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 Post subject: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 6th, 2011, 2:17 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Find our plotting thread here!

The island nation, Vedalien. The king's castle is located far to the Northeast, where we find an ailing king. His queen has less-than-pure intentions about her son taking the throne, once the king has passed. She is building an army to ensure that the king's brother, the rightful heir, will not take the throne from her. However, there is a resistance forming in the South. Our story begins in the port city Brahn, as far South as you can get. Be wary, however; the queen has eyes everywhere, and arrest warrants for those who dare to resist her wishes.

About the World:
- There are mythical creatures!
- Dragons are wild and untamed, and are found only in the Western mountains.
- Magic is not common, but does exist. It can be taught, but takes years to master, and even the 'masters' are still learning.
- Traditional lore holds true for each race, so that means that, yes, Fae will tend to eat children. They are dark beings. Consider this before choosing your race!

- Humans
- Elves
- Fae
- Dwarves

- No one-liners! (But remember, quality over quantity!)
- No god-moding or power-playing.
- Romance is kept to a PG-13 level, please!
- No Mary Sues or Marty Sams!
- Keep things interesting! Throw in plot twists as you desire!
- If you're going to leave, please let us know!
- Have fun!

Character Template:

Anything extra:


Anyway, I think that's it! I'll post my own character later, so let me know if you have questions/ideas! I'm thinking of starting up a plotting thread as well, so I'll link to that when I'm done. Other than that, please post your profile here and we'll start discussing where we want to start.


Last edited by Winterfell on July 7th, 2011, 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 6th, 2011, 7:15 pm 
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Joined: 02 February 2007
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Location: Valinor
Country: Gondor (xg)
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Name: Lianna Laegecthel
Age: She is a younger elf... so around 4000ish, she doesn't really know or care.
Appearance: Tall, as with all of her race, Lianna has long brown hair that she keeps tied in a thick braid down her back. Her eyes are a pale grey, set deep in her narrow face. Her normal attire is that of someone who travels a great deal and wishes to blend with her surroundings. Badly worn brown tunic and green leggings aid her in the woods, while a dark cloak helps her in the shadows of towns and cities. There was once some form of insignia on the cloak, but it appears as if it was ripped off violently a while ago. Her boots are sturdy for travel, but light enough for soft footsteps. The elf carries a long knife by her side and a quiver of arrows on her back.
Occupation: Lianna was once part of an elite team of guards, but is now a mercenary for hire, occasional assassin, and a sometime thief. She absolutely hates it.
Personality: Lianna is cool-headed, sometimes to the point of unemotional. She takes things (and people... and events) logically apart to see what makes them tick. She is an eldest child, so prone to take a leadership position in whatever she does, whether she realizes it or not. Due to her rationality, she has problems realizing what others think or feel, making her a little amoral at times. When she realizes she has done something wrong she feels ashamed and gets angry and defensive. She hates showing "weakness" to others, and so bears pain and "negative" emotions for far too long before they overflow and cause issues.
History: As I said before, she is an eldest child. She had one brother and two sisters. Her brother was cruel and was accidentally murdered by her youngest sister, Freya, in a berserker rage. Freya was abandoned to the woods and never heard from again by her family. Her other sister, Emlin, went off to study magic and has also not been heard from in quite a while.

Lianna had always wanted to work in a military capacity and, as soon as she was old enough, signed up for an elite "King's Guard" which turned out to be a glorified band of thugs. Oh, it had promise, to be sure. The experience and early missions were successful and had good results. However, the leaders of the band soon became power-hungry and cruel. Lianna and several others from the band took their experience and left, scattered across the land. It is sadly ironic that the only job left for Lianna was the one she had fled from, a mercenary and a cold killer.

The only thing she has left from her shattered dreams of legitimate military is her cloak with the torn insignia.
Weapons/Abilities: She's like an elf ninja, good at hand to hand combat. She also uses bow and arrow for ranged, and a long knife for melee. She can survive and that is what counts the most.
Anything extra: She hates horses and prefers to travel on foot when possible.

