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 Post subject: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 2:25 am 
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Location: aboard the Jolly Roger with Captain Hook!!
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The sun shined over Hobbiton's party field as poles with brightly colored ribbons were raised all around it. A banner reading 'A-U Family Summer Party' hung over the entry path to welcome the guests. There was a canopy set up in the field to shade the tables and chairs, and lights were strung around it to provide light at night. The gentle breeze carried the sweet smell of the flowers in vases that decorated the tables, attracting butterflies to the field. Wood was stacked, ready to be used for a late night bonfire. Curious hobbit children wandered around the field, waiting to see the party goers.
Welcome family! Fill up a plate, pull up a chair and relax as we welcome the start of summer!

Lithoniel carried a stack of boxes over to the food tables, Holmes meeting her halfway to take a few of the boxes from her. "This is really quite a charming little place. I had no idea there was a village of all midgets." "Hobbits." Lithi sighed as she pulled plates from the boxes and set them on the table. "Midgets." Holmes replied. "No, Holmes, they're called hobbits. Not midgets." Lithi explained. "Now lets see...I've got barbeque hamburgers and fried chicken with all the fixings and ice cream, and there's going to be peanut butter rice krispie bars, strawberry shortcake, pineapple upside down cake, blini with strawberries and mushrooms, a lemon meringue pie, ceviche, pigs-in-a-blanket..." she muttered to herself as she stared at the tables, "We should have enough room for everythin, plus some extra space in case we have any more food brought." "What is this?" Holmes asked, drawing her attention away from the tables and to the small grey machine he was examining. "Oh, that's a special stereo, it can play anything you want. Just ask it for a song and it will play. Harthad's husband was kind enough to make it for the party. I'm tempted to call it JARVIS since its just a really very intelligent stereo." she added as an afterthought. She walked over to him, and smoothing out pretend wrinkles in his jacket to keep his attention said "Now dear, lets not play the "What Can You Tell About Me?" game today, alright? Remember how that turned out the last time someone asked you that question? If they insist, please just say 'no'." Holmes gave her an amused grin before replying "I suppose I can do that. Now, I am here at this party-" She cut him off, saying "Yes Holmes, I was serious when I said I would go with you to visit your brother. Just make sure he keeps his clothes on this time, please. Now, help me put the finishing touches on everything so we can be free to greet our guests!"

Wed Killian Jones (Captain Hook) 4/20/13


 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 7:15 am 
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Joined: 28 June 2011
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Cara and Drogo left their horses near the entrance to the party and walked behind the tables with two blood brothers of Khal.
"A party" Drogo said in Dothraki. "Where are warriors, women and slaves?"
"This is normal party, my dear" said Cara, feeling the itching of her horse riding clothes. "Hobbits don't have slaves, besides."
"Hob-bi-ts?" Drogo made a strange grimace like he ate too much bloody oranges from Dorne.
"You know, people like...Tyrion Lannister" Cara didn't know how to explain to her husband the new term. "They are...small. And don't kill each other at the parties..."
"They need to grow up, my sun and stars. True men always kill each other at the parties."
Cara sighed and bit a half of mushroom she brought with her.



 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 9:11 pm 
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"Where are we again, Ness?" the Doctor asked as Nesselde led him to the party grounds.
"A party, Doctor." Nesselde said. He had asked that at least twenty times in the last ten minutes.
"Oh I like parties!"
"I know...I know. You've said that before."

Doctor banner by Crutchie! Avatar by Erin Vanya!

Married the Tenth Doctor 2/26/12

 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 9:36 pm 
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amariel and Maedhros walk in. amariel tells the stereo thing to play something by Brad Paisley, and starts eating the blini with strawberries and mushrooms. Maedhros looks at her strangely. "What are you eating?" "Blini. With strawberries and mushrooms." "Right..." Maedhros goes and gets some lemon pie and amariel looks at him strangely.

(never done this before, so, yeah...)

Married Maedhros Feb. 18, 2012

 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 10:48 pm 
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(I'm fairly new at this as well, amariel, so here we go...)

Lithi finished setting the plates out on the food tables, then noticed that family members had started arriving. "Holmes, they're here!" she said, calling him over so they could greet people. "Cara! Good to see you! And hello, Drogo. There's some food already out on the tables, and there should be more on the way. Feel free to help yourselves! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go greet the others who just arrived." she finished with a wave. She saw Amariel and Maedhros at the food table and called out a greeting. "Welcome Amariel! And love the Paisley song, by the way!" She saw Nesselde enter with the Doctor. "Oh, Holmes, this way!" she said as she made her way over to Nesse, waving to Amariel as she went. "Welcome to the Party! There's some food already set out, and a stereo that can play anything you want as well!" Lithi said a little breathless.

