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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 13th, 2012, 6:45 pm 
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Henry eased the door open just enough to put his head around and peer into the sheriff's office. He opened the door more, walking in with his backpack on.

"So you're the sheriff now?" he asked Emma, looking up at her. "What will she say?"

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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 13th, 2012, 6:58 pm 
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Emma gave a little shrug. "She already knows, kid. And from what she told me, she's the least of my worries. It's Mr. Gold I've got to watch out for now, apparently.

She watched Henry for a while, remembering the decision ten years ago to give him up. She'd wanted to give him his best chance, she'd said. And yet...even with such good intentions, it was clear she hadn't succeeded. Sure, he was a good kid, but he was miserable with Regina. And lonely. And she couldn't shake the feeling that it was all her fault.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? At the risk of sounding like a broken record, don't you have school or something?"



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 13th, 2012, 7:17 pm 
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Henry shrugged. "Yeah. But I wanted to see you." he stopped as a thought occurred to him, and Henry reached into his backpack, pulling out his book of fairy-tales. He knew that Emma would realize that they were true, soon enough. Before things got really bad, she would have to. "Anyways," he said, flipping to a page in the book and putting it on the desk in front of Emma, "I have an idea about who Mr. Gold is. See?"

The page title read 'Rumplestiltskin'.

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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 13th, 2012, 7:39 pm 
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(Yay for secretly writing on my phone at work!)

Emma shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, just don't get into the habit of skipping school too often, kid. You know what truancy is? It's excessively skipping school, and technically it's against the law." She pointed to the file that lay open on her desk, a picture of a red-haired teenager on top. "Like that girl. I've gotten a call every day this week about her ditching class. I'm waiting for today's call before I try to find her."

She listened to what Henry had to say and gazed down at the illustration. It shpwed a filthy, crazed-looking man sitting at a spinning wheel, leering out from the page with eyes that seemed to go right through her. "You're just saying that because of his name and the spinning straw into gold thing," she began, but then she grew thoughtful. "But then...Rumpelstiltskin has been in every single story you've shown me so far. He's like the glue that holds the stories together. And Mr. Gold owns the whole town, right?"

She hated to admit it, but he was almost making sense.



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 13th, 2012, 11:31 pm 
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"Yeah! And when the king's soldiers tried to take his son away, he got too carried away with the magic he had used, and began using it for evil, not just to protect his son. And. . .Mr. Gold had a son, but I don't know what happened to him. That's where you come in, Emma. You can try and find out what happened to Mr. Gold's son." Henry took the book and shoved it back into his backpack.

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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 14th, 2012, 1:12 pm 
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Emma gave a shrug. "I can try to find some files in here on him, but if he really does own the town, I'm guessing his records would have been wiped pretty clean. Aside from your mom, there's no one the town fears more than Mr. Gold." She frowned, remembering that despite how they both might feel about her, bad-mouthing Regina in front of Henry might not be the best idea. "Sorry."

She was silent for a moment, thinking. She still wasn't buying into the Rumplestiltskin story, but maybe if she did some digging she could figure out by what means Mr. Gold had come to 'own' all of Storybrooke. It was worth a shot...

"And maybe being Sheriff gives me the jurisdiction to look into Dr. Hopper's files too. I'll have to check up on that. I was gonna give him a call anyway, see if there's anything we can do about this girl." Again, she pointed to the file on her desk. "Has she popped up in your fairy tale book yet?" she asked, half-joking. She wondered how Henry could figure all this out in his head--if he had to know the person to make the connection to the fictional characters, or if he was able to look at them and just know.

"Look, I'll try my best with this Mr. Gold thing, but I don't know how long it's gonna take. Besides, I thought you said no one could leave here. So how could his son have vanished?"



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 14th, 2012, 1:29 pm 
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"It's okay," Henry said when Emma made that comment about his 'mom'. "She already knows that, I think."

He looked down at the red-haired girl looking out from the picture in the file. She did look a bit familiar, but Henry couldn't remember where he had seen her, though it was probably at school. "She doesn't look like anyone, but I could read through again." he offered, slinging his backpack over his shoulders again.

"I know you'll try your best, Emma. It's what the good guys do. But the bad guys always try their best, too. Maybe his son is still living here, though, but in the woods or something, trying to stay away from his dad. Anyways, I'd better go." he said, almost to the door. "My mom will wonder where I am. Use the walkie-talkie if you find anything, okay?" Henry looked at Emma, hoping that she would say yes, but not just to please him. He wanted her to really do this for him.