Married Artemis Fowl on July 16, 2007
The Seemingly Nice But Actually Really Nasty Nazgul
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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 6th, 2011, 8:47 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Hope you don't mind I did a slightly modified template based off of some other character templates I have seen around AU (since it helps me with my character). Anyway, I hope this is okay. If not I can change things...and I may change things as the rp progresses...


NAME: Calista Labeau
RACE: Human
NICKNAMES: Cali, Lista, Lissy, Rose, Peaches
AGE: 25
PORTRAYED BY: Diane Kruger

HAIR STYLE: Long with curls
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
BUILD: Slender
ATTIRE:Once as a member of the landed gentry, she used to wear elegant and expensive dresses, many of which were either blue, scarlet, or an emerald green. However, once their land was overrun, she now chooses a much more simple attire. If she does wear a dress, it is simple and the material light and of an earthy color. Yet as of late, she has chosen to wear more form fitting tunics that make traveling easier. Her tunic is olive green and her slacks a dark brown. She also wears two leather wrist guards and a leather bodice to act as slight shield and dark boots on her feet.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Piercing blue stare, porcelain skin and delicate bone structure. Also has a scar on her left shoulder; a wound delivered when she attempted to help one of their warriors in a battle for their land.


OVERVIEW: Calista is sweet, compassionate, generous and selfless. Her heart of gold is both her strength and weakness. She cares deeply for others, yet at the same time cares little for herself. She is a woman that has born much pain and yet seems to be a source of comfort for others when does not lock herself away. A peacemaker by nature, she prefers to try and reason with others instead of fighting, though she does fight when absolutely necessary. She is a woman who thinks more with her heart than with her head and often finds herself trapped in dangerous situations because of this. She is skilled in the healing arts and proficient with a bow but is not especially handy with a sword [although she can wield one].

-Tries to see the good in others
-patient with others
-good at cooking

-Easily hurt
- Impulsive and foolhardy
-Is prone to periods of melancholy where she will withdraw from the world
-has a natural tendency to blame herself when things go wrong
-can be a bit too trusting (so that it borders on naivety) and emotional
-able to use a sword but is not very good
-has a bad temper if pushed beyond her bounds of patience but this anger rarely comes out

- helping others
-keeping the peace
- working behind the scenes
-spending time with those she cares for
-singing (when she is alone although she has been told that she has a beautiful voice)
-quiet nights and starry skies
-spending time in nature

-dark, tight, close spaces (she is claustrophobic)
-Fighting and being aggressive though she will be if she has to
-loud, arrogant people
- snakes

- losing everyone she cares for
-not being able to protect her friends
-being buried alive/small spaces
-being ravished by men
-snakes and large bugs

-blushing when embarrassed
-pressing her lips together while thinking
-averting her gaze, especially around male strangers
-twirling strands of gold hair around her fingers
-helping those in need (even those who have hurt her in the past)

FATHER: Jason Labeau
MOTHER: Sophia Labeau
BROTHER: Damon Labeau (missing and presumed dead)

A BIT OF FAMILY BACKGROUND: Calista was the second child born to Jason and Sophia Labeau, a landed gentry family. A sweet girl by nature, Calista was born into a time of conflict. From an early age, she showed an interest in healing and seemed to have a natural gift for the craft. Hence, she was tutored in secret under the master healer. Nevertheless as whispers spread of impending war, her older brother took it upon himself to train the girl in at least one weapon, although she hated fighting. As a result, the long bow became her weapon of choice and he taught her the basics of hand-to hand combat should the need arise. As a young girl growing up, she had often looked up to Damon as a model of both strength and protection and developed a much closer connection with him than she had to her parents. On the eve when he was to depart for war, she had a premonition that he it would be the last time she would ever see him and she begged him not to go---but it was to no avail. The desire for battle and battle glory had always been rooted in his heart. It was with a heavy heart that bid him farewell, somehow knowing it would be the last time she would ever see him. A few years after she left, their lands were attacked and though she was not the best in combat, she offered what aid she could to their warriors with both bow and her healing skills. Yet they had been overwhelmed and had been forced to retreat. From there she fled to Brahn where she took sanctuary. Later on, she decided to join the resistance out of gratitude for the shelter they gave her in her time of need

Weapons: She carries a long bow, a quiver of arrows and a sword (though she only uses her sword as a last resort).
Abilities: She is a skilled healer, knowing many different types of herbs for wounds and used to treat illnesses. Sometimes she has premonitions---namely in dreams where she can see glimpses of possible things to come...but she has little faith in this ability and often wonders if it is gift or just her fears manifesting itself in such visions.

