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 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 9th, 2015, 9:59 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
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Waiting until Varianna had left, Eve forced herself upright, trying her utmost to adjust to her pounding headache. This was not at all a good way to start the morning. A hangover and an unpleasant greeting from your least favourite person was enough to put anyone off a day's work. But Eve was nothing if not resilient. She would push on, like she always did. She untangled herself from the nest of blankets and looked around for her over-garments. She was vaguely aware of the door closing behind Andrea. It was definitely time to get up. Having slept in her shirt and trousers, all Eve needed to do was to lace herself into her bodice and pull on her boots. She fumbled with the laces, still slow with the after effects of last night's drinking. Cursing softly under her breath, she pulled the laces tighter so that the bodice sat more securely on her slender frame.

She staggered to her feet and took a few moments regaining her balance. "Rory... have you seen my boots...?" She cast her gaze around, blinking against the sunlight that was streaming in through a nearby window. "Aha, there they are." She hopped a little from foot to foot as she tugged them on. She sighed with relief, the first task of today completed. She wondered whether she should give up on alcohol altogether, as she had wondered many times before. Surely it wasn't worth feeling this ghastly afterwards? She considered this for a second before remembering what a strain her day to day life actually was. She only had to recall Vari's spiteful behaviour; pointed comments and malicious glances were the least of what Eve had to put up with from her.

Eve took a little time to tame her hair, running her hands through it and sweeping it to one side before fixing it into a quick version of a fishtail plait. Satisfied that she was presentable, Eve stretched a smile onto her face, hoping that if she gave the appearance of feeling happy, then the real thing would follow soon enough. She had to keep cheerful, for her own sake. "See you up on deck then," she called to Aurora-Rose as she headed towards the door. As she left, she was hit by a fresh wave of sea salted air, which went some way towards revitalising her. It had been slightly claustrophobic in Drea's cabin.

Drawing in a deep, cleansing breath, Eve held onto the handrail. Everything would be fine. It would be fine. She repeated this to herself several times, even though the sinking feeling in her stomach told her otherwise. She just had to try to avoid Varianna. But avoiding Varianna often meant avoiding Edward, seeing as the Spanish woman was so often known to seek his company. It wasn't fair. Why should Eve have to stay out of the way of one of her dearest friends, just to have some peace and quiet? Eve found her jaw tightening as a spark of anger kindled itself in her eyes. No - she wasn't going to hide away or creep around like a frightened mouse. Varianna was just going to have to grow the hell up. Eve and Edward were friends, and that wasn't going to change any time soon. It was plain spite on Varianna's part to want to keep them separate.

Eve hated Vari because she treated Edward so appallingly. She was always pushing him away, dropping him when she was bored and then picking him up again when she thought that he was getting too close to Eve. Edward deserved better. Gritting her teeth, Eve ascended to top deck. Vari could sneer at her and provoke her all she liked, but she wouldn't get the subdued reaction she was hoping for. There was no way in hell that Eve would let that woman push her around.


Arielle pouted as Jack brushed her off, only half pretending to be piqued. Really, this man was most unsociable! Hadn't he ever heard that a bit of conversation was good for you? Turning on her heel, she was about to flounce over in the direction Jack had suggested, when she clapped her eyes on to a welcome sight. Genuine excitement flooded into her green-blue gaze as she spotted her sister for the first time since last night, when Varianna and a few others had headed off to get drunk. This was yet another thing that Arielle heartily disapproved of. Alcohol of any kind was dangerous. During his last years, her father had been a slave to it. She had seen him wither away into a shadow of his former self, until there was nothing left but a shell of a man. Arielle would have to make sure that Varianna kept her drinking habits in moderation, and she would make sure of this at any cost.

"Vari!" Arielle bounded over to her own flesh and blood, with a smile that beamed brighter than the sun. She greeted Vari with a kiss on either side of her face, a French tradition. Arielle remained oblivious to the fact that Vari despised the French. "How are you? Did you sleep well? Do you have a headache? You're not too tired?" As she bombarded Vari with this stream of questions, she reached out and felt her brow to check if she was clammy. For a younger sister, Arielle acted more as if Vari was under her protection and care, instead of the other way round. "You seem fine to me. But understand this, you must not drink too much, you hear? It's bad for your health." She patted Vari's face in what she saw as a kind manner. She was not well enough acquainted with Vari to realize that she would find this endless attention irritating.

