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 Post subject: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2017, 9:54 pm 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Joined: 02 January 2007
Posts: 3564
Location: The Lakeshore of Annúminas
Country: Gondor (xg)

Note:This RP has been transferred from the Council of Elrond site due to my recent tech issues trying to post there.
The posts are trensferred with the author's name at the top of the posts (except for mine).
Here is the ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~ OOC & Commentary thread for comments and expressions of interest in joining.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Amon Sûl – Late Summer – Year 775 of the Third Age

Cäontar and Daúremir stood across from each other looking at the Palantir. The twin grandson princes were putting their combined thought into seeing what was taking place in Annúminas. They were sure their father Eärendur would try and get King Elendur to relocate his seat of power to Fornost, but their grandfather loved the old city. Surely it had to do with their father's differences as to where to rule from. He wanted the King to come to Fornost so he could control his succession to power. He also wished to gain the Palantir of Annúminas. Amlaith lingered in Fornost as well.

But what the twins saw in the visions surprised them. Surely events had caught Eärendur off guard as well. The King would not have any of the talk of moving. He was staying in Annúminas and he was going to rule from there. Appearing younger, there was no sense that he was ready to lay down his life. It was thought the King was in ill health, but he appeared fit. Daúremir kept his stare fixed on the Palantir but said,

"Brother, you know that the Kingship of Arnor will pass first to father, then to our elder brother Amliath, and to his son thereafter. Where does that leave us?"

"Not now..." Cäontar whispered impatiently, not wanting to lose the concentration. They both stood silent and stared....

There appeared a woman who had recently came into the service of the King's household. She appeared to be scared and was hiding in the stable. She listened to two men talking. Wanting to see who they were, the brothers strained to see their faces....


Cäontar yelled as his fist crashed into Daúremir's face, knocking him backward in a stagger. Cäontar drew his knife and slammed Daúremir against the wall before he could recover.

"If you weren't minutes younger than me and I wouldn't be charged with murder, I'd gut you right here and now!"

Several of Dauremir's men came in drawing swords. But they were met by an equal number of Cäonter's men. They all kept their weapons out and a wary eye on each other, but they all turned to watch the brotherly quarrel, looking for a cue to fight. Cäontar ranted on while Daúremir looked at him, not struggling.

"Why did you have to send that half-breed Malkin and his hooligans to Annúminas for? Everyone knows he works for you!"

"Relax brother..."

Daúremir said, gently pushing the knife out of his face. Cäontar said,

"Don't you find it odd that none of the grandsons are there?"
"Not really. Aimlith is there by proxy, and so am I."

Daúremir replied as he stood up rubbing his jaw. Cäontar went on even as he sheathed his knife. This brought the ring of steel as everyone else sheathed their swords.

"Yeah, but Malkin? Seriously, you could have sent someone a little less… rough."

"Well, I think Malkin will serve well. Besides, I trust him."

Daúremir said as he straightened out his uniform. Cäontar said,

"I have people there too. They are much less… shall we say, blatant."

“I would be disappointed if you didn’t have anyone there brother. I suspect Amliath has his spies there too. In fact, I know it.”

Cäontar pondered the hilt of his sheathed knife, then said,

"Come brother, let us see some more, then we will talk of our plans, then we will go to our assigned duties, you in Rhuadur, me south to Tharbad."

The men all went back to resting knowing they all had long marches coming in the days ahead. The brothers again stood opposite each other, turning their combined wills toward Annúminas....

Scheme upon scheme were stacked in the city of Elendil this night. Everyone with their own agenda. All hoping their grandfather ceded the Kingship to Eärendur soon and go to rest with their fathers. All was set long ago, but it seemed that differing ideas as to how it all would take place were afoot. The twins had both agreed on one thing... with their father as King, they could work their will upon him over the coming years, undermining his faith in Amlaith. But this woman servant... maybe she has bewitched King Elendur? For since she had come to serve at the palace, Elendur had been well and truly re-invigorated! Right now, it appeared to everyone that Elendur would live another 10 or 20 years!

The palantir then showed them a vision of two elves in court. Too perceptive the Rivendell elves are. They had to be careful. And there is Hanavía, commander of the secretive Rangers. He took orders only from the King. Where does he stand on succession? Ostensibly with the King, and after succession, with the new King? He could be trouble. But to have one such as he in their camp.... or even to know what his thoughts are. Yes... they needed to find out, but they would have to be very careful.

The visions faded into haze. There was interference being cast forth. They were using the master stone too much! Was the King trying to use the Annuminas stone! The twins quickly shut their minds to the Master Stone of Amon Sul and quickly covered it.

"That was close!" Daúremir said as they stepped back. He looked to his brother.

"Yes." Cäontar said... ”Too close. Hopefully our wills together managed to keep our grandfather, father, or elder brother, whoever it was using the Stone of Annuminas from sensing our thoughts. Since this stone of Amon Sul is a master Stone, I think we may be safe.”

He said as he looked out over the land.

”We can hope.”

Dauremir remarked. Cäontar then said,

”We need to move out in the morning. Let us get to camp before the unit commanders have realized we had been away for so long."

Daúremir nodded and they left the great chamber of Amon Sûl. The guard of Amon Sûl nodded to the princes and their men as they left, unknowing of any of the council taken in the high chamber. Soon they approached where the soldiers were camped in the hills. They rested that night and were up and ready as the sun rose the next day. The brothers talked long before a nod and a handshake as they parted. Cäontar said,

"May you do well in the rough highlands of Rhuadur brother."

Daúremir replied,

"May you do well in the south my brother."

They each smiled, and they both turned away. Under his breath, Daúremir mumbled, "imbecile" while Cäontar mumbled, "idiot"…


The City of Annuminas - The Northern Dunedain Kingdom of Arnor
Yavannië 28 of the year 775 of the third age by the King's Reckoning.