Extra information:
She knows how to ride horses and prefers this method for travel (unless the distance is short)

I may also add another character later.

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

Last edited by Lady Elenriel on July 15th, 2011, 4:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 6th, 2011, 9:46 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Thank you both for your interest in this roleplay! Your character apps are absolutely lovely, and I definitely look forward to playing with you! The modified character app is absolutely fine, by the way. I love it! I'm currently working on mine, so I'll post it when I'm finished. Unfortunately my Internet is down, so I'm having to work on all of this from my iPhone.


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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 11:38 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Name: Thraidh Norchester

Age: 26

Race: Human

Appearance: Thraidh is tall and muscular, obviously well-trained in swordcraft. He's got dark hair, generally unkept and shaggy. Oftentimes, stubble lines his cheeks. He has a thin scar on his right cheekbone that he received in a swordfight. He wears a heavy, dark cloak made of coarse material over light cloth armor that conceals a thin breastplate. His boots are thick and sturdy, made for durability in the cold climate of the North, which is his home.

Occupation: At the moment, unemployed. However, he used to be a member of the Watch -- that is, the guards who stand watch over the kingdom. He was a ranger. Once he caught wind of the queen's treachery, he fled.

Personality: Quiet. He believes heavily in the power of observation. As such, he is generally a bit of a loner. He's a little jaded, what with what happened to his young family. Trusting people isn't something that comes easily to him anymore. He can be stubborn and hard to get along with, but he is generally courteous and polite if the situation calls for it.

History: Thraidh is the unofficial son of Lord Toren Norchester, conceived during a prolonged journey to the Western Lands. His father always treated him as if he were of true noble blood, however. He was trained in hand-to-hand combat from a young age. And showed particular strength in the area of swordplay. His father saw to it that he should get a chance to serve the king as a guard, since he did not have the blood to be a knight.

It was during his first hear as a Watchman that Thraidh met his bride-to-be, Gwynith. He saved her from a group of rowdy countrymen visiting from the South. From there, they fell in love and were married the next Spring. She was to bear the couple their first child. However, it was not to be; Gwynith and the unborn babe were slaughtered by a group of raiders who wreaked havok on the city.

Thraidh was never the same after that. He went after his work with more cold determination than before. He withdrew into himself, even distancing himself from those he would call friends. When news came of the king's ailing -- and the queen's plans -- he immediately resigned from the Watch and fled South. He'd seen the queen and her son -- if they got the throne, the kingdom was doomed. He would have no part in it. He was planning on getting to the city Brahn and setting sail for the neighboring kingdom. But then he caught wind of the resistance forming...

Weapons/Abilities: A longsword of good quality and balance which he received as a coming-of-age gift from his father. He did not name it, because he believes that only nobles and knights can name their weapons. He is neither. He also has a small dagger hidden in his boot, which he uses in emergencies only, as he is not skilled with a blade shorter than his own sword.

Anything extra: He also has two younger brothers, who are nobles and this the true heirs to his father's estate. He hasn't spoken to his own father since he joined the Watch.


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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 2:44 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Awsome rp bios Freya and Winterfell. I look forward to rping with the both of you. I think setting up a plot thread will be a great idea!

Also, if need be, do you want me to create a second character ( which as it stands now would be male) so the genders will be even? And in that way all of our charries can have a possible romance?

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 4:41 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Thank you! I'll look into setting up the plot thread in a few minutes, then! I just found out that we either have to move our antenna or cut down the tree that's blocking it, so my Internet will be down for a while yet, it seems. Oh well! iPhone it is!

As for making a second character -- that's up to you! If you want to and are comfortable with it, by all means go ahead. :)

EDIT: Plotting thread here!


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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 5:19 pm 

Joined: 28 March 2011
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I'd be up for being the second male character :) Will post a bio in a few hours when I reach home if thats ok. Looking forward to having a great RP.


