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 Post subject: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 1:58 pm 
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Year 2015.

Everything is quiet. Everything is as it should be. Merely four years in the future of our Earth, the world is going along smoothly. Economic troubles have died down, and the world is peaceful.

But not for long.

Because something was sighted in the sky yesterday. A radio signal was picked up by our SETI radio broadcasters. But this isn't what we were hoping for. These radio communications were hostile. The Earth is being used as a pawn, a trap.

Things are going downhill. People are terrified. The Daleks have returned.

Okay, this is set after the end of Season 6. If you haven't seen The Wedding of River Song, I advise you to. :)

Canon Characters:

The Eleventh Doctor: Harthad
Amelia Williams: Arabella Baggins
Rory Williams: Everyone
Dr. River Song: Rhavaniel Falathiel
Captain Jack Harkness: Rhavaniel Falathiel
Some Random Daleks: Everyone?

Original Characters:
Rhavaniel Falathiel
Arabella Baggins

AKA Crutchie :)
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Last edited by Harthad on November 23rd, 2011, 3:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:10 pm 
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YAY! Okay, I know for sure that I want to be Amy, and depending on how things go I may add an OC later on (once I get a feel for the setting and who I want my character to be.) So, should I post a bio for Amy before we begin?



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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:11 pm 
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No, you don't have to, Amy being canon and all that. Shall I start, once more people join? *ahem*

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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:17 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 13th, 2011, 2:34 pm 
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I think we need just one (or two, or three!) more people to join, and then I'll start.

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 14th, 2011, 3:39 am 
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Hurray! A Doctor Who RP! I'd love to join! Can I play an OC?


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 14th, 2011, 7:26 am 
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Yeah, sure you can! And I suppose we'll have to take turns being the rest of the canon characters once we start out.

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 14th, 2011, 7:32 am 
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Well, I'll start us out:


The Doctor made his way up to the console from down below after hitting his head on the underside. He pulled a lever and pressed two buttons here and there, not really paying attention to what he was doing. At least, not at the forefront of his mind. Where were the Ponds? Ah, they were probably still asleep. Dreaming away the day. . .or night, whichever. Here in the heart of space. Wherever that was.

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 12:21 am 
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Amelia Pond-Williams rolled over in bed, shifting up against Rory and closing her eyes tightly, as if this would make sleep come more easily to her. This had become typical over these last few weeks, this rampant insomnia, and she had no idea what she could do about it. She was sure that her husband was starting to notice, and the Doctor had probably noticed before she herself had, knowing him. She rolled over again, her eyes catching on Rory's sleeping silhouette in the dimness. Amy felt a soft smile come over her face at the sight of him, but it was marred by sadness. She wasn't sure how he could sleep.

Slowly, so not to disturb him, she got out of bed, wrapping her arms around herself as she stood up. As she often did these days, she was thinking of her. Her baby, her darling Melody...River. Her daughter. The whole concept of River Song being Amy's daughter was still so hard to grasp sometimes, and Amy wondered once if it hadn't been some crazy dream. She wished she had gotten to keep Melody longer, before they had taken her away..wished she had gotten to watch her grow up, even though in some bizarre way, she had...

A loud outburst from the control room caught Amy's attention, and she made her way over there, wondering what sort of things her Mad Man With a Box was up to. "Doctor?" she called softly. "Are you all right?"



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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 7:40 am 
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"Fine!" he called back. "I'm fine, no need to worry. Shouldn't you be in bed, instead of walking around at this hour?" the Doctor pulled another lever down and typed on the typewriter, really not sure where they were going. A nice holiday would be lovely. To keep the Ponds' minds off of recent events. Then again, all their holidays had crashed. . .no, maybe it wasn't safe to go down that route. "Where's Rory?" he asked Amy, swinging around to face her. "Still asleep? You know, you don't need to worry. She's fine, and we'll see her again! Well, more likely she'll find us first, but! Same difference. She always knows how to find us. Half the time I wonder if she's got a tracking device on the TARDIS, but that would be silly. River doesn't use tracking devices, she's an archaeologist, ah, I mean, she's a doctor. Professor. No, it is doctor, isn't it? She wont be a professor for. . .a very long time yet."

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 12:15 pm 
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Amy gave a little sigh, trailing one hand down the railing of the stairs of the TARDIS as she walked up to join the Doctor. "Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey..." she said with a little smile, using a phrase she had heard the Doctor mutter from time to time under his breath. "And I know I probably shouldn't worry about her, but I do. It's so weird, Doctor, all of this. I'm not even really her mother--well, I am, I know that--but sometimes I don't feel like I am. And at the same time, I can't help but worry about her...and wonder if we find her somewhere, then we can change our futures and none of this would have happened. We could just have a normal life, and I could actually get to know her. River. Melody." She shook her head.

"But I don't even know what normal is anymore, Doctor. If changing the course of events means that Rory and I can't travel with you anymore, then I'm not sure that's what I want, either." She gave a frustrated sigh. "I'm just worried about her. I...I have a feeling we're all in danger, Doctor, and I can't explain why."