"Now," Arielle slyly moved onto a different subject, "where is that man you call Ed?" She pronounced his name with a wrinkle of her brow. "Best keep a watchful eye out for him, dear. I know-" she tapped her own chest emphatically, "-I know what men like him are like. You must be careful, mon cher. If you don't keep him where you can see him, who knows what he might be up to? In my opinion you would be better off rid of him, but..." she trailed off with a meaningful shrug of her shoulders. " is your life, of course. If you really mean to keep him, you'd better act like you mean it." She looked over Vari's shoulder and smiled. "There she is, that blonde girl, that Eve, is that her name? At least you know where she was last night. I've seen the way your Ed looks at her."


Rosalind watched with a fond smile as Hunter went forward and embraced his old friend. It was touching to see Hunter so delighted to greet him, even though he had walked in on them unannounced. She observed her lover as he turned back towards her, sensing the pride he felt in having been caught in her company, and his wish for her to be on friendly terms with Gabriel. It was a pure joy for Rosalind to be desired and respected. It would have been shaming for her to be hidden away like a guilty secret, to be treated like a mere distraction. But Hunter had never been like that with her. This was one of the many things she loved about him - and there were a great deal of things that she loved about him. With a cheeky wink in Hunter's direction, Rosalind vacated her position by the desk and went to greet Gabriel.

"But of course we've met," she said with her usual mischievous smile. She reached out and shook Gabriel's hand, much as a man would greet another. Rosalind wasn't going to say hello with a curtsy. "But we haven't really become very much acquainted thus far, have we, Gabriel? You must have tea with us sometime so we can all chat. You will forgive me if I add the tiniest splash of whisky to my tea. It gives it a bit of a boost." She let go of Gabriel's hand and tilted her head to once side cheerfully. Rosalind's manner with everyone was always playful. She didn't care if she seemed too forward or even improper. She wasn't going to don a false personality.

She glanced up at Hunter impishly and gave his arm a gentle pinch, well aware of how keen he would be for some time alone with her today. For now, he'd have to wait. "Do sit down, Gabriel," she told their guest, ushering him into a seat. There was almost a sense of melancholy that she had picked up about Gabriel some time ago, and she had decided to be kind to him - not just because he was Hunter's friend, but because she was friendly by nature, and wanted other people to be cheerful too.

With a devilish smile to Hunter, Rosalind seated herself in his own chair behind the desk, draping her arms over the armrests as if it was her own personal throne. "You can have your chair back in a minute, Hunter. I want to see what it's like, being the man behind the desk. Giving all the orders, in his delicious Irish accent." Laughing, she bobbed back out of the chair and raised her eyebrows roguishly. "You see Gabriel, I love to tease my dear Costello-Nightingale. It's one of my favourite hobbies."


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

Last edited by ~Goldleaf~ on July 10th, 2015, 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 9th, 2015, 10:59 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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Micah nodded with a friendly gesture as Dante greeted them. "Actually my night was rather peaceful," he replied. "There's something about a cool night and the moon's reflection in the water that revitalizes a spirit." He seemed to be slipping into a daydream almost as he relived the previous night. "A man hardly needs sleep." He smiled and it seemed there was a glint in his eye that wasn't entirely decipherable.

Galen just hung his head and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah, you could say that." Was his only reply. He didn't know Dante... or anyone one the ship yet. He wanted to seek out those of influence and try and form a friendship. He had high hopes he did... perhaps, one day, even captain of his own ship. The black pearl was a legend on the high seas... if any ship could carry him to his own captainhood it was this one. "What about you? I suspect there was quite the ruckus up here?"

Micah gazed at the two men before him, almost as if he were sizing the both of them up. He had seemed to take a liking to Galen Duin. The young Irish man had spirit and potential, Micah could see that much. His gaze turned back to Dante. He looked as though he would have no trouble handling his own. All in all, Micah figured, this wasn't a half bad crew.

While they stood there Micah's gaze drifted momentarily over to the busy part of the ship. Arielle caught his eye as she seemed very cheery, and more importantly, not hung over. He noted that. He wanted to know who he could go to and trust to be sober in a pinch if tragedy struck early in the morning. He never could fathom giving one's life to an addiction. "Addiction is weakness." he reminded himself internally... though his lips might have mouthed the words as he thought them. Micah would tell people that he had too much to do to surrender his life to addiction of any kind... truth be told he feared them.

