King Arthur help
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Author:  Erkenhelm [ November 13th, 2011, 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  King Arthur help

For a while now, I've thought that it would be cool to read the story of King Arthur, the round table, Camelot, etc. However, there are like so many versions, and author's have expanded on the tale, I can't tell which is the true, original story. Anyone know a book that has the original story?

Author:  Elthir [ November 13th, 2011, 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King Arthur help

A very complex matter, but to simplify things in the extreme: I think the earliest (surviving to date) written materials hail from Celtic sources -- but Geoffrey of Monmouth's 'History of the Kings of Britain' proved popular and sort of established Arthur's 'official biography', in a sense.

My Arthurian Encyclopedia notes that though Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia: '... established the 'official' account of Arthur, together with some of the characters and motifs, his work was by no means the only creative force behind Arthurian romance. But the romances largely presupposed it and acquired conviction and verisimilitude by fitting more or less into the purportedly factual frame that it provided'.

Geoffrey included the prophecies of Merlin, and also wrote The Life of Merlin, noting that in Welsh tradition Myrddin was driven mad at the battle of Arfderydd (or Arderydd) and roamed the forests uttering prophetic ravings (see the Annales Cambriae for example).

Of note in the long history that followed Geoffrey is the French poet Chrétien de Troyes, who provided great influence, especially with respect to the story of the Grail. Also Le Morte d'Arthur, Thomas Malory's popular compilation and retelling. Again, this is a very simplified post regarding a complex matter, as there are so many older works hailing from Britain and Europe that might be noted -- but considering your request I would start with Geoffrey, and dabble in at least some of the Celtic references too, if possible (some of which are on line).

That should give you an early picture of Arthur at least, so to speak.

Author:  Erkenhelm [ November 13th, 2011, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King Arthur help

Awesome thanks, I'll start looking into those.

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