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 Post subject: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 21st, 2012, 6:01 pm 
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Current ship.

Lucien Solaris blasted another of the TIE starfighters that was chasing him. He then heard an alarm go off as he was blasted from behind, and something was blasted off. He could see a fire had caught where he was hit. He pulled down on his controls, and his ship pulled up and circled behind the last TIE, the very one which blasted him, and he opened fire blasting his last pursuer. He then quickly decended toward the planet of Hoth. Once he made it through the ozone layer he spotted a cave, and quickly landed.

Lucien then climbed out of his newly aquired ship, the Sharp Spiral, and headed further into the cave to stretch his legs before working on his ship. While he walled he thought of the set of events that had led to his currant predicament. He had been stopping on Coruscant when the troopers claimed that there had been some new law put into action, and they took possession of his highly modified YT-1760 small transport, claming that it had been equipped with illegal parts. Lucien had personally modified that ship, called the Nebulous Eagle, turning it from a unshielded transport ship into a war vessel. Lucien intended to get it back as soon as possible, but first he had to find a way, but while trying to find a way to get it back the troopers had spotted him, and tried to apprehend him.

He escaped, and headed toward the old Jedi Temple. He knew that a few years earlier the Jedi had keep starfighters, and he hoped to find some still there. That is where he found the Sharp Spiral. He had checked over the starfighter, and replaced the componets that it was missing by taking them from one of the jedi starfighters that had been left behind as well.As he left the planet, and jumped to hyperspace, he had been spotted, and the Empire sent a message to keep an eye out for him. He had been spotted, by chance, by a star destroyer as he came out of hyperspace, and that is where the TIEs, that he had just whiped out, had come from.

Lucien looked up as he was done going over everything in his mind, and that is when he realized that he wasn't alone on this planet, or in this cave. For as he came around the corner he spotted a starship that had flown further into the cave to hide as well, and could tell that someone had been taking care of it. He looked around for any clue to the resident, and that was when he felt the presance of a force sensitive nearby. He hoped that he didn't find himself near somebody who was possessed by violent tendencies. He would hate to have to kill sombody, who might be his only other source of intelligent life on this frozen wasteland of a planet.

Only starship that the Sith Lord has.

Their meeting was to take place in a prespecified location in Wild Space. Darth Necrosis exited the Scimitar, and walked onto the Confederate Battlesphere owned by, Dr. Cain Aldemar, the man he had contacted about a possible aliance to help destroy the empire, and take control for themselves. Dr. Aldemar was a warlord, and also known to be a bit of a madman. Dr. Aldemar was also know to be an expert in the field of bio chemical warfare, and a very sinister, and crule, man. Just the sort of person Necrosis liked to do his deallings with. Necrosis was greeted by an escort of gaurds who lead him to the confrince room where he would be meeting with Dr. Aldemar.

Necrosis entered, and took the seat at the head of the table so that he would be able to see whoever entered the confrence room, and waited for Dr. Aldemar to arrive. Necrosis waited paitently, but Dr. Aldemar needed to arive soon, or else he would have a very angered Sith Lord on his hands. Something that noone wanted to deal with. Necrosis understood that Dr. Aldemar was a busy man, and Necrosis also had contacted hm about the aliance, so the Dark Lord had expected to be keep waiting for a little while, but that wouldn't excuse the man if he chose to keep the Dark Lord waiting for an extended period of time.

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Previously Known As Orophin

Last edited by Kraven H. Silverfox on April 21st, 2012, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 21st, 2012, 7:52 pm 
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In the ice cave, a wampa ice creature roared at the newcomer. Before wepons could be drawn, Salek held up his hand at the wampa and said "Easy girl. That's no way to treat a guest." Reluctantly, the wampa calmed down and stalked deeper into the cave. Salek looked at the newcomer, who he could feel was Force-sensitive, and said "Please don't mind her, she can be a little overprotective at times. She's not used to seeing other human life." He looked at the man who stood before him. "You don't have the feel of the dark side, not completely anyway, but you're no Jedi I've ever met. So tell me stanger, who are you?"