Wed Killian Jones (Captain Hook) 4/20/13


 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 8:22 am 
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Lhun darted through the entrance, with Sherlock trailing behind her. "I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me wear my coat and scarf today", Sherlock muttered. "It's a summer party Sherlock, and now cheer up! Look, there's Lithi with Holmes, and Ness with the Doctor, and Cara and Amariel with their husbands!" Lhun headed over to the table to put the freshly made lemon meringue pie on one of the plates, before admiring JARVIS.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sherlock and Holmes eying each other with barely disguised interest. "Lithi! You look wonderful, that dress really suits you. And I love what you did with the decorating, it looks cute!", she said when she saw her sister coming over.


 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 10:57 am 
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Really, there couldn't be a better way to start out the summer than with hobbits. Shadow made an effort not to comment on borrowing one of the adorable little hobbit children forever--there was a chance that her date might take the comment seriously, and cute as hobbits were, stealing children was one of those things that was frowned upon by most cultures.
Even Loki seemed to be enjoying the summery air and the natural beauty of the Shire. Shadow had already spoken to him about not starting fights--or generally being a bad guest--which had put him in a bit of a mood, but he seemed to be over it for the time being.
"Look, plenty of people are already here," she observed. "Uh, you might want to avoid Cara's husband, Khal Drogo, if you could. That... that might turn into a brawl."
"You won't let me have any fun, will you?" Loki pouted.
"Try one of the Sherlocks," Shadow suggested. "I'm sure either of them would love to have a chat with you; they're my uncles. Or maybe the Doctor would like a word."

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
~art credit~

 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 12:07 pm 
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"But it's the TARDIS! It's a time machine! How can we be late?!" Harthad fell to the ground as the time machine hurtled through the stars on it's way to (hopefully) Middle-earth. Specifically, Hobbiton.

"Well," the Doctor popped up from the floor and grabbed a lever on the console, trying to reduce the smoke and the whizzing and banging. "You got distracted by Tumblr, and picking out your dress!"

"Did not!"

A large crash interrupted her train of thought, and the TARDIS stopped. Harthad tentativetly stood up, walking over to the doors and poking her head out. She hoped she looked alright. What with accidentally landing in Victorian London a few days ago, well. . .

The Doctor bounded out ahead of her. "Hello everybody! Didn't start without us, I hope? That stereo isn't giving you any trouble? Good, good! Come on out Harthad, they're only the people from A-U!"

"Hi guys," Harthad waved shyly.

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 12:15 pm 
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"Lhun! Its so good to see you! And thank you, I love your dress too! Oh, and this is my Sherlock Holmes." Lithi added with a grin when Holmes joined them. He was still eying the other Sherlock. "Nice to finally meet you." Holmes said. "He's been waiting for you two to arrive, he's really quite curious about Sherlock." Lithi whispered to Lhun. She saw Shadowcat enter the party and waved. "Shadow! Welcome!" Lithi turned to Holmes and said "Now remember what I said, and dont provoke Loki-" Harthad and the Doctor's arrival broke her train of thought. "Hi Harthad! Glad you could make it! And yes Doctor, the stereo is working wonderfully, thank you!"

Wed Killian Jones (Captain Hook) 4/20/13


 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 12:38 pm 
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"Hello, everyone! I am so happy to see you!" said Cara, eying on Loki with interest. She was curious about this guy like hell. Drogo saw that and made grim expression to the Loki.
"You should not look at him like that, my sun and moon. He is ugly and girly."
"Come on" whispered Cara. "You are the only star that shines on my sky. He is just interesting in...psychological aspect."
Drogo didn't understand and told something to his blood brothers that Cara didn't hear.



 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 1:08 pm 
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Ari hung back, tugging on the skirt of her candy-colored dress and adjusting her hair nervously. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she had worse butterflies in her stomach than she had had for any theatre audition in her life. Her palms were starting to sweat, making the plate on which she held the strawberry shortcake difficult to hang on to. She took a deep breath--

And jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "It's all right, it's me!" said a familiar voice, and she looked up into Merlin's blue eyes.

"You scared me to death!"

He laughed lightly. "I didn't mean to. You needn't be so jumpy. What's the matter?"

Ari looked down, blushing. "It'll be my family's first time meeting you, and I feel like a jerk for not telling them about me and Frodo, and I just don't know how they're going to take it..."

