Faramir +Eowyn
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Author:  Starlight [ October 7th, 2006, 5:21 pm ]
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eowyn of ithilien wrote:
i love it when faramir says "you are a lady beautiful, i deem, beyond even the words of the elven-tongue to tell. and i love you" - i want someone to say that to me. i want a faramir!

I agree with you entirely. whatever happened to guys today? Where's all the old world romance they used to have? I miss it. I miss guys being able to say that kind of thing without feeling awkward, and actually saying it. *sigh* There are very few like that out there any more. There are some, but they are very few. :(

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ October 7th, 2006, 6:03 pm ]
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eowyn of ithilien wrote:
the passages relating to eowyn and faramir's relationship are among my favourite pieces of writing ever - i often re-read those bits on their own cuz they're just so beautiful. it still seems weird to me that an aging oxford don could write so sensitively, but i guess old tollers was just a hopeless romantic at heart.

i love the way faramir understands eowyn even better than she understands herself, and i love it when faramir says "you are a lady beautiful, i deem, beyond even the words of the elven-tongue to tell. and i love you" - i want someone to say that to me. i want a faramir!

Me too!

Author:  ethelfleda [ October 13th, 2006, 12:27 pm ]
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i just read the faramir and eowyn chapter again (for about the 50th time now), and i noticed one particularly exquisite bit of narration that i wanted to share:

"and they said no more; and it seemed to them as they stood upon the walls that the wind died, and the light failed, and the sun was bleared, and all sounds in the city or in the lands about were hushed: neither wind, nor bird-call, nor rustle of leaf, nor their own breath could be hears; the very beating of their hearts was stilled. time halted."

it's that moment when you look deep into someone's eyes and for a moment the entire world seems to stop moving and your heart skips a beat and you have to catch your breath - it feels like you're the only two people in the world and you could stay in that moment forever. just reading that passage, i could feel it - that last short sentence completely took my breath away. tolkien really understood how it feels to love and could express it better than any other author i've ever read.

i especially love the fact that that happens in the moment before orodruin explodes (right afterwards they feel a tremor in the earth and see lightning). i read this as the point at which faramir's pity turns to love and eowyn's heart begins to melt, so it seems apt that it should coincide with sauron's downfall - just as the world has changed for middle-earth, so the world has changed for faramir and eowyn.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ October 14th, 2006, 6:49 pm ]
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Yes! I love that quote. I love it so much I stuck the exact thing on my desktop wallpaper (what six?) months ago! It's also on the homepage of my website. I'm glad other people share my insane love for that quote!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" height="113" width="150" border="0"></a>
(except it's a bit illegible at some bits.)

I was reading that bit during choir and when it says "Then the heart of Eowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her." I burst into tears. And it's so cool that Minas Tirith becomes Minas Anor once again right there...

Author:  ethelfleda [ October 14th, 2006, 7:00 pm ]
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yeah, there's a nice linguistic pun there - minas tirith stops being the tower of the guard at the moment that eowyn lets her guard down. i wonder if that was deliberate or just a happy coincidence.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ October 16th, 2006, 8:13 pm ]
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I think it goes back to how their love kinda/sorta depends on the fate of the ring...Tower of the Guard...interesting. That's a clever way to think of it.

Author:  The Nightingale [ October 17th, 2006, 1:31 pm ]
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Eowyn was my favorite character from the very beginning, since I look like her, and then I read them and fell in love with Faramir. :-) I think they're a perfect couple and really understand each other well.
It was funny, though, because my mom who's never read the books, saw the movie and had no clue about Faramir and Eowyn until the Coronation! So she watched part of the extended with me. I don't think PJ should have cut that part. He shouldn't have cut ANY Eowyn parts. *grins* Or Faramir parts, for that matter.

That's an interesting thought about the guard thing!
Council of Elrond has some good Faramir and Eowyn wallpapers as well... I stuck one up on my user for the upstairs computer.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ October 19th, 2006, 1:38 pm ]
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I think TRotK movie couldn't have been cut any better, actually. As much as I love Faramir and Eowyn, there are characters (wincing as I type the following words) they are not the most important characters in the story. PJ really had to stay with the Frodo & Sam story and the Aragorn story.

I hope someday, they will release the footage of the Faramir and Eowyn epilogues though...

