What are the books that you could not finish?
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Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 19th, 2013, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  What are the books that you could not finish?

I know we are talking about amazing books that we will re-read more than one time; but what about the books you could not finish???

Author:  Tinker Bell [ March 20th, 2013, 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

I borrowed a James Patterson book from my grandpa, and I dunno, it just didnt click for me. I think its because I knew who the bad guy was from the get-go, so it wasn't much of a mystery. I like trying to figure it out along with the main characters. So I didnt finish that one. I also got bored with Stephenie Meyer's "The Host", only made it a few chapters in before I realized that it just wasn't working. Just not into alien stories.

Author:  Ariadne394 [ March 20th, 2013, 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

I never really got into The Series of Unfortunate Events. I know that a lot of people loved those books, but I guess it just wasn't my thing at the time and didn't spark my interest enough to keep me reading.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 20th, 2013, 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Lithôniel wrote:
I borrowed a James Patterson book from my grandpa, and I dunno, it just didnt click for me. I think its because I knew who the bad guy was from the get-go, so it wasn't much of a mystery. I like trying to figure it out along with the main characters. So I didnt finish that one. I also got bored with Stephenie Meyer's "The Host", only made it a few chapters in before I realized that it just wasn't working. Just not into alien stories.

I never tried James Patterson books and I hate alien stories; I can never get into them.

Ariadne394 wrote:
I never really got into The Series of Unfortunate Events. I know that a lot of people loved those books, but I guess it just wasn't my thing at the time and didn't spark my interest enough to keep me reading.

I wonder why? May be you are more magical than a Goth ;)

I could not finish Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga :/

Author:  Seren [ March 20th, 2013, 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Atonement. I think I've already written why I hate it so much in another thread... Let me hunt down a link.....
Here we go: viewtopic.php?p=1196394#p1196394

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 20th, 2013, 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Hravan wrote:
Atonement. I think I've already written why I hate it so much in another thread... Let me hunt down a link.....
Here we go: viewtopic.php?p=1196394#p1196394

I see, Ian McEwan is really evil. Not for his gift which he can enjoy but for his egotistical soul. Have not he wonder that he might never ever write a great book again or even famous one? Bloody hell.

I hate The Fifty Shades of Grey, it's a Twilight erotic fan fiction so "It have no manners or characters".

Author:  Tinker Bell [ March 20th, 2013, 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

I haven't read 50 Shades, but a friend gave me her opinion, and from it I decided it would be a waste of my time to read something that has no real plot or character development.

I read this one book called 'Poison', i cant even remember who the author was, but it was some sort of supernatural mystery type thing. It was so insanely boring, I only got through the first few chapters by force. And I liked the first book the guy wrote, that one was good, but the second one was just...bleh!

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 21st, 2013, 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Lithôniel wrote:
I haven't read 50 Shades, but a friend gave me her opinion, and from it I decided it would be a waste of my time to read something that has no real plot or character development.

I read this one book called 'Poison', i cant even remember who the author was, but it was some sort of supernatural mystery type thing. It was so insanely boring, I only got through the first few chapters by force. And I liked the first book the guy wrote, that one was good, but the second one was just...bleh!

I believe 50 Shades of Grey did not take her long time because fan fictions are easy :/

'Poison'? Is it The Poison Diaries? If so, I have just read book 1...

Author:  Tinker Bell [ March 21st, 2013, 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

^ No, it wasn't in a series or anything, it was just called 'Poison', it was a YA novel I checked out back in high school. Just didn't grab me at all.

Author:  Feanor [ March 22nd, 2013, 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

The Scarlet Letter. Of course that may be because I was forced to read it for school. :P

Tom Sawyer... (tried reading it just because) only got through a few chapters. It was just boring.

Oh... and the Percy Jackson series. I read the first 3, but for some reason I just couldn't manage to get anywhere in the 4th.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 22nd, 2013, 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Feanor wrote:
The Scarlet Letter. Of course that may be because I was forced to read it for school. :P

Tom Sawyer... (tried reading it just because) only got through a few chapters. It was just boring.