"They're your family, Arabella," Merlin said kindly. "They love you no matter what."

It took several more moments of convincing, but finally they made their way towards the party. Ari could see her sister Harthad coming out of the TARDIS, and saw Loki and Shadowcat arriving as well. She went to wave to them and promptly dropped the strawberry shortcake.

Merlin's eyes flashed golden, and the plate of cake froze in mid-air. Ari grinned at him, rescuing the plate from it's near-death experience. "Thanks for that," she said with a grin. "You don't need to hide your magic here. This isn't like Camelot at all. If anything, it'll make them like you more."

"We're here!" she called out hesitantly, approaching the group.



Sig set and banner by the amazing Nurr!!

 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 4:40 pm 
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"Lithi! Holmes! Nice to see you two." Shadow smiled at both of them, then turned to see Cara and Drogo approaching. Oh, no.
Loki raised an eyebrow at Drogo's comment. "I will not suffer to be insulted by mortals," he warned.
Yeah, that was probably a good time for them to leave. "Hey, look, it's Ara and Merlin," Shadow interrupted, dragging Loki away from the others with a quick apologetic wave. They'd understand. "Uh, Merlin's magical. You two should get along famously."

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
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 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 5:34 pm 
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Lhun left Sherlock, who was already in a deep conversation with Holmes, while also eyeing the newcomers with a deducing look she was all too familiar with. She had warned him about not annoying Loki with 'interesting observations', as to prevent a family fight. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on her bare arms, before making her way over to the group that was forming. "Good to see you, Harthad, Shadow!" She then turned to the newcomers. "Hi Ari!", she greeted her niece. "This must be Merlin, your mum told us we were going to meet him today. Have you introduced him to the rest yet?"


 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 6:25 pm 
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amariel stopped eating and got up to say hello to everyone. "Hello, everybody! Hi, Merlin, nice to meet you!" Maedhros hung back, but amariel convinced him to come out and meet everyone. "Have you met the doctor yet?" amariel asked him. "He's a bit strange, but I think you'll get along fine, he gets along with almost everyone. And he has a TARDIS!"

Married Maedhros Feb. 18, 2012

 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 28th, 2012, 12:11 am 
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Mat tugged his hat tighter on his head and jammed his hands into his pockets. Nurr looked at him in concern, noting his grimace as they alighted from their lovely carriage ride. She could just guess what was going through his mind. Get away from being a bloody farmer and have some fun and then have to go back to the bloody countryside instead of a tavern? Light!. It was as clear as if he had said. Ah well, she knew it would pass soon enough.

"Now Mat, please try to stay out of scrapes. Or fights. Or tricking people into gambling with you. Just...behave."

"Me? Gamble, fight, misbehave?" Mat grinned mischievously. She knew how to get him out of his moods. "I never." They entered the party in good humor, Mat self-consciously adjusting the scarf hiding the scar on his neck.

"Oh, stop fussing. You look fine." Nurr looked around at the gathering, then a tall man caught her eye. She looked swiftly between her date and Loki. "Um, Mat? You know how I told you that your life had a lot of parallels to a legend?" He looked at her questioningly, then followed her eyesight to the other man. "It parallels the life of that guy's adoptive father. They're not always on the best of terms. It might be good to keep that in mind if you two get to talking."

Steering him with gentle pressure on his arm, she moved over to where Ara and Merlin were standing. "Ara, hello! I see you have a new friend?" she commented questioningly.

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 Post subject: Re: A-U Family Summer Party 2012!
PostPosted: May 28th, 2012, 12:45 am 
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(I find it hilarious that a lot of us has to tell their spouses to behave themselves! :lol: )

"Hello Ari!" Lithi said as she walked over to her. "I'm glad you came! And hello, Merlin, wasn't it? Its very nice to meet you, and welcome to the family!" She said, giving Merlin a warm smile. "Oh, I can take that from you, it looks delicious!" she said as she took the shortcake from Arabella and carried it to the food table, asking JARVIS to play "Long Hot Summer" by Keith Urban and grabbing a slice of the shortcake while she was there, then wandered around to visit. She passed by amariel, saying "How are you doing, amariel? And yes Maedhros, the Doctor is very interesting to talk to. We happen to have two Doctors here, actually." She gave him an encouraging nod before wandering towards Cara. "Hello again." she nervously eyed Drogo as he talked to his friends. "I hope Drogo is enjoying himself, I know he's probably not used to parties like this. Who are his friends?"

Wed Killian Jones (Captain Hook) 4/20/13


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