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 Post subject: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: January 28th, 2014, 3:05 am 
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This is a Pirates RPG.


Bellatrix, with Katie Evans and James Norrington
Toriziel Evenstar with Jayla Martin and Elizabeth Swann
Marida with Miranda Spano and Jack Sparrow
Lhunardaien with Killian Whytlaw and Gibbs
Will with Anamaria
Orophin with Kraven and Will Turner

Working thread is here, all discussions take place in that thread, this is just for the actual RP.

Let the magic begin.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

Last edited by Bellatrix on February 12th, 2014, 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: January 28th, 2014, 3:46 am 
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The phone fell from her hand, shattering against the marble, pieces of plastic scattering around her feet. One hand flew up to the side of her head, pressing skin against skin, to try and steady the heavy spinning that threatened to throw her on the ground next to her mobile. Her feet stumbled as she drew deep breaths, her lungs aching with each exhale and inhale. Dazzled words falling from trembling lips. Her eyes darted around, at the faces in the crowd, but no one even seemed to notice her anymore. Katie pressed the other hand to her head, fighting with all her might to make the room stop spinning. Frantically she tried to shout, call for help, but nothing escaped her but a low groan.

The night had started out like most of these nights. With Katie dressed from head to toe in expensive clothing, and in her ears and around her neck hung jewelry worth more than most people's entire houses. Katie had everything, which was not just a saying in her case. She really did have everything, at least as far as materials go. Born to rich parents, raised in a huge house, Katie didn't know what it was to not get your way, to be hungry, or to fight for anything at all. School came easy to her, information seemed to just fly into her mind without her even trying. People loved her before she even opened her mouth, simply because of who she was. What she was. Charming, influential, beautiful, and above all, she was richer than God. It wasn't her fault that she had been born with privilege, and it wasn't her fault that she fit perfectly into that world. She didn't choose her parents, or her chestnut hair that never seemed to get frizzy or those deep blue eyes that boys seemed to drown in so easily. She didn't choose riches or a quick wit that helped her make friends wherever she ventured. She didn't choose any of it, but she did enjoy it all. It made her happy and she didn't wish for anything else. But now something was happening to her, whether she had wished for it or not.

At first it had started slow, with her losing her thoughts for just a second, causing her to drift from the conversation she was having. Then the room began to spin, and her legs felt weak. She tried to steady herself, assuming that it was the champagne that had gotten to her, but something felt wrong. Unbelievably wrong. As the room around her turned into a merry-go-round of chattering, laughing, blurring faces and echoing voices she did her best to stay on her feet and to gain control of the situation. Katie was used to always being in control, at all times. Her blood started running cold in her veins forcing tears to press their way up her throat as she tried again to speak, call for help again, call for anyone. Her legs gave out underneath her and she felt herself hit the hard floor with a crack so loud she thought for a second she must have broken something in the collision. To Katie it felt as if years were passing, each second longer than a decade, if time was moving at all even. But in reality it took five seconds for Katie Evans to lose control for the first time in her life, and when darkness swallowed her whole no one around her had even had time to notice that she was no longer with them in that room. Or in that time.


So guys, I thought we'd just start it something like this, if you want. At least this was my idea. If you want to go ahead and start with waking up in the whole Caribbean era and time and whatnot that's cool by me too. And since we haven't actually decided fully on how/why they end up where they do, you can make it as dramatic or undramatic as you wish.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: January 29th, 2014, 7:02 pm 
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30-year-old Miranda Spano was on her way back from attending the wedding of the daughter of a close family friend when she had the feeling that something bad was about to occur. She didn't know why she thought that way, but she did. It was not that she wasn't familiar with ships and the sea, since Miranda came from a seafaring family, but there was something odd about this particular return trip. Maybe it was the fact that the cruise ship she was on was following the same itinerary that the RMS Titanic (or would have if she would have actually made it to New York) would have taken all those years ago. Since Miranda was from Southampton, England, she practically grew up with tales of that tragegy. It was rumored that one of her ancestors, a girl by the name of Alexandra Renee Spano was a stewardess on the Titanic during her one and only voyage.