*Aboard the battlesphere Alpha Red *

Dr. Cain Aldemar sat stood in his laboratory, modulating several of his cybernetics. He had to admit, getting a message from a Sith was surprising. He had thought that there were only two of them, the Emperor and his attack dog Vader, but apparently that was not the case. He looked to his two personal droid bodyguards, CB-29 and CB-30, two experimental Cortosis battle droids. Cortosis was one of only a handful of materiels that would withstand a lightsaber, cortosis going so far as to short out the blades. He was grateful now for the investment. He wasn't really expecting trouble, but he always planned for it. Smoothing out his uniform, he left his lab with his bodyguards and entered conference room where the Sith, Darth Necrosis, sat at the head of the table. Smiling, Aldamar said "Welcome aboard the Alpha Red. You went through a great deal of trouble to find me. I normally don't agree to face to face meetings, but once you told me who you were...well, let's just say you have my attention."


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 21st, 2012, 10:08 pm 
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Lucien had reached out to the Force when he heard the roar, but had stopped himself apon hearing the voice. He then looked at the man, and said "I do not doubt that she is unaccustomed to seeing any form of sivilized sentient beings, present company excluded of coarse, but is it not Jedi custom to give ones own name, before requesting that of another." He didn't know what to make of this man yet so he stayed on his gaurd, just in case.


Darth Necrosis looked up as Dr. Aldemar entered, and listened to what he said. While he did this he also looked over the two bodygaurds that the Doctor had brought with him, and chuckled lightly to himself. When Dr. Aldemar was done speaking Necrosis stood up and said "You are wise to shield your gaurds in Cortosis, but if I was here to kill you, whether of my own volition, or if I was sent by the Emperor, they would do little good, and you...would already be dead. That aside, I know that the Emperor has requested yoru assistance, and I know that you have denied it, and this interests me.

"I wish to purify the sith of this disgrace of a Dark Lord, a title I use to describe him lightly. Therefore since you refused to join him. I wish to see if you would join with me against him, but before any pact is made I wish to know everything that you can offer me, as I am sure you would like to know what I could ofer you as well. Therefore I wish to discuss an alliance. One which will be mutually beneficial to both of use. If you will have a seat, Doctor, then we can begine these negotiations." As Necrosis said this he used the force to pull out a chair next to him so Dr. Aldemar could have a seat.

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 22nd, 2012, 6:10 am 
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"Why what makes you think me a Jedi?" Salek asked inncoently. "I'm just an old hermit living in a cave on a ball of ice. But I call myself Salek." He walked to a small pit in the cave and began a fire. "So, Stranger, what brings you to this little corner of the Galaxy?"


Aldemar raised an eyebrow as a seat slid out. So the man WAS a Sith. Or a Force sensetive at the least. He wasn't sure until now. He took a seat, with his droids flanking him. "Now, I know little of Sith business. What I do know of is practical business. And that's something the Emperor didn't understand. Few rulers do. That's why I like to deal with people further down the ladder. As you must know, I deal in some very nasty things. Pathogens, viruses, weapons grade diseases of all sorts. That's how I got these." He motioned to his cybernetics. "I'm good at what I do, but to get good in my field, sacrifices must be made. So now," he motioned for one of his droid guards to bring him a case from the other side of the room. When the droid sit it on the table, Dr. Aldemar opened it to show a variety of vials. "Here we have some of my more potent 'product'. Please, take a look and tell me what sort of 'alliance' you had in mind."


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 24th, 2012, 9:24 pm 
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Lucien smilled, and said "The force around you is too strong, and focused, for you not to be trained, and seeing as how you did not attack me the minute you saw me, and since you are clearly in hiding here, you are not a Sith, nor are you of those I left, and that leaves Jedi. My name is Lucien Solaris, and escape from the Empire is what brings me here. Though, I will have to head back to Coroscant if I am to get my ship back, although I would hate to lose this one." He walked over to the fire to warm himself as he said this. He then asked "So, what was that thing, and how exactly can you command it?"


Necrosis used the force to slide the case back to the Doctor, and then said "I do not seek to simply purchase some of your 'product'. I wish to discuss a more personal investment on your part. I seek to destroy the Emporer, and his fallowers, and to place myslef in control, but I need an army for this, and your help would be much appreciated, and well compensated. Aside from payment, I could also offer the use of my base of opperations. Wich would include the use of all of my labs, barracks, manufacturing plants, and training facilities. We can aslo discuss some other reimbursement ideas that you might have."

