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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 10:08 am 

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Marianne overlooked the game of Liar's Dice, perched on an empty barrel. She had found a second stash of tobacco and was expertly exhaling spirals of smoke into the air. She did not join in the game herself, as she had first planned, but was enjoying watching the others playing. After all, this way she didn't risk losing anything, and there was nothing she had to bet except her tobacco. And there was no way she was parting with that.

Her gaze lazily swivelled to Salma, who was addressing Richmond.

"If you're going to stay on the ship as the captain has obviously given you allowance to do so, you'd best be put to work," she suggested silkily. "Just like the rest of us." She paused. "Salma, wasn't it?" She said nothing more, and turned her attention to the game as Andrea placed down her bets on the table.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 12:12 pm 
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Salma's eyes rested for a moment on the blonde who'd called her by her name. "I think we have not met." she stated, but did not make an attempt to get aqcuinted. The woman, probably of her age, acted as if she was in charge on this ship and if there was something Salma disliked it would be authority.
"Well if that be so, the Captain would have mentioned it." She glared from Marianne's smoking pipe to the Liar's Dice game. "And I see that you are all very very busy with work."
With these words she turned her back on Marianne and smiled to Richmond. "Well?"


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 1:03 pm 

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"Oh, but I think we have crossed paths. Tortuga? Black's Tavern?" Marianne replied, still not removing her gaze from the game. She took another puff from her pipe then turned a hard-eyed smile at the other woman. "I was the landlady. I remember you."

She gave a catlike stretch and did not reply to Salma's last words. Yes. We're all hard at work. Working on this ship didn't break Marianne's back as running a pub had - at least she got a chance to have a break here, and John had been forever complaining about her stealing his tobacco - but at least it was work. She needed the money, God knew.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 4:46 pm 
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Richmond nodded, and putting a hand on Salma's shoulder led the woman away from Marianne. The last thing they needed was another catfight, and the way things were shaping up, the ladies would be lined up waiting for their chance to lay their teeth into Salma.

"So," he said once they were out of earshot of the others. "Are you going to share how you managed to get on this ship without anyone noticing? Or perhaps why?"

He didn't trust her, but he had a feeling that knowing at least something about her could be advantageous.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
~art credit~

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 8:54 pm 
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Will wrote:

Nathan smiled at Alasdair enthusiasm. "It seems like you would be expecting an enemey attack every minute. That's good." He gave the man an appreciating tap on the shoulder. "We could take the inventories first" Nathaniel said, glancing at the skies. "I think the Captain's mood is affecting the weather. It will rain soon."
He walked over to the ladder which led below deck. "So you were both Marines?" he asked his companions. "It didn't bring you both much fortune then.."

Alasdair, digging a charcoal stick and a spare piece of parchemtn out of his pockets, shrugged nonchalanty at Nathan's first comment. "The Ceberus was lst because we didn't have chase guns. The harlott-sons raked us before we could even load our guns. We didn't stand a chance. But I won't let that happen twice." He said vengefully. At Nathan's second comment, he tapped his musket in reply. "After I was press-ganged, yes. Bloody sailors got enough rum into me to float a bloody ship-of-the-line on. Cheating...." he trailed off, before he said something he'd regret.


Son of Bellatrix

Banner by Pandora

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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 11:17 pm 
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[[Hey my wonderful peoples. So, I'm leaving in an hour for -enter name of a certain cathedral city here- and will be back next saturday. I don't know if I'm going to get internet access, but if I don't and someone needs to interact with my characters, I'm leaving Barbossa & Andrea in Pandora's capable hands and Keeley & Cameron in Aramel's equally capable hands. Take care of them sweets, I know I can trust yous :hug:]]

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


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PostPosted: June 20th, 2009, 4:53 pm 
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Gibbs smiled smugly at Jack's comment and gave Christine a sidelong glance to watch her reaction, clearly amused at his own being right. He would have said something as well, if not for Jack's continued speaking. The captain, he knew, had a flair for dramatics and loved his findings to be shown with the proper enthusiasm. So, naturally, Gibbs had to suck up his impatience and wait for the man to show them the dammed thing.

A map. He was heartily glad that they had one this time and not just a picture of something that may lead to something else.

"The Fountain of Youth eh?" The mutton chopped man asked while leaning forward to look at the presented item. "This be the same one that Ponce de Leon were lookin for? Thought he didn't find it..." the man mused and added it to the list of stories he needed to learn before they left Tortuga. Certainly someone had heard an alternative tale. "Well, what are we waiting for? We aren't getting any younger!"


The woman next to Gibbs flinched at Jack's comment. Apparently the man had the annoying care to point out her look, which was annoying. "'as not very nice," she muttered almost inaudibly and looked about trying to find something to keep her interest while pointedly ignoring Gibbs' self satisfied smile.