"I wonder if she was having similar thoughts to the ones I'm having right now." Miranda thought to herself as she tried to shake the strange feeling that suddenly came over her. Being part of the crew, of course Alexandra (or Lexi, as she preferred to be called) didn't survive the disaster and any time Miranda ventured over the area (or close to it), the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. It was said that of all the oceans and seas on Earth, the North Atlantic was the most unforgiving, so Miranda could imagine was going through Lexi's mind at the time.

Since Miranda didn't have any sisters (though she had two brothers), the daughter of the close family friend was the closest thing that she had to a sister. Her parents thought that being friends with her would somehow soften her demeaner, since Miranda was a bit on the wild side. Of course, attending any kind of wedding would mean that Miranda would have to wear a dress, which she despised, being more of a tomboy due to the fact that she was raised in a household full of men. Miranda was sure glad that she wasn't around during the Titanic's time or else she would have to squeeze herself into a corset, which would make it hard for her to breathe. "How women managed to breathe in those things is beyond me." she thought to herself as she heard a strange sound that was so loud that it nearly knocked her out of her seat. Miranda hoped that history wasn't repeating itself, since she wasn't planning to die in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, even if there were enough life boats for everyone on board.

Even though I'm not the Titanic buff I once was, it's amazing how much I remember, due to the fact that I used to read everything I could get my hands on when the blockbuster movie was out. This was when I first got my discount card at my local bookstore because I was buying so many books on the subject. I hope this is okay for a starting point, since I didn't want to reveal too much of Miranda's history.

♥ Married Owen Grady 8/25/16 ♥
"The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control."

Last edited by Marida on July 2nd, 2017, 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: January 30th, 2014, 6:15 pm 
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Killian Whytlaw would never have thought it possible four months ago, but he was getting weary of travelling. After spending the night in just another dingy hostel, he finally believe the mocking remarks his father had made when he'd first told his parents of his plan. After finishing his major in art history at University of Newcastle he had decided to follow his dream before diving into the vortex that seemed necessary for finding a job as a teacher. His father however hadn't been to fond of Killian's plan of travelling the great art galleries of Europe with the money inherited from his beloved grandmother. Not that his father had ever been fond of any of his decisions.

But this time Killian suspected his father might have been a tiny bit right. He had started to feel gradually worse since yesterday evening, and this morning he had woken up feeling hung over without having a single drop to drink. He was afraid of coming up with a cold, and despite blaming it on the wet and grey weather in Amsterdam, he decided to pay one last visit to the Rijksmuseum and admire the paintings made by the masters of the sixteenth century once more.

Two hours later he found himself staring intently at the huge and colourful works of art, so carefully arranged in the newly restored halls of the museum. Even though he was surrounded by school children and international tourists, he felt unseen by the others. "Just one of the many art students, without job prospects or hope of a decent income." Suddenly his eye fell on a small painting, bland and colourless compared to the works surrounding it. It seemed to depict a little harbour, with a watchful fortress on the left of the illustration. Waving palm trees showed the Caribbean inspiration on the painter. Killian easily made his way over to the painting, weaving through a crowd of young teenagers. He sat down in the chair next to the painting, but that did nothing to rest his suddenly dizzy head. In a reflex he closed his eyes and steadied his head. "Inhale deeply and exhale slowly." His overheated brain suddenly detected a whiff of a scent that definitely should not be found in a museum. "Is that... salt?"

(And here's my introduction part. I had a bit of trouble finding the right words, so I might change it here and there over the next few days. But it should already give you a bit of a peek inside his head, so you all get to know him a bit better. Just a bit though, wouldn't want to spoil anything!)


 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: January 31st, 2014, 6:31 am 
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Anamaria made her way through a crowded pub near the harbour of Port Royal, juggling with three mugs of ale. When she reached a more secluded corner of the pub, she sat down at the only table and pushed one mug of ale to the man who sat across the table. There were a few minutes of silent drinking and Anamaria would now and then throw an icy look at the empty seat next to her. Its vacancy and the sight of the full mug seemed to irritate her. In the end she could not contain herself any longer.

