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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 1:07 pm 

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Eeeee, I’m sooo excited about Freedom right now <3 The story is moving along really brilliantly! :-D

Goldy - Wouldn't it be a nice idea, to have Gardenia's parents be Lilly's employers? They are obviously rich and powerful and perhaps this can be an interesting connection between the two of them? And I assume that Gardenia falls under the category of evil persons?

Wow, now that’s an interesting idea Will! I’ll give it a thinking over, because I previously planned that Gardenia’s parents should be at least half-decent people – and since if we went for this story twist Gardenia’s father would the man who’d got Lilly pregnant against her will, I’m not sure! O_o But I do like the idea. It would mean Lilly and Gardenia would know each other, if only in the sense of employer’s daughter/employee. *plots* And since Gardenia has been living in her own house for the past several years, she wouldn’t really know about the suffering Lilly was going through under her parents’ roof. So yeah, I'll think about it! =)

Gardenia is… complex :lol: At the moment she’s very much team evil, but a time will soon come when her loyalties are somewhat divided. Me and Darky have been cooking up a relationship between her and Alexander ;) <3

I’ve been thinking, perhaps when Allegra and Dylan have left the Tower, (and perhaps bumped into Adrianna) they can find Lilly wandering the streets? I can imagine the four of them together, all very different people, would make for an interesting situation :lol:


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 1:25 pm 
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^Me too! And I just love the lay-out which Darky gave to the first page of this thread! It's beautiful!

@ Goldy: Hm, okay.. well, it's up to you. If you had different plans, just tell me. :) I just love to have the characters to be interconnected, like Dylan being Lilly's doctor. It makes everything more exciting! :-D But yeah, they would only be vaguely acquinted, so if you don't think it's a good plan, tell me.. ;)

Aha! Do I sense an Arawen-type-of-character? Yay for evil characters who turn out to be good! :) They are indeed quite complex.. :happy:
And you two have been plotting? Tell me, tell me! I really can't wait to hear what you've been planning! :)

Yes! I've been thinking abou that as well, and I think that would be a brilliant plan! Lilly felt that she just had to leave, so it could be a great plan to have them bump into eachother, or Lilly could be found by a Warden and then cross paths with Allegra and Dylan. They really would be an interesting quartet. :P


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 2:27 pm 
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Will wrote:
[ Darky - your Alexander post was really amazing! I really thought he was going to die! And now I'm wondering how on earth he'll make it back.. :P

Oh and just another thing. In my previous posts I said that Lilly was a blonde, but I found the absolute perfect picture for her, although the girl in the picture has red hair. So therefore she's now a redhead. For the picture, just clickeh!.]

Firstly, I'm overjoyed at I actually managed to set up a surprising plot twist! :D
I don't think I could've let him die, though - at least not yet -cough-. Letting him live also fits in with my Future Plan, which entails everyone, one day, actually making it to the surface to begin afresh in a free, new world. I'm a sucker for an ironic ending. :teehee:

Secondly, two things - thankyou very much for the compliments on the layout and that picture is amazing for Lilly, it suits her so much. :D I'm now going to go and update the first post with another couple of pretty pictures, one for Lilly, one for the reinvented Mr Marcus! :D

I figured that Alexander would have, seeing as his ‘death’ was supposed to have occurred about a Freedom-year ago, been able to make his way back down to the city and build himself a foundation for a life as an outlaw, basically causing chaos as and when he pleases.

This is where Gardenia comes in. We thought we'd let the two have a chance meeting, at which point, Alexander - ever the paranoid man - would immediately act defensively/offensively. Cue a very dramatic fight. :P
After a bit of blah-dee-blah dialogue, they'd disappear. Gardenia would keep an eye open, having recognised that Alexander was doing something he shouldn't be [keeping in with her character: she's trying to gather information that would please Nylander] and would therefore try to get close to him in an attempt to gather information.

Alexander, having similar thoughts, lets her, in order to try and glean information on the inner workings of the Governors' plans.

