Did any of you think that F/E in the movie was unrealistic?
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Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ July 13th, 2005, 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe E/A stands for Eowyn and Aragorn

Author:  Elberethsq [ July 15th, 2005, 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well. I think there was way too many Arwen and Aragorn scenes - they exaggerated it in the movies more than in the books. And in the regular DVD of RotK, they just left out Eowyn until the coronation, and you just think that - oh she remains happy even after Aragorn is with Arwen, and all is well - but the books go into more detail. I'm rather upset about how they were neglected, and how the movie failed to show that Eowyn loved Aragorn's power and status, rather than him himself. It's like she's running after another guy. It's not like that. And all the kissing parts of Arwen with Aragorn - made me skirmish - the part with Eowyn and Faramir holding hands is much better, as it trades less bacteria (in my school newspaper it mentioned how kissing traded so much germs [the things they put in school newpapers, hmmm]) although, if you remember from the book, Faramir did kiss Eowyn - twice, in The Steward and the King. I just want to mention that in my opinion, Arwen and Aragorn took up a lot of screen time (not so much in FotR, but definitely in TTT) and that Eowyn and Faramir should have been focused on, even for just a minute, in the regular RotK film, not just the EEs, because not everyone will see the EEs, and mostly only the LotR fans will buy it, and it's mostly the fans that do already know what really happened to Eowyn and Faramir, because most of them have already read the nice, truthful, un-misleading book.

But don't get me wrong. I love the LotR movies - and it's terrific, except for some blemishes I saw as mistakes, while others like PJ perhaps, saw otherwise. :bye2:

Author:  Mablung [ July 16th, 2005, 4:44 am ]
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(EOMER pulls FARAMIR aside.)

EOMER: Alright, Steward-Boy. I now have to do a full inspection to see if you meet the full levels of my expectations about how my sister should be treated and if you remotely resemble Wormtongue, down the the color of your toenails, I will not hesitate to go into my war-mode whenever you're in the room. You should see my helmet, it's so cool. Got it?

(FARAMIR gulps and pulls EOWYN aside with them)

FARAMIR: Um...I don't think we're gonna work out. I haven't looked at my toenails in days, weeks even.

EOWYN: [disturbed] Uh...

:lol: Eewww - that would be a very interesting little scene methinks!

Elberethsq - You are so right about them not making it clear that Eowyn loved Aragorn's power. The only way that they could have really done this was for them to have included Faramir pointing this out to her - so they should have had that scene there - in the theatrical cut.

I am happy with the amount of A/A scenes now - but when I first read the books I was thinking - Why is there so much Arwen in the film????. I love your comments about the kissing as well! Mind you, I think Faramir and Eowyn deserved a good snog after all they'd been through ;)

Author:  Larael [ July 20th, 2005, 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lady Dark Moon wrote:
I believe E/A stands for Eowyn and Aragorn

Ooooooooooh, I was so confuzzled!!!I thought this thread was about how Aragorn and Arwens relationship seemed that makes sense!!!!!

Thankies Lady Dark Moon!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

And now I can say that I totally think E/A relationship was very unrealistic compared to E/F or A/A.

I am so not confuzzled anymore!!!!!!! :-D

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ July 21st, 2005, 12:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Larael Greenleaf wrote:
Thankies Lady Dark Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now I can say that I totally think E/A relationship was very unrealistic compared to E/F or A/A.

I am so not confuzzled anymore!!!!!!!

ur very welcome :-D

Kitoky wrote:
(EOMER pulls FARAMIR aside.)

EOMER: Alright, Steward-Boy. I now have to do a full inspection to see if you meet the full levels of my expectations about how my sister should be treated and if you remotely resemble Wormtongue, down the the color of your toenails, I will not hesitate to go into my war-mode whenever you're in the room. You should see my helmet, it's so cool. Got it?

(FARAMIR gulps and pulls EOWYN aside with them)

FARAMIR: Um...I don't think we're gonna work out. I haven't looked at my toenails in days, weeks even.

EOWYN: [disturbed] Uh...

lol :laughbounce: :laugh: :lol:

okay I'm exagerating a little but you did give me a laugh

Author:  fbc [ August 5th, 2005, 5:48 am ]
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I agree Larael Greenleaf.

Author:  Larael [ August 6th, 2005, 1:22 pm ]
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Mmm.....thank you fbc, but now I forgot what I wrote on the previous page so I must go back and read it. :bye2:

Author:  eowynfaramir4eva [ August 8th, 2005, 1:04 pm ]
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(EOMER pulls FARAMIR aside.)

EOMER: Alright, Steward-Boy. I now have to do a full inspection to see if you meet the full levels of my expectations about how my sister should be treated and if you remotely resemble Wormtongue, down the the color of your toenails, I will not hesitate to go into my war-mode whenever you're in the room. You should see my helmet, it's so cool. Got it?

(FARAMIR gulps and pulls EOWYN aside with them)

FARAMIR: Um...I don't think we're gonna work out. I haven't looked at my toenails in days, weeks even.

EOWYN: [disturbed] Uh...

Very funny kitoky! I think there love was a bit yeah kinda off in the scenes, but I do believe love at first sight, and how it doesn't matter how quick or long your relationship is. *Growls at my Uncle* His was WAAAY to short...

Author:  Aramel [ August 9th, 2005, 10:25 pm ]
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Eowyn loved Aragorn's power and status, rather than him himself.

Actually, no. She didn't know he was Isildur's heir, and Tolkien himself said that Eowyn had no political aspirations.