Annúminas is 50 leagues northwest of Bree as the crow flies, and has the Twilight hills to its south and west, and also to the north across Lake Evendim which was approximately 7 leagues wide. With the coming of Autumn, rain, fog, cold, and even a frozen frosty morning could occur at this time. Snow and ice would not be unheard of later over the winter, but most likely not now. Also, a last gasp of summer could happen as well. It was a chill clear night with the wisp if winter’s breath coming from the north over the lake. The day had been warm and was a last gasp of summer. Fallen leaves rustled through the streets with each breeze. Alandir the Innkeeper worked desperately with a broom to clear the leaves from in front of his inn, but he knew it was a losing battle.

The Twilight Inn… it was once a grand inn in the west of Annúminas,nestled where the hills came north to meet the lake. It was here where the main road through the city found its end. From here, the road ran east through the heart of the city, then stretched winding further east toward Fornost Erain. There it met the great South Road to Bree and beyond. But its western end stopped at the front door of the old Inn.

The Inn was built early in the founding of the city of Elendil, and it was here where the engineers, architects and craftsmen that would build Annuminas would stay and discuss the planning with the King and his men. But now it was an aging inn upon the lake, and like the city of Annuminas, few remained to fill its common room.

The oak forested hills bore the wood that built the place, and the remnants of these same woods left to grow nearby would rustle and sing many a patron to sleep in the quiet nights. The ivy crawling up the covered porch’s supports and walls, and the faded wooden sign that used to hang from two iron hooks, now dangled from one. It spoke of much that have passed between patrons and workers alike through the years. It was legend that when the sign squeaked in the wind, an oath or contract was in the making inside.

Inside the double heavy oak doors you looked upon a log-framed passage that went forth for about six feet. This was the commonly called the drip parlour where patrons would shake off the rain and snow, and there were pegs on the walls for hanging cloaks and such. This passage opened up into a great common room with a well worn but cared for hardwood floor.

To the left there was a slight shift in the wall of about three feet, making enough room for someone to stand at the end of the long oak bar and not be in the way of the entrance. This bar stretched along the south side of the common room to its open end near the far side of the room. The open end allowed access for the serving girls, bar maids, and cooks, and was the site of many a collision and fight between patrons and said staff. A patron from the lower hallway would run into wenches going to and fro with tankards on their trays. And servants with food dishes and empty stoneware also would have per chance an accident as well. This traffic choke point was the only real design flaw of this fine old inn.

The wide open floor was broken up by a half dozen large support timbers that stretched up to the high peaked roof, and near these were clustered well-abused wooden tables, each with its brood of rickety stools. There are smaller tables and stools that can be moved about or out of the way if the occasion calls for it. The far wall was a great river rock fireplace and it was the center of the building. It held a spit that could cook a fair-sized pig, goat, cow, or venison, or hold a large pot for boiling.

The rooms were gained by a log-framed opening to the left of the fireplace split by a single timber. The left half of this opening led up a stair that immediately curved to the left and rounded one of the large roof support timbers. The stairs continued rounding above the common room with its small worn log rail before curving back, passing the side of the stone chimney. There at the stones, the stair and log rail ends and the upper hallway begins, leading to the larger, more luxurious rooms.

To the right of the split doorway in the common room, the hall stretched long to the doors to smaller, cheaper rooms. Just inside the hall to the left there was a door that when opened, led down stairs to the cellar where stores were kept cool as to not spoil. The back had a side storeroom with another stair to the cellar for the cook's use. He kept in the room various spices and seasonings, and that which was needed daily for the prep of the food, yet gave easy access to the lower level. There also was a service door to the outside where the firewood could be brought in. The cook kept the kitchen clean and his meals were good, and even excellent at times. A short fellow he was... a Halfling from the east it is said, but he never talked much of himself. He just had a touch for preparing good food and the Innkeeper had hired him on the spot after tasting the roast lamb he made. Nobody knew his name here, but was referred to simply as 'Cook'. He kept the patrons well fed.

Alandir had been the proprietor for the past 5 hard years. He left Cook to run the kitchen. Together they had managed to keep the place going.

Alandir had run a mercantile in the city of Minas Tirith in Gondor, trading in goods both legitimate and non, and he had to escape the jurisdiction there when a deal for Haradian spices was discovered. He got off easy, but he had to sell his business. He then journeyed north to Annuminas, finding it quiet and out of the way. He found the inn in need of a keeper. The former innkeeper had gone off take up work at a new Inn in Fornost, and he never returned. So it was quiet most of the time, but the days of many patrons were long gone with the people of Arnor, and like the city, only a few remained. But quiet it was not this night. The talk among the gaffers were about the glory days of old, and musings whether if Arnor would survive much past the reign of King Elendur. little did they know that The King had come forth into the city...

The King was aged and had not been seen in public for a year since his beloved wife died. Rumor had it that he was broken in spirit, and that his son Earendur was now King in all but name. But Earendur was seldom seen in Annuminas, for he spent most of his time in Fornost, a fortress city in the east. But this day, the 7th of Hísimë of the 775th year of the Third Age, King Elendur came forth from his palace. He seemed invigorated with his young maid-servant by his side. He spoke in the town square with a voice of old, and though the crowd appeared sparse, most of the people who still called Annuminas home gathered to hear. Great was his words, and for the time, smiles and cheer went up about the city.

On this night, quiet was not in abundance at the Twilight Inn. Rumor had it the King and his party would come to the Inn after his rousing speech. It was only rumor, but the consistent squeak of swinging of the inn's sign from a stiff and chill northerly wind rising off the lake spoke true...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Cerina stood well to the side of the King and out of sight from most of the crowd in the street while he made his speech. Two Royal Guardsmen in full dress stood off to each side, and the King walked up and stood between them. He looked if not young, strong. His silver locks flowed over his shoulders and he spoke of the greatness of Arnor and the Dunedain
Cerina was proud of her King, and proud to be serving him in such a way. The waning old man she had come to see two years ago was now strong and sure. But she knew that his time was short. She guessed he would have the will to live another five years. Still, she did what she could to keep his spirit strong. She feared what would come once Prince Earendur became King. She regained herself and smiled as the people cheered. The citizens of Annuminas were mostly older and wished not to move to the fortress city of Fornost. These years would be the last great years of Annuminas.