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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 1:34 pm 
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"Danger?" he asked with a little smile. "We're always in some danger or another. Big, huge fleets of alien ships waiting to blast us away into nothingness. Well, usually me, never mind about you two. But that doesn't matter because we don't have to worry about that, do we? Just go off to somewhere else, have a nice little adventure and all that. . .and danger usually finds us, we don't go looking for it. Like some people I know." he glared at the console and then moved around to the other side, spinning and twirling knobs all around. The Doctor looked through the time rotor to Amy. "Where do you want to go, then? We could visit Castibello, beautiful sunsets and amazing beaches. . .or, oh, how about Black Island again? Rory hasn't seen anything there yet, and the trees are supposed to have giant leaves in the fall. Different colours, too, your usual red, orange, yellow and brown but there's also black, green, purple, blue, pink, even indigo. Or we could go to Earth, see what we've missed. Visit a couple museums, check in on your house, have tea and rest for a bit. How would you like that?"

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 4:10 pm 
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Amy smiled a bit, shaking her head as the Doctor rambled on. He truly reminded her of a little kid sometimes--a reckless, stubborn, 900-year-old kid with a talent for trouble and a knack for talking himself out of it. His enthusiasm could be inspiring and infuriating at the same time, but for tonight Amy was just grateful that the Doctor was trying to make her feel better. She knew he probably felt a little guilty for everything that had transpired--although not nearly as guilty as Amy herself felt.

Deep down, she knew she probably shouldn't. But she was a mum now, after all, wasn't she? Wasn't it natural for her to feel like if she'd just been a little more vigilant, none of this would have happened? She and Rory were supposed to protect Melody, and they hadn't been able to, and now she was lost. Not lost forever--Amy knew the person Melody would become far too well to ever think of that as a possibility--but lost. And Amy felt helpless because of it.

Still, the Doctor was right. Dwelling about it wasn't going to do anyone any favors, and they could all probably do with a relaxing vacation. Or at least, as relaxing as a vacation with the Doctor could get. "Going back to Earth for a bit sounds good," Amy said thoughtfully. "Not for very long, of course. You know me, it gets dreadfully dull if we stay there for too long." She gave him a small grin. "When you've seen what I have, it gets so difficult to go back to the mundane."



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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 7:33 am 
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"Ah, but the mundane is what keeps us traveling." He winked at her and then resumed scurrying his way around the console, this time preparing for a landing. More pulling and twisting of various knobs, buttons, glancing at the screen once in a while and then yanking down on the wibbly lever. "We do this for our old life." The Doctor looked through the time rotor again a bit wistfully and then shook his head. No use dwelling on that while there was work to be done. Especially Amy, he didn't want to brood while she was brooding, it would end up just like a big pile of brooding with no one happy. "Go along, Pond." he said instead to her, "Go wake up your husband. We'll be there before you know it."

(I do know how to fly the TARDIS correctly, I just have to look at the book again. And that's no joke, really!)

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 5:53 pm 
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(First of all, your post is amazing. Just so you know. Also, I had one reply all typed up and somehow my computer ate this is the rewritten one.)

Amy laughed as the Doctor began to scurry about, flipping switches and pulling levers left and right. She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning on one of the consoles. "So, uh, you ever gonna teach me how to fly this thing?" she asked slyly. "Or is just one Pond knowing how enough?" She smiled, thinking back to the first time she had met River Song--the first time for her, at least. River had all but flown into the TARDIS, landing it perfectly near the wreckage of the Byzantium. "I had lessons from the very best...shame you were busy that day!" she had told the Doctor with that knowing smile.

"Yes. Yes it is," came a groggy voice from behind them, and Amy turned to see Rory still looking half-asleep. "Ah, there you are. Did we wake you?" she asked her husband with a smile.

"Yes. Didn't we have a chat about the 'no landing the TARDIS while people are sleeping' thing? I distinctly remember calling a meeting about that."

Amy pouted a bit at that. "Stop complaining. We're going home. Just for a bit."

(I figure we can 'share' the responsibility of writing out Rory, just for a bit.)



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 Post subject: Re: DW: Dalek's Revenge
PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 6:16 pm 
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"Oh, we are?" Rory looked surprised and cast a glance at the Doctor. "We aren't going to Earth where it's being invaded, right? And you aren't throwing us out?"

"Of course I'm not, Rory!" the Doctor called back to him, busy with a couple of switches. "I like you two too much."

Rory turned back to Amy. "He's not throwing us out, right?"

The TARDIS shuddered to a halt and the Doctor sighed, suppressing it so that the others wouldn't hear. He didn't want them to leave, he really didn't, but on the other hand...what if he was putting them into danger? He didn't want them to die. He didn't want to go through that again. Shut up, he told himself irritably, You aren't helping things. Straightening up and adjusting his jacket, he walked over to the doors and, looking back at the Ponds for the merest second with a grin on his face, rubbed his hands together. This is what he loved, taking people somewhere they liked. That was the thrill for him. He thrust open the doors and stepped out, a frown appearing on his face.

"How did you get up there?"

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