He gazed back out over the water, again, almost as if he was lost in some sort of daydream. He listened well, however, for Dante's answer to Galen's question.

(It's short but I've got to get to bed and wanted to be sure to get this up before I did. )



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 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 15th, 2015, 12:58 am 
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The woman laughed as a loud thud at the door signaled just what Andrea thought about her wake up call. She couldn't blame her exactly, but she also felt very little sympathy for her condition. There was some, of course - her friends’ head must ache, but it was their own doing after all. They had indulged more than a little in drink last night, and it was not as if they were uncertain as to the effects of such a night. No, her sympathy was decidedly dampened by that, she thought.

She flitted about below deck, searching out food for the crew. Once she'd decided she was pleased with the amount and choices she made she took the loaded tray and began maneuvering back up, only to nearly spill the entirety of the items when she was met with a solid and human shaped obstacle.

“Oof,” the small sound of surprise fell out of her mouth and and she scrambled to keep the tray balanced. Luckily, there were no casualties - seeing everything in its place she looked at the man she’d run into and smiled.

“So sorry about that, Edward. I could hardly see around the food. Are you quite alright?” She asked, looking him over, as if the tray and small knock would have caused any sort of injury. Satisfied she hadn’t ruined his health, she held out the food. “Take some for you and Vari for that matter, I think she’s very near the same state as the rest of them.”


Gibbs at least had the sense to look embarrassed by the observation. The truth of it was that he couldn’t steer the ship in the weather, and Jack had passed out. He was loathe to wake the captain whenever he found any sort of sleep. After the locker it seemed that the man had more trouble sleeping than most, and it would certainly damage him if he went and took the only rest away he could find.

No, he was certain that he had done the right thing at that time. There was, of course, no reason to go telling the Captain that.

“Well, y’see - what happened was Barbossa near wrestled out of m’fingers, Captain. Said he couldn’t have no one else but himself steering in such a storm; pulled a gun on me and all! Caught unaware I was hardly gonna argue with’im. It’s all about bidin’ our time, Jack. Don’t you worry.”


Hector watched as his first mate mounted the steps. He had a greeting in place on his lips when she went and turned about to hunker down onto the railing. He frowned and furrowed his brows at her back.

He could see from the stiffness in her posture that their spat last night had not been forgotten. Fine, fine! He thought angrily, taking some of his frustration out on the crew - snapping out a repeat of his former command, this time with added colorful descriptions of just what would happen to them if they didn’t move fast enough for him. Sulking, he twisted the wheel and stared at the compass in his hand.

His silence only lasted a good ten minutes, then he ventured to greet the angry woman at his side.

“I don’t expect you and the rest of your lot slept long last night? Could hear the ruckus all the way up here on deck until the wee hours of the morning.” It was not exactly a ‘good morning how did you sleep?’ but that was the best she would be getting after the cold shoulder she was presenting this morning.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 16th, 2015, 10:58 am 
Lady of Gondolin
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He would have gladly stayed in the shadows to watch the exchange between Rosalind and Hunter; it wasn't often that he saw his brother in arms so relaxed and dare he say playful. Instead, he was quick to make his presence known, slightly surprising the pair of them from their private matters. "Of course we have met. It is not everyday that I can meet the woman who makes dear Hunter blush." He gave his friend, neigh, his brother a cheeky grin before turning to the woman who had captivated Hunter in ways he understood all too well.

Gabriel was glad that Hunter did not treat Rosalind as a secret, not the way he treated his own love. If he could consider her that these days. It was supposed to be nothing but a fleeting memory, yet it was hard to forget her when she continually tore at his heart every waking night.

He moved from Hunter, giving the man a nudge in the shoulder before moving towards Rosalind. Gabe made to take her hand and bring it to his lips, as any gentleman would do; and if Gabriel learned anything from his father it was that he had to uphold all the virtues of a gentleman in public. Before he could lift her hand, Rosalind was clasping it in the way of a man. "Ah, a true lady. You remind me of Au--someone, in all the best of ways of course." He shook her hand and then clasped his hands behind his back. Some things never changed. At the mention of whiskey, he laughed, turning towards Hunter. "I am liking her the more and more I talk with her." His head turned, whisps of blond curls falling from the red thong holding his hair back.