As for the four of them meeting, I think that would be an awesome idea. I'd love to see how Adrianna/Allegra seeing one another would work out... and Dylan/Lilly too, for that matter.
I could imagine conflict, terror, and maybe Adrianna doing something stupid. But that's just me. :teehee:

Goldy, have you thought about what Allegra's going to do now? I don't know what you've been thinking, but it looks like she's got two choices: head off with Dylan or return to her position and keep herself strategically placed. Had you got any plans? :D

Also, Will - I've been considering Alexander and having him wandering about threatening people with knives [Surprise!] isn't really very useful to the plot. If Dylan goes underground [I understand you can't get much more underground than they all are at the minute, but you know what I mean... :P] would I be okay to have Alexander keep tabs on him to make sure he's trustworthy, then gatecrash his Super Secret Hideout? :D

Uh, methinks I've ranted. If nothing makes sense, just tell me to shut up... :P
[/overuse of complex sentences and emoticons]


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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 2:45 pm 

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I think I’m going to keep Gardenia’s parents just anonymous for now – if that’s okay with you, Will? =) We could always work on trying to develop a different connection later on if you like. :-D

Hehe, Gardenia is indeed an Arawen-type-of-character! She’s definitely a complex girl. Most of the dark stuff she gets up to is because of her consuming obsession with Lucius; I don’t think she’s really an evil person at heart, she’s just… misguided! And her relationship with Alexander will definitely be interesting. Darky’s just described the gist of it <3 Despite the fact that they’ll both be keeping things from each other, they will really fall for each other – and so a lot of angst will follow. Gardenia’s going to harbour him in her house, let him stay with her, give him fresh clothes, food, somewhere to sleep. It’s partly for her own amusement too, but she’s going to get quite attached to him, and get more and more unwilling to hand him over to the governor like she originally planned.

Tehe, I can’t wait for Adrianna/Allegra/Dylan/Lilly now! Miss Darkyness, I have indeed been doing some planning, and I think that Allegra will take them all back to her house to do some serious plotting. So Gardenia won’t be the only one harbouring a criminal ;) She’d have reservations about including Adrianna in her plans, though. She won’t trust her. Of course, she’ll still keep herself strategically placed as you put it, but she’ll be heavily involved in the rising revolution. Her house can be like a Head Quarters for the rebels!


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 2:53 pm 
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^She said it. :P

@ Goldy: I like the sound of that much better. :P Although, if Adrianna knew where they were going, I don't think she'd follow, but then we'd miss out on the character interaction... would it be okay to either have Allegra just huddle them off without warning, or have Allegra express her distrust bluntly and eloquently (;)) and then let Dylan protest because of her position? Even if Allegra's going to stay in her place as a Governor's sister, she won't be privy to a lot of the stuff Nylander goes about doing, no matter how many moles she has hidden under the carpet, behind curtains and stuff... Adrianna, unwilling and terrified though she may be, come be a valuable resource. :P

Well, at least she's good for something. ;)

Y'know, thinking about it, I'm not actually even sure how I feel about Adrianna myself. She's awesome for character interaction, 'cause she's in something of a grey area morally. She's not particularly likeable, though, either. Hm. What do you two think? :-D

Edit: I've actually just realised, Goldy, that I didn't give you an avatar for that banner. :annoyed2: Would you like one? :D


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PostPosted: November 30th, 2010, 4:56 pm 
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Guys! I just want to tell you that I'm so excited and so glad that Freedom picked up pace! It's so awesome and I'm thrilled! :-D :bounce:

And yes! I'm so glad with the picture I found for Lilly. As soon as I saw it, I knew that she had to be Lilly! :happy: I also think the song, which you wrote underneath her picture on the front page, is so fitting Darky! Really it is! Lilly is just sweet and kind of innocent, not the type of characters I usually play, but I love her. :P

Oh and I totally see how the Marcus/Gardenia thing will work out. I'm really interested how their first meeting will go, and Gardenia's turn to the good side for that matter.. so.. I'm looking forward to that. :yes:

