OB posters have invaded my local library!
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Author:  PrincessEdhela [ June 6th, 2005, 3:15 pm ]
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OMG just because there's what one poster of orlando with a book in his hand you have to bash him when you guys think it's cool to have a frodo and fellowship one!! that's a little bit of double standard and i would do anything to have an orlando poster in my library maybe i'd go more often!!~~ :explode:

Author:  dommi [ June 6th, 2005, 4:59 pm ]
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lol i don't even think our library has ANY posters. Its too poor. I should donate some or something. haha.

Author:  Kitoky [ June 6th, 2005, 9:50 pm ]
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Evenstar wrote:
Kitoky wrote:
That would be annoying though - someone saying they wanted to marry you when they don't even know you.

Yeah it would also be freaky, I mean do you think about how many girls probably come up to him when he's out and start crying or something because they've met him? Gah that would be freaky and borderline weird..because so many people are just in love with him.

Wow...a stranger coming up to you and start crying...

That could seriously cause guilty conscious.

Author:  daughterofkings [ June 9th, 2005, 6:10 am ]
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I haven't been to my library for years, but if I saw any poster trying to promote reading via 'celebrities' I would walk straight back out again... It really annoys me that in order to be persuaded to do something like reading people have to be persuaded that its cool by celebrity endorsements. That's just sad. You should read because you want to, not because there's a picture of Orlando Bloom holding (not reading) a book. :disgust:

Author:  Herenya [ June 9th, 2005, 7:31 am ]
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I was waiting for the librarian to let me borrow... just innocently standing - and of the OB poster is right in my line of vision! :annoyed:

Alessae, I seriously don't know how you can cope with pictures of him in your bedroom... I'll just put it down to you being a retarted fan-girl, shall I? :p
(I removed the Legolas page from my calendar and gave it to my little sister... she loves it, and she's not even allowed to watch the movies yet! But she's a POTC fan, and knows him from that ... I guess. *Shakes head*)

Author:  Calenfalathiel [ June 12th, 2005, 8:15 am ]
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sorry, it's a bit strange to have an Orlando Bloom poster up in your library....

Author:  Meluiloth [ June 14th, 2005, 12:23 pm ]
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Our library just has stupid abstract paintings :grr: you guys are lucky! LOTR and Orli posters? I wish they'd put that in our library!

Author:  Elenya [ June 14th, 2005, 9:14 pm ]
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The library I go to is boring poster-wise! I can think of one poster right off hand, and it's Winnie the Pooh or something. lol. I should suggest LotR posters to the librarians!

Author:  daughterofkings [ June 16th, 2005, 8:19 am ]
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I went to my library the other day and they didn't have any posters. They didn't have any good books either. I didn't even see LOTR or anything by Tolkien. I had to go on an expedition all around the place just to find anything readable. :disgust: I would have put up with a plethora of Orlando Bloom posters if they'd just had some decent books...

Author:  LĂșthien Star-Lover [ June 25th, 2005, 8:02 pm ]
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Our library had a LotR one once.. it had a calander for the month of december on it and my sister asked them if she could have when they were done but they never gave it to her lol. All they have now is like really dorky Tony Hawk posters :confused2:

Author:  eowyn [ June 27th, 2005, 8:51 pm ]
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fun, when LotR was still in it's big hype, my library had those free LotR bookmarks, which were alsome!

Author:  Guest [ July 4th, 2005, 4:25 am ]
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Heheh, a while ago my library had an Arwen poster and a Frodo poster promoting reading, but they were evil and took them down. Now they have an Orli poster up, and I think one of Darth Vader too (what he has to do with reading, I have NO idea). I think the Orli one is the picture below:

I agree with this. Actually these posters wanted to keep people reading. I love the fact that Orlando is holding LOTR in his hands :blush: ...

Author:  Maethordess [ July 15th, 2005, 4:03 pm ]
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What other book should he be holding? :-D

In our library we had a poster of him with the LOTR book, too. But it was a different poster.

Author:  izzatee [ July 16th, 2005, 10:41 am ]
Post subject: of the library in Singapore also had LOTR posters! Btw,i'm from Singapore. The library put up a poster of Frodo reading a book, also a poster of Arwen reading the elvish book and Orlando Bloom holding a book!!! 8) I was delighted when i saw them!!!

Author:  Eowyn Arelen [ July 16th, 2005, 12:07 pm ]
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I dont have a poster of Orli in my library! :confuzzled: :erm: :grr: :huh: :guilty: :guilty: :(

Author:  izzatee [ July 16th, 2005, 10:46 pm ]
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Oh..don't still can put up Orli posters in your bedroom!!!Well, if you've already had it in your bedroom,awesome then!! 8)

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