Author:  LadyOfRohan [ November 23rd, 2006, 3:57 pm ]
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I never thought Faramir and Eowyn would make a good couple until I read the books :blink: Then eventually the movie came out and they were so sweet together!!! Why can't guys be more like Faramir :disgust:

Author:  Ashwise [ November 30th, 2006, 8:19 pm ]
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Tinuviel's Tears wrote:
eowyn of ithilien wrote:
i love it when faramir says "you are a lady beautiful, i deem, beyond even the words of the elven-tongue to tell. and i love you" - i want someone to say that to me. i want a faramir!

I agree with you entirely. whatever happened to guys today? Where's all the old world romance they used to have? I miss it. I miss guys being able to say that kind of thing without feeling awkward, and actually saying it. *sigh* There are very few like that out there any more. There are some, but they are very few. :(

I'm sure there's men out there like that. You just have to look! Any way, I think they're perfect for each other beause they both lost some one they were close too and had pretty sad lives, but they found each other and I loved how Tolkien wrote the scene. It was believeable and it made you smile becasue you were happy to see two lost souls who lost something in the world come together! :angel:

Author:  ethelfleda [ December 3rd, 2006, 6:45 am ]
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Lady Raine of the Rangers wrote:
I'm sure there's men out there like that. You just have to look! Any way, I think they're perfect for each other beause they both lost some one they were close too and had pretty sad lives, but they found each other and I loved how Tolkien wrote the scene. It was believeable and it made you smile becasue you were happy to see two lost souls who lost something in the world come together! :angel:

i do believe there are guys like faramir out there, i just hope i find one.

when you said about eowyn and faramir both having lost someone, it made me think about tolkien and his wife edith - they were both orphans and i think the fact that they could understand each other's sadness was what drew them together, just like with faramir and eowyn.

also, i dont know if you know the story, but tolkien and edith fell in love when he was about 16, but tolkien's guardian didn't approve and so banned him from talking to edith until he was 21. tolkien obeyed and they lost contact, but then on the eve of his 21st birthday, tolkien wrote to edith, saying that he still loved her and always had. however, she wrote back and told him she was engaged to someone else (she'd accepted the proposal because she thought tolkien would forget about her), but he wouldn't accept that so he travelled to meet her and she realised she still loved him so she broke off her engagement and married tolkien instead. tolkien's having to win back edith from another man is kind of like how faramir has to win eowyn from aragorn (or at least, her fixation with him) - both tolkien and faramir had to encourage and wait for their women to realise who it was they really loved.

i think that's what makes the whole faramir and eowyn situation feel so real and that's how tolkien could so perfectly capture those feelings - he was writing from his own experience.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ December 3rd, 2006, 11:39 pm ]
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Wow, I didn't know all that! Isn't it cool that on Edith's grave it says Luthien and on Tolkien's it says Beren though?

I read on Wikipedia that Tolkien originally intended Aragorn to marry Eowyn, but went back and put in Arwen. I was horrified! I'm not sure how sure how reliable that info was, but I seriously can't imagine what it would it would be like if the two best love stories [Aragorn & Arwen, Faramir & Eowyn] in the world were gone.

Author:  ethelfleda [ December 3rd, 2006, 11:53 pm ]
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yeah, i love the way tolkien identified him and edith with beren and luthien. i think it says a lot about the dyanmic of their relationship - he saw himself as this hapless mortal while edith was this amazingly beautiful angelic creature. i think he thought she was too good for him in the way luthien seemed too good for beren.

i think you can see something of tolkien and edith's relationship in all of the love stories he wrote - like i said, that's what makes them ring true. they may not have had a perfect relationship (tolkien seemed to put edith on her pedestal, which sometimes made her feel quite lonely) but it was certainly a loving one.

i'm not sure what to make of the wikipedia thing. despite what my lecturers think, they're normally pretty accurate and do use proper sources. i guess if it is true it'll have come from the letters or the histories. i'll have to do some investigating.

Author:  elvishjedipirate [ December 5th, 2006, 2:49 pm ]
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Eowyn and Faramir's relationship seemed so much more real than Aragorn and Arwen's to me. I want to find a guy like Faramir.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ December 5th, 2006, 9:21 pm ]
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But how real is smashing your left arm, freezing your right arm, and getting knocked out cold to be sent to a hospital and meeting a guy whose there because his father sent him on a near suicide mission? ;)

No, I agree, although I think Aragorn and Arwen's story is just as beautiful if not more.

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