He took the offered seat, kicking up his boots onto the corner of Hunter's desk. He may be pushing things a bit too far, but in the present company, he didn't think Hunter would mind. Should any man of the Navy come by, he would maintain a proper demeanor. "You know, I think you should meet my sister. She is in need of a woman like you. With our mother being.. busy all of the time and my father often at sea, she needs a companion as fun as you." Gabe clapped his hands together, glancing over towards Hunter. "What say you? Rosalind hasn't made you lose your tongue yet, right?"


"To forget, yeah yeah." Aurora-Rose mumbled, pressing the calloused flesh of her fingers against her eyes, trying to make the world stop spinning. They were on the sea of course, so there was a natural twist and turn of the sea, but every damn thing shouldn't be so blurry.

There were too many voices speaking at once. "Will you lot shut up." She growled only momentarily before a hiccough racked through her slender body, tossing her from her position halfway on the bed onto the floor. "Curses." Shoe... did someone just mention a shoe. Glancing down at her feet she saw that both of her boots were secured on her feet. Pehraps a bit untied, but she had luckily not lost them as she did her memories of the night before.

"I've got me shoes here." She thrust her feet into the air, her back pressed against the cool boards of the ship's floor. Rory would have stayed on the cool ground for the rest of the afternoon if her cabinmates didn't leave right after another. "Bug-ger. Wait for me!" Aurora pushed herself off the ground, her stomach slightly queasy, but nothing she couldn't handle. Plus the thought of a meal full of greasy sausages sounded delightful. Rory lunged forward, ruffling Vari's hair as she passed the dark hair woman. Smacking Eve on the behind with a grin, and finally pulling up beside Andrea and Hector-Captain Barbossa rather.

Aurora only heard the last few words that slipped from the Captain's lips, but she thrust her hand up against her head in a mock salute that she had often seen the redcoats issuing whenever they saw a man of royalty. "Should have joined us Cap'n. Knickers were flying all night long."


"My night was peaceful as well. As peaceful as it can be with a ship full of pirates and wild women." Dante gestured over his shoulder to the slew of women who continued to spill forth from the deck in various states of undress and or sobering intoxication. "My friends, Elijah and Loralaine are enjoying a pre breakfast. I don't know how the pair of them can eat so much." Dante shrugged, glancing from Micah to Galen and back. Micah seemed to be in some sort of state of introspection, so he chose not to bother the man. His attention turning focus to Galen.

"I do hope that last night was worth the ruckus as I believe whatever the Captain has to say today is going to change our futures." Dante motioned towards Hector and Jack who were in their own state of some sort of internal battles.


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 17th, 2015, 3:34 am 
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“Vari!” Hearing her name uttered in that over-fluffed French accent caused her to cringe where she stood. Making sure she had some semblance of a smile on her face, Vari turned around to greet the woman. In a way, she pitied Arielle - it wasn’t her fault she was raised with that horrid accent. The only consolation was that she had some Spanish in her too, thanks to their shared mother, Maribel. Vari had been both shocked and excited to learn that she had another sibling, especially after Keyara and a strange man sought them out after the Endeavour sank. Not that she had been close with Keyara in any sense - as a matter of fact, their relationship was almost nonexistent. Whenever they crossed paths, it usually involved a bitter verbal exchange and Keyara trying to kill her. Now that the blonde was on the ship, Vari tried her best to avoid the person who’d betrayed her.

The second Arielle began touching her face and drowning her in questions, Vari took her wrists and gently pulled her hands away. Albeit irritating, she knew that Arielle was only expressing her concern in the way she knew how. Both of their fathers had died from alcohol overdoses, and Vari had witnessed firsthand as a young girl, just how bad Peter’s addiction had become. With the deaths of her parents and Keyara running away from home, Vari had been left to fend for herself ever since the age of thirteen. For fourteen years she’d been proficient at taking care of herself, so handing that independence over to Arielle wasn’t something she was about to do.

“I have never been better,” she assured the Frenchwoman, bracing her hands on Arielle’s shoulders and looking her straight in the eye. In truth, her head pounded and the interrogation had only worsened it, but it was a lie to say she wasn’t overjoyed about their recent victory over the East India Company. A genuine smile crossed her features as she recalled the events - the moment that dreaded ship sank beneath the onslaught of the pirates’ attack and the overdue deaths of Beckett and Jones had only filled her with delight.

