Elves in FotR
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Author:  A-U Moderators [ September 11th, 2009, 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Elves in FotR

Ah, the elves. Things of legend. Complex to us mortals? Essentially good? Able to be corrupted? Wherein lies their beauty, their charm? What do you like about them, or dislike? What is your impression of the different kinds of elves--the ones met on the road in the Shire, those residing in Rivendell, those found within the golden wood...
What do you think of their poetry, their manners, their speech?

Discuss anything elven here!

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ September 12th, 2009, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Elves are intriguing to me; they’re beautiful, ancient, mysterious… yet often it’s sometimes difficult to imagine yourselves into their heads, because they so often reflect inwardly on matters. But therein lies some of their charm, they’re ultimately quite mystifying and at the same time quite dazzling to us mere mortals. They have such perfect beauty and they live forever, something that seems enviable, yet they have a melancholy that goes deep; they’re mourning their lost lands, they’re mourning eternal life itself… they can never die naturally, and so are obsessed with fading in Middle Earth. A kind of autumn, as in Lothlorien, which is doomed to dwindle into winter. This is just me speaking right from my head, not really linking up all these speculations and thoughts… :lol: But that’s part of the beauty of the Elves. You never really know enough about them. They are a people that provoke such rare interest, and we see this with Sam and his love of them, his curiosity to meet them and know more of them.
I have to say some of my favourite Elves are the ones the hobbits meet on the road from the Shire. They’re welcoming, they’re friendly… I love their hospitality, even if they really have no real home of their own in exile such as they are. I can just imagine them sitting with the hobbits under the trees in the moonlight as a fire crackles; I can hear Frodo talking with them! It’s just so atmospheric. :-D
But the Lorien Elves also interest me, especially Galadriel – their infinitely wise and beautiful leader, who will “diminish”, like the golden wood. She has enough power to be tempted by the Ring, and yet ultimately realizes that carrying it would indeed destroy her. The Ring had even the power to, given the chance, corrupt the lady of light. I’m glad it was only a fleeting moment in which she wanted it with that terrible all-consuming power. Galadriel is that most stunning of characters; lovely, kind and wise enough to inspire awe even in Gimli! I think it’s incredibly heart-warming that she gives him several hairs from her head as his gift, and that he treasures them.
Anyway, this is getting quite long but I think I’ve just about gotten to the point! I think the Elves are very interesting, complex characters to study. :-D

Author:  the wrong girl [ October 6th, 2009, 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think Sam's stunned reaction to him meeting elves in the flesh just about sums up the way I feel: literally too awesome for mere words to describe. :dizzy:

Even though the various elves you see in FOTR seem different, to me the all share common ground. No matter where they may be from--or not from, as in Gildor & Co's case--they all share the same 'elvish' quality to them, whatever that may, wisdom, *mystery*, the list goes on.

I do have to say, though, that many scenes in the book that involve the elves have proven very inspirational to me, artistically speaking. The images I've tried to pull from me head and [s]failingly[/s] plod down on paper have pretty much been from FOTR. (Gildor and Frodo, Galadriel's mirror, err...Galadrim in general...) As yet, I've not tackled anything from any of the other books...just scenes from Fellowship. So I guess the elvish scenes in FOTR really tickle me it were...


Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ August 1st, 2010, 12:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I just love everything elvish described in the Fellowship. everything is so beautiful, and i love how the elves dont really understand the word "magic" :)) but to me, i just finished reading this book for the third time, and now that im older i think i understand why the elves were leaving... was it because everything they made was being destroyed and could not be remade? or that everything left in the world was not elvish except for the places like lothlorien and somewhat mirkwood, and everything else was being taken over and altered? so that eveything was more mortal, so the elves couldnt really keep living there because thier lives and memory and age combined just didnt work with the changed world? because the elven rings gave them power to keep things alive, like nenya keeping lothlorien a living memory, and once the One Ring is destroyed, the power of lothlorien etc would diminish?... i just think the concept is sad, yet breathtaking.... and idk even know if what i typed down makes sense... but idk why i didnt get it before

Author:  Elessar [Sly] [ March 9th, 2011, 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Amazing creatures. I've really warmed to Glorfindel after reading the Silmarillion - I liked him anyway- but I often wonder what it would have been like if he also went with the fellowship.