Hanavía had been standing toward the back of the gathered crowd, staying on the outskirts as he listened to the King speak. His words were strong and worthy of the great kings of old, but words would not stop the decline of Arnor. Its peoples were strong but there were too few. And their desire to retain the greatness of Numenor in their blood led only to fewer and fewer births. Frowned upon was marriage outside the Dunedain families, as Hanavía well knew. The woman he had met when he stayed at the Inn east of Bree was all he desired in a wife, but her clouded bloodlines made it nigh impossible to marry. So there she remained, and here was his duty.

Midway through the King's words, Hanavia was given orders that he and some of his men were to go to the Twilight Inn, for the King desired to go there. He nodded and took the twin brothers Kaldil and Kallin, brothers Mandir & Malavil, and Beradil of the Kings Guard. They quietly slipped out from the crowd, and walked slowly the road that took them to the door of the inn.

"Quite a speech."

Mardil said as he and Hanavía walked together a couple paces back from the others.

"Yeah. But I was thinking earlier that it will take much more than fine words to renew the glory of Numenor here in the lands of Arnor."

Hanavía said, the chill wind blowing colder. Mardil nodded in agreement. Silence there was between them as they listened to the brothers talking and joking. They were talking of the girl that accompanied the King. Their talk grew quieter too as we neared the door. Hanavía and Mardil closed with them and they could be talking about there being high elves in the city. It had been awhile since any of the fair folk had been about Annúminas, usually they stopped at Fornost to the east. Yes, interesting times. it was.

Kallin pulled the door open, and the din of voices could be heard. The usual pause came over them as the soldiers entered, but soon they were rambling again. The men looked around, and saw a table there near the door. Mardil and Mundir sat while Mundir and Kaldil went for the bar. Kallin crossed the room the hearth to warm his hands, and Hanavía stood by the table, stopping a wench as she passed.

"A bucket of ale here for me and my men, and some bread and cheese of you have any please."

She didn't miss a step as she brushed by Hanavía. A nod and a seemingly whispered "Yes milord" was heard, and Hanavía watched her walk away. A voice familiar then rang out beside him familiar.

"She's a fine lass, yes she is. Works hard, is fine to look at, and takes no crap from the ones who imbibe too well."

It was Alandir.

"And you surely don't pay her enough"

Hanavía said.

"I hope you have a few more like her, for this place is about to get really busy. Almost the whole city is out listening to the King talk at the square, and he's talking of coming over here for a brew."

Alandir's mouth fell open, and for a moment he was stunned. But soon instinct took over and he was yelling for his workers to clean up and such. he was in the back demanding that the food be prepared right, but Cook ignored him. He had heard the King might come forth from the palace, and since the Twilight used to be a place where kings of old would come, he half thought it might be the case since he heard King Elendur was trying to reclaim the past glory in the years of his sunset.

Soon the place was busy with brooms and mops, rags and water. The few who were there either pitched in to help or lifted their feet and held claim to their table. Hanavía sat with the men, drinking flagons that were easily refilled from a large bucket, and they snacked on the bread and butter.

"This is the best thing to happen to a soldier!"

Kallin said,

"It beats freezing your toes off in the Ettenmoors or the North Downs for sure. Maybe not southern duty in summer, where one can swim the river at Tharbad, but still."

Kaldir piped up,

"Shoot brother, you haven't seen any hard duty. Spend a winter in the far north watching for the white wolves...."

The door opened, and advance guard came in. People too drifted in and already the din of noise was filling the smoky air. Word had it the King would be there soon.

Hanavía didn't talk much letting the four brothers do most of it. Mardil didn't either. He would make rounds checking security, and somewhat annoyed with the others for their relaxed attitude. Ostensibly Hanavía was in charge of this detail, but he knew Mardil reported to others. So Hanavía kept watch on the door, noting each and every person that entered from the time they had gotten there to the arrival of the King's Guard. Yes, it would get quite busy really fast. He was glad a fresh bucket of ale was brought to them before the crowd surged in, for that would be all for them. They heard the cheers of the people in the street, and silently, Hanavia and his men took their positions around the inn.

When King Elendur finished his speech, he came down and mingled with the people. This made the Royal Guard nervous, and the commander was glad he had sent Hanavia ahead. The king insisted in walking the streets, and he would not be denied. Elendur was dearly loved by most, but Hanavia had recently told him that he suspected some few newcomers to the city. The commander had the Royal Guard stay close and they kept a wary eye on all who pressed close to the King.

When the crowd settled and many hands were shaken, the King did something that Cerina did not expect. He turned and waved her down to him, and once she joined him, they began to walk the street. Cerina was uncomfortable with such a public display for it was not her place. There were some who had their suspicions about her, and this would only feed those suspicions. Most of these people were hoping that the throne would soon pass to Earendur. Ever since the Queen and beloved wife of Elendur had died, there was concern about the King. Now, here he was walking beside a common maid servant, going to the inn. Most were happy that the King had come among them, but Cerina could feel the piercing stares of some. It seemed like an eternity, but they arrived at the door of the Twilight Inn. Cerina needed a drink…

(Outside at the Inn Stables)

Malkin sat in the stables of the inn sharpening his knives. He didn't feel out of place here in the city of Annuminas, even though he was of Rhuadurian descent and only had a sliver of Dunedain blood. He wouldn't have come, but for the fair pay that Daúremir had given him to do so. Yet his mischievousness was trying to get the better of him. When a maiden, Cerina, burst into the stable crying, he froze and held his breath. He wasn't sure what he should do. But a peek allowed him to see her, fair and richly dressed, but in distress. His desires were calling one way, but his word to Daúremir pulled him another. 'Not yet' he thought to himself as he settled back in place. More pay would come if he held tight.

In time, Cerina, had gathered herself and set out back to the inn to rejoin the King. But now, several others were coming into the stables. They were of high order, keepers of royal horses and such. He sank back into the shadow of the stable and listened...

Last edited by Hanasian on March 3rd, 2017, 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2017, 1:35 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Joined: 02 January 2007
Posts: 3564
Location: The Lakeshore of Annúminas
Country: Gondor (xg)

Post by Moryár

Outskirts of Fornost

Gytha Colme surveyed their campsite with captivated eyes. It was refreshing to be so far from the familiar sites of home. The trees seemed to grow in different shades of green than close to home, and the brook nearby laughed like a merry old man. Even the grass, whispered in a new, tranquil voice.