At first, Vari had been caught up in her memories before she’d realized Arielle was talking about Edward. She’d initially left Andrea’s cabin with the intent of locating the man but the woman in front of her had caused a distraction. She was about to interrupt her half-sister to tell her that Edward was far from whatever men Arielle had already come across in her short lifetime, when the mention of Eve made her blood turn cold. “What do you mean?” She eyed Arielle hard, her voice taking on a hushed, yet urgent, tone.


It was a hard collision, Ed realized with a grimace, as the end of Christine’s food tray jabbed against his torso. The pain was fleeting - nothing of significance, however, and his arm shot out to help her balance the tray before it all crashed to the deck. The crew had amassed a stockpile of food and provisions on the Pearl that was nothing to shake a stick at, but why let them go to waste for no good reason?

Once she was steady on her feet, Edward accepted the food she held out to him, taking just enough for himself and Vari to share. He hadn’t yet seen the brunette, but finding her would be his next task. Surely she would be grateful for something solid in her stomach after the flood of alcohol last night.

“I’m fine, Chrissy,” he smiled. It was half-hearted but warm, as he couldn’t help his concern from spilling over into their conversation. The two of them had never really had a chance to sit down and get to know one another, but they were amicable nevertheless. Christine seemed to have her head on straight and was more reliable than most on board. “How are the ladies this morning? I mean… Eve’s alright? No claw marks or wounds inflicted by Vari?” Even though it was meant as a joke, Ed knew that there was a definite possibility for irreparable bodily harm. He hardly wanted to imagine the state of them after spending a night together in the same room.


Layne was hardly one of the women, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t partake in the previous night’s binge with his own bottle of alcohol and Ian curled up at his side. Ian had only taken a few sips from the half-empty container, but Layne’d had no problem polishing off the rest. It had been dark enough last night for the two of them to find an area behind a tall stack of crates and barrels where they were out of view of the rest of the ship’s occupants.

He pulled up a chair across from where Elijah and Loralaine sat, conversing with each other between bites and smirked as he thought of whispered confessions and kisses. Layne had bedded a decent amount of partners but none were as interesting or appealing to him as Ian. Something about his reluctance and secrecy made the whole thing all the more thrilling to Layne.

As if on cue, Ian and Alyssandra entered the dining room together. “Oh. Hello everyone.” Alyssandra greeted them all with a pleasant smile and the nod of her head. She hadn’t been expecting to find this many people at breakfast, considering most of the crew had insisted on getting wasted last night. She kept far away from the stuff herself, having seen the impact it had on patients during her time as a doctor’s assistant in Montego Bay. Ian had seen them too, the injured vagrants and pirates stumbling through the door smelling heavily of whiskey and blood and body odor. Alyssandra could forgive the blood, but not the alcohol and layers of dirt and grime that caused anyone in the immediate vicinity to take several steps backwards. Of course, she remained blissfully unaware of the fact that Ian partook in drinks whenever Layne was nearby. It was yet another thing Ian felt guilty about hiding from her.

As if it wasn’t bad enough, Alyssandra motioned for Ian to sit down between herself and Layne. Being between the two people he loved dearly caused him to swallow thickly and will away the heat rising beneath his skin. He couldn’t risk blushing or causing any outward signs of discomfort, so he ignored both of them and reached for the bowl of crisp green apples no doubt requested by Captain Barbossa himself.


Ackerley Reich leaned against the front of his desk, a crystal glass of scotch in one hand and a small stack of papers in the other. He sipped thoughtfully from the glass as his eyes scanned the letters he’d received earlier in the day. Some were business-related and varying degrees of urgency, but the one he was reading now had come from higher ups in the East India Trading Company and detailed that Hunter Costello-Nightingale had been named the Chairman in light of Cutler Beckett’s death.

The doors to his office swung open and Ackerley didn’t even have to take his eyes off of the letter to know that Raschia had returned from a successful contract kill. “Morning, sweetheart,” he purred in the deep accent that made everything he said seem all the more ominous. Taking his eyes off of the documents, he watched as his daughter used one of his fine handkerchiefs to wipe the rest of the blood from her hands. He could only shake his head and finish off his drink, knowing the ruined cloth would have to be replaced. Setting the glass on his desk, he turned to face her and handed over the letter in his grasp.

