Freedom - Talk of Treason
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Author:  Darkheart [ October 5th, 2010, 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Freedom - Talk of Treason

A plotting thread with an exciting name. :P

I've been meaning to post something of this nature for a while, to keep everything in one sort of area... alas, my appalling time management shows just how bad I am with organisation and such. :teehee:

So, anyone heard any good conspiracy theories recently? :P

----> Link

UPDATE: 12/8/2011
r e v a m p u n d e r w a y~

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Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ October 5th, 2010, 2:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Methinks this looks like a Freedom plotting thread! Huzzahs are in order. :-D First things first! *tacklehugs ze Darkyness* :hug:

It’s my turn to post next O_o I need to put my thinking cap on. Or get a brain transplant of some kind. :blink: Whichever. :lol:

Author:  Darkheart [ October 5th, 2010, 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

^ *tacklehugs* :hug: I've missed you guys, AU and this RP. I'm going to make sure I at least have time to post something to keep us moving, school permitting. :teehee:

Tis indeed. :P I'm working on a kind of itteh bitteh [s]kitteh[/s] intermediary post, which'll join onto my last narrative for Alexander, 'cause I figure it's about time I filled in the next chapter of his story. :P

Author:  Will [ October 5th, 2010, 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eeep!!! A freedom plotting thread! That will just be amazing! We obviously need some plotting, since the RPG is on hold and Lilly, Garnet and Cameron's plotline is kinda stuck.. ;)

Melda: I loooooove your banner! House is a genius and I'm absolutely addicted to the show. :happy:

Author:  Darkheart [ October 5th, 2010, 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

^ Thankyooooou! :D My sig was in desperate need of an update and, as I often say, when in doubt, turn to House. :teehee:

I've just posted because, what the heck, we need a bit of drama and I had a flash of inspiration. Ta-daaaah! :P

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ October 22nd, 2010, 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've got a new post up on Freedom! :-D I've fast-forwarded it in time a little, to move things along =D

Author:  Darkheart [ November 24th, 2010, 3:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Finally had enough time to actually sit down and devote some time to our beloved Freedom! :D

Helloo, by the way. I know my appearance is shocking, but hopefully the nearer to Christmas we get the more free time I'll have, which means more RP time. :teehee:

Author:  Will [ November 24th, 2010, 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hello Darkeh! :-D

I loved your post so much! Lucius absolutely gives me the shivers, really, he's just to dark and evil.. :P
And I'm very curious how Allegra will behave in front of Dylan in her brother's presence. I think they kind of resemble with Commodus and Lucilla from the Gladiator but I don't know why.. :P

And I'm also curious to see what the presence of Adrianna will cause among Lilly, Garnet and Cameron.. tension or perhaps a fihgt?

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ November 24th, 2010, 12:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Will, brilliant post Darkyness! :hug:

Lucius certainly is a v.sinister guy. O_o Hmm, I’m trying to think of how Allegra will act in front of Dylan, but I’m not sure yet. Certainly, she’ll do the best she can to stand up for him without looking suspicious. She’s pondering how he can be saved; little does she know, Adrianna’s already plotting to get him out of prison!
Interesting comparison (but Allegra and Lucius don’t have the creepy, totally wrong edge to them!! :blink: ). You know, this scene with Allegra and Dylan kind of reminds me slightly of Maximus and Lucilla – like when she’s visiting him in his dungeon and he’s in chains.

I don’t know how Adrianna’s presence might cause a fight, but it certainly would cause drama :lol:
I've begun to write up my post :-D

Author:  Darkheart [ November 24th, 2010, 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thankyou, both of you! :blush:

I don't really think it'd work it he wasn't so sinister. He wouldn't be doing what he's doing if that wasn't his character. Although, in perspective, he believes he's working towards a position he deserves. Determination is a frightful thing for someone to possess when anyone or anything that gets in their way is only collateral damage. :P

I'm sad to say that I haven't seen Gladiator. :blush: I really should take time to watch more films. I'm such a bad fangirl. D:

Oooh, I don't know. I don't think I've really thought about it much. Adrianna's had one heck of a night, though, so it'd make sense - even if it is just a small, hushed conflict between her and Cameron in the background. Tension, atmosphere, tension! :teehee:

Goldy, I'm far too excited for your post. I may just have to start rustling up some other ideas. I have far too much going on in my head right now. It's killing me 'cause I can't write it all down. :P

Author:  Will [ November 25th, 2010, 6:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

@ Darkeh: You haven't see Gladiator? :-O Be ashamed of yourself! :P Go and watch it now! It's an amazing movie.. really really sad. It made me cry and I don't cry while watching movies.. :teehee:

I can really imagine that Cameron might be tensed about Adrianna's work and her assignments. I mean, she isn't quite a normal person is she? She's enabling the government which Cameron and the rest hate so much. :p So yay for more tension!

@ Goldy: I know, that bit of creepiness is of course left out, but still. Lucilla is a very elegant and popular person in Rome and has considerable important friends, just like Allegra. And Commodus is just evil and only doing what he thinks is best for himself and, in his vision, for the rest of the people, just like Lucius. But I think the comparison stops there.. :P

And now you mention it, that scene is quite similar. But so sad.. :( I'm curious as to what Allegra will say if she's able to get Lucius out.. :)

Author:  Darkheart [ November 26th, 2010, 2:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

@ Will: Yikes, I know. :swoon: I'm terrible - not really one for keeping up with films at all. I'll make time, eventually... I might've gotten around to it in about a year or so. :teehee:

I agree about Adrianna and Cameron though - I mean, Cameron doesn't even have to read too deep into what she's been doing recently. Think about it this way: he's just arrived back home after a few months of working away, so she hasn't seen him in ages; she'd taken him to see Garnet, an old friend of both of theirs, the three of them haven't really had the chance to catch up properly in over a year, because of their work and despite all this, what does Adrianna do?
Run back to work when her boss calls her. :P

I like tension. It's not that they'd end up disliking one another, it'd just be that with tensions, especially Adrianna's, running high, little expressions of disapproval - something innocuous - could be interpreted wrong. Adrianna doesn't really have the best people skills... ;)

I like the idea of the conflicting thoughts between Allegra and Dylan. :D She's still fighting to free him, while he's trying to muster his courage to fight against her too, seeing as he thinks she's turned on him. Fweee! :D

I should be posting later tonight, with any luck.

*celebratory "Freedom is revived" dance* :cool:

Author:  Will [ November 27th, 2010, 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

So I've written my post for Dylan, but I'm off now for the night and some part of tommorow. But I will have my post up as soon as possible! I'm so excited that this RPG is revived again. :-D

*joins Darky in her Freedom-is-revived-dance*

Author:  Darkheart [ November 27th, 2010, 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

We seem to be speeding along an x100 faster than usual. This is an improvement, I'd say. :P

I can't wait for the dramatic escape, however it goes down. Methinks there's going to be an awful lot of tension, either way. The suspense is killing me. I may have to go and have a lay down. :P :lol:

The first post of this thread has been updated with a load of character pictures and stuff, and if you click on Nylander/Adrianna/Cameron there's a hyperlink to their sort-of-new-and-improved bios. In my defense, I had a bit of free time... :P

If either of you would like me to update another character, just say so. Y'know, I'm happy to fangirl for an hour. :D ;)

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ November 28th, 2010, 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would like to be the first to say - such. an. epic. layout!!! :-D The Arise lyrics are an added bonus of squee <333

Author:  Darkheart [ November 28th, 2010, 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thankyoou! :D I think Arise is the only song I've heard that's captured perfectly the essence of Freedom. It wouldn't do to leave it out of this thread. ;)

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