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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 14th, 2012, 1:50 pm 
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Emma smiled as Henry went on about Mr. Gold and walkie-talkies and victory for the good guys. He really was a sweet kid. She couldn't understand why he seemed so lonely at school--he seemed the kind of kid who should have dozens of friends. Maybe the whole idea of Regina being his mother had made the townspeople reluctant to let their kids play with him.

"I'll do my best, kid," she said, following him to the door. "Feel free to stop by after school if you like. I probably won't be too busy." She looked at him another moment, then impulsively pulled him into a quick hug before giving him a wave goodbye

When he had gone, she pulled open the large file cabinet in her office and started thumbing through them, not stopping until she came to the one labeled Gold. As she had expected, it was fairly thin, but she had hardly gotten the chance to open it before the phone rang.

"Storybook...I mean, Storybrooke Sheriff."

She listened to the person on the other end, who was once again reporting a certain Meredith Klein for truancy. Emma looked down at the girl's picture, shaking her head. "Not again..." she murmured. "All right. I'm on it." She hung up.

In all honesty, she didn't know what to do. Adults she could handle. Henry was ten, but he seemed so much more mature than other kids his age that it was easy to forget sometimes. But teenagers? Emma hadn't gotten along with them, or understood them, even when she was one. So how to get through to this girl?

Maybe she knew someone who could help.

She reached for her cell phone and pressed one of her speed-dial keys, looking at the clock to double-check the time. "Hey. Mary-Margaret? It's Emma. I'm sorry to call during school, but I was wondering if you could help me with something."



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 12:17 am 
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It had been a day just like any other in Storybrooke. The sun rose, the birds were chirping, all of Storybrooke's inhabitants woke up all at the same time and went to school or work. And that was how Mary-Margaret's day was as well. She wasn't complaining, though. She quite liked her life and the happenings that went on in it. Especially now that she had a roommate. One of her most favorite people. Emma.

She didn't know where the girl came from or how she managed to find Storybrooke, but the city was never the one to get visitors. Especially ones that stayed over a couple of hours. Emma had been here for over three weeks.

Sitting behind her desk in front of her full classroom, Mary-Margaret watched her students go through their tests. She smiled a little and looked down to her desk, which was filled with red shiny apples from the kids. She then looked over quickly, when her classroom phone rang. She jumped a bit and then looked over to the students, who all looked up shocked from the sudden noise. "I'm so sorry kids. This will only take a minute." She said apologetically and then picked up the phone.

Once answering, she heard Emma on the other end and then raised an eyebrow a bit. "Um... Yeah, sure. What did you need help with?" She asked her good friend softly, so that she wouldn't disturb the kids anymore than she already had.


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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 12:29 am 
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Once she heard Mary-Margaret's voice, Emma immediately felt embarrassed for calling during class time. Would she get her friend in trouble? That was the last thing she needed. She didn't know who the principal of Storybrooke's school was, but she was certain that whoever it was would be wrapped around Regina's finger like everyone else in the town. Emma wouldn't put it past Regina to try to get Storybrooke's best teacher fired.

"Sorry to call during class," she repeated. "It's just...I have this case over here. A girl, a junior at the high school, who keeps getting reported for truancy. I'm supposed to go find her, but I...I don't do very well with teenagers. Or kids in general." She gave a laugh. "But I know that you do. And I was wondering if maybe you could come with me when I go out looking for her. You could try to talk to her for me, see if you can convince her to actually go to class once in a while. Could you maybe meet me during the kids' lunch or something?"

"I'm sorry to bother you with this. I just...I really want to help this girl, and something tells me that you would do a better job than I ever could."



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 12:39 am 
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Listening to Emma's constant apologies and touching story, Mary-Margaret smiled a little bit while nodding her head. "I could definitely help you out with that. Just give me a half an hour and I'll meet you at the station. I'll be over as soon as possible." She said to Emma softly and then hung up the phone, making sure that the kids were still taking their tests.

These tests were a big portion of their grade for the semester.

Once the kids went to their lunch break, Mary-Margaret quickly grabbed her peacoat, buttoned all of the buttons and then hurried out of the classroom with her purse in her hands. She made it to the police station and then walked inside, going straight for where Emma always was. "Okay, I'm here. I'm ready to go when you are!" She said softly, with a small smile gracing her features.


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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 7:38 am 
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(Ahhh! Even in the RPG I can't escape the midterms! :p )

Henry walked down the street sidewalk, occasionally hitching his backpack up on his shoulders more. He turned a corner, and came face to face with Regina, his mom.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her narrow features drawn tight.

Henry didn't answer, but cast his eyes somewhat to the ground, and then looked to the right, in the direction of the police station. Regina knew at once. She grabbed Henry's hand and started to walk him to school, all the while talking to him about how he was not supposed to visit Emma during school hours, or whenever he liked.