“It’s taking way too long. Why are we still even here, Gibbs?” Anamaria said, sharing her frustration with the first mate. She rearranged the hat under which she had tucked her dark locks and which served as her disguise as a man. Ever since they had arrived in Port Royal, she had not been comfortable. Even though it had been her home at some time, she did not like to come there. There was a certain smugness about most of its inhabitant, which she disliked and then of course there was this certain tendency of pirates never leaving this place alive. So with all the patrolling Redcoats, Anamaria had therefore disguised herself as a sailor to blend in. Still, they stood out from the other folk in Port Royal; people had been staring at them, even here in the pub, as if people knew that there had been something about them that wasn't right.

After taking another gulp of her ale, Anamaria continued in a low voice: “We both know that this idea of his will only end in disaster.” She hesitated for a moment, as if weighing her words and then looked at Gibbs; her dark eyes shining with determination. “What if we just left? Sparrow owes me a boat.” She thought with resentment about her ship that lay at the bottom of these waters somewhere. Or so it was said. “We could just leave a find a more profitable.. cause.”

[ So, this is my introduction of Anamaria. I just made something up about Jack Sparrow having a plan and being in Port Royal. But you guys can do whatever you want with it when you post for Jack or Gibbs.
And Lhun, I loved that bit about the Rijksmuseum! ;) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 4th, 2014, 8:07 pm 
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Droll, that was how Kraven saw his life, just one big joke, and he was the butt of it. It didn't matter what he did, or how hard he tried, things always seemed to just go the wrong way for him. He graduated high school with honors, but he didn't get into a collage, because he either had too much money, or else not enough money to earn himself any kinds of scholarships. His grades where exceptional, but not enough to gain him any kind of loans, or grants, and while most schools in Florida hand grants for kids who had hard life's, but managed to still make a life for themselves, he apparently either hadn't had a hard enough life, or else hadn't done enough to prove that he had beaten what had happened in his life. So collage never happened even though he had dreamed of it, but life had continued, and lead to where he was now. Somewhere else he didn't want to be.

Sounds like someone who just wants to be pitied right?, Well maybe you should hear everything else first. His mother died when he, and his twin sister Angelica where born. He was the older of the two, and so even though it was only by a few minutes he was still the one who everyone expetes great things from. But we'll get back to that in a minute. His father worked anywhere from two to four jobs at a time. The twins almost never saw him, instead they where mostly raised by there grandmother, their father's mom. When the twins where about eight that's when things went bad again. Their father died in a crash. He had been going to one of his jobs that he did overnight, and was hit head on by a drunk driver, and that man barely got a scratch, he even was able to swing a deal and get a light sentence, because of some evidence he had to put away some drug runner, or something, Kraven never understood the exact situations involved in the case, all he knew was that after a year of jail, and six months of parole his father a killer was back on the road Scott free, and his dad was still dead.

Next was his aging grandmother, she was a sweet old lady, the kind who always had a smile, and a hug for anyone who needed it. Not to mention some kind of home cooked meal, and desert, with a tall glass of sweet tea. To Kraven, and Angelica she was their whole world. She thought them about right, and wrong, honor, and respect, how life used to be when people would help each other without wondering what they get out of it themselves. She raised them on the stories about knights, and princesses, sailors, and pirates, and cowboys who chassed down the bandets. The twins ate those stories up. So of course that's how they wanted their life to be. But life soon kicked them again.

Their grandmother had a heart attack, and she died. The twins where twelve. They where taken in by an older couple from their church since they had no living relatives. The twins started helping around the house. He would do yard work, and repairs, and she would cook, and clean. It was the same kind of stuff that they helped their grandmother with all the time, so it was nothing new. He also started doing yard work for other people to help with the bills in anyway he could, and his sister would bake things and sell them to get money also. They still did all the extracurricular activities that their grandmother had gotten them started in so that they could keep things as normal as possible, but that just made them moss her more.

Since he was the firstborn son, he took care of his little sister, he was supposes to watch over and protect her, so that's what he did, even in highschool. So he took martial arts, while she took ballet. He was the defensive tackle for their football team, she was the head cheerleader. She was the president of their student body. He was the head of a club known as Youth Crime Watch, or YCW for short. And while he graduated with honors, she was the valedictorian. He never fit in with too many people, but everyone loved his sister. He had to spend most of his free time just chasing off the creeps who 'wanted to get a piece of his sister' as they liked to say. When they where in their junior year the couple that had taken them in, both passed away. The man passed in his sleep, and the lady's body deteriorated from losing the will to live without him. So the twins lived alone the rest of the time in highschool. Angelica had received all kinds of grants, and scholarships, so she went to collage to be a child's psychologist, she wanted to help kids who had life's similar to hers and her brothers. Kraven went to the military, the Navy in particular.