She even went as far as to listen to Jack's proposal with more interest than she usually showed. When the red-haired woman was presented with the supposed map and destination she sunk back a little and tapped her pointer fingers together. Her reservations about the journey now increased.

" remember the last time you went after immortality? It didn't go so well," she said with a frown, afterward catching her bottom lip, which was slowly turning purplish with her teeth. She immediately relinquished it and deemed the action an awful idea.

"What if it turns out to be like the treasure Jack?" She added. "You know...cursed..."

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

Last edited by Maethoriel on June 22nd, 2009, 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: June 22nd, 2009, 6:06 am 
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Salma shrugged. "Does it matter?" she asked the man. But realising that no one on the ship would accept that for an answer, she spilled her story.
"I am here because I had to leave that stinkin' town" she stated simply. "Getting here was not as hard as it seems. It was late and it was dark. And most of the guards were women." A smirk appeared on her bruised face. "They cared too muc for the rum that was shared to notice me. And even if they would have caught me, I wouldn't mind."
Salma words sounded emotionless and cold. The past was the past. She'd learnt not to care about it and forget it quickly as it was not worth remembering.
"Well now you know the grand story" Salma said rolling her eyes. Taking a better look at the man she found that he was quite handsome, dairk-haired, brown eyes. But his look was somewhat cold.
"I would need some water to wash my face. Please?"


Nathan nodded as he heard Alasdair's story. "I'm sorry" But he was not sure if he meant it. Sure, he was sorry for Alasdair that it happened to him but in his years of captivity and solitude Nathan had become to hate the Company and everything attached to it.
Absent minded he brushed over his wrist which was covered by his long sleeve. The marking, TF (travaux forcés ), did not hurt anymore but was still very visible. He was a marked man. Something he desperately wanted to hide and forget...


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: June 27th, 2009, 4:56 pm 
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[[ Sorry about the pause - I wanted to give Lothy some time to catch up... hopefully we'll be running again soon :yes: ]]

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PostPosted: June 27th, 2009, 5:04 pm 
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[[Excellent timing Mellie, I don't thin I'm going to be able to post tonight as I am well knackered, but tomorrow we're back in business xD]]

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


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PostPosted: July 3rd, 2009, 9:44 pm 
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Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: July 4th, 2009, 11:04 am 
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Will wrote:

Nathan nodded as he heard Alasdair's story. "I'm sorry" But he was not sure if he meant it. Sure, he was sorry for Alasdair that it happened to him but in his years of captivity and solitude Nathan had become to hate the Company and everything attached to it.
Absent minded he brushed over his wrist which was covered by his long sleeve. The marking, TF (travaux forcés ), did not hurt anymore but was still very visible. He was a marked man. Something he desperately wanted to hide and forget...

Alasdair shrugged, adjusting his musket. "It's no fault of yours, just the bloody Royal Navy's. I would have been starting to sympathise with the bloody Jacobites by now, if I wasn't Protestant. This country needs an English king, not a bloody German." He spat, rubbing the hilt of his cutlass. Revolution was all part of history, and histroy now needed a rapid repetition, of only to help the Navy get men by legal and moral means.


Son of Bellatrix

Banner by Pandora

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PostPosted: July 7th, 2009, 10:26 pm 
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[[Sorry about the delay mates! :blush:

@<b>Lothy</b> - Pirates’ Dice is actually quite easy to play… perhaps I could teach you over PM some time. :yes: What ye had Andrea do was really an illegal move in the game, so… :whistle: ]]

Ed, having decided to drop out and keep whatever money he had left, rocked back in his chair and ignored Aurora’s teasing but added, “well, you didn’t do too well either by the looks of it.” He smirked at the blonde and crossed his arms, glancing from his (albeit small) pile of coins to Aurora’s, which was certainly far less than impressive.

Varianna shook her head at the newest member of their game with all of her treasures and frowned. “Uh-uh, ye can’t do that, Andrea, luv - against the rules! Yer not allowed to reduce the quantity of dice or the number shown on ‘em… only increase, aye?” Vari eyed her carefully, knowing all-too-well that <i>someone</i> hadn’t been savvy when being taught gambling games. But knowing it was all in fun, Vari leaned forward and snatched the bottle of rum with a grin. “Thank ye anyway, Drea.” She uncorked the bottle and took a lengthy swig before turning back to Loraline. “So I s’ppose it’s just you an’ me, Linny. I bid six threes - up it or call me a liar.” Her eyes shone bright beneath the black rimmed hat, a certain sparkle of mischief dancing about her features as she glanced back down to the dice underneath her cup. “We’re all waitin’, lass,” Vari added, motioning about the cabin full of people before gulping down more of the alcohol, hoping that if Loraline won, the elder would at least be too drunk the next day to even remember it.


