Frodo Baggins (Frodo, not Elijah)
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Author:  Teh FF [ June 13th, 2006, 7:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I really can't find any page in the book where he's mean to Sam or anybody else. Tell me where it is, I'm interested in that :-)

Author:  Alassiel [ June 18th, 2006, 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmmmm...yes, I see what you mean. Well, maybe someone in Tolkien's life was just like that, Frodo is a bit nasty at times in the FOTR.

Author:  Limwen - Villya [ June 23rd, 2006, 11:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, Sam's the hero. Tolkien himself said he was.

As for Frodo being snappy and mean... I never got that impression and have read the book several times. Perhaps it's because I can relate to him in ways.

You can't blame him for being snappy. He's been given a heavy burden and we all know a lot of questions can be annoying to someone, especially if they're under stress. ;)

Might also take into consideration that the ring of power could also be at work on him, even at the very beginning of the story.

Thank you, Frodofan!
Anyway, if you think about it. Who would have carried the ring if there had been no Frodo? Sam might have been able to do it. But, I think Frodo was best fitted for ringbearer.

Author:  Telpeath [ June 23rd, 2006, 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: To love the imperfect...

Sinbearer wrote:
I have to say, after just having read FotR with my boys that we all loved Frodo. Especially the descriptions of his interaction with Aragorn. I know that it is easy to be critical if you really scrutinize someone though. Even to the point of disliking them. And Frodo wasn't perfect.

I can empathize with him though cause I have gone through times when it seemed the weight of the world was on my shoulders too.

This is really true about me. Almost everyday I am pressured to care for everyone. Yes, it is evident that that is a good thing. However, it gets to the point where the kindness of one is mistreated...misused. People use me to bid their biddings. So, I feel Frodo's pain, the pain that the worlds fate lies on his hands. But in struggle Also comes strength...however, he wimped out at the end. Really, I give credit to the rings destruction to Sam.

Author:  GinevraEowynUndomiel [ June 23rd, 2006, 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

personally i relate to pippin a lot more than frodo so i guess to me frodo is moody and snappy and all that stuff. yes, the ring is affecting him, but let's face it: sam is the true hero.

Author:  nightcrawler [ June 24th, 2006, 5:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya I didn't like him in the book to much either. I am kind of in the middle on this one. He is snappy. When in doubt just read about nice funny Sammy :) .

Author:  Teh FF [ June 25th, 2006, 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: To love the imperfect...

Telpeath wrote:

This is really true about me. Almost everyday I am pressured to care for everyone. Yes, it is evident that that is a good thing. However, it gets to the point where the kindness of one is mistreated...misused. People use me to bid their biddings. So, I feel Frodo's pain, the pain that the worlds fate lies on his hands. But in struggle Also comes strength...however, he wimped out at the end. Really, I give credit to the rings destruction to Sam.

But without Frodo the ring would have never been destroyed. Sam's only inspiration to go on was Frodo. I don't think he alone would have made it to Mt Doom. Just because his only intention was to help Frodo, to stay with him. And not necessarily to save Middle-earth!

Author:  Meranwen Helanwë [ June 25th, 2006, 8:47 am ]
Post subject: 

i hmm if we are talking about the books i really don't liek Frodo all that much because he is like not best friends with Sam in the books and they make such a awesome like best friends couple in the movies that i don't know its just

Frodo is cool in the movies but a bit whiny i mean sure carrying the Ring all that way it was really hard on him but still and for the books i just don't really like him his character ( even though he did save middle Earth) just isn't all that inspiring to me its the underlying characters like Sam Gamgee and pip and Merry and Aragorn and such that really get me going lol

Author:  silvertine [ June 25th, 2006, 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

uhm, I also think Frodo in the book is not a very let say easy-going person. It's like when he is given the Ring he feels he is superior to all the friends he has had til that moment. And yeah, Sam is the true hero...his actions are hidden sometimes, you know, Frodo is the ring-bearer and so he should be the one capable to take the right decisions, but we see he's not, or at least, not as we suppose he should be.
Anyway, I think Frodo's behaviour fits in well in the book, you know. It would be extremely traditional to have a hero always kind, always nice, always sympathetic. Thus, here we have a "weak" hero, don't you think that gives a kinda attraction to the book?

