TopGear Club
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Author:  Lothy [ February 17th, 2009, 8:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

No words required.


Author:  Seren [ February 17th, 2009, 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can I join? Please? :D

I love Top Gear :drool:

BBC3 (second only to Dave for awesome Top Gear repeats) had the channel crossing one on the other day.I swear it gets funnier each time I see it... :laugh:

Best special has to be the Botswana one... the cow's head in the tent... classic...

OOO! The America one when they almost get killed in Alabama... "man-love rules - OK?" :roflmao: And the cow on the roof! :D

EDIT: Hahahah... :roll: That is one of the best top gear pictures I've ever seen :D I loved that special too :) The suits they got made :laugh:

Author:  Shadowcat [ February 17th, 2009, 8:46 pm ]
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@Lothy - That is the third time today that I've made a loud squeaking noise. :lol: Did not expect that to appear on my screen. (It was definitely welcome though. xD)

@Hravan - YEY.

... Vietnam was just a bit cooler than Botswana. But Botswana was still awesome, because it had Oliver. :P

Author:  Seren [ February 17th, 2009, 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 


Nah.. Botswana was the best because it proved what I and one of my friends have been trying to convince our other friends for a long time: VW Beetles are the best cars ever. :D
Apart from that the Vietnam was epic. But wait.. the Vietnam one proved that bikes are better than cars...
Oh c**k (in Captain Slow fashion)... Annie has conflicting loyalties here....

I love your sig set BTW :D

Author:  Lothy [ February 17th, 2009, 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

YAY! Welcome Hravan!

Omgg! I know, I love Dave. Period. So much funny.

I love all of those, I cannot choose which is my fave. Though I LOVED it when they were on the salt flats in America, And Jezza decided to take the caravan for a spin.

"Clarkson! I know it's you! I'm on the thrown!"

and the cow in the tent :lol:

"That's my bag! What? Why is my bag in James'... THIS IS MY TENT!"

Author:  Shadowcat [ February 17th, 2009, 9:00 pm ]
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And the hippos make the tent bit just that much funnier. :lol:

Oh, and the honey badgers.

"Shouldn't it be called the Badger of Death?"


Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ February 18th, 2009, 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I have to say, I think Botswana was better than Vietnam. Yay Oliver!

I miss TopGear. I've only been able to watch snipits of it online, because I don't get BBCAmerica. Grrrrr.

Author:  Seren [ February 23rd, 2009, 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hahahaha... today, thanks to the awesome Dave, I have been able to prove my mother wrong. She says she hates Top Gear because of Clarkson (but she's always laughing her head off if I'm in the lounge watching TG while she's in there) and that it's an utterly useless program because it's all about stupidly expensive cars.
Well, the Hamster proved her wrong today! Was watching a random episode on Dave and Richard sat in a VW Golf while they shot 800,000 volts of lighting through it. And the car worked when it stopped! If I hear correctly the reason why he didn't fry is to do with the cage VWs use which means that if we happen to be stuck in a thunderstorm in the car we're perfectly safe!
So there! Not only do we have a green car (BlueMotion Polo - we got it waaaaaaaay before Top Gear decided to feature one. Actually we were the first people in our county to have one. :p) but it will survive being hit by lightening and will still work perfectly!

So there. Top Gear is useful! We now know we can sit perfectly safe in the car during a thunderstorm.

And then it switched to them racing cars on a beach. :eyeroll: (Which, I might add, is something both of us absolutely hate. In Britain cars are meant for driving on roads or designated tracks. Those have already destroyed enough of the landscape. Driving on beaches (and off-road) should be banned. People don't seem to realise just how damaging it is. :annoyed: )

Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ February 23rd, 2009, 9:26 pm ]
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I saw the lightning one too! Wasn't that awesome? I know that pretty much every car there is will protect you from lightening, but I don't know how many still work afterwards. But yeah, I'm staying in the car during a lightening storm. Its nice and safe.

I don't like the beach races much either, or any race in general (unless they've done something freaky to the cars. Then its hilarious) My favorite bits are when they do something original with cars, like play conkers or the time they tried to destroy the pickup truck.

Author:  Lothy [ March 30th, 2010, 12:44 pm ]
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I think this deserves a bump :P

Author:  lembas [ March 30th, 2010, 1:43 pm ]
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Oh Em Geee



(well done for bumbping Lothy, otherwise I would have been ignorant to this geniusness)

*runs around in circles*

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ April 1st, 2010, 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

*looks around*
How did I miss this club? XD Can I join? :)

@ Lothy: I remember that episode! :lol: I started to question when I saw that too, in between all the laughing. :P

Author:  Lothy [ April 1st, 2010, 10:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome both of you! It's refreshing to see so many fans <3 Chat away :)

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