Dutifully, Gytha helped her mother unpack the necessary items for making camp that night. She dreaded actually reaching their destination: Fornost. The city seemed to be bonds her parents had conjured up to teach her how to be a proper lady. Though she loved and respected her parents dearly, she hated the fact she needed to settle down. Gytha did not want to be like other girls her age, who hung on the their beau’s arm or married off. She wanted to be free to ride her horse and explore the outdoors. Free to create pictures out of her findings on the white fabric of her embroidery, and sit by the fire listening to the skop recite his tales. But her parents were determined to teach her to dance nobly, eat daintily, walk gracefully, and marry.

Lying by the fire that night, Gytha sighed as she remembered her father’s warning earlier that day. We will reach the city tomorrow noon. Her last night of freedom. Sighing, she tried to go to sleep. Maybe becoming a proper lady was not as bad as it seemed to be.

City of Annuminas

“Careful friend, try not to step on my foot. It breaks easier than yours.”

With skilled fingers, Adrian reached up to touch the white star of the chestnut he was training. The horse snorted, prancing to one side nervously. Adrian followed, holding the gaze of the half-broken stallion. They danced for twenty minutes around the circular pen Adrian had built for taming the horses of the wild. Floating on the low cloud of dust rising from the sandy ground, the two finally came to a halt. The chestnut snorted, shaking the dust from its body as Adrian stepped back.

“Very good, my friend,” Adrian praised, running his hand down the tawny red neck of the stallion. “Now for the bridle.”

The young man sauntered to the fence, retrieving the bridle with its metal bit. He held it out to the stallion, letting the young horse examine the foreign piece of equipment. Adrian glanced at the street, barely visible through the narrow opening through the two stables. The city of Annuminas was silent and weary, as if old age had finally caught up with Her. He had heard rumors that the King would be giving a speech today, and even perhaps visiting the lonely Twilight Inn. The young horsemaster had frequented the quaint place a few times before he immersed himself in the life of horses. There were no better horses in the Kingdom, save those of his father’s in Fornost. When many inhabitants of Annuminas had parted for the new city of Fornost, his father had left with a hundred studs, two hundred mares, and wagons containing feed and building materials. The King himself had ordered the Royal Horsemaster to Fornost to provide horses for the Prince’s men. Adrian stood thoughtfully near the fence, remembering his father’s instructions.


“Do not forget to oil the wood in the stalls every know how the wood gets dry and cracked. The King would not like one of his horses getting a splinter in its side.”

“Yes father,” Adrian smiled. “Respectfully father, you have trained me since I could walk. I think I can tend the remaining horses and the stables well. Thanks to your training.”

“Aye,” the older man turned to face his son.

The two men clasped each other’s shoulders in farwell. The older man smiled and pulled his son into a manly embrace. His face was creased with wrinkles and scars from his work, a rather grisly and homely appearance. Adrian had barely come into manhood, a sparse beard darkening his chin. His visible eye was young and laughing, the other--cruelly maimed--remained hidden beneath a black patch.

“Stay safe, father,” Adrian pulled back.

“You too,” his father nodded. “I expect a well run stable when I see you again.”

“Do not worry,” Adrian laughed. “I am my father’s son.”

“Then I have no more need to worry.”


Adrian shook himself, he needed to focus. Gripping the bridle, he moved towards the chestnut, who had wandered away while Adrian was distracted. The chestnut snorted as the young man held out the bridle again. They had gone through this before. Carefully, Adrian slipped the straps around the stallion’s face as he had often done with the halter. Only this time it was different. As soon as the cool metal bit slid into the stallion’s mouth, the chestnut reared and shook his head. Adrian knew he had adjusted the straps so that the bridle would not fly off during the training. He carefully avoided the stallion as it danced around the round pen, desperately trying to get the foreign object out of its mouth. Adrian spent the afternoon, dancing with the chestnut as he got used to the bridle and being led with it. It was almost evening when Adrian led the weary stallion back to his stall in the stables. As they walked to the front of the stables glass shattered nearby and a merchant cursed loudly. Adrian winced, his wounded eye jerking subconsciously.


Toddling around a bench, young Adrian watched as his father molded steel into a perfect horseshoe. He would often make the shoes of the royal’s horses, insisting that only he could fit the important horses. Adrian played with the glass marble his mother had given him for his fifth birthday. Curiously he stared as his father as he started the final shoe. A bar of metal was lowered into the fire of the forge and the bellow was pumped steadily. Burning red the bar was removed and a spike was hammered into it, making a hole for the nails. This step was repeated several times. Finally his father began to shape the metal into the curved shape of the horseshoe. In awe, Adrian wished he could shape metal like his father. The red glow entranced him and he sat enraptured. Finished, the horseshoe hissed as it was dropped in cool water. Steam rose like little flying snakes from the water’s top. Waiting until the fire was lower, his father walked over to his little boy.

“Come, it's time to go in, your mother should have dinner almost ready,” his father took his hand. “We are early.”

They walked from the forge, his father closing the door behind him, but not locking it. Perhaps he intended to go back later and examine the shoes. Dinner was wonderful that night. His mother had prepared a delicious vegetable stew with hearth cakes and the little Adrian had eaten his fill. It was still light when they finished and he was allowed to go play outside. Taking his marble, Adrian played in the dirt for a while, before he noticed the door to the forge had swung open. Peeping his head through, he tiptoed into the forge. He knew he would get in trouble if he was caught, no one was allowed into the forge without his father.

The coals were still glowing and an idea popped into the tiny head. He would forge his little marble like his father molded the steel. Quickly, he ran to the red coals and threw his marble in. He stepped back and waited, grabbing the steel tongs in his hands. The glass marble could not withstand the heat anymore and exploded, showering glass and coal. The shrapnel flew through the air, hitting the eye of the little Adrian. The boy collapsed, screaming in agony. His parent came running from the house.


