Revival: Let's bring back the contests!
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Author:  [ July 9th, 2011, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

With all the great activity in the Request section with old and experienced as well as new and upcoming talents I think it's time to revive the Contest section as well. For you artists it's a way to challenge yourselves and improve, and even though the overall idea is to have contests with others it might as well be called graphics fest that the rest of us can admire. :teehee:

So, I just wondered whether there is an interest in starting this section up.. ideas to how we should do it? And people who haven't participated in contests on A-U before are welcome to ask questions. :)

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ July 9th, 2011, 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Definitely an interest in starting this back up again. I loved the contests, they helped me so much when I first started off. It's not actually a hard thing to get started, it's just needing three lots of people [the first two kind of merge.. well, actually they all do except that people who've participated, can't really vote in those contests.. well, they can, but not for themselves.. anyways..].

1. People willing to think of/start contests.
2. People willing to participate in contests.
3. People willing to vote in contest.

As well as I guess help for those who haven't joined before and aren't sure about what they're doing, and a very fine balance between flexible deadlines, and strict deadlines. There's a fair few contests that have kind of disappeared because people who said they'd join didn't get their entries in and the person who made the contest didn't want to close it and then it gets forgotten.. there's also a fair few that get to the voting stage, and then disappear.

I think what we need is a list of contests people want to see, for example more LotR contests, more actor contests, more challenge based contests etc. I remember having a thread for that before, and it'll just be helpful for people who don't know what contests people will join/want etc. Some people can think up really good/different/challenging contests that people join without having people request them, others may want a little guidance so that people will want to join.

Also, with the new members about, it may be an idea to revive some previous contests. It's a chance for new graphic makers to join some contests that have been popular before, and also for old graphic makers to maybe participate again and improve their original entries, or do a whole new take on it.

Gone on for longer than I meant to so I'll leave it at that, hoping that it makes some sense. And also, as I haven't used a smiley yet which is very odd for me, :teehee: :happy: :D


Author:  Legolas [ July 9th, 2011, 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I'm for sure up for this. Sounds like fun and a good way to get better at my graphic making. So that's at least one more for the people willing to participate in contests group :)

Author:  Cara [ July 10th, 2011, 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I definitely would join contests, its great way to improve and have fun. I will be looking for new ones, since old ones are abandoned and dusty ;-)

More Lord of the Rings contests! I don't care about actors ones, I am not very into actors, I prefer characters.

Author:  [ July 10th, 2011, 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Thanks for your input. Would any of you like to start up a contest?
Also, I think we need to do some shameless advertising on the Request board and Fanart where all the artists/graphics makers seem to hang out. :)

Perhaps you'd like to help by inviting people and dragging them over here. :P

Author:  Cara [ July 10th, 2011, 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I will start a LotR contest if all don't mind ^^ I am new here so I would need some advices. How long contest should last? How many awards I should make (I mean, I always was into three places awards but I seen here also contests with four awards, so just asking).

Author:  lembas [ July 10th, 2011, 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I love the idea of starting the contests back up!! They were so much fun in the past, and are always a good challenge!

Count me in :D

Author:  [ July 10th, 2011, 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Thanks Lembas, it's great to have a good mix of old and new. :)

Morgana, it's pretty much up to the contest holder to set up her own rules, deadlines and number of awards. That means to define the nature of the contest (the theme/topic, what kind of graphics people must submit, the number of graphics etc.) As for the deadline, like Enno said, there's usually a fine line between keeping to a deadline and be flexible when Life gets in the way for people. ;)
And lastly the number of awards is also up to you. Most do 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and perhaps an Honourable Mention, but you can do more or less if you feel like it. :-)

But the most important is to have fun, challenge yourself, and have a great time while making a lot of graphics. Oh, and also to follow through with the contests you start. :P

Author:  Cara [ July 10th, 2011, 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I understand ^^ I will set up the new contest tomorrow :)

Author:  Harthad [ July 11th, 2011, 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I'll join! This sounds fun. :)

Author:  Anameleth [ July 12th, 2011, 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

What sort of contests would people like to see? Is this something we should start a topic on, or is it enough to just discuss it here? I'd be up for running some contests, but if I'm going to I'd like to have an idea about what contests people would join.

Author:  Shadowcat [ July 13th, 2011, 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

This is probably going to make me sound really lazy, but I do like contests where the pictures are supplied and everyone uses the same ones. It means I can spend more time on the entry itself rather than spending ages browsing for decent pictures. Besides, it's always cool to see what different people can do with the same starting point. :)

Author:  Anameleth [ July 13th, 2011, 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Haha it's not lazy, I totally get what you mean. And if I can find some time, I'll definitely try to start such a contest in honor of your return ;)

Anyone else?

Author:  Cara [ July 14th, 2011, 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Oh, Shadowcat, I am so sorry I didn't provided images but I wanted to see many faces of Sam not only one. I will surely make next contest from the same images :yes:

And Anamaleth, I would like to see contests centered around one scene from the LotR or one character, like mine of Sam :)

Author:  [ July 14th, 2011, 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

Thanks for starting a contest, Morgana. The entries look awesome, I'm so excited for more contests to come. :P
Shadow has a good point, however, it would be a tad boring to see 5 contests using the same format. What I like to see when I browse through is the variety, also in the types of contests.

I have an idea. :) I mentioned it in the Graphics cook-off thread too. But I'd love to see a graphics challenge where you take a fandom and then style it to be a different genre. Ok, I'll explain. If the theme is LotR you must make it look like a cartoon or film noir style or something completely different. Makes sense?

Also a kind of contest I'd like to see is movie posters. Inspired by all the HP-fan posters floating around the internet.

But then again.... the graphics people need to agree that it's a good idea too, of course. :teehee:

Looking forward to seeing your new contest up, Ana. :)

Author:  lembas [ July 14th, 2011, 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Revival: Let's bring back the contests!

I like contests like Shadow said where you have a base image or set images to use- as it's usually more interesting and more of a challenge to see what people come up with. I love the poster idea too Ea- it'll be a big challenge but so sooo fun!!

But I just generally love contests :D

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