He found a life their that fit him pretty well. He was able to find others like himself, and because of his scores on the entrance exams, and his achievements during basic, he was chosen to be trained as a SEAL. He spent his four years in the military, and signed up for a two year extension. But halfway through his six year something bad happened again. Angelica disappeared, and no one knew where she was. The police found evidence of foul play, but they had no real leads to go on. He wasn't allowed to go home either, because of the sensitive nature of his job. He didn't get back to the states, until he got out of the military. Angelica had been missing for six months by then, and the police had gotten nowhere. So Kraven got involved himself. After a month of searching by himself, he did what the police couldn't do in half a year. He caught the man responsible, but he was to late.Angelica had spent her time looked up in a basement, being beaten and raped. She had died a week before he got there, and the creep still had her body.

He had snapped when he found her, and killed the man responsible, he called the police, and waited for them to arrive. He was arrested for murder, but released based on temporary insanity caused by excessive shock. Today was the one year anniversary of Angelicas death. He had just gotten home from his job as head of security for some spoiled rich brat who that he was allowed to do anything he wanted to just because he could throw around mommies, and daddies money. Kraven was partially drunk from drinking since he got home. He started to head to his room, because his head was spinning, worse than it usually did, and he hadn't drank that much at all. He opened the door stumbled for a moment and straitened himself and got ready to walk to his closet. He had his eyes closed since before entering his room, and had just noticed something weird. It was really hot, especially his feet, and he could smell salt on the air, and was that burning rubber.

(OK, done, really long I know. I usually don't do them this big, but the story just evolved as I wrote it. If you want I can do a rewrite of it and change it up, but if your happy with it than I'll just leave it like it is.)

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 5th, 2014, 4:43 pm 
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Jayla Martin had no idea what was going on.

She had a vague sense of her whereabouts, and that her boyfriend Rory was screaming at her, probably for doing something stupid that ended up with her getting hurt, but other than that, everything was lost to her. She sank into the chair behind her desk and stuffed her face into a pillow, hoping to muffle the furious pounding of blood in her ears, so loud it was drowning out her thoughts. She had a raging headache and when she lifted her head she saw that the room was spinning before her. She let out a low moan.

"Jayla, are you even listening to me?" Rory demanded. Jayla tried to answer him, but could not get any words out. But Rory, after knowing her for fifteen years, could sense when she was in pain, and he knew now that she was. His tone went from frustrated to concerned. He knelt down by Jayla's side. "Jayla, are you okay?"

No, Rory, I'm not! What's happening to me? she wanted to shout, but couldn't. She shook her head, almost imperceptibly.

Her boyfriend's eyes grew wide. "I'll go get help!" he said, and as Jayla watched him go, the pain grew worse. The spinning of the room increased its speed until it was no more than a blur. She wanted to scream out but couldn't. She wished Rory would hurry up. She closed her eyes as darkness enveloped her....

Was this what it felt like to die?

(Yeah, I hope this is okay.... It's been I while since I RP'd and I've got a lot of other things on my mind so I'm just going to go with this...)

Ehmagawd, December 13 is this Friday!!

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 6th, 2014, 4:58 pm 
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Gibbs liked to think of himself as an easygoing man. He was loyal to his friends, and in particular to his captain, he liked the occassional pub brawl, but more than that he liked good food and ale in enjoyable company. Especially if that company was female and goodlooking.

He therefore couldn't help but wonder what had made him decide to ask Anamaria to join him in the pub this evening. Even though he liked her company, and he certainly admired everything she had achieved so far, with her being a woman on a ship and all that, she prevented him from picking up more enjoyable company right now. Since it seemed not even some ale would calm her down he decided to give in to her prodding. "I haven't heard anything more than I have already told you: there's a faint whisper of a suggestion that might have something to do with Jack. And it's been said we might find out more if we were to come together here this evening at this place." Gibbs answered, in a hushed tone. He didn't want to draw too much attention to their table, as they had already been attracting strange looks throughout the evening.

