Star Crystal ~ A Dragon RP
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Author:  Star Gazer [ November 4th, 2006, 6:34 pm ]
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Yira emedietly swirved to her left to see a youngish girl hiding behind a tree, about 14 years old she guessed,

"Renegade, I left my home in the northern tundras a couple of days ago to join the allience. And what about you?"

Author:  Curunìr [ November 4th, 2006, 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Funny" Kalma muttered

"What do you mean?" The White robed figure inquired.

"I would have never thought that Sorac and Yira would have left the tundras, but I guess I was wrong and there shall now only be more for me to gain... or shall I say us..." Kalma added with a clever smile as the mage raised a brow after his first words.

"What do you think of this war, are you going to get us involved?"

"Perhaps, as long as it suits our plans and does not danger our well being or wealth..."

"Agreed, we can begin to enslave the nomad tribess to conquer the tundras for us now that the dragons up here in north have dimished and now that Yira and Sorac are out of the way. Putting spies on them was a wise move..."

The mage nodded as the dragon raised to it`s feet, Kalma extended his wings with a big grin on his face and walked before Garthag, the white mage. Garthag climbed upon the icy spiked neck of Kalma as he rose into the air, they would make their way towards the closest villages from where their work could begin. Killing some of them might be neccesary, if fear was not powerful enough to enslave them...

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ November 4th, 2006, 7:00 pm ]
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Dragon and rider, tiny dots against the velvety sky, shot forward at full speed. The dragon was a beast among its kind, its vengeful crimson eyes and ebony scales glittering as it flew. On its back, the black-clad rider crouched in the flying saddle. Every few moments, he shot a furtive glance over his shoulder.

Kendath touched the piece of parchment in his pocket to reassure himself of its secure presence. He flicked another look over his shoulder. That was when he saw the three dark figures silhouetted against the clouds, in swift pursuit.

Curse it. Whose inane idea was this anyway?

He urged his dragon, Demon, faster still. His free hand closed again around the sheet of parchment. It was titled, Secrets of the Star Crystal.

Author:  Meldawen [ November 4th, 2006, 7:31 pm ]
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((Ah! An opening! LDM, you rock ;)))

"Faster!" urged the farthest ahead of the pursuing riders, casting an urgent glance at her companions and down at her silver-scaled dragon. Her jaw was set grimly and her hair blew wildly behind her - she'd had no time to prepare for the flight and her head and arms were bare in the biting wind. "Wyvern, just a little faster, please, we'll have him before long!" she added in a shout to her dragon.

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ November 4th, 2006, 8:35 pm ]
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"Silver's catching up," Kendath growled, crouching lower on his dragon's back.

Demon lashed his wickedly spiked tail and rumbled. His one advantage over his pursuers was his hue. He was a solid black, a shadow against the night sky. "I hate silvers," he snarled back.

Kendath said nothing, only reached for a slender rod at his belt. He stabbed it behind him, towards their pursuers. A flash of blinding white light, tenfold the radiance of the sun, lanced out.

Author:  Star Gazer [ November 4th, 2006, 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yira looked to the sky as the dragon flew overhead. Now ignoring the girl, she headed over to Sorac,

"Come, we must ivestigate." With that, she replaced the bit in Sorac's mouth, and settled her self on the saddle. The dragon then spread his wings and took off into the air, following the other dragons with surprising speed. Sorac was used to flying in blizzards on a day-to-day basis, so he glided through the still air with ease. Yira reined Sorac so that she was beside the silver dragon and its rider.

"Renegade or Meiltha?" She asked plainly.

Author:  Meldawen [ November 4th, 2006, 9:24 pm ]
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The silver dragon's rider gave a cry, throwing an arm over her eyes as the blinding light whooshed past, narrowly missing. She shuddered, wondering what would have happened had it found its mark.

"Renegade!" she called to the newcomer, over the whistle of the wind, without taking her eyes off her goal. "His eyes, Wyvern, his eyes," she told her dragon in an undertone, after searching the sky intently for a few seconds. "They glow, keep watching..."

Author:  Star Gazer [ November 4th, 2006, 9:46 pm ]
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Yira nodded and let Sorac fly ahead, riens loose, at full speed. Sorac then flew carefully and quietly below the dragon ahead of them. Yira then took out her bow and arrows, and swiftly let an arrow fly and imbed itself into the dragon above, right where its huge arm joined the rest of its body, She then pulled Sorac in very quickly, and they seemed to fly backwards, even past the siver dragon.

Author:  Curunìr [ November 5th, 2006, 2:47 am ]
Post subject: 

The nomandic humans on the tundras were doing whatever they did along the day, hunted, played, talked and ate just to feed their petty pleasures. A figure appeared to the sky, no one noticed it at first until it grew bigger and turned whiter by every second. Soon a shadow speeded over the nomads creating confusion among them of what was going on, Kalma made a long turn before landing before a gathered crowd.

