What do think...
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Author:  Larael [ June 7th, 2006, 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  What do think...

What do you think would have happened if Saruman [with Grima] had managed to take over Rohan before Gandalf could get there? What if Gandalf never came?

Author:  Meldawen [ June 7th, 2006, 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the ents would have made short work of him, that's what I think. Though Theoden would likely be missing from a few key battles, I don't think it would make much of an overall plot difference. Just a bit of an annoyance there in the background.

Author:  Captain Faramir [ June 7th, 2006, 2:46 pm ]
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I think contrary Ents would have been defeated by Saruman and Rohan would be burned down and destroyed and even Grima would marry Eowyn.

Author:  Larael [ June 7th, 2006, 7:08 pm ]
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Unfortunately, if Saruman managed to take over Rohan, I don't think the outcome would be good at all.

The Ents would probably be wiped out pretty quickly just as SAW said, and I have an awful feeling that Grima would get Eowyn out of the deal too [that is if she didn't commit suicide before, which I wouldn't blame her for]. Theoden would probably die [poison maybe?] which would mean that the Rohirrim would not show up at Minas Tirith for battle.

Another thing to note is that if Gandalf didn't come to Rohan neither did Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. That means that Aragorn and Co. did not go through the Paths of the Dead, so there would be no dead people to help at Minas Tirith either.

Most likely if Gandalf did not come at all, or if Gandalf hadn't even been found, Minas Tirith and Rohan would fall.

Not quite a happy ending, eh?

Author:  Meldawen [ June 7th, 2006, 7:10 pm ]
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What if Eowyn ran away? And maybe got Gandalf?

Author:  Larael [ June 7th, 2006, 10:44 pm ]
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Hey, didn't think of that, it just might work!! What if Eowyn banded together a group of Rohanian's :teehee: and went off to get Gandalf. They'd be gone long before Saruman or Grima found out.

Good thinking Meldawen! I like your theory opposed to my theory of suicide.

Author:  Meldawen [ June 8th, 2006, 10:38 am ]
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I've always been an optimist lol :) Actually, I don't think the plot would actually differ from the book much from there. Depending how big a force Saruman had in Rohan they would naturally have to attack, which could be annoying to deal with along with Helm's Deep...though I guess there wouldn't be a Helm's Deep battle if Saruman were in control! So confusing.

Author:  Larael [ June 8th, 2006, 9:43 pm ]
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It does get kind of confusing if you think about it because there are so many "what if's".

Author:  Meldawen [ June 8th, 2006, 11:15 pm ]
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Yeah, I mean, what if we suddenly get introduced to a whole new character who saves Rohan and brings an EXTRA army to Pelennor??? So many variables!

Author:  FĂ­riel_18190 [ June 10th, 2006, 6:15 am ]
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I think Rohan and also Fangorn would have been destroyed and Frodo wouldn't have been able to destroy the ring, so I think that Gandalf saved Rohan was very very important.

Author:  Darrell [ June 13th, 2006, 2:29 pm ]
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I think that if Rohan had not been saved by Gandalf and co. Sauron would have won the war. The Rohirrim were key in the battle of Pelennor, and if they hadn't arrived then Minas Tirith would have fallen. Of course, Aragorn could have gone down the Paths of the Dead and saved the day anyway, but I think it would have made a huge difference if Rohan had not beaten Saruman.

It's still possible middle-earth could have been saved, but it would have been a whole lot harder, with Gondor having enemies on both sides. So yeah, saving Rohan was a key point in the stories.

Author:  Angrod Alcarin [ June 23rd, 2006, 7:43 am ]
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Frodo just ha to take the ring, call Gwaihir and just fly to Mount Doom. Flying above the crater, drop the ring and Frodo saved the Era.

The End

Author:  Kanakavallee [ June 24th, 2006, 2:26 am ]
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Well, here's a thought. If Sauron got the Ring back, Arwen would die.

Author:  Will [ June 24th, 2006, 8:55 am ]
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Angrod Alcarin wrote:
Frodo just ha to take the ring, call Gwaihir and just fly to Mount Doom. Flying above the crater, drop the ring and Frodo saved the Era.

