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Author:  Sithiel [ December 14th, 2005, 4:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't agree with the fact that treebeard's kin was still really around, I think they were kind of their last line, so no i don't really follow.

Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ December 15th, 2005, 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sithiel wrote:
I don't agree with the fact that treebeard's kin was still really around, I think they were kind of their last line, so no i don't really follow.

There were still ents around. The whole pilliaging of Isengard was done by them. Sure, they were a dying race, but there were still some of them around.
And they were the last of there line. With no girl ents, its a bit hard to get baby ents

Author:  ..love_like_winter.. [ December 22nd, 2005, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

they like went to the other side of the river or sumthing and never returned... i kinda would love to see what an ent wife looked like!

Author:  Angrod Alcarin [ January 6th, 2006, 6:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I think they would be rather ugly

Author:  Shadowcraft [ January 16th, 2006, 11:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's a mystery. I still think it's kind of sad though. I really liked the song/poem of the Ents in the second book.

Author:  Astaldo [ April 12th, 2006, 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Here's the oportunity to open your TTT copy and search it. ;)

Author:  Th'wayla [ June 1st, 2006, 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does anyone know about the Entwives?????

Author:  Fíriel_18190 [ June 2nd, 2006, 6:15 am ]
Post subject: 

I always found it very sad that the Ents lost the Entwives and that they never found them again, I don't know very much about them, but I think it was a really sad story.

Author:  Frodo Baggins [ June 9th, 2006, 2:46 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think we'll ever know what happened to the Entwives, but does anyone think they could have been used for burning at Isengard?


Author:  Larael [ June 9th, 2006, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Th'wayla wrote:
Does anyone know about the Entwives?????

All we know is that according to Treebeard the Ents "lost" the Entwives. That could mean many things though. It could be that the Ents really lost them like you might loose a sock or something, or that one day the Entwives just weren't there, like they had wandered away.

Author:  Sinbearer [ October 29th, 2007, 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Preoccupied

I have pondered the lessons behind the story of the entwives too. The Ents lost the Entwives at least in part because the Ents loved the wild woods and the care of trees in the forests, while the Entwives preferred gardening and settled peace. They were both preoccupied with their own lives and it is no wonder they drifted apart.

I think that is the main reason why marriages fail. They don't keep doing the wonderful things together that they did when they fell in love. A garden must be tended or it will die. And preoccupation, self interest and neglect are the death of many marriages.

Tolkien had so much to say about love and marriage in his triogy.

Author:  Aerandir [ October 30th, 2007, 2:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Frodo Baggins wrote:
I don't think we'll ever know what happened to the Entwives, but does anyone think they could have been used for burning at Isengard?


No, I have no doubt that they weren't in that. After all, the loss of the Entwives was closer to the time of the Last Alliance than it was to the Treason of Isengard.

Sinbearer, that's a very interesting observation, equating Ents and Entwives with common reasons for marriage failures, but it's also entirely correct. Perhaps I could state my opinion better if I was married, but my current one will have to do for now.

Just because we supposedly have a close relationship with someone, unless we do stuff with them, or interact somehow, looking out for them instead of ourselves, I'm of the opinion that walls will be built up and we'll end up completely unknown and separate from each other. It applies to close friendships, to relationships with siblings, to relationships with parents and relationships with spouses. To know each other better, and to ascend the levels of closeness, you can't be preoccupied with your own interests as opposed to theirs.

And that was like completely paraphrasing what you said, Sinbearer. :confused2:

I find it so amazing how so much can be inferred from The Lord of the Rings, even stuff that I'm sure Tolkien didn't consciously put in. I mean, I don't think that he really consciously put in the loss of the Entwives as a protest against failing marriages or whatnot, but that's how it could be interpreted. I love LotR.

Author:  Sinbearer [ October 30th, 2007, 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  I love LotR!

Aerandir wrote:
...I love LotR.

I second that emotion wholeheartedly! Its like a great song--like one I have listened to for 5 years and I still cry when I hear it. Yeah, LotR is like that. The longer I look, the more I love.

You know, now that I think of it, its like William Stafford said, “So, the world happens twice—once what we see it as; second it legends itself deep, the way it is.” I grew up with my parents reading me stories from the Christian bible about David and Goliath and Noah and the flood and Jonah and the whale. Those stories are so rich there is no bottom because they have legended themselves deep. I know it is a huge compliment but Tolkien's stories are like that. They really are!

Author:  Aerandir [ November 4th, 2007, 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, the Ainulindalë is definitely a retelling of Genesis, but as for the rest of it, especially Quenta Silmarillion, it seems to me to be mostly a collection of legends and tales from Arda (in chronological order, of course) with somewhat of a Christian background.

Um, Aerlinniel. I'll have to PM you about the whole Ainulindalë-being-better-than-Genesis thing. Since it pertains to Biblical issues and Christianity, I can't discuss it here, however few sentences it might take. :annoyed2:

And I tend to agree that The Silmarillion is, in no way, a parody, unless my understanding of the word is incorrect.

Author:  Aerandir [ November 5th, 2007, 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Aerlinniel. You're actually the first person to comment on my banner. :) And I can't remember ever having seen a Gwaihir banner before. I just felt bad for him....and I liked John Howe's painting. :P

I've thought about it, and I'm completely undecided as to whether or not I think the Ents will find the Entwives before Dagor Dagorath. It's something I wish Tolkien had explained in one of his letters or something (well, it's an assumption that he didn't, as I've never read The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien).

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