What is going on?
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Author:  Frodos-Guide [ October 5th, 2006, 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  What is going on?

The scene when Frodo is just about to drop the ring but then decides 'The ring is mine'...what is happening to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli? Do they almost get defeated because Frodo decides that the ring is looks as though Aragorn is going to get squashed! Then he jumps back up...does this have something to do with Frodo saying the ring is his?

Author:  Valinor Sunset [ October 5th, 2006, 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

After the ring is destroyed the troll takes his foot off of Aragorn and he gets up. I think.

Author:  Aerandir [ October 5th, 2006, 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, the Men of the West, if the Ring had not been destroyed, would have been defeated. Sauron was in a sense urging his army on, using the power of his will to make them follow his commands, such as killing Aragorn, who was his biggest fear, alongside Gandalf, and the Ring-bearer (at the time he didn't know that it was Frodo). When the Ring was destroyed, Sauron was diminished enough that he was pretty much an evil spirit that couldn't do anything to harm anyone ever again, so his 'link' to his army was broken, and without him driving them on, the army scattered, knowing that the Men of the West were there to fight, and they themselves didn't want to fight any more.

That's kind of how it went, at least as I see it. The Troll (and all of Sauron's other minions) was urged on to fight, and when Sauron was defeated, they all got terrified at the fate of their master, and the Troll didn't see any reason to stay and fight and die, so it left....afraid, too, of what would happen if it stayed.

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ October 5th, 2006, 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is going on?

Frodos-Guide wrote:
The scene when Frodo is just about to drop the ring but then decides 'The ring is mine'...what is happening to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli? Do they almost get defeated because Frodo decides that the ring is looks as though Aragorn is going to get squashed! Then he jumps back up...does this have something to do with Frodo saying the ring is his?

that's a cool way to look at it. i kinna had the idea that all the minios of sauron ran away because they were scared and stuf, but didn't think about frodo having anything to do with it. . . . that's a cool thought.

Author:  Tinuviel [ October 12th, 2006, 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

i didnt think they were getting defeated just because frodo wanted to keep the ring. they were losing because there was basically no chance of winning. but when gollum falls in with the ring, Saroun dies and his minions fled due to fear. But this is just my idea. the connection between the two is cool though adn adds more meaning to it.

Author:  Frodos-Guide [ October 13th, 2006, 10:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Aerendir made an interesting point.

What i don't understand is why the minions would be fleeing in fear. Surley the reason they fled was because the evil of middle-earth was falling. I think they were running from the hole that was forming and sucking them under lol.

Another thing i don't quite get is why the hole stopped on Mordor and how Frodo and Sam weren't killed. I know that it was because that was where the evil was, but I think it was a little strange how it stopped just where Aragorn etc stood instead of consuming them because they were on the land.

I also think that it's slightly strange how everything cuold just disappear like that. Surley Sauron's spirit could still endure as it did when he was first defeated, depsite the fact there is no ring...I know his spirit was within the ring but it's still possible...

Also Aragorn almost getting defated...I still don't quite understand that. Just because Sauron was urging his armies on, how come Aragorn lost his strength and fell...the same applies to legolas and gimli. They only regained strength as Frodo had the ring bitten off his finger.

Author:  Tinuviel [ October 14th, 2006, 3:35 pm ]
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Also Aragorn almost getting defated...I still don't quite understand that. Just because Sauron was urging his armies on, how come Aragorn lost his strength and fell...the same applies to legolas and gimli. They only regained strength as Frodo had the ring bitten off his finger.

i dont think Aragorn, legolas and gimli lost their strength. i guess they were just out numbered and their enemies were far stronger.....
but they have always been outnumbered.... *shrugs* im quite confused now too.

Author:  Valinor Sunset [ October 15th, 2006, 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Everyone was losing their strength at that part. Probably because Sauron was close to winning. As soon as the ring was destroyed, all of Sauron's forces were demolished.

On a different note... did anyone ever notice what happened to the troll that previously stepped on Aragorn? After the ring was destroyed it sorta stumped off like 'I'm outta here!'. It was really funny. :D

Author:  Lady of Taniquetil [ October 16th, 2006, 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh i know! that was funny, and aragron was saved just in time! :) remember the part when legolas is trying to get to aragorn when the troll is attacking him! i loved that part! it shows how mush legolas cared for aragorn!

Author:  Aerandir [ October 17th, 2006, 3:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were losing their strength, at least, it wasn't getting like sapped or anything. They were in a big battle, which gets very tiring. As for Aragorn falling when the troll hits him.....well, think about it this way. What would you do if you got hit by something about four times your height and many, many more times your weight? You'd probably fly backwards to. It didn't have anything to do with Aragorn losing his strength.

Author:  Valinor Sunset [ October 17th, 2006, 8:07 am ]
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It's like being sat on my a rhinocerous. Ouch.

Author:  Mrs_Elijah_baggins [ October 18th, 2006, 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Tinuviel wrote:
Also Aragorn almost getting defated...I still don't quite understand that. Just because Sauron was urging his armies on, how come Aragorn lost his strength and fell...the same applies to legolas and gimli. They only regained strength as Frodo had the ring bitten off his finger.

i dont think Aragorn, legolas and gimli lost their strength. i guess they were just out numbered and their enemies were far stronger.....
but they have always been outnumbered.... *shrugs* im quite confused now too.

Well at helms deep peter put elves in it to make it look not so ridiculous... what was it? 500 against 10,000? that is a little mad, but all the elves died anyway so it didn't make much of a different, they only won cos Eomer came back with Gandalf and the rohan riders. :D

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