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 24th, 2012, 10:21 pm 
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Salek nodded. "You are very observant Lucien. You seemed to be trained yourself. You're not Sith, and altough I didn't know every member of the Order, I knew of everyone, and you're not of them. The Nightsisters don't take on males, and the same goes for the Fallanassi, so with that in mind and considering your armor, the ones you left would be the Jensaarai, correct?" Salek smiled. "I was a former archivist before this exile." He looked back into the cave. "As for her, she's a wampa ice beast, one of the very few indiginous species here. I don't command her. It's more like we have understanding with each other. Just like any other living being, she's connected with the Force, and as such I can commune with her after a sort. She gives me someone to talk to, helps me keep my sanity."


Aldemar considered Necrosis' proposition. It was bold, he had to give the Sith that. "I would like some more pemenant facilities..." Aldemar said slowly. "And my troops would like to have some sort of shore leave. They've been getting anxious, and I must say, discipline has been at an all time high. Lots of promotions..." shaking his head and bringing his thoughts back to the present, he looked at Necrosis. "You're terms are acceptable. As for alternate payment, well, I wave an idea."

Aldemar sat up and walked over to a blank wall with a security pad. Typing in a code, a panel slide aside to reveal several rows of small pyramids of red crystal. Sith Holocrons. "I aquired these primarily during my services to Count Dooku. The rest I found after the war ended. The one problem is, they require a force user to access the infomation within them. I'll be honest with you, the Sith have always interested me. They practically invented bio-warfare. The Rakghoul plague in the old days of the Republic for example was ingenious..." Aldemar pulled himself out of his reverie once more and locked eyes with Necrosis. "I will dedicate my troops, my small fleet, my full knowledge of bio-weapons and biological warfare to you and your cause. In exchange," he gestured to the rows of Holocrons. "I want to know what secrets these pyramids contain."


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 26th, 2012, 5:37 pm 
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Lucien smilled, and lightly chuckling said "Yes, the arrmor would be a dead give away, wouldn't it? I was of the Jensaarai, but I sensed that there was a perversion in our teachings, and although I believe in the core of our teachings, I couldn't fallow something that I new to be tainted. So I left my people, and have been traveling the systems offering whatever aid I could to those in need, while keeping myself hidden from the Empire."


Necrosis eyes focused on the Holocrons, and he stood, and walked over to them. Once he reached them he started to run his hands across them, and said "You wish for me to unlock the secrets of the Ancient Sith Lords, and to reveal what I lurn to you as payment. This is an acceptable arrangement indeed. However, I would request to have full access to them, at any time, so that I am able to practice there teachings that would be beneficial only to one trained in the force."

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 27th, 2012, 2:56 am 
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"Hoth...the iceberg of universe" Raiha muttered to herself as she lost controls over her ship. It should be fixed long time ago but Raiha couldn't care less about little problems of her vehicle. Now she was worried that she may lose all her cargo. It were weapons and her clients were as demanding as dangerous. She would have them after her if all of her cargo were destroyed in ship crash.

Plus she didn't want to die...

She was doing everything with controls, everything that she could, actually. She was quite skilled pilot but she had very small place to manouver; the ship wasn't listen to her at all.

When she got through atmosphere and was close to the ground, she did last desperate move to put her ship higher. And it worked. The ship jumped and landed safely on the ground, making some of light damages which she could fix in one-two days.

She went from her vehicle and looked around her. It wasn't pleasant place, that was for sure.



 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 27th, 2012, 2:13 pm 
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Salek nodded at Lucien's story. "I was put aside by the Jedi Council. They considered me a maverick of sorts, so they put me to running the Archives. When that didn't 'help', in their eyes at least, they sent me away to explore ancient, unihabited panets. I was on my way to outer fringes of the Unkown Regions when I recieved a signal from the Jedi Temple calling all Jedi back. Taking into consideraton my current job, I thought this odd. Not too much longer, I got a second signal warning Jedi away. So I came here." he gestured to the cave around him. "It seemed to me to be the best place to hide out, if not the most hospitable." Salek stoked the flames of the fire and suddenly looked up. "Did you feel that?" he asked Lucien. 'That' being a new presence in the Force landing on such a barren planet.