Author:  Anargil [ November 18th, 2006, 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  hmph.

I say they're all heroes. Frodo is definitely a huge hero, whiny or snappy or whatever (everyone's whiny at times, I don't see what the whole issue with this is). Sam is also a huge hero - Frodo would not have made it without him, that goes without saying. Pippin and Merry are heroes, annoying as they can be - Pippin saved Faramir and Merry helped killed the Witch-King. Even Gollum's a hero - when the Ring finally took Frodo over at the very end, Gollum was the one who threw it (albeit along with himself) into the fires of Mount Doom. No one's the bigger hero, and if Frodo didn't whine, then he wouldn't be believable. Not everyone is cheerful and bouncy and happy all the time, not even our beloved Peregrin Took.

:bounce: <---- Pippin. I mean seriously.
Weak hero my foot. Does anyone honestly think that if Frodo had been weak that he would have survived being stabbed by the Morgul-Blade? Is it even plausible that if Frodo was as weak and whiny as everyone says, that the quest would have succeeded? Remember these parts of the movie and the book:
Movie and book Gandalf says: " have some strength in you, my dear hobbit."
Book Gandalf says (speaking about the Morgul-Blade): "I have known warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome by that splinter, which you bore for seventeen days."
Frodo is definitely strong. He's just not the classic, muscle-rippling Conan the Barbarian kind of hero. He's got inner strength, and that, my friends, is the best kind. Without inner strength, we would all be like.. say... a cross between Conan and Barbie. If that's what you all think Frodo should be like, and you all think my opinion is completely out of place, please kill me now - my interpretation of my favourite character in my favourite books is obviously completely wrong and therefore my life has no meaning.

- Anargil

This is my opinion and I don't care if people call me a Lord of the Rings freak, eccentric, die-hard, WHATEVER, because I am. I respect other people's opinions but I don't always agree with them - I give you the same privilege.

Author:  Lorien [ November 19th, 2006, 8:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, I don't like Frodo a lot, he's not one of my favorite character, but i thing that the Ring is the main reason that he acts the way he does. After all, he's been given a heavy burden.
I like Sam a lot more, without him, Frodo coudn't of done it, destroy the Ring and all

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ December 6th, 2006, 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmm...i don't know.
Maybe he was snappy because of the fact pippin was getting a little bit annoying, i mean im quite inquisitive and sometimes my friends snap at me but not in a nasty way...

However, i believe that the snappiness may extend further.

The fact that the ring has been handed to him, has created corruption. This just demonstrates exactly how much corruption Frodo has had to bear. You say that you don't like him that much...well i disagree...what i don't like, is what the ring turns him into.

Author:  elvishjedipirate [ December 12th, 2006, 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I didn't find Frodo very snappy or mean. I thought he waspretty good in the books

Author:  hobbit_fan [ January 2nd, 2007, 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Frodo was sometimes maybe a little snappy or mean to some people. But that was when he had the ring. Just think of before he even knew about it? He was a happy little hobbit. Always laughing and having fun. Then he had the burden of the ring and he did change alot. But after the ring was destroyed he was as sweet as can be to Sam once again and he was happy again. Overall Frodo is amazing! :P

Author:  Poison Ivy [ January 5th, 2007, 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I found Frodo to be more irritating in the movie than in the book. Granted, that doesn't mean he was great in the book, but he was a bit...softer, if that makes any sense.
He's a strong little Hobbit, no doubt about that, but I do agree that without Sam I don't know how far he would have gotten.

Author:  *Eruraina* [ January 6th, 2007, 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree, that he wouldn't have got far without sam, but he's got a heavy burden so you can't blaim him for being snappy. I don't really know what to think about Frodo, I don't think he's annoying, but he isn't one of my favorite characters neiter..

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