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ April 1st, 2011, 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

I love the Elves, some of my favourite parts in the book is with elves and i some sort of thing about elves, i read all the elves part in the first book :-D , the fact that he made them special with their own langaue and history is really something to read, and how they were shown in the movie was just magical, it was like everyone said it was Sam's reaction when he saw the Lady of the light, i sometimes wish it was all real :'-(

Author:  Aiwendil [ April 1st, 2011, 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

I also like the Elves very much, I wish they showed more of them in the movie. They might be one of my favorite races after Hobbits, Legolas has the best attitude out of the Elves I think.

Author:  Rochwen [ April 4th, 2011, 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Elves are so beautiful, i actually believe they exist! thats how obsessed i am!;L i wish i lived in rivendell D; life's not fair. The Elves have the lifestyle i'v always dreamt of and their ways of being are elegant and beautiful in everyway.

Author:  Aiwendil [ April 4th, 2011, 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Well I wish I could shoot a bow like an Elf.

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ April 4th, 2011, 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Or be wise like one, or sing! :-D

Author:  Aiwendil [ April 4th, 2011, 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Or be as fast as one.

Author:  Idril Tinúviel [ April 4th, 2011, 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

I discussed elves with a fellow fan a few weeks ago. I mentioned that they were perfect, and she disagreed. She said elves tried to achieve perfection but often failed. At first I disagreed with her, but after reading The Silmarillion I realized she was right. Elves don't differ from Men in some ways. Take Fëanor, for instance. Elves are still able to be corrupted, twisted and tricked, just like Men.
Just food for thought. :happy:

Author:  DianaIlinca [ April 5th, 2011, 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

I ADORE elves! Ever since I was little. I don't even remember what exactly got me into them but they always won over dragons and faeries -- though anything fantasy, I really do love!

Elves I think are literally old souls. That's why they're so poetic and serious...they're so wise and when you know enough about life and existence, I'm sure anyone would become like that.

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ April 5th, 2011, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Luthien Celebrindal wrote:
I discussed elves with a fellow fan a few weeks ago. I mentioned that they were perfect, and she disagreed. She said elves tried to achieve perfection but often failed. At first I disagreed with her, but after reading The Silmarillion I realized she was right. Elves don't differ from Men in some ways. Take Fëanor, for instance. Elves are still able to be corrupted, twisted and tricked, just like Men.
Just food for thought. :happy:

Just thought I say nothing is perfect, life should of taught us this! The elves are perfect in human eyes because we can see no flaws, old, beautiful and wise, we see them as angles (sort of). They taught us things we never forget. There is light and dark in all of us, it just the part of that we act on is what makes us, as we see the elves in The Lord Of The Rings, are good, but every race has a dark side, and elves sadly do, before I found the books or movie's, I would read about elves and fairies, and it will always show us a good side and dark side. It just the elves we see are the good side, ready to help out and give guidance when needed. but when we look at the history we see that there has been darker ages for these people, with kin-slaying, as he called it, and greed, as in the King of Mirkwood, who loves gold etc, this must of taught them a lot of lessons, but over the ages they learnt and made things, never enough perfect, but to men they can never achieve this, so..... :-D

Author:  Idril Tinúviel [ April 6th, 2011, 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

LadyLónannûniel wrote:
Just thought I say nothing is perfect, life should of taught us this! The elves are perfect in human eyes because we can see no flaws, old, beautiful and wise, we see them as angles (sort of). They taught us things we never forget. There is light and dark in all of us, it just the part of that we act on is what makes us, as we see the elves in The Lord Of The Rings, are good, but every race has a dark side, and elves sadly do, before I found the books or movie's, I would read about elves and fairies, and it will always show us a good side and dark side. It just the elves we see are the good side, ready to help out and give guidance when needed. but when we look at the history we see that there has been darker ages for these people, with kin-slaying, as he called it, and greed, as in the King of Mirkwood, who loves gold etc, this must of taught them a lot of lessons, but over the ages they learnt and made things, never enough perfect, but to men they can never achieve this, so..... :-D

I couldn't have said it better myself Lónannûniel. ;-)

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ April 7th, 2011, 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elves in FotR

Elves will always be a fixation for us or for them in The Lord Of Rings, rarely seen, and only heard in tales, they can achieve things men can only dream of. With long life, the will always learn to do things a little better as they had time we have not to work on things, they taught Aragorn's race to write and the trees to talk. They came taught us and then LEFT! They may have been the 1st race but that does not make them perfect, yes they can sing etc, but there is always something more behind closed doors! Am i repeating myself??? :goofy:

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