Adrian flinched, recovering from the blurry, yet unpleasant memory from his childhood. He led the chestnut into the stables, his bad eye aching with a phantom pain. Settling the chestnut in his stable, Adrian fed, watered, and rubbed the stallion down. Taking several buckets well, he went back and forth watering the remaining horses. Realizing he was done early, Adrian stepped back wondering what he should do. Perhaps he should see if the rumors were true, if the king was at the Twilight Inn. If he was, Adrian could pay his respects, and if not, he could always have a good meal. Wiping his hands on a rag, he threw his cloak on, buckled his sword to his waist, and marched for the door. Locking it behind him, he headed down the road for the inn. It was a long, but pleasant walk to the Inn. From the crowd gathered inside, he felt certain the King had actually fulfilled the rumors. He curled his nose, he smelled of horse. Oh well, probably most of the people gathered in the inn would likely smell of what trade they had abandoned for a drink or meal. Taking a deep breath he walked inside. The Inn was crowded, and Adrian had to push to the bar to get a drink. There was the King, a maiden by his side. Adrian made a face and turned away to order his drink. When it came, he took a deep drink, working up the courage to greet his king.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2017, 1:37 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Joined: 02 January 2007
Posts: 3564
Location: The Lakeshore of Annúminas
Country: Gondor (xg)

Fornost ~ The 4th Watch at the City Gate.

It was hard staying awake through the night, and Galarian leaned back against the wall ever so slightly. It had been an honour to have gotten an assignment to the Royal Guard of Prince Earendur, but he still was new and he had been getting the rough details… like 4th watch. This was the third week out of four that he had to man the gate at midnight and wait until sunrise.

On the third hour of his watch, Galarian climbed up to the turret that overlooked the entrance of the gate.

”I’m to relieve you here now. I am to tell you that there is fresh tea at the guardhouse aside the gate.”

His comrade nodded and set off down the ladder. Galarian was just happy to have a different place to spend the time. The view was better up here. He looked out into the darkness and saw nothing. But something caused him to pause. He squinted hard, and was sure he could see the slight flickering of a distant fire.

”What is that!”

Galarian exclaimed excitedly. The old guard squinted out into the darkness and said,

”Watchfire. Likely someone who came up short making the city by nightfall camping in the dell

Galarian nodded and looked again. He said,

”It’s a bit late for a fire is it not?”

The old guard looked again and said,

”Nah… someone staying up late and keeping watch, or someone who rises early. It is common. Mark my words. Someone will be arriving in the city tomorrow.”

The old guard sat down on a log stool and asked Galarian,

”How long have you been a Royal Guard? A week?”

“Yes sir. My request to join was accepted two months ago.”

The old guard nodded at first, then shook his head.

”Six weeks training I take it. What do they teach you young ones these days? Nevermind that. Are your parents here?”

Galarian nodded and stood tall, saying,

“Yes sir! They are very proud of me!”

“What do your parents do?”

The old guard asked, trying to pass the time. Galarian answered freely.

”My dad works as a smith in the Royal Armoury, and my mother works in the Royal kitchen. My sister is a house servant…”

“Ah, so you wanted to make the family proud. How old are you son?”

The old guard said. Galarian said,

”Eighteen sir. My birthday is in a week and I’ll be nineteen!”

The old guard chuckled.

”I can count …Happy Birthday kid. I’ll give you some old guard to new guard advice. You keep your eyes open, your nose clean and don’t get into trouble minding other’s business. You do this and you will rise in the Royal Guard ranks. Otherwise you will end up like me… a gate guard after forty years. But hey, it’s better than when I first got a demotion. I got sent out to the North Downs in Winter. But enough of this! You, eyes forward and out! You are on Watch!”

Galarian turned and stared out. The stars were bright, and the distant fire had faded from sight. He paced along the wall and looked some more into the darkness. His mind pondered who was encamped a mere hours from the city. He wouldn’t know when they arrive, for his watch is over at dawn. The 1st watch got to meet everyone it seemed. He paced about and stood, and watched. The sky started to blue as the stars faded. His watch was almost done. He would go to the little café for some tea and bread before going to get some sleep.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2017, 1:39 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Evil Shieldmaiden's Post

~ Fornost - early morning hours ~

Amlaith stood at the window staring out over the darkened courtyard, letting the cool, fresh air wash over him. The moon was riding low in the still-darkened sky, but the stars were beginning to fade, heralding the start of a new day.

The servants rushing down the corridors in completion of their early morning chores were startled to see him and marvelled at his serious countenance, but did not speak to him; and he paid them no mind.

I wonder what those two rascals are up to? I'm sure they were snooping around using the Amon Sul palantír. They tried to hide their presence from me, but I know them far too well to have been fooled. Curious about Grandfather's new lease on life no doubt, and wondering how it will affect them.

He turned away from the window toward the large four-poster bed on the other side of the room, and is startled to note that one of the servants has laid out fresh clothes for him. After changing out of his night clothes, he heads down to the great hall to seek something to drink and eat and is surprised to find his father, Eärendur, already seated at the high table.

Good morning, father. What say you about Grandfather's outing last night?

Eärendur looked up at his eldest son and smiled warmly.

It's about time he got out and did something other than mope over your grandmother's death. He has a few years left in him yet and he should enjoy them. I'm not in any hurry to take over the heavy reigns of Kingship before it's necessary. Unlike you and your brothers, I've never craved the power.

Amlaith stood in silence for a moment staring at his father before suddenly sitting down. He poured himself a beaker of watered ale, and put some rashers of bacon and a couple of eggs on the pewter plate the maid had just place in front of him.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but I think you're right. I have yet to find myself a wife, so I'm hardly in a position to comment on how he should conduct himself.

His father looked at him, eyebrows raised.

Are you finally considering taking a wife?

Amlaith laughed.

Don't sound so hopeful, father. I have given it some thought but I'm not actively seeking a wife. One day, I will be happy to make a grandfather out of you, but not today, or tomorrow, or even a year from now.

His father nodded, and returned to his food. Amlaith watched him out of the corner of his eye.

Fine. I'll bite. Who do you have in mind?