Even though he shared Anamaria's doubts, Gibbs had already accompanied Jack on several adventures. And although not all of them had been profitable, they hadn't all hurt him either. He was therefore curious to see whether the rumours about Jack were true, and he didn't mind drinking a few more ales before finding out.


It's darker here than I've ever seen in my life. Killian couldn't stop the thought from entering his head as soon as he came to. It was indeed dark around him, save from some little yellow and orange lights in the distance. It was in fact so dark, that he couldn't make much of his surroundings. He seemed to be lying on sand, with the sea gently soaking his favorite pair of jeans. He sat up slowly, feeling around him in a circle to get some more information about where he was. His hands only encountered more sand, which lead him to the conclusion that he was on a beach. Probably in a warm land, as the night sky felt surprisingly pleasant on his bare arms.

Killian decided not to bother himself too much with the thought of how he got where he was now. Instead he wanted to find out where he was now. He just hoped his wet clothes wouldn't draw too much unwanted attention to him when he got up to try and find people who might help him out.


 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 6th, 2014, 9:43 pm 
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When Katie's eyes flickered open, she instantly closed them again. She couldn't see anything, and not only because of the darkness around her, but because her head was throbbing and her heart beating wildly. It took her a moment to realize what she was feeling, and one of her hands gently shut around the sand she was lying in. Confusion, fear, bewilderment. Sometimes you read about girls being raped or robbed - maybe it had happened to her, maybe someone had done something to her and then discarded her on a beach somewhere like she was trash. With quite a bit of struggle Katie managed to push herself up, from her lying position on her stomach. Then she felt the cold, the wet, and she realized she wasn't just on the beach, but actually in the water. At least her legs were. With tears burning sharply behind her eyelids she crawled forward, sobbing, making her way to the dry part of the sand.

She was dirty, sore, scared and lost. Although her eyes had gotten used to the dark she saw nothing, absolutely nothing. No lights in nearby houses. She couldn't even see any nearby houses. With her final burst of energy she flopped over, sitting with her face towards the singing sea, a gentle moonlight bathing the beach in front of her.

"Where am I?" she asked out loud, her voice barely louder than a whisper. The night should have been chilly, if she had still been in England, but it wasn't. Although the idea that someone had kidnapped her and taken her to a foreign land just wasn't plausible. It didn't make sense. It just didn't happen to people. It didn't. You read about it, but it couldn't happen to Katie. It couldn't. It had to be a prank. Her friends had to have planned it, put something in her drink, and brought her her for a surprise vacation.

Slowly her heartbeat calmed when she convinced herself that was the case. Now they were expecting her to freak out, and that was why they'd left her here in the dark. In the morning they'd show up, laughing, and with a camera pointed towards her. It'd be alright. Kattie pulled her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arms around her legs. It would be alright. It had to be, it just had to.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 11th, 2014, 9:39 pm 
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It hit Kraven all of a sudden what the burning rubber smell was, and why his feet were so hot. The burning ribber was the souls of his shoes, and as soon as he realized this he ran and tripped over the edge of something. He pushed on the ground to get up, and realized he was touching dirt, and when he turned to see what he had been standing in, he was shocked to see an old style fire pit. Like the ones used by blacksmiths.

Kraven shook his head, and then said "How drunk am I? I know for a fact that I didn't drink that much, and where am I?" That's when he thought about his shoes, and looked down to check on them. As soon as he saw them he moaned, and said "Awe, come on, really! You have got to be kidding me. I just bought these shoes, and now the souls are melted, and warped. That's just my luck."

After that Kraven decided he needed to figure out where he was, and more importantly how he got here. He looked around the smithy and found two doors. A big set of double doors at the front which had a chain on them, and was clearly looked from the outside, and a single back door, which presented him with the same problem.

He also found a window that was about waist high. He opened it, since it had no lock on it, and took a look outside. It was dark, and the streets where light by old candle posts, and the buildings looked like something out of the old pirate movies him, and his sister, used to watch together. He shook his head, and said "Just where am I anyways?"