 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 5:48 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Welcome aboard, Legolas! It's great to see you interested! Post your bio when you can; I look forward to reading it! I think once we've got the four of us here, we could probably look at starting off soon!


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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 8:58 pm 

Joined: 28 March 2011
Posts: 4262
Country: Rohan (xr)
Gender: Male

Name: Niko
Age: 26
Race: Human
Appearance: Slightly taller than average. Well built with about shoulder length dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. ( If theres need for a picture ... 1.jpg1.jpg ) Has hard leather bracers on each arm and shoulder pauldrons as well as a long black cloak with a hood. Has light boots for walking.
Occupation: Traveler.
Personality: Depending on his mood he can be different. He is quiet and thinks before he speaks though at times he can be sarcastic. Is kind to those whom he respects however it isn't easy to earn his trust. At times he can become hot headed and reckless sometimes this leads to jeopardizing his own safety if he feels the need.
History: He knew nothing of his parents as they dissappeared when he was just a year old. He was taken in by his uncle who gave him a necklace that he now wears that once belonged to his father. He was taught how to handle a blade as well as a bow however he is far better skilled with a sword. Was also taught how to track people and animals. He left his uncle to go and see the world and has spent much time wandering and has experience out in the wild. He was never one to get involved in politics but tyrants are a thing that he loathes. As such he doesnt want the queen to be in any position to gain more power.
Weapons/Abilities: Two swords that he was taught to fight with simultaneously. Bow and a quiver of arrows.
Anything extra: Can ride horses but doesnt mind walking either.


 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 9:49 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Awesome rp bio Legolas. Great to have you with us!

I think I will only make a second character if I see a need. I've rped more than one charrie before so one more shouldn't be a problem.

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 10:49 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Lovely bio, Legolas! I look forward to roleplaying with you! :)

Lady Elenriel, that's totally fine! Like I said, it's up to you completely. <3

Anyway, it seems as though we have got grounds for a sturdy start! What say you? I don't mind giving us a starting post, although it might take a while since I have to use my phone! But if anyone else would like to start us off, just say so and jump right in. C:


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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 10:53 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Yay! I can't wait to begin. And it's fine with me if you want to start us off Winterfell.

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 10:58 pm 
Lady of Strife
Lady of Strife
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I'd like to join if that's alright... but I'm one of those that's gotten into liking playing more than one character. So, I'm going to bring in two characters, if that's alright. Just because I like to. I'll get my bios up as soon as possible.

Edit: Here they are!

Name: Dante
Age: 25
Race: Human
Appearance: ... 011-15.jpg
Tattoo on back: ... 773_o2.jpg
Occupation: Rogue
Personality: Witty and cocky, and full of sarcasm, but has his serious moments. Though he can tend to be a jerk for the majority of the time.
History: I'll develop this as the rp goes along, if that's alright.
Weapons/Abilities: ... 000210.jpg
knows and is good at parkour
Anything extra: N/A

Name: Agatha
Age: 19
Race: human
Appearance: ... Hayley.jpg
Occupation: Storyteller and minstrel
Personality: Doesn't like to talk much when she's not telling stories. Very reserved, always wanting to listen and hear the stories of other. Curiosity tends to get the best of her, and it's surprising it hasn't killed her yet.
History: Found by an old story teller as a child, orphaned on the street. He raised Agatha and taughter her his stories so that she could continue in his work, which she found she enjoyed. She also learned how to play the pipes.
Weapons/Abilities: Knowledge in Lore. Guess you could call her a loreweaver. Might get magic later on, I don't know.
Anything extra: N/A

Very vague, but I like to develop my characters as I go.

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

Last edited by Eruraina on July 11th, 2011, 9:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 7th, 2011, 11:39 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Great bios Raina and welcome. I liked your bios and it's cool if its vague, at least we have a rough idea of what they are like though ;-)

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

 Post subject: Re: A Sense of Foreboding
PostPosted: July 8th, 2011, 12:12 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Eruraina - welcome, welcome! Your character bios are lovely! I'm very excited. :)

Anyway! Okay; I'll start writing a post now! Expect it a bit later on. C:


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