A voting section?
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Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the problem is more the similarity of some contests. I mean, the graphics part of this board has just sky rocketed lately, and there has been no real need for organization of it, but now there is.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't mind me, I was just stressed back then. :P

Well I have updated my thread, and I've tried to help people along with when contests end and things, by putting them in date order, rather than newest first (although I still proclaim which one are new). So hopefully that is a little bit easier for everyone to view.

All I can say is, for the moment, is check the thread daily for new voting threads, and go through them and vote. That's what I did today.

I wouldn't like to go as far as saying yay or nay when it comes to starting a contest. I think that's probably a bit much as you'd be pretty unlucky to have 2 exactly the same contests at one time.

I think from a certain point, perhaps Monday it should be agreed any new contests must be clearly labelled as a contest and the same with the voting and the awards. Any contests/voting/etc, which don't label themelves, one of us pops into the thread and asks the owner of they wouldn't mind adding to the title [contest] [voting] [awards].

Author:  Ammy Dawne [ June 21st, 2008, 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think labeling is a good idea, but it's still hard to pick and choose from the threads because everything looks the same color-wise. Tiring on the eyes, you know?

What I do to find contests or voting for specific things is I remember who made the contest and look in the 'thread starter' column instead of the titles. Harder now because so many people have multiple contests and that's a lot more people to remember. I like the idea of a voting section, especially because the signature test section is unneeded.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think labelling could go a long way though. Especially if it was different for each type of thread.

[a w a r d s]

There are a few contests that really need bumping but I'm afraid to do it at the moment, as I'll just be pushing new contests back. :P

Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

However.. there are really just too many threads for the single topic.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 7:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't mind the multitude of POTC theme contests (for example) if I could easily distinguish them all. As it is, it's hard.

Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 7:39 pm ]
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I was speaking of the combination... the second page really doesn't get noticied, at least to me.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

You mean the second page of the contests section? I suppose it depends on each person really. Of course, it looks a bit messier than normal, because we have stickied topics that push everything down.

Author:  Ammy Dawne [ June 21st, 2008, 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Some contests have rather long names as it is and there's a character limit for how long the title can be, so I'm not sure how well labeling would work in that regard. Capping 'closed' or 'voting' is pretty noticeable, but like Smeag said, with so many topics it's difficult to sort through them all. Especially since there's active contests in different stages on three pages.

I think different contests for almost the same kind of thing is fine, but the amount of quote contests is really confusing for me, at least. And that's only one type. But I guess it does depend on the person.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, so at least we are all pretty much agreed that there needs to be better titles for the contests right? Especially as there are so many similar themed contests around?

I managed to fit:

The Lord of the Rings Return of the King Banner Contest Rd 1

In the title space. Now obviously we all know what "LOTR: ROTK" stands for, so there would be nothing wrong with shortening that.

I think contests like:

Movie Quote Contest: Rd 2 (Spiderman)
POTC: Dead Man's Chest Banner Rd 3 (Parlay)

Would be easier if they simply said what they were. That's got to be better hasn't it?

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ June 21st, 2008, 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

^Exactly. It would be nicer if things weren't shortened so much. It might be a good idea if we did put something up in the Contests section telling people about these ideas (or in case we get something for labeling and such) and hopefully draw more attention to the need for a bit more organization.

Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

We could also have a list of contests... like a directory just to show all of the different type of contests out there, so someone doesn't accidentally make a second contest of the same idea.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Urm.. don't we already have one of those? My directory thingy?

Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Um... well, to combine my idea into yours... you can seperate the contest threads into sections.

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 21st, 2008, 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well at the moment, they are all in date order, so people know how much time they have to get an entry in. They also say which type of graphic every contest is so... I don't really know how much more can be done to it, to a) list the contests currently running b) easily allow people to see who long they have to enter a contest and c) show them what graphic each contest is of.

If someone wants to start a contest and they're not sure if there is already one, they'll soon see when they look through the list.

Author:  smeagollum [ June 21st, 2008, 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very true, and deadline order really is the best.

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