His father shrugged slightly and stared into the distance before turning toward his son.

Finding a wife for you isn't one of my pressing concerns, Amlaith. There are other things troubling me.

Such as?

Other family matters.

Amlaith turned toward his father and leaned back in his chair.

If you're referring to Cäontar and Daúremir , I caught them snooping around. I suspect they were have a wee peek at us with the Amon Sul palantír. They must be wondering what's going on with Grandfather. He was on death's doorstep and now he's out making speeches and hanging out in old haunts, with old friends.

His father stared at him, but said nothing, and Amlaith realised that he somehow knew about his brothers' spying, and fleetingly wondered about his own network, deciding it was prudent not to raise the subject.

They finished breaking their fast, stood, and hugged each other briefly before heading into the hall where they went their separate ways.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 4th, 2017, 1:04 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Twilight Inn ~ Annuminas

King Elendur walked slowly about the inn greeting and talking to the citizenry all the while holding a tankard of ale and sipping it on occasion. His personal guard remained close and were nervous, and Cerina, the King's escort stayed by his side but for some few minutes away. Hanavia kept his eyes moving around. Nobody stood out as an obvious threat, but it was those not so obvious that he worried about. His eyes paused on a stable-hand that had just gotten a drink. He drew hard on it. When he turned around, Hanavia saw he was no threat. He was likely just thirsty. The King approached him ad said,

"Hail young man! It is good I am able to be here to greet you!"

Hanavia saw someone moving not far away from the king. Kallam was on to him, but there was no threat as he met someone who had just came in the door. When he saw two men talking and looking at Cerina, he considered that maybe she would be the target of some ill deed. Many consider her as some sort of witch from Rhuadur, but her intentions since coming into the Kings house had always been sincere. Hanavia took a drink of his tea and hoped the night would end without incident.


Morning in Fornost

The sun was just now reaching the top of the walls of the city, and Galarian sat sipping tea not far from the gate. He was tired, but wanted to stay there for a time seeing who may arrive in the city. He was still curious about that watch fire, and wondered if they would make for the city this morning, or pass by. His curiosity always seemed to get the better of him.

A young serving girl came up and curtsied, setting the bread and butter on the little table. She blushed as she smiled and said,

"You look handsome in your uniform Galarian!"

Galarian looked up only to see she had turned and walking back to the counter. Her voice was familiar, but he did not know her name. He watched her work for a time before turning his gaze back to the gate. The first watch guard atop the rampart called out that a party was approaching.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 14th, 2017, 8:17 am 

Joined: 22 February 2017
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Location: Evendim Lake
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Twilight Inn ~ Annuminas

It had been long since he had visited this place, the taste of their ale tempting him to stop by more often. He shifted the patch over his bad eye and tapped a finger on his tankard.

"Hail young man! It is good I am able to be here to greet you!"

Adrian jumped slightly but dipped his head respectfully, "Greetings, my king, and from your royal stables."

Morning in Fornost

"There it is!"

"The great city of Fornost!"

"Hurry sister!"

Gytha grinned as her brothers surged ahead and started to follow them, but her mother's sharp clearing of her throat stopped her. With a sigh, she stayed with the others, deciding to walk with the horse instead of her remaining family. Her younger brothers ran up the hill, the morning sun beating down on their backs. They were here early and evidently her training on lady-like behavior started in sight of the walls. It didn't take long before they were standing before the towering gates of the city.

 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 14th, 2017, 9:03 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Fornost Erain

"Arrival at the Gate!"

shouted the guard at the top of the wall. Galarian set his empty tea cup down and looked. He never got to greet anyone on the fourth watch. So he was keenly interested on who was arriving this morning. The gate guard ordered the gates to be opened and he called out,

"Welcome to Fornost Erain!"

His comrade noted that it was a family as they came inside the gates. Galarian stood and watched. Travellers! I bet they have seen much outside these walls. As they came in and the gates were closed, Galarian noted the eager boys, likely brothers, and the parents with a very proper looking young lady. Galadrian wondered how long it would be before he would gain an assignment ion the first watch. He stepped back to his table and sat down. He debated having another cup of tea or to go retire for some sleep. He had fourth watch again this coming night.

~ ~ ~


"Well met my lad! I once worked the royal stables, long ago it was though. Sometimes I wish I had the cares I did then."

King Elendur gave the young man a grasp of his arm and nodded. He turned and moved on. Cerina followed in his wake, giving the young stablemaster a small silver coin. She could not say what it was for but her eyes met his fr a moment, and she was sure he would learn its importance in time.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 15th, 2017, 7:47 am 

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Gytha smiled as they entered the city. It was still so young and teeming with life. People crowded the streets and shops, creating a buzz of conversation that filled the entire city. Her eyes gathered in everything, until her head felt as if it would explode with all the new information. They continued up the streets, the crowds thinning as they got closer to their house. There, her father's brother greeted them.

"Darren," her uncle called.

"Brother," the two men embraced.

"Here she is," her uncle pointed to the house. "Your servants arrived yesterday and all except what you bring yourself is in order."

"Good," her father nodded. "Show us then!"

Together the whole family tromped into the house. A thrill of excitement ran through Gytha as she examined her room. It had a window.



Adrian fingered the coin the woman had given him and brought it to the light to examine. It was simple gift of the king to show his gratitude to his subjects. Well, once he finished his beer, he would be back to the horses.

 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 16th, 2017, 7:35 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Malkin Had found a moment when there was nobody in the stables to get himself out of there. He wasn't going to be able to get to the King this night, and that witch of his didn't leave his side. The Rhuadurain walked to the front of the Twilight Inn and looked at the door. Too crowded. There was no way he could get in there. No, he had to abort this. He would have to pursue his 2nd target. Trouble was it was over thirty leagues east in Fornost. Well, there was no time like now. Malkin went back into the stable and found a horse that looked swift and ready. He quickly prepared her and he mounted up and set out. He didn't consider being a horse thief from the Royal Stables as an issue right now. He made his way full speed toward Fornost.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Galarian paid for his tea and set off down the road. He wasn't too far behind the family that had come in the gate. He paused at his turn and noted they went on to the Officer's Quarter. He must be someone important! He stopped and watched in the distance as they were shown to fine quarters. He said a prayer to Varda that she would watch over them, and he went down to the Soldiers quarter where he was bunked.