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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 20th, 2012, 12:36 am 
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(LOL, I didn't mention midterms, Harthad! Also, I am totally sapped dry on first-name ideas for Mr. Gold that relate to the character of Rumplestiltskin somehow, so I reserve the right to change his name when/if we learn it on the show. :P )

While she waited for Mary-Margaret, Emma occupied herself with reading over Mr. Gold's file. There wasn't much to go on--Mr. Robert Gold, 49, originally of Glasgow, Scotland. Funnily enough, there was no record of when he had come to the U.S, no marriage certificates, and no record at all of his son's birth. Emma gave a frustrated sigh. She had anticipated this, but it was still disconcerting that there was so little information to be found on the most important man in Storybrooke. The most interesting thing she found were the deeds of all the establishments in town that he owned--Granny's Bed and Breakfast, the diner, even Dr. Hopper's office technically belonged to Mr. Gold. But how had he obtained all these things?

Gathering up the file once again, she opened up the filing cabinet to put it back. As she pushed back the other files, a glimpse of something shiny caught her eye, reflecting off the harsh flourescent lights of Graham's office. Her office. Emma's brow furrowed as she moved other files out of the way, trying to see what it was.

A small gold key, old-fashioned looking but well-polished, was taped to the bottom of the filing cabinet. "What the...?" Gently, she pried the key off of the cabinet and peeled the tape back, turning it over and over in her hands. There appeared to be something engraved onto the top part of it...

At the sound of Mary-Margaret's voice, Emma quickly shut the cabinet, slipping the key into the pocket of her jeans. She offered up a grateful smile. "Hey," she said. "Thanks for coming. I'll just be one second." She gathered up the file for Meredith Klein and slipped her red leather jacket on, grabbing her keys as she left her office and locked the door behind her.

"Here, you can go ahead and take a look at this," she said, handing over the file to her roommate as they walked towards Emma's bright yellow car. "I was wondering if you had maybe had her in class before, but it doesn't really matter. The point is, we need her to stay in school. Apparently her mother is out of the picture, so that might have something to do with it." She unlocked her car and climbed in, buckling up her seatbelt and putting the key in the ignition. "Kids like this can spiral out of control if we're not careful, but maybe we can help her."



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 20th, 2012, 4:34 pm 
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(Haha you didn't, but I did Ari! ;D)

Mary-Margaret smiled, when Emma came into her view. She listened to what she said and nodded, waiting for her to finish up whatever duties she was attending to. She looked around the office a bit and then sighed, remembering that Graham used to be there. She bit her lower lip, before looking back to Emma. "It was no problem at all... Take all the time you need." She said softly.

It was so great to know that Emma was now the deputy of Storybrooke, but she knew that her friend was mourning in her own way over Graham.

Snapping back to reality, Mary-Margaret saw that Emma was handing her a file. She gently took it from her and then opened it up, while walking out side with her friend. Making it to her yellow car, she got inside and put her seat belt on. She leaned back into the seat and read over the file, trying to find out whatever she could on this Meredith Klein. She listened to what she said about the girl and nodded. "Yeah, I may be able to help out... Hopefully." She said softly and looked up to her.


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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 20th, 2012, 11:36 pm 
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"Well, we've got to find her first. I have it on good authority that she likes out of the way places like the woods or the have a preference on where to start out first?" she said jokingly.

She kept her eyes on the road for a moment, giving a quiet little sigh. "I saw Henry today," she said softly. "I hope you didn't give him too much grief about coming in late. He's now convinced that Mr. Gold is Rumplestiltskin, so I'm supposed to somehow dig up dirt on the guy. Unfortunately, there's nothing to find." She could feel the key like a weight in her pocket, but she didn't mention it. "Do you happen to know anything about him?"



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 Post subject: Re: Once Upon a Time
PostPosted: January 28th, 2012, 4:51 am 
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Mary-Margaret laughed a bit at Emma and smirked a bit, shaking her head. "Well... I always have liked the forest more than any other place. Don't you know that by now?" She asked her friend playfully and giggled a bit. She looked out the window at the rainy day, as it almost always was, and then looked back down to the girl's files.

Sighing deeply and being completely lost in her own head, she bit on her lower lip and tried her hardest to remember the girl. She really wanted to know why she was always ditching school. She then heard Emma start to speak again. She looked up to her again and paid close attention. She shook her head and leaned back against the seat more. "That doesn't surprise me. Mr. Gold is very secretive. He has no problem in letting everyone else's history loose, but when it comes to his own... It'll remain a mystery. I only know that he's a scum bag and that he owns a few places in town." She said softly and shrugged.


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