“Chrissy, you worry far too much,” Jack replied, wrapping a tattooed arm around her thin waist. “And your assistance on this voyage will be of utmost importance - that is, unless you’re currently dealing with some inward crisis what needs settling before we head out…” Jack had a way of reading people and it was clear that Christine was having her doubts, even more so than she usually did. Sure, she had been right about the whole immortal aspect of it, but he was <i>Captain Jack Sparrow</i> - fiercest pirate of the Spanish Main - no, scratch that - the <i>entire world</i>. After braving the living dead, Jones’ monstrous beastie and the living hell known as The Locker, a cursed fountain seemed hardly a challenge. “What d’ye say, luv?” He emphasized his words with the raising of a thick eyebrow and a charming smile.

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PostPosted: July 7th, 2009, 10:38 pm 
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Dante and Elijah were watching with bated breath. They all knew that Loraline was a force to be reckoned with and no matter how hard they tried to break her during Liar's Dice they couldn't. She always won, even if she was a Liar no one believed it and would over bet or do something incredibly stupid.

While the boys watched Aurora continued her teasing of an old friend. Not as old as Vari but still going way back.

"What are ye trying to say there Eddie?" Using the nickname she had given him. "Just because ye lasted longer doesn't mean anything. I take greater risks, savvy?" Sticking out her tongue she tipped her hat towards him before eyeing Vari and then Loraline.

This was getting really intense and it was anyones game. "Thirsty Vari?" She laughed as the pirate gulped down a few long swigs of rum.

"Aye, I'm going. As much as I want to call you out, I'll raise the bet." Tossing a few more medallions into the center of the table Loraline tilted her cup up once more, peering at the dice before betting.

"Seven fours." With a slight glint in her eyes she lowered her cup again and leaned back in the chair, fingers moving up to twist her length flaxen hair between her digits.


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: July 9th, 2009, 2:29 am 
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Christine had never moved faster. The woman had extricated herself from Jack's hold almost as soon as it had rested there. She was, unfortunately, well acquainted with being touched, but Jack and Gibbs were friends and not clients which meant she was allowed to be out right rude when she felt like it. It was laughable to think that she could actually do her job considering how jumpy and seemingly innocent she was. But, in the long run, that very naivety seemed to work in her favor.

Christine also may have been the only woman in Tortuga who was leery of the infamous Captain's charm. After she had removed herself from his grasp she fixed him with an glare which quickly subsided at his words.

"No," she said, bristling with ill placed indignant defiance. "I am just fine." She offered a smile to underline her words. Her quick words were replaced now by a calmer, normal cadence. "When do we hoist anchor, Captain Sparrow?"


Gibbs smiled at the exchange whilst he leaned back on a convenient wall. There was nothing funnier than a man flirting with a woman who was not interested. His captain - although a brilliant flirt in general (he knew, he'd lost quite a few women to the man) - was no exception to the rule. Although, he had to say the scandalized look on Christine's face was almost as funny. Almost.

The man scratched his chin and pushed up off the wall seeing that Jack's small jibe at some personal problem of Christine's hit it's mark. She didn't like sounding weak and helpless, although - Gibbs noted - she clearly was no matter what she tried to do to shake it. A laugh began to bubble from him and he hid it with an obviously fake cough. At least there were three instead of two now.

"Alrigh'," the first mate said whilst kicking off the wall to stand by the captain, clasping his shoulder again. "Before we start on this here adventure. I think we'll be needin' a vessel. Any ideas there, Captain?"

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: July 9th, 2009, 10:50 am 

Joined: 02 May 2008
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(Sorry this has taken me so long, guys. :( Summer has been really busy for me, and it's going by way too fast!)

Elly stomped down crowded alleys and across the crooked streets. Her anger had not settled much, but bitterness was fast setting in alongside it. She'd been mad like this before, only it had worn off faster in the past. The camel's back had been broken by the final straw, though, and this time she was determined to get off Tortuga, perhaps for good.

She stopped to catch her breath, leaning against a short wall. Panting softly, she wove a rather dirty white handkerchief in and out of her fingers and took a quick glance around. Two men and a woman were standing nearby, and quick conversation was taking place. Elly smirked; she did feel a bit of sympathy for that woman. She was probably employed in that profession which she herself had just narrowly escaped out of. She sighed and looked away, only to catch the word "vessel." Her head snapped back in their direction and she decided that she needed to make a swift move. Stepping away from the wall and farther into sight, she bore down upon the trio like a bat after its dinner.

"Pardon me, lady and gentlemen," she said smoothly, giving an unctuous smile. "I just stopped by this place to take a rest and I believe I happened to overhear that you're in the sailing business?" Her gaze drifted over each one of the three, but lingered on Jack. Tilting her head to the side, she patted her face languidly with her handkerchief. "I happen to be looking for a ship, myself..."

Moving her eyes to Christine again, she feigned shock at Christine's battered face. "My, my!" she exclaimed, stepping closer. "I think, perhaps, that we're both in the same plight." She nodded confidentially.

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