He needed to rest, but as he lay on his bedroll, he took out a parchment and fumbled with a quill and ink. There he wrote down this day's poem, and when he was satisfied, he put everything away and lay back. One day he would go somewhere and see someplace else. Even if it is Annuminas and the lake. One day...

Galarian was soon asleep as the day began for everyone else.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: March 26th, 2017, 4:38 pm 

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Finishing his tankard, Adrian slipped the coin into his pocket and slipped out of the inn. He walked back into the city, wondering how to spend the rest of the day. Perhaps he would take one of the stallions for a ride. Walking into the stables, he greeted each of the horses. One stall door banged open from the breeze floating in the open stables door. Frowning, the young horse master made his way over. The mare was gone. Cursing, Adrian inspected the West door of the stables finding it closed. Horse thief. Adrian gripped his hands into fists in frustration and left to find a guard. There were some standing in the streets but none seemed to know the location of his horse or the thief.

 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: October 11th, 2017, 11:08 pm 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Twilight Inn ~ Annuminas

The king spent some time talking with people at the inn, and when it seemed he was becoming fatigued after a couple tankards of ale, Cerina convinced him that they should retire to the palace. With a long farewell, King Elendur talked of days of old at the inn before he gave a fond farewell

"Until next time my friends!"

He said before leaving. Hanavia and his men were first to leave as they screened the route he would take. He made the walk back to the palace without incident. Cerina Set forth getting him a bath ready and she spread her aromatics around. King Elendur was feeling good about the night, and he relaxed and sighed as he sank in the bath.

Hanavia stood outside the palace and watched the people as they dispersed for the night. The air was tense, yet nothing concerning did her notice the whole evening. It was not long before the streets of Annuminas was deserted. The city of Elendid just didn't have the people it once did. Arnor didn't have the people it once did. Hanavia pondered the future of the kingdom, once the jewel of the Numenorean realm in exile. He sighed. It was a long night. He set the watch and dismissed some of the men. They made haste back to the Twilight Inn. Hanavia though, would stay on watch. There was something up, and he wanted to think on it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fornost Erain

Galarian slept hard for a few hours, but awoke suddenly. His dream had become a nightmare. He saw Fornost in ruin, with fighting in the streets and fires burning. Pillaging and plundering and death spilled out everywhere. He sat up suddenly when he saw the face of a woman screaming in terror.

His breaths were rapid and short, and beads of sweat covered his head and face. He blinked and tried to remember the dream, but as he thought, the details faded from his mind. All he knew was he was awake. Maybe he would catch a rest later before he had to go back on duty. The night-watch was hard for it seemed counter to one's natural rhythm. It was much harder to sleep in the day than at night. He wiped his face and dressed in a simple dark blue tunic and matching breeches, and put on a belt that had his pouch and small knife on it, and he set out for a walk.

He browsed the market stalls, and he set out up the street to the royal quarter. As he passed the house where the newly arrived family had occupied, he remembered the last officer that lived there and his family. He paused and looked again as he saw a young woman in the window. Galarien knew it was impolite to watch a woman in the window of her room, so he turned his gaze. His curiosity of what she was doing was not his place. He looked down the street and knew he should start to walk, but he continued to stand there.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: December 15th, 2017, 7:17 pm 
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Fornost Erain

Laurelinquë inwardly fumed as she hastened on her way to her post. Late! She was never late! Not once...until now and like as not, it would be her undoing. The streets were mostly empty at this hour but there would be enough eyes to mark her passage and her tardiness. She was still pulling on her greaves as she sped along, noting by force of habit anything amiss from the usual. A door open that usually was not. A window alight when customarily dark. Or the other way around. Anything. Everything. It could all be important or none of it. Was not a soldier's lot to know, in advance, which was which. Or so her uncles had told her over the years.

She came to a cross roads and immediately noted a house that had stood vacant was occupied. Laurelinquë looked down in the direction of this abnormality and saw a man standing in the otherwise empty street, looking the other way. Another oddity. No time to investigate, really...or should she? The soldier rolled her shoulders and pressed on, her well wrapped armour making scarcely a sound as she passed.

"Unacceptable," the officer barked at her not half an hour later.

She kept her eyes trained straight ahead, chin up, feet and shoulders squared and hands held behind her back as he prowled around her. Of course this had been the officer on duty. The one that had dogged her progression through the ranks from rawest recruit to whatever she was now. Dog meat, judging by his demeanour.

"You will report to the Master Sergeant when your watch is done," he declared and though she knew that was to be expected, it took some effort to keep her dismay from breaking through. The officer thrust past her, barrelling through her so hard that she reeled aside. By the time she had collected herself, he had stalked out of the door and was gone.

The Master Sergeant would hand her back her hide when he was done with her. There would be no mercy. That this was her first infraction despite years of interference would count for naught. She'd be left black and blue and would be expected to carry on as usual. Laurelinquë pressed out a sigh and then took up her position. It was what it was. Little to be gained by worrying at it, she thought to herself as she stared out into the night.


 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2017, 10:20 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Galarian did not get any more sleep that night. He managed to get back to his room in time to gear up for his watch. He arrived slightly late, but the master seargent was yelling at someone else. He quickly set himself down and looked like he was there all the time. He could hold it together now, but by the time the late hours came around, he knew he would struggle.

When the woman whom the seargent was dressing down came over and sat by him, Galarian looked at the side of her face. Hesaid,

"Sarge had it out for you I see."

Laurelinquë rolled her eyes and sad,

"Ya think?"

Galarian turned his head away. She was not up for any small talk. Best leave her alone. They now had th enight, and when the light of day came around, they would be relieved again. Galaian sighed as he yawned. It was going to e a long night on the walls of fornost erain.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: December 23rd, 2017, 9:47 pm 
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Fornost Erain

The night passed slowly. Slow enough for Laurelinquë to appreciate that perhaps she had been somewhat terse with her fellow guard. Galarian had maintained a studied silence since and it took on enough weight to prompt Laurelinquë to consider that she had enough enemies in this place without adding to the pile every hour.

