RotR 2010 Planning
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Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ June 6th, 2010, 10:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just to keep the ball rolling here....

How are we going to divide up the teams? Is it going to be something that people don't really control, as in they answer a question (like the pet one) and their answer determines their team? Because we need to get this set up so that we can get the hype up and people to answer and such.

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 7th, 2010, 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Everyone's already come up with so many brilliant ideas!

About sorting people into groups, I think that the questionnaire idea is a good one. But what happens if we end up with too many people in one group? That's probably my only reservation. Then would we sort people randomly or?

Food for thought :P

If we're to have a ball, can we just have on big one at the end or something? And a treasure hunt idea sounds good, in which people can stack up more points for their teams on top of the rest of the events. And then there can be like... a Race Cup (Haha. Forgive the Harry Potter reference) 8D

The idea of non-contest points also sound wonderful. Im not a graphic-maker, and I'll have exams in June, so I know that personally, unless its on a non-contest basis, I wont be able to participate. I'll try and come up with a few ideas for this though...

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ June 7th, 2010, 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

About sorting people into groups, I think that the questionnaire idea is a good one. But what happens if we end up with too many people in one group? That's probably my only reservation. Then would we sort people randomly or?

I thought of a question today which I think would get a good distribution and still tie in to LotR. You obviously wouldn't put the "Team --" in the question.

ie Of these, which is your favorite lesser-known character?

Gothmog (Team Mordor)
Fatty Bolger (Team Shire)
Tom Bombadil (Team Gondor)
Gildor (Team Lorien)
Goldberry (Team Moria)

And, of course, we could change out the people if you guys have other input. But I think we would get a good spread with this.

Also, we need the team leaders. I was thinking that each team leader could set up a thread for their team in the Misc Randomness thread (to keep track of points, talk, whatnot). If the leaders set it up, they can edit it whenever they want. Then, after we do the question and we divide everyone up, the leaders could PM their team or something to let them know.

It'd be great if we could get the question set as soon as possible so that we can get everyone going by the start. For official dates, how does June 19-July 20 sound?

Author:  Pandora [ June 7th, 2010, 6:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd love to be the Team Gondor leader! Surprised that I didn't choose Lorien :lol:

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 7th, 2010, 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shire leader please! 8D I'd love to be a part of that...

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 7th, 2010, 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was wondering.....maybe if the answer to the question was not related to the group they could be put in (I know some of yours aren't Nurr), then that would be the best way to make sure that people don't cotton on to which answer means X group.

Maybe a more controversial question or one that has lots of people supporting it for each would be best, so there will never be people going for the same all the time.

Favourite couples (friendships) would be perfect as you could also add couples that didn't exist and hopefully there would be a nice number of people in each.


Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ June 7th, 2010, 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, that would probably be good. I like the friendships/couples idea, since it broadens it out more.

So, some ideas:
Frodo & Sam
Merry & Pippin
Legolas & Gimli

I feel bad, Siara, but I already asked Panneth for the Shire. :( Perhaps you'd like to take one of the others? Or maybe since you know what's going on you'll rig yourself to be in the Shire? :P
Team leaders as it stands right now:
Gondor - Panneth
Moria - JF
Shire - Nurr
Mordor -
Lorien -

How are the dates for everyone?

Author:  Freya Baggins [ June 7th, 2010, 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll be gone a week out of that with no internet... 19th - 26th :(

Author:  Sairahiniel [ June 7th, 2010, 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its okai Nurr. I'll just be a participant in some random :)

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ June 7th, 2010, 7:53 pm ]
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I will try my hand at being Mordor leader, just cause I'm evil like that <3 :bones:

Author:  Pandora [ June 7th, 2010, 8:16 pm ]
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Ara, you dare go against me... :bones: Haha, this shall be fun!

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ June 7th, 2010, 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, at least we get to be neighbors, so when I'm on my flying Nazgul I can be leik, "OMGZ, O hai Panneth look @ meee! I iz flying on a beast and shizz - ur so jealousse!!!" :lol:

Rather random and hyper right now... see what you people do to me with all of this epic RP plotting and PM convos?!!

Author:  Pandora [ June 7th, 2010, 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Teehee! I would be jealous if I didn't have a King such as Aragorn to oogle and his friends :lol:

Plus I haz the Eagles at my beck and command :lol:

ALso I am loving our convos <33

Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ June 7th, 2010, 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

@Freya: I know there's no way we can get everyone the whole time, sadly. Would you have internet on the 18th? Because we could start that Friday, and that way you would know the beginning and could jump back in when you got back.

Team leaders as it stands right now:
Gondor - Panneth
Moria - JF
Shire - Nurr
Mordor - Aramel
Lorien -

Author:  Freya Baggins [ June 7th, 2010, 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah. I can try to be on during the 18th. :)

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ June 7th, 2010, 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Frodo & Sam
Merry & Pippin
Legolas & Gimli
Legolas & Aragorn
Bilbo & Gandalf
Gimli/Galadriel :P

And if we have 10 options, we can be extra sneaky and each group can have 2 answers. So hopefully each group could get one of the popluar answers and another one as well.

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