"Agreed." Aldemar said. "In fact, you can have full acess to this ship." he checked the timepiece on his wrist. "And now, I must leave you to this," he motioned to the cabinet of holocrons. "Because I have to take one of my cruisers and go to the planet Lwhekk. I have business deal I must conclude with a race known as the Ssi-ruuk. If you need to contact me, just get in touch with the captain and he'll put you in touch with me." he glanced back to the holocrons. "I hope you some useful information on these...for both of us."

Aldemar left the room and made his way to the nearest hanger. Boarding a shuttle, he went over to the Death Seed a captured Imperial Star Destroyer that he made part of his personal fleet. Sending word to the captain of the ship and soon he was on the way to meet with the Ssi-ruuk.


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 27th, 2012, 6:27 pm 
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As Salek had been ending his story, Lucien had looked up felling another presence in the Force. When Salek asked if he had felt it also, Lucien said "Yes, I did. I was just about to ask you the same question. They are trained, but it's not focused, and there control seems sporadic at best. What do you think?" He then used his Jensaarai technique that cloaked him from being detected by the force. It worked in such a way that unless you saw him, you woul never new he was there. He then said to Salek "So, what do you think, want to go find this new visitor?"


Necrosis watched as Dr. Aldemar left, and then he walked over to the com unit, and contacted the Captain. When the Captain answered Necrosis said "Captain, send some food, and drink, to me in the conference room. I'll be staying in here for a while." The Captain acknowledged his request, and then Necrosis used the Force to move a group of Holocrons over to the head of the table. He then walked over and sat down and began to examine the first one, as he did this a droid brought in a tray of food, and placed it down on the table next to the Holocrons. Necrosis waved for the droid to leave him, and it did so. He then went back to examining the Holocron, before using the Force to activate it. For the time being he paid no atention to the food.

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 28th, 2012, 7:57 am 
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Raiha slipped on the surface but kept the balance. She was freezed but she had to do something with this wreck or she will die. She was desperately fixing the main problems; after long time with the smugglers and mercenaries she taught herself mechanics pretty well. Or at least she knew her own ship as someone close to her.

"I hope you won't turn me down, baby" she said trying to use abandoned Jedi training to calm herself. It was difficult for her, because she wanted to forget about Jedi but at the same time it was flowing in her veins and was natural for her.



 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: April 30th, 2012, 8:13 pm 
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Salek pulled his white Jedi robes to him and pulled it on, doing a good job of camouflaging himself in the Hoth snow banks. "I believe that would be prudent on our parts." He paused and looked at no where in particular. "My friend is giving me the impression our visitor is less than a mile southwest of our position." He paused again and said "I've just let her know to stay clear of whoever it is. Don't want to frighten whoever it is unnecesarily." With that, he ran out of the cave in a Force assited dash.


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: May 1st, 2012, 1:39 am 
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"Yeah, that sound prudent." Lucien stated sarcasticly, as he activated his armors cloaking device, and fallowed Salek with his own Force dash. They reached the crash site in almost no time. Coming to a stop behind a high snow bank Lucien took a quick look at the crash site before laying crawling back down, and saying "Well, first I'll state the obvious, omly one force adept, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else either. Secondly, the pilot looks to be a woman, and the ships seems to have come down because of a mechanical malfunction, and not because of a skirmish. So, maybe nobody else will just drop in unannouced. What do you think, should we approach her, or wait a bit, and see what she does, and then announce ourselves? Your home, your choice." He stated the last bit rather matter of factly.

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars: The Sith Legion
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2012, 5:50 am 
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"You wouldn't happen to be a former Jedi archivist, would you?" Salek said with a touch of sarcasm. "And I would hardly call this my planet, but we do need to go and investigate. I'll go first." he glanced at Lucien and his armor. "I'm just a friendly old hermit investigating a visitor."

Salek vaulted over the embankment and slid down to the ship. "Hail, stranger! What brings you to such a remote part of the galaxy?"


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