"I'm..." the word stuck in her throat a moment longer, bruised pride difficult to overcome, "Sorry."

Those two words were quiet but not so quiet that Galarian should not have heard them. Was he asleep, she wondered and looked aside to find his eyes resting on her. Quizzical.

Both of them snapped their attention back out into the night and a heartbeat later, Laurelinquë added, "About before."

"No matter,"
Galarian replied and that was that she supposed.

Soldiers did not chatter idly at the watch and so she settled back into the silence. Nothing further passed until their relief came just before dawn. Word had spread, given the way the two men grinned at her, of her impending sentence.

"Enjoy your day," one quipped as he slid into her position.

"Nothing to report - the night was empty," Galarian supplied to the other as Laurelinquë bowed her head and slipped away.

If word had spread as far as the ranks, it was almost certain that the Master Sergeant was waiting on her. Delay would only make it worse and so she trudged down the steps without delay. Galarian caught her up as she gained the street.

"Hungry?" he asked and in truth she was. Her belly was a gnawing hole, but Laurelinquë shook her head all the same.

"Prefer an empty belly for now," she said, for if she could avoid throwing up then at least there was that.

Galarian nodded, "Luck."

Laurelinquë answered, turned away and set off for the Master Sergeant.

She found him seated at his desk, boots propped atop it, when she was bade enter. As she settled into place and braced herself, she looked up to see the officer was smiling. Widely.

"Well now...I have been waiting for this," he drawled, hands clasped behind his head.

Laurelinquë swallowed and clenched her jaw. Nothing she could say would help. She stared straight ahead at the wall behind the officer, her expression stoney. Ready.

The Master Sergeant's chair creaked as he climbed to his feet. He ambled out from behind his desk and then leaned upon it, scrutinising her. Time crawled and a runnel of sweat started to inch down Laurelinquë's spine. What would he do? He let her stew before he bestirred himself again and what happened next left Laurelinquë astounded and utterly ashamed.

Galarian was making his way across the quadrangle when he saw a knot of men, off duty, gathered in a circle. Some were laughing, all were smiling, elbowing each other in their great amusement. Intrigued, Galarian drew over to them only to find Laurelinquë knelt in their midst. She was bent over a wide low bucket of water and lye and she was scrubbing...underclothes. Around her, her fellow soldiers amused themselves. Some asked her when she would be ready to tend to their requirements. One noted that perhaps, with practice, she might develop the skills she would need to find herself a station suitable for a woman. Others amused themselves by kicking the bucket hard enough to make the waters slosh up into Laurelinquë's face. One used his boot to knock her elbow such that she lurched forwards before she could recover her balance.

And through it all Laurelinquë said nothing and kept in scrubbing. It was awful but in time, her audience grew bored with her lack of response. Slowly, in pairs or trios, the off duty soldiers peeled away until it was just Galarian standing there. Still she scrubbed until the final item was done. This she dropped into another pail, and sat back on her heels to wipe a forearm over her brow. Still she kept her eyes down, refusing to meet his own.

Laurelinquë pushed wearily to her feet and then bent for the pail. It was large and full of sodden fabric. It would be heavy, she knew, and the lye had left her hands nearly raw. Still, she set both and heaved it out of the way before she crouched to gather the handles of the tub of flithy water.

"Here, let me help," Galarian said as he realised what she was going to do and at that she looked up at him to firmly shake her head.

"No," she said and her eyes darted across the bright quadrangle. It was empty but they'd be watching. She knew it.

"Get out of here before someone sees you," she added, for his own benefit and then heaved herself and the tub upright.

It was almost too heavy for her and she wavered, the water sloshing this way and that before she steadied. Then, with a final glance for Galarian who had not budged despite her warning, she set off to empty it. Water emptied away, Laurelinquë returned to where she had left the pail of sodden clothing. Galarain had departed in that time and so she hauled the pail up in her lye burned hands and set off to hang it out to dry. If it wasn't all back by midday...she sighed profoundly at the thought.

A beating really would have been preferable to this humiliation and she wished that she could return to Annuminas, where at least there were a handful of other women like her, serving. Here in Fornost Erain, she was on her own. Which, she supposed, was why she had been sent to this post. Turning down her last superior officer now seemed to be a very significant lapse of judgement on her behalf. He had warned there that there would be consequences...and now here she was. It would be years, if ever, before she saw Annuminas again. But, perhaps she might be able to get herself sent out to Amon Sûl. It was rumoured they were short of soldiers there. Perhaps short enough to accept her. Perhaps.


 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: January 19th, 2018, 7:49 pm 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Galarian didn't like the abuse that Laurelinquë was getting by the Master Seargent, but he was unsure what he could do about it. He was on a thin rope himself. He watched as she went to dump the bucket, but stepped back into the shadows as Laurelinquë asked. Yet he would watch, and he would make a stand. He would talk with the Captain.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Fracturing Of Arnor ~
PostPosted: January 20th, 2018, 7:08 pm 
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Laurelinquë shifted in her cot. It was late afternoon and if she didn't manage to get some sleep, she'd likely fall asleep at her post tonight. Valar help her if that happened. She was weary in body and spirit both after the demands and humiliations of the day but her mind would not be quiet. It churned restlessly, asking her how she might find her way out of this. Perhaps if she wrote back to Annuminas and said that she had changed her mind, made a mistake, misunderstood and that she was sorry if she had offended him. But, of course, even if she was reassigned to her old post, even if her superior officer did take her back. Laurelinquë sighed and rolled to her other side. No, that was no solution at all.

Despite her best efforts, sleep somehow crept up on her for she was startled awake by someone kicking the frame of her cot. Laurelinquë blinked up, confused and addled by sleep, into the face of a guard she had yet to meet in the month she had been here.

"Captain wants you," the man said, his voice without tone and face washed of expression, and turned away.

Groaning, Laurelinquë had no choice but to scrape herself out of her cot and report as directed. She hurried out of the barracks still straightening her uniform.


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