I can't wait for the Lilly- Dylan meeting. He will probably have worried about her, and she will be glad to find a brother-like-protecting-kind-of-friend in him.. SQUEEE!!!! :teehee:

Hmm, I think that your last idea will be the best Darky.. I'm sure that if Allegra will share her distrust of Adrianna with him, that he'll contradict them. Adrianna, after all, intended to save his life! If Adrianna agrees to help the rebels, she will become a double agent, just like Gardenia, which will be awesome! Especially if they don't know it from one another.. :P

And speaking of Adrianna, I think she's a very interesting character. Especially her interaction with Dylan was really fun to write, because their morales are so different. They live in another perspective and might learn from eachother (or not :P ). Adrianna is not unfriendly, really, Lilly loves her already. I thought that it perhaps would be nice, since Adrianna kind of opened up to Lilly, that Lilly would burst into tears or so, or hug Adrianna, because she's so happy that she found friends. It might be awkward for Adrianna though.. :P

Lilly might be hard to convince to come and join the resistance though. She'll probably be scared to loose her home, her things and perhaps be afraid of her boss finding.. So Dylan and Allegra will have a hard job convincing her.. ;)

Yay! I've been thinking the same thing about Alexander and Dylan! They both are thought to be dead, so they might become the ringleaders of the gang and do all kind of dangerous and awesome things! :-D

Woah! I think my post is utterly incoherent, since I answered to your posts in mixed order.. :P I hope I still make sense.. ;)

Oh and Goldy, I don't mind about the parent-thing.. Really, I don't..:)

SQUEEEE! :bounce:


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
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PostPosted: November 30th, 2010, 5:40 pm 
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^ It wasn't that incoherent. I've seen much worse, trust me. ;)

It's the only song I could really find that actually sounded anything like her. I'm glad you like it, though. :D

If there's one thing that really excites me about this RP, it's the character interaction. Whether it's Allegra and Lucius, Adrianna and Dylan, or Alexander and Gardenia, you can guarantee that the difference in character, opinion or view will set something going that's awesome to both write and read. I really do love it. :D

Aw, but Adrianna's awkward by nature! That sounds so sweet, it's so Lilly. :P I love it already. ;D

I don't think it'd be very useful to anyone to have Adrianna walking away - besides, she's curious despite herself. Scared witless, though. :P
Wooooot! So we now have definitive leaders for our little resistance! If all goes ahead and we start using Allegra's house for part-time clubhouse, then we're all set. This is almost as exciting as if we were actually plotting the real thing. :teehee:
[Only, if I were involved, there'd be a few more explosions. Ahem-hem.]


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PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 6:05 am 
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I read your PM and your post here, but I had to go at that moment, so I couldn't reply.. ;)

Sadly, my photoshop announced yesterday that 'my license was expired'. I have no idea how that could have happened, but I have a downloaded version, so I guess I cna't use it anymore because I won't open.

I hope that I soon have have a new version that does work, but until that time, I cannot make any graphics.. :( *cries*

But otherwise I would really have liked to join the battle!!!

I was wondering I anyone could make me a Lilly banner? I have no other photos of her, since it was only a single stockphoto I found.. :)

By the way, I loved both your posts! Especially Adrianna's bit was so awkward but sweet.. :)


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
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PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 12:15 pm 
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I'm sorry I took so long to post today, I'd got almost everything but the last few lines done and then I had a surprise visit from a friend, as it's a snow day today. :P
Squee for twists and turns. :teehee:

@ Will: I'll gladly wait for you, if Goldy doesn't mind. We can't have you missing out on all the fun! :D

Also, I'd love to! I'll have a root through some pictures and see if I can come up anything that suits her. :D

Adrianna is very awkward, and she doesn't do sweet very often. It's nice to see a slightly softer side to her. :D
Also, I was thinking about everyone piling back to Allegra's house - does anyone mind if I book Adrianna in for a bit of a breakdown? She's about due a fit of terror. :P


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PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 1:30 pm 
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Ok, this Rp looks like its interesting. I was wondering what it is about, is it too late to join. There is alot to read so If i could be told what I need to know If I join.

