What kind of meat is veal?
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Author:  JohnLewis [ December 24th, 2023, 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  What kind of meat is veal?

Veal is a cut of meat that comes from a young calf or beef animal.

Veal mostly refers to a cut of meat from young cows.

Veal is simply the cut of meat from a younger animal of either a dairy breed, dairy crossbreed or beef breed.

Dairy and dairy crossbreed calves are separated from their mothers and, if raised for veal, grown out on specialist rearing properties, whereas beef breed calves are raised with their mothers and separated at an older age.

A veal calf is raised until about 16 to 18 weeks of age, weighing up to 450 pounds.

Male dairy calves are used in the veal industry.

Dairy cows must give birth to continue producing milk, but male dairy calves are of little or no value to the dairy farmer.

Veal is the meat of calves, in contrast to the beef from older cattle.

Veal can be produced from a calf of either sex and any breed, however most veal comes from young male calves of dairy breeds which are not used for breeding.

Generally, veal is more expensive by weight than beef from older cattle.

Beef was found to be slightly higher in minerals and veal to be higher in vitamins.

However, the protein, fat and calorie content of both meats were very similar and both meats are a healthy part of a balanced diet.

Veal is the meat of calves, which are young and domesticated cows or bulls.

Lamb, also known as mutton or hogget, is the meat of sheep. Veal can come from the cattle of either sex; however, most veal comes from young males.

Beef has a stronger taste than veal and a slightly coarser texture.

Veal is known for its high quality, tenderness and intensity of flavor.

The fine-grained texture of our veal makes it tangibly tender and versatile to prepare.

Veal in general is easy to digest and low in cholesterol.

Most calves in the veal industry are male and would otherwise grow to be bulls; female calves in animal agriculture are often raised as dairy cows.

Along with foie gras and shark fins, veal is considered especially cruel in the animal rights community.

Author:  ShawnHolland [ December 24th, 2023, 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kind of meat is veal?

I can unequivocally say that foie gras is a unique flavor. It's hard to imagine based on the words off the page and what you need to experience to truly understand the answer. Often foie gras, by the way I usually buy this delicacy I buy here ... gras-01004 prepared for sale as a terrine, pate, etc., is flavored with brandy, cognac or other spirits, salt, truffles or mushrooms.

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