Raschia skimmed the parchment quickly, ignoring the niceties and getting straight to the point. “Fascinating,” she hummed, as her father moved to pour another round of scotch.

“Drink?” He offered.

She raised her hand as a sign of refusal, instead choosing to sit in one of the armchairs positioned by the fireplace to continue reading. Ackerley knew better than to offer her alcohol - it would only serve to cloud her judgement and she couldn’t let that stand in the way of her work. “Are you going to arrange a meeting with this… Hunter?” She finally looked up at Ackerley, playfulness in her mismatched eyes.

Sitting down in the velour chair adjacent to Raschia, Ackerley shook his head. He started on the second round of drinks and stared at the flames crackling in the mantle. “I can’t. Too much to be taken care of and looked after.”

“Then I’ll go in your stead.”

Ackerley raised a skeptical eyebrow in her direction and Raschia could almost read his thoughts. “I doubt a mercenary is what he’s expecting…”

“I’m not going to kill him,” she provided, dropping the letter onto the end table between the two chairs. A crooked smirk betrayed her as she added, “at least not yet.”


Keyara wiped the sweat from her forehead and threw the rag she’d been scrubbing with in the bucket of water with a disgruntled sound. Ever since they’d come to the crew of the Black Pearl requesting to board the ship, she’d been regretting the decision to use the pirates as a way of seeking out Hunter. But Fabian’s smooth talk had persuaded Ian and Alyssandra to side with them and they’d managed to be allowed on board - under very heavy suspicion, of course. Perhaps the worst part, aside from being on this particular ship of course, was the fact that she and Fabian had been saddled with laborious tasks that were probably even too good for a slave. She sat back on her heels and squinted in the sunlight. Even though it was morning, the Caribbean heat was already pounding down on anyone who stood still. She was grateful for the occasional breeze, but today it seemed as though they were few and far between.

Keyara wiped her hands on her ruined dress that was probably worse off than the rag she’d been using to scrub the decks. The once-yellow fabric was now a dingy gold, streaked with dirt and ripped in more places than she could count. She hadn’t had a chance to change before her and Fabian came to grovel before the feet of her most hated enemies, but maybe her state of disarray had actually served to help her. The porcelain, untouchable Keyara had been replaced by someone in need. Their mutual dislike of Hunter and the fact that they were hardly in a position to attack the pirates no doubt helped their case. Still, if Keyara had a say, each and every one of the ne’er-do-wells aboard this vessel would be dead, be it by the noose or Keyara’s own bare hands.

Abandoning her task, she tucked a straggly blonde tress behind her ear and went to seek out Fabian, wherever he was aboard this wretched ship.

[[It feels super weird having Keyara be on the Pearl, much less the fact that she and Fabian were even allowed on board, but I figure they’re not dangerous (for now) and the crew could push them around as much as they’d like :P ]]

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 6:28 pm 
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Location: Going to Hell in a Handbasket
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(Small and a little rushed, but I need to get to bed as I'm off to London Film and Comic Con tomorrow... up at 6am... apologies for anything missed or misspelled!)

Hunter stood back at first, watching the two share in an easy camaraderie which easily made him smile. It was refreshing to see as, despite his best efforts and influence, there were times when Rosa wasn't quite as accepted amongst his peers as they both would have liked. Few people spoke out against her now, but in the days of Cutler Beckett his dalliance with her was highly frowned upon. With the mention of whiskey he moved to his drinks cabinet, removing a small key from his pocket, ready to slip into the small key hole, only to find the lock had already been taken care of - picked at his guess. Jenko. He opened the cabinet door with a frown and mentally counted the bottles, noting the absence of one or two, but made no remark of it as he took out his own personal favourite; a well aged Scottish Whiskey. Closing the cabinet once more he made a point of locking it, turning back to the others to pour all three of them a drink. He placed the first before Rosalind as she sat at his desk and he raised a brow, an amused smirk tugging at his lips before he passed the second to Gabriel.