Oh... and the Percy Jackson series. I read the first 3, but for some reason I just couldn't manage to get anywhere in the 4th.

All three are lovely. I read Tom Sawyer in Arabic but not as good as the English version.
I am planning to buy the Percy Jackson series Box Set so I stopped until I own the books :) ..

Author:  Arabella Baggins [ March 22nd, 2013, 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Ooooh...the first one coming to mind is Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. It's a classic, and we had to read it for my Advanced Placement English lit class when I was a junior in high school. I just couldn't stand the book, plus it didn't help that my teacher ran out of hard copies of the book so I was given the whole thing on photocopied pages to read...and when my teacher admitted that SHE didn't even read the whole thing when she was in high school, I lost all motivation. XD If my teacher didn't have to suffer through it, why should she expect me to?

(I should note that even though I didn't finish the book I still got a 92% on the paper I wrote on it...)

Most recently I had to stop reading Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler. I've read another book by the same author and really enjoyed it, but I just couldn't connect with this one.

Author:  Aralas Tulisse [ March 22nd, 2013, 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

I couldn't finish LotR... as I said in the 'What are you reading' thread, it's kinda visually overwhelming in a sense, because it's so big (the LotR we own is the whole trilogy in one, I forgot which edition) and I watched the movie first, so I got a bit bored. But fortunately I'm pushing myself to start- and finish- it before April ends. I HAVE to start on Apr.1st because someone *coughpokenudge EraisuithielS* is reading it AGAIN and I haven't even read the whole thing.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ March 23rd, 2013, 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Arabella Baggins wrote:
Ooooh...the first one coming to mind is Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. It's a classic, and we had to read it for my Advanced Placement English lit class when I was a junior in high school. I just couldn't stand the book, plus it didn't help that my teacher ran out of hard copies of the book so I was given the whole thing on photocopied pages to read...and when my teacher admitted that SHE didn't even read the whole thing when she was in high school, I lost all motivation. XD If my teacher didn't have to suffer through it, why should she expect me to?

I have never tried Heart of Darkness. Is it good? :)

aralas_29 wrote:
I couldn't finish LotR... as I said in the 'What are you reading' thread, it's kinda visually overwhelming in a sense, because it's so big (the LotR we own is the whole trilogy in one, I forgot which edition) and I watched the movie first, so I got a bit bored. But fortunately I'm pushing myself to start- and finish- it before April ends. I HAVE to start on Apr.1st because someone *coughpokenudge EraisuithielS* is reading it AGAIN and I haven't even read the whole thing.

I think slowly reading it again and no rushing can make you finish it. Reading suppose to be fun not a bloody painful process :) keep calm and try it again :) .

Author:  Shadowcat [ March 23rd, 2013, 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

So there's actually countless books that I couldn't finish, but I'll name the ones I feel most bad about! :P

1. David Copperfield - It's supposed to be one of Dickens' best, but little Davey whined so much that I couldn't get past the first 100 pages.
2. Pride and Prejudice - I knew the story, so that somehow made it difficult for me to keep reading past the introduction. I might try and finish it someday. I might not.
3. The Silmarillion - I think I've read all of it at this point, but never cover-to-cover, despite having tried to many times. I just read my favourite parts over and over and skip the ones I don't care about quite so much. It's all about the Noldor, really. Men? What Men?

Author:  Tinker Bell [ March 23rd, 2013, 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the books that you could not finish?

Game of Thrones. But I'm going to try it again, since they are so popular. Perhaps I'll go to the library and check them out. I bought a sample for my Nook, and the sample has a few chapters but they dont go in order, which I think may have been the main reason why I didn't get into it, I couldn't understand what was going on! :lol: There were books I wish I wouldn't have finished, but had to for school, like "1984", and "Jubilee", and "Watership Down"...and anything Shakespeare.

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