The End

^^ Have you seen the clip "How it should have ended? Soo funnny :-D

I actually think that Eowyn indeed would have gone to call for aid. But I also think that Aragorn and Co. Would have found out what did happen at Edoras. So he might get there to save the day after all.
Another what if.. what if Aragorn came in contact with the Ents? Would he have been able to persude them to go into battle? I do think so.

Author:  Mornie utulie [ June 24th, 2006, 10:07 am ]
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okay, here's what i think...i think frodo would have been able to destroy the ring, but without the rohans at the battle of minas thirth(that how you spell it?) frodo would have been killed because the battle couldnt have been won....but when frodo destroys the ring, all the orcs flee because the power that bound them together is gone. the battle is saved but frodo and sam perish because the eagles didnt come in time. :'(

as for eowin, i think she would have just killed herself...i mean just a could she go to gandalf if she didnt know him before he saved theoden(terrible mistake of mine if she did :closedeyes: ) and lets suppose she would she find him?

Author:  Kanakavallee [ June 25th, 2006, 7:27 am ]
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It's spelled Minas Tirith.

If said thing never happened, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli would most likely continue searching for Merry and Pippin. They would make their own cautious way through Fangorn, and there's a slight chance that Legolas would be able to communicate with the trees, and if he could, he might have been able to convince them that Gimli's axe was purely for Goblins, Orcs, and Uruk-hai.

One side of the Forest borders Buckland, so Aragorn and Co. (I've just adopted your term) could've made it to the Shire. They wouldn't be trusted there, being the big folk from the big wide world, but they could lodge discreetly. I'm sure there's at least a hobbit or two similar to Bilbo. And if not, they're still kind folk. But by the time they managed to arrive at the Shire, I think some damage would have already been done to the Shire, plus there was the trade of Pipeweed from the South Farthing, so there would be some other dealing with Saruman in the other Farthings. Aragorn and Co. could've tried to stop the whole thing. In that case, if 'Sharky' had been there at the time (highly unlikely), they could've tried to dislodge him from his horrid status. If he wasn't, they could've just attempted to destroy the evil present in the Shire. From there, the three might've travelled to Bree and followed Frodo's route, though skipping the break in Imladris. Elessar doesn't know the Shire itself very well, but he does know the surrounding lands.

As for Merry and Pippin, Treebeard probably wouldn't have ever found them because he took them on Gandalf's orders. Instead, they would've gotten lost in the Forest and then gotten gobbled-up by some horrid nothing (not very creative, I know, but my mind works better in the night than the wee hours of the morning).

If Aragorn and Co. managed to dislodge Saruman somewhat, his hold over Theoden may have slipped a bit, so all hope it not lost. Grima the worming idiot would still be there, but Theoden, with the help of Eowyn and Eomer (and possibly Hama), might've managed to regain himself and realise the situation at hand. In that case, he would still go to Helm's Deep, but without Aragorn, they wouldn't have enough strength to hold off the attack, so not a very happy end after all.

With the defeat of the Rohirrim, the Dunlandings would take over Rohan and turn it into whatever...

Because of this defeat, Elrond might convince Arwen that all hope it truly lost, and despite her promise to 'cleave to Elfstone', she might go to Valinor. In that case, Aragorn will see it as there's nothing left for him to live for, so he would lose his confidence and wouldn't even try to become King.

In Gondor, Osgiliath, the former capital, will be lost far more quickly and the River of Pelennor will be snatched as part of the package. Because the Garrison at Osgiliath will fall, and with the River taken, the last defense of Minas Tirith will be gone. Because of that, the suicidal maniac of a Steward will have the whole country die and the last two official kingdoms of men will fall from the little grace they had.

Orcs will take over Middle Earth.

Aragorn and Co. will die.

Ghosts in the Paths of the Dead will never regain their honour and will remain cursed little beasties.

Frodo and Sam will be caught and the Ring will be taken from them.

Sauron becomes as evil as Melkor, if not worse, and 'his victory will be so complete that none can forsee its end while this world lasts'.

Finally, the world blows up as the end of days comes and everybody goes to either Heaven, Hell, the Middle Realm, or just wander hopelessly...

Maybe not, but that's my theory.

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