Heavenly Sword game
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Author:  Erumaro [ June 1st, 2007, 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Heavenly Sword game

A new motion capture video is out showing a two and a half minute acting performance from the evil ruler in Heavenly Sword. You don't see any in-game footage or have developers yapping about what you'll see in the game, it's just uncut Andy Serkis dialogue that you can be sure to see in the game. If you thought the royal villain in the trailers was a weirdo in short glimpses, prepare to see his face covered in balls as he goes borderline Gollum in delusional rants about society's filth and his sacred genitals.

You might want to turn the volume down a bit before starting the video, he plays the role of a psycho pretty well. I hope Ninja Theory really pushes the evil king's ability to get nations following his monstrous utopian plans of grandeur, it could make for a great chaotic world to explore from start to finish. It's good to see a game company spending so much time on story and character development too, combine that with the awesome gameplay we've already seen, and you've got a game of the year candidate.

Andy Serkis = Pure Genius!!!

ROFL sacred genitals :blink:

PS. Some game videos also:

PS2. Sorry if it's in the wrong esction, but I thought it would do best here since it kind of goes well with his Gollum acting etc. ;)

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