The men of course had drawn their weapons and seemed ready to throw as the others trembled on the background, Kalma took few steps forth and Garthag rose slightly to stand on his neck.

"Who is your leader?" Kalma suddenly asked from the nomads.

They at first seemed confused, but suddenly one stepped forth obviously hoping to make a deal of somesort. "I am, we have no quarrel with you dragon"

"Well thats good to hear, but I do have one with you. I present you with an obvious choice death or service under me"


At that moment Garthag fire an icebolt from his palm, impaling the man from his stomach and making him fall to the ground with a stunned, pathetic look upon his face. Kalma gazed around with his cold eyes nailing every where they stood and after few well chosen words they all were bowing down to their new masters.

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ November 5th, 2006, 11:14 am ]
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Demon released a feral shriek of rage and agony as the arrow embedded itself in his tendon. His flight slowed. But the arrow was tiny, and the dragon titanic. He roared away the pain and raced on.

Kendath caught sight of another white wyrm catching up. He whipped out two huge, lethally curved shurikens and sent them flying. The throwing stars sliced through the air, one aimed at the white dragon, the other at the silver.

He willed a telepathic message to Evlyn and the other Meiltha. I have the Secrets of the Star Crystal. Four pursuers on my tail. My dragon is wounded. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Anduril Vanlhach [ November 5th, 2006, 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  SC

Jemx let a great roar of fire escape him "Deamon calls for aide Evlyn"
"Then we must help him, has he the parchment?"
"Yes and four pursuers"
"Then lets go" she leaped apon his back and they shot off towards Demon "There" roared Jemx as they approched, and unsheathed his talons

Eruraina wrote:
Annalett walked up to Semri and her dragon, and sat down.
"Whats goin' on?" she asked, obviously bored...

"I'm teaching Semri that she should never try and beat a Dragon" replied Rano with a grin
"Nothing, did you find any of the others, no ones come to me and i called the meeting a few days ago...could they be in trouble do you think?" asked Semri with a frown.

(OMG guys this is fantastic, i never expected so many people or for this to move so fast, Curi of course you can be neutral)

Author:  Captain Faramir [ November 5th, 2006, 1:01 pm ]
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Lady Dark Moon wrote:
Demon released a feral shriek of rage and agony as the arrow embedded itself in his tendon. His flight slowed. But the arrow was tiny, and the dragon titanic. He roared away the pain and raced on.

Kendath caught sight of another white wyrm catching up. He whipped out two huge, lethally curved shurikens and sent them flying. The throwing stars sliced through the air, one aimed at the white dragon, the other at the silver.

He willed a telepathic message to Evlyn and the other Meiltha. I have the Secrets of the Star Crystal. Four pursuers on my tail. My dragon is wounded. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Grayson has been waiting for this news came for a long time in the wooded area where surrounded by grand trees. He took the reins of Dahaka, the black dragon and pulled it off a little bit and Dahaka was in the air. Dahaka rise to up where Grayson could see the coming riders following the Kendath. "Time to cut off the way" he said as he saw them approaching.

Dahaka roared as he cut off their way. Grayson smiled.

Author:  Anduril Vanlhach [ November 5th, 2006, 1:09 pm ]
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Evlyn noded in thanks to Grayson and dived into the Renagades

Author:  Captain Faramir [ November 5th, 2006, 1:40 pm ]
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Grayson quickly followed Evlyn to support her behind. "Evelyn, you have got the crystal?" he asked thoughtfully as he tried to reach her dragon. But unfortunately his sound never reached her. He whipped his dragon as it went at low speed. "Come on Dahaka, you do not want any more whip on your tail, do you? so get moving you silly grand dragon"

Author:  Meldawen [ November 5th, 2006, 4:28 pm ]
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The young, female rider on the silver dragon let out a shriek of terror as her dragon dove sharply to one side and then the other to avoid the lethal throwing star sent spinning back at them by the black dragon's rider, and then Dahaka's claws. Not quite fast enough, though - as the confusion cleared, the rider could be seen clutching her shoulder, teeth clenched in pain and blood trickling down her bare arm.

But in an instant both sets of eyes, rider and dragon, were fixed on their quarry again, the rider's jaw set grimly as she bent low over her dragon's shimmering neck. She stared fiercely at the disappearing black dragon, determined not to give in.

Author:  Eruraina [ November 5th, 2006, 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Drake got Kendeth's telepathic message, and jumped onto blueclaw, and shot into the sky. Soon dragon and rider found is fellow Meilthas.
Annalett saw the dragons fly ahead and ran to get on her silver dragon. She caught up to her fellow renegade pursuing the Meiltha with the parchment. She was about to ask Merrin what was going on when she saw a familiar blue dragon up ahead helping the Meiltha, and felt a pang of saddness for the rider of the blue dragon was her twin brother...

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