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Heraldic device for the House of Ereinion Gil-galad J.J.R Tolkien Heraldic device for the House of Hador C.S 'Jack' Lewis Tolkien serving during WWI
J.J.R Tolkien Heraldic device for the House of Haleth The graves of Tolkien and his wife Edith Tolkien with his children Heraldic device for Idril Celebrindal
Heraldic device for Luthien Tinuviel J.J.R Tolkien Another heraldic device for Luthien Tinuviel J.J.R Tolkien Tolkien and Edith with three of their children
J.J.R Tolkien Heraldic device for Melian the Maia J.J.R Tolkien Tolkien aged 12 with 11 year old brother Hilary Heraldic device for the Silmarils
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