Ah, I love the smell of old books!
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Author:  Eruraina [ December 16th, 2009, 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Ah, I love the smell of old books!

For awhile now Ive fancied myself a collector of old classics(when I have the money). I just love the style of writing of older generation authors and have much respect for them.

My "collection" includes:
Black Beauty(1945) -Anna Sewell
King of the Wind(1948) -Marguerite Henry
Snowfire(1973) -Kermit Shelby
^this one was an old library book and still has the card in the back.
And there are many more.

I was wondering if anyone else shared my love of old books.

Author:  Hanasian [ December 16th, 2009, 7:16 pm ]
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There's something about that scent a used bookstore has... slightly dusty, slightly mildewy, with that dried old ink and paper scent mixed in.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ August 27th, 2010, 2:52 pm ]
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I colect classicals and modern books. I hate ebooks because I love to smell the books.

Author:  Eruraina [ November 12th, 2010, 3:49 pm ]
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I don't think I could stand reading books on a screen. I adore paper and ink too much for that.

Just recently I baught a few more older books.

One of which is an 1885 copy of Arabian Nights. I also got a copy of The Adventures of Shirlock Holmes(not sure of the date. I thinks it's from the early 1900s).

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ November 27th, 2010, 8:03 pm ]
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I have the Arabic Vol of the ARABIAN Nights; they passed to me after my Grandfathe died and yes they are very old and smell amazing.

Author:  Eruraina [ November 29th, 2010, 11:24 pm ]
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I've actually read through a few of the stories in Arabian Nights(though I've had to be very careful because some of the pages are falling out) and I love the tales of Sinbad and how he barely survives so many daring escapes!

And I've actually found that rereading some books, the smell brings back memories of the time/place I last read the book or first read the book. It's like books not only keep stores, but memories as well.

Author:  Shadowstorm [ December 1st, 2010, 8:58 am ]
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Ahh...absolutely. The smell of old books just takes me back to when I first read them.
We have a really old, leather-bound copy of The Hobbit, and sometimes I'll just take it off the shelf and flick through it to remember the smell and the first time I read it.

Also, London bookshops. Quintos is one of my favourite places to go on a slow afternoon, because it feels like a proper bookshop - where everything is stacked and you can hardly move for fear of knocking over piles of unsorted books.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ December 1st, 2010, 9:09 pm ]
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I love the memories of me reading. OMG! I want to smell my LOTR Books :)

Author:  Seren [ January 31st, 2011, 9:15 pm ]
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I love the smell of old books :D.

The oldest book I have is from 1802. It's some sort of weird learning Russian book but also has some Latin and Greek in it. It's strange..
(It's safely at home right now so I can't get the title for you..)

Author:  Eruraina [ January 31st, 2011, 9:17 pm ]
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Oh wow, 1802? Do you know what kind of shape it's in?

Author:  Seren [ January 31st, 2011, 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's in very good shape :D

I'm going home on Friday (I'm at uni currently) so I will take photos of it in Saturday and post them up :D

We did have a couple of other books from the 1830s and the 1850s but we sold them. My mother made us chuck out over 500 books on two separate occasions (so over 1,000 in total :( ) as we really didn't have enough space for all the books. The 1802 book was the oldest so I kept it. The rest had to go :grr:

Author:  WhiteWolf [ May 31st, 2011, 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ah, I love the smell of old books!

I'm not the only crazy one who likes to smell the different books they get am I? :blush: I love the smell of books, someone should make a perfume/cologne called Eau de Book. :lol: Instant bookworm attraction. :-D I love the smell of bookstores.

Author:  Alanna [ May 31st, 2011, 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ah, I love the smell of old books!

ooh me too! Barnes and Noble... when I walk into there, I get this lovely bookish, adventurous feeling. :)
I also like the smell of old books. I got a very old copy of Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson, and it smelled wonderful. I like it when the pages are crackly. :)

Author:  Aragorn-fan [ June 28th, 2011, 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ah, I love the smell of old books!

I once went to a deceased man's house while having to stay there while visiting my grandparents. He had some books that were 100-200 years old! It was interesting, I wish I had the time to read some more of them.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ July 10th, 2011, 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ah, I love the smell of old books!

If they made a book scented candle, I would so buy it! I love the smell of book stores, its just so exciting to walk in and be greeted by that smell, the smell of adventure and discovery, lol. I like it even better than the smell of the farming and feed stores!...(yes I am a tad odd) Thats awesome you guys have such old books, I dont have any old books like that. I do have a Barnes and Noble Nook, and while it has its advantages (having a library right at your fingertips, so you can always find somethin to read to match your mood, wherever you're at) I do miss the book smell, and I've lost count of how many times I've reached up to turn the page and realized I just need to tap the screen!

Author:  Cara [ July 11th, 2011, 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ah, I love the smell of old books!

I love old books. My mother has a collection of books from around 1700 year so I can touch a real history. But from newer books, I like the smell of sheets of paper that is worn and dusty. I feel then that the book really is alive.

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