guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...
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Author:  Nienna Anárion [ November 12th, 2014, 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Hmm... Enya. She doesn't really fit into my regular genres.

Author:  Sidawethiel [ March 1st, 2015, 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Nienna Anárion wrote:
Hmm... Enya. She doesn't really fit into my regular genres.

I love listening to Enya when no one else is around too(along with Taylor Swift and that one Nick Jonas song....)!

Does anyone else have that moment when you're driving with your friends and you're listening to your iPod (or whatever music device) and one of your guilty pleasure songs comes on and you're like, "Weird, I don't know how that got on there....?" This happens to me all the time, sometimes I get the supportive, "I LOVE this Disney song!" or...sometimes I get that weird look.

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ March 1st, 2015, 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Hahaha... that has happened to me more times than I would have liked!

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are among my guiltiest pleasures. As well as some Iggy Azalea *hangs head in shame*. Why must they be so catchy! I like Enya as well but I don't think people would be as surprised/horrified as the others if they knew. :P

Author:  Sidawethiel [ March 1st, 2015, 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel wrote:
Hahaha... that has happened to me more times than I would have liked!

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are among my guiltiest pleasures. As well as some Iggy Azalea *hangs head in shame*. Why must they be so catchy! I like Enya as well but I don't think people would be as surprised/horrified as the others if they knew. :P

YES! Katy Perry too! She's just so catchy! I just started singing California Girls.... :duh:

Author:  Captain Boromir [ March 12th, 2015, 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Right now it's a fairly new band called Echosmith.

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ July 17th, 2015, 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Captain Boromir wrote:
Right now it's a fairly new band called Echosmith.

Gah, I love them! I can't see them not becoming super popular. Their music is just too catchy :happy:

For me it's only one song, recently - "The Night is Still Young" by Nicki Minaj (who I normally detest, so imagine my surprise at actually liking one of her pieces) :P

Author:  Thenidiël [ July 17th, 2015, 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

My guilty pleasure music is Klezmer.

Author:  Captain Boromir [ July 17th, 2015, 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Aramel Elyanwe wrote:
Captain Boromir wrote:
Right now it's a fairly new band called Echosmith.

Gah, I love them! I can't see them not becoming super popular. Their music is just too catchy :happy:

Agreed, I think they will be a big hit! Hopefully they can maintain the down to earth persona and not get big heads.

Author:  Jax Nova [ July 18th, 2015, 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

Not quite a guilty pleasure but it is certainly outisde my typical listening style... "Yackety yack" by the coasters. That is the ONLY song of theirs that I like... Not sure why. I dont like any if their other stuff, I dont like their over all atyle, I dont like wind instruments like tuba and the band sounds they have... But this one song I really like.

Author:  Captain Boromir [ August 27th, 2015, 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: guilty pleasure music: when no one is around...

A group called the Gardiner sisters.

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