A Haldir Poll
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Author:  Jax Nova [ December 2nd, 2008, 12:17 pm ]
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My general impression before watching the movie was it was suposed to basically be like a clone trooper compared to a droid in starwars.

They say in starwars one clone trooper is worth a hundred droids... that's what I thought the elves were suposed to be like.

One elf worth a hundred orcs... I remember thinking when I first watched the movie and the elves came to helms deep I was thinking "Wow... with that many elves they shouldn't have any problem winning!"

Author:  Jasper Erenwei [ January 19th, 2009, 1:52 pm ]
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I appreciate all the comments here and fully agree with *almost* all of them. i am finding them very interesting to read, though it is depressing me :p.... lol...

Author:  Aredhel Ar-Feiniel [ January 24th, 2009, 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why is it depressing?

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ February 16th, 2009, 8:10 pm ]
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He shouldn't have died.

But as a movie-goer, I can't put into perspective the fact he didn't die in the book, because that doesn't really concern me.

To be honest, I can see why the Elves arrived at Helm's Deep, as it would have seemed odd to me that the destruction of men is at hand, the Elves are going to toddle off and leave Middle-earth to it, but would rather it was in the hands of men than Sauron. So it always seemed the "right" thing to have them arrive.

The only problem I can see with Haldir is that maybe if he had survived... well what do we do with him now? The dude's a fighter. Would he go back with the Elves and not help, or would he tag along with the rest, and most definitely be in parts of the story he really shouldn't be in?

But I have to say, while I wish he had lived, his death was one of the highlight of the trilogy. The fact it showed an immortal being, dying when he should have lived forever, and before he closed his eyes all he saw was his fallen kin... it was beautifully sad, and to me had a lot more message in it, than most people see.

I also don't think it was an unbelieveable death. Although great warriors, I was never led to believe they were invincible in battle - hence the loss of life at the battle of the Last Alliance - and neither were they blessed with powers that would allow them to whip around in a ninth of a second, when they sensed an uruk-hai behind them. Believe me, the award for the Most Unbelieveable Death goes to someone from Pirates of the Caribbean. :yes:

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ January 23rd, 2010, 7:12 am ]
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^ I would have to agree with you JF.

I can see why they did what they did but, Haldir's death was pointless and really didn't need to happen. It was a bautifully sad scene I will admit though.

Author:  Elessar [Sly] [ March 11th, 2011, 10:38 am ]
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I can see how it was good for the movie. The moment in the Cinema was great everyone cheered - when the elves turned up that is- and everyone felt an instant connection with them. But it was a shame for them to die. But they couldn't exactly survive and continue journeying with Aragorn etc after Helms deep. So it makes sense for them to die there.

Author:  LadyLónannûniel [ March 31st, 2011, 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Haldir Poll

i brought Lord of the Rings, Weapons and warfare book, and it deeply upset me! It showed a battle plan for Helms Deep, and said ALL the ELVES DIED :angel: ! I turn the page quickly! I liked Haldir and do not think he should of died! I have not yet read The Two Towers from work overload (as should be doing work!) Because mum said the ents come to helms deep, but in the movie they to the other place, the wizard stronghold, and i think they did not want the elves out the story for long so what did the do? They did that!?!
Sorry for the essay! :-D

Author:  Venessiel [ August 20th, 2011, 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

Nerissa wrote:
I voted that he should not have died. This is simply for the reason that he does not die in the books, nor does an elven army go to Helm's Deep. It just bugs me. :)

^ Agreed! Because of this, he should not have died. Though i get them bringing the Elven army to Helms deep in the movie as kind of a filler thing. But he still should not have died! But you know, thats Hollywood. You have to make things interesting.

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