search for Deawen.

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