Where do you go when your running away,
The cost of stopping is too great to pay.
~Amanda (saw this written in a washroom stall at a movie theater)

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PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 2:14 pm 
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^ I've PMed you, Misa. :)


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PostPosted: December 4th, 2010, 11:29 am 
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Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm really really busy this weekend with a national tradition, Sinterklaas. (If you don't know what it is Clickeh.) So I have to make poems and create cool gift wrappings.. which costs alot of time.. :P

I'm also busy with my post for SN, so I think it will be sunday evening or monday before I have a post up. :)

I'm still very excited though!!! :-D

Oh and Darky, I hadn't time to PM you back, but the banner is beautiful! And I'm going to put it up as soon as I can! :)


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
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PostPosted: December 8th, 2010, 3:10 pm 
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^ Don't worry about it, take your time :hug: there's no need to rush. :D

Also, woot! I'm glad you like it. :D Those pictures really did suit Lilly. <3 :D

Also, for anyone who didn't notice, I've updated the first post again, adding some non-player characters. :D They won't be playing too big a part in everything, but I figured they couldn't hurt to add a little background to the RPG. That, and I don't think I could handle too many more permanent charries. It takes me long enough to write for Cameron and Adrianna and Lucius... and, on occasion, Alexander. :teehee:


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PostPosted: December 8th, 2010, 4:11 pm 
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Thanks Darky! Ik just recovered from a flu/fever thingie and I have to catch up on some school stuff. But hopefully I will start later this night writing my post. :)

Oh and in the mean time you should listen to these songs: they absolutely catch the general atmosphere of Freedom. :)

Turn and Turn Again - All Thieves.

Worn from walking this far
So worn from talking this much
And what we found and what we've seen
As the road curves down
And the lights come up to meet us
Silent for the evening
We enter this town like new born creatures
Those I know O see a new
And the space between us is reduced
For I am human
And you are human too

So "turn and turn again"
We are calling in all the ships
Every traveller please come home
And tell us all that you have seen
Break every lock to every door
Return every gun to every draw
So we can turn, and turn again

Only priests and pounds can save us now
Only a sign from God
Or a hurricane can bring about
The change we all want
And we've done it again
This trick we have
Of turning love to pain
And peace to war
We're just ash in a jar

So turn and turn again
We are calling in all the ships
Every traveller please come home
And tell us all that you have seen
Break every lock to every door
Return every gun to every draw
So we can turn, and turn again

They - Jem

Who made up all the rules
We follow them like fools
Believe them to be true
Don't care to think them through

And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this

And it's ironic too
Coz what we tend to do
Is act on what they say
And then it is that way

And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this

Who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly
know all this
Who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly
know all this

Do you see what I see
Why do we live like this
Is it because it's true
that ignorance is bliss

Who are they
And where are they
And how do they
know all this
And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: December 13th, 2010, 4:48 pm 
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Okay, I might just be a teensy little bit excited. :swoon: I REALLY can't wait for everyone to meet up and be ever so slightly awkward! :D
And there may be a little 'tizz' in there for Adrianna. Hearing Dylan's name will certainly put her on edge. :D

[/happy happy happy]

@ Will: Wow, those really fit it. :blink: Methinks we'll have enough music for a soundtrack soon! :D Wooooot!

Edit: I think writing up my post nearly killed me. :swoon:


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PostPosted: December 16th, 2010, 2:33 pm 
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Oh I loved your post Darky! Especially the sentence It was in the next sentence that felt like a knife to the chest. It just seemed to fit so well! :) I already thought that it would make Adrianne feel a bit stressed out, that's why I wrote it.. ;)

SQUEEE! And the meet up will absolutely be epic. I'm not sure what Adrianna and Allegra will think of it but Dylan will be quite happy and relieved to see Lilly, and vice versa. :)

I'm currently writing my post for Lilly.. Yay! I'm really excited for Freedom! :-D


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


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