On the other hand, HOH was lovely. Faramir and Eowyn getting together, Faramir's wonderfully tender expression... *squees* The only problem was that it was too short. I rather think that A/A was unrealistic, both in the movies and in the books. I mean, how many girlfriends send you hallucinations, and go riding out to rescue you one day and mope at home the next day? *shakes head*

Author:  Gwenneth [ August 10th, 2005, 3:34 pm ]
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Aramel wrote:
On the other hand, HOH was lovely. Faramir and Eowyn getting together, Faramir's wonderfully tender expression... *squees*

oh, yes! i love it! :D

Author:  Mithwen Delbaeth [ August 10th, 2005, 5:07 pm ]
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Okay, I know E/F was somewhat understated in the movies. But really, how do we know tere wasn't interaction between them before that scene? PJ cut out a lot in the movie and his cutting out E/F completely in the theatrical version proves that he may have cut out some stuff between Eowyn and Faramir before the scene in the EE.

PJ did the right thing in putting emphasis on the Aragorn/Arwen relationship since Aragorn is one of the main protagonists in the story, so to ignore his enduring relationship with Arwen would have been silly.

Okay, I have a bone to pick here. I personally hated the completely unnessisary added Arwen/Aragorn scenes that were basically just mushy, boring love scenes with no point except to say "Aragorn loves Arwen and Arwen is underappriatiated and we need more scenes with her." There is no need for any more Arwen scenes because they wern't in the book. The time taken for those scenes could have been used for something actually in the books, such as more on E/F. In my opinion mostly everything not in the books was unnessisary.

Author:  AngelBaggins [ August 10th, 2005, 10:00 pm ]
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In my opinion mostly everything not in the books was unneccessary.

Okay, uh, not to start a flat out argument here, but I just wanted to point out that a lot of arwen/aragorn stuff is in the books---it's just in the appendices. Anyway, would you rather have Arwen at Helm's Deep or an unknown elf come trotting in at the end of the movie?
Also, practically nothing was exactly the way it was in the books. They take things from the books and make an adaption. So even though the Boromir holding the Ring on Carathras never really happened in the books, it uses his dialogue and also develops his character more, so you at least have a clue who might try to take the ring.
And all the people I know knew that Eowyn and Faramir were in love--and they hadn't even read the books! Weird. :blink: [/i]

Author:  Kitoky [ August 11th, 2005, 12:52 am ]
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Eldariel wrote:
PJ did the right thing in putting emphasis on the Aragorn/Arwen relationship since Aragorn is one of the main protagonists in the story, so to ignore his enduring relationship with Arwen would have been silly.

Okay, I have a bone to pick here. I personally hated the completely unnessisary added Arwen/Aragorn scenes that were basically just mushy, boring love scenes with no point except to say "Aragorn loves Arwen and Arwen is underappriatiated and we need more scenes with her." There is no need for any more Arwen scenes because they wern't in the book. The time taken for those scenes could have been used for something actually in the books, such as more on E/F. In my opinion mostly everything not in the books was unnessisary.

I'm just wondering but do you watch the EE's? ...Well, yes, of course if you know about the scenes cut by PJ on E/F. Of course I'm assuming, I don't know if you may've read about the cut scenes from an article but...

I understand that you dislike Arwen, and I respect that but it isn't necessary to pick a bone over a trivial statement as someone saying that they think PJ did the right thing as to blah blah blah. It's their opinion, and you have to respect that like I'm respecting yours. But negative responses like this causes people to get defensive, arguments will to break out left and right, and eventually will get Moderators upset.

I get the impression that you're a Tolkien Purist, who prefer contents of the books over the contents of the movies. But PJ, Fran, and Phillipa weren't only thinking about the books when they were writing the script, as said in the EE's of the trilogy. The whole reasoning behind Arwen/Aragorn was the tribute to Tolkien whom held the relationship of Luthien and Beren dear to his heart. And through this movie, they could bring out that special relation of Luthien/Beren by using Aragorn/Arwen. From what I've seen, Tolkien wrote little of their romance but one cannot say it was not present. There was still an Arwen/Aragorn relationship, and PJ & co. probably wanted to work on that since it goes through from the beginning of the trilogy to the very end.

And like the post that AngelBaggins wrote, there are alot of things in the movies that weren't in the books. Elves at Helm's Deep, Elrond coming to the encampment of the Rohirrim, Frodo sending Sam home, The council of Elrond and Galadriel [which was mentioned but I don't remember it being the books, do correct me if I'm wrong], Eowyn's Dream with Faramir's line, etc.

Personally, I prefer Arwen over Eowyn. And those reasons will not be stated here, for obvious reasons this being an Eowyn/Faramir discussion thread, and tempers will flair unnecessarily. I still respect Eowyn, I wouldn't dare say I hate her because it isn't true. I'm a decent sized Eowyn/Faramir fan :D . I wouldn't mind any extra Eowyn/Faramir scenes in the EE ;) I would have them build a friendship first before getting into a "I fancy you." - "You're quite smitten." relationship.

Is it me, or does it seem like Eowyn just jumps at a moment where a guy comes in from outside because there aren't anyone there for her to fancy in Meduseld. :p Yes, I'm teasing.

Author:  Mithwen Delbaeth [ August 12th, 2005, 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just wanted to point out that a lot of arwen/aragorn stuff is in the books---it's just in the appendices

I haven't read the appenicces in a long time and I don't remember any of the added Arwen scenes. I would add stuff but I don't want to ague anymore. If you want to know my other veiws, PM me. (please, can we stop arguing? I don't like Arwen, you do. End of story)

Author:  Kitoky [ August 12th, 2005, 7:30 pm ]
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OH! Wouldn't it be nice if we found a lost scene from RotK where Eowyn and Faramir are made King and Queen of Ithilien. :D And then they can plant new trees and everything! It would be cute :p

Author:  Larael [ August 12th, 2005, 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yes! Yes! I would love it if there was a scene like that! It would be really sweet!! :)

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