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: February 19th, 2014, 5:49 pm 
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“You’re a trustful and superstitious man, Joshamee Gibbs,” Anamaria said over her mug of ale. She caught the man's glances to the other women in the pub, but dismissed it, just like the frequent stares directed at them. “But somehow, you've been fortunate enough to never have paid for your trust in Jack. He even seems to trust you to some extent.”

Anamaria’s dark eyes looked into the pair of blue ones opposite of her. Her words were true; Jack Sparrow seemed to be fond of this man, who had accompanied him already on many adventures. There was even some sort of trust –insofar there could be trust between pirates- between these two men. “Let us hope that this is not just a gamble, but also a profitable undertaking.”

It had to be. Anamaria’s gold pouch was getting alarmingly light and if she ever was to arrange a ship and a crew again, she needed gold and lots of it. Being a woman in a world of men, in a world of hustlers and scoundrels, she needed to be inventive and persuasive. Experiencing a budget deficit made her feel powerless and made her agree to undertakings which she normally never would get accept, like anything related to Jack Sparrow. But here she was in Port Royal, and Jack was nowhere to be found. But still, Gibbs was here, and therefore Anamaria relied on this man and his trust in Jack.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: March 9th, 2014, 2:24 pm 
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"I think that is exactly why I trust Jack. So far any of my travels or endavours with Jack have never cost me more than I invested in the first place. Of course I have sometimes lost some gold, but staying ashore and drinking me money would have had the same effect. With Jack I have had the opportunity to visit new coasts, since two people usually appear more convincing and trustworthy than one." Especially when that one is just me, Gibbs added as a mental note to himself. He did not have any illusions regarding his own talents, especially since they were usually overshadowed by Jack's. He knew how to sail a ship, how to bargain and how to secure a safe place to sleep for the night, but the more advanced tricks of the trade were better off in Jack's hands.

Gibbs was therefore getting slightly irritated when Jack still had not turned up at midnight. His eyes kept darting at the door everytime a new customer entered the fire-lit room, but none of the new visitors even resembled Jack. "I am sorry for wasting your evening" he muttered to Anamaria. He held the woman in high regard and he was positive she would have had better and more profitable plans for this evening if he had not asked her to join him. "It might be only a small consolation, but I have another line of information that might prove a bit more useful to both of us. Would you consider joining me tomorrow, so we can see if that will lead is to more profit?"

Killian had been able to knock most of the sand from his clothes, making him look slightly more presentable. Not that anyone would be able to scrutinize him in this heavy darkness, but he felt more secure now that he was a bit cleaned up. He decided to take off his shoes and just follow the beach towards the little lights he had spotted earlier in the distance. He reasoned that in a country with these warm temperatures people would be more likely to live close to the beach, so he hoped to increase his chances of finding out where he was by following the clear sandy trail.

As he made his way over the beach, he suddenly realised a few things: the air smelt clean - nothing like the usual mix of urine, old cigarettes and alcohol that seemed to go together with beaches at the end of warm days - and the beach showed no signs of human habitation. No glass, no cigaret butts, no empty packages or other garbage. Just soft sand and the occassional shell crushed under his feet. And still very, very dark.

So far he had not really panicked, even though he had no clue where he was or what had happened. Killian usually kept his calm and preferred to think about the different possible options, before he let his emotions get the upper hand. He rarely did anything on impulse, what might explain the extreme reaction of his father when he announced he would be travelling through Europe instead of choosing a responsible or at least profitable job. But in this situation, his ability to keep his cool might prove more useful than ever before.

After an estimated fifty minute walk he still had not encountered sight nor sound of other people. His steps in the rough sand became increasingly heavy, and the jacket that had been slung over his shoulders was starting to scafe the skin of his neck. A bit of exploration showed him a small cluster of bushes and low trees at the edge of the beach. For lack of a better plan, he decided to make himself comfortable on the sand, with his jacket under his head as a pillow. A bit of sleep might help to clear his mind, and the morning sun might also help him in finding his way in this strange place.


 Post subject: Re: Pirates of the Carribean RPG
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2014, 1:37 pm 
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Country: Sweden (se)
Gender: Female

We have obviously fallen off the wagon on this one, is anyone interested in continuing or should we leave it?


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

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