"Now that is an idea." He agreed with the younger man's suggestion of introducing the two women. He chuckled some at the thought, knowing Gabriel's younger sister to be rather innocent in the ways of the world. Rosalind would certainly give her an education, but perhaps it would be of benefit in the long run. "Our Nina has been rather quiet of late, some female companionship could do her good, I think." He paused here, glancing up to the large bay window as the sun had now made a further descent into the powdered blue sky. For a moment his eyes moved back to his own glass and he wondered if it was slightly too early to begin with such strong drinks, remembering how his father would take two before he fully rose for breakfast on some days, but quickly he brushed away such thoughts, instead raising the tumbler in a toast and knocking the amber liquid back with one swift gulp. The briefest of grimaces fluttered over his features as the spirit burned down his throat and into his belly before he was setting the glass aside and pulling some papers towards himself.

"Right then, to business I think?" His suggestion was made with an enthusiastic smile while leaning over the desk, his eyes flickering up to his companions. So far only Rosalind knew of his plan, of what he'd had Jenko do. It wasn't that he didn't trust Gabriel with the information, but simply that, if anything did happen to go wrong, he didn't want his brother to be caught up in the affair. He was better and safer not knowing. His eyes traced back down to the papers in front of his and he unfurled a large map which took up the large expanse of his desk. Trade routes and merchant ports were plotted out clearly and Hunter used his index finger to tap one of them. "Sources tell us there has been a large amount of pirate activity in these waters recently, though they have been unable to identify any particular ships or captains. The belief is that our latest... set back" His lips curled around the word as he frowned some, before continuing. "has inspired other merchant sailors to turn rogue and take up the pirate flag." Pausing for a moment once again he looked thoughtful, glancing up to Gabriel. "When does Uncle Jon return to Port?" He asked curiously, his mind working over many ideas.


Jack listened to the tale of his first mate, his face showing his clear displeasure at the situation still and he huffed some, puffing out his cheeks as his flapping hands became less energetic. His eyes followed upwards once more, taking in not only Barbossa but 'Drea as well and his frowned deepened, taking on the look of an almost comical pout. After the battle they had seemed to come to a silent agreement, a truce of sorts, but that didn't mean that tensions ran no less high, or that Jack enjoyed sharing his title of captain. "Aye." He finally grumbled some, knowing what Gibbs said to be true. He also knew, begrudgingly, that they would need all hands on deck, when they finally reached the fountain, wherever it may have been. If only he could study the charts, it had worked when they had been attempting their return from... that place he wouldn't think of... the damned locker... Suddenly his eyes fell upon a figure and a toothy, shining grin spread on his features. Holding up a finger to silence whatever Joshamee was about to say, or think, he began to stride forward, the grin still plastered on his face.

"Ladies, ladies!" He called out jovially, slipping up between Arielle and Varianna, looking between them with mischief sparking in his eyes. "I'm interrupting, I know, and I'm sure whatever conversation you were sharing was..." He made a face here, trying to think of a word for what he was sure was a very dull and tedious topic indeed. "Riveting, but!" He held a hand up once more to stop any interruptions, staring at his blackened fingernails with interest for a moment longer before continuing on. "I need a moment of our Vari's time..." Without much further warning he was steering the Spaniard away, his arm still firmly around her shoulder. He was quiet for a moment, contemplative... or simply biding his time for he spoke again and when he did he was using the voice he often used when charming his more difficult... conquests.

"Varianna, darling, the two of us have a history... you've sailed with me, I with you..." He gave her an even larger grin here, a glint of gold catching in the early sunlight. "We can trust each other now, aye?"


The tension between Andrea and her captain was already bubbling beneath the surface, which was almost a record, considering for most breakfast had yet to be served. In truth she couldn't quite properly remember what their spat had been about, but she was sure she had good reason to be annoyed with him. Of course, that and the presence of Sparrow was enough to cause her hackles to rise. At his comment she rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her untidy hair once more, turning to lean with her back against the railings just as her best friend joined them. Her laughter was a bark which cracked through the morning air and she immediately regretted the effect it had on her head, grimacing slightly.

"Oh aye, you know how comfortable I am with a storm, Hector." She snapped back somewhat sarcastically in the elder captain's direction. Come to think about it she remembered now partly why she had been so annoyed at him; the man had been too engrossed in his territory fight with Sparrow last night to register the way she'd had a white knuckle grip on her bottle and a sheen of sweat on her forehead. The argument didn't make for as good a distraction from the storm as the alcohol did. It was at that point she had returned to her cabin and sought out the company of the girls. At this thought she shifted just a fraction closer to Rory, still leaning against the rail, her stance almost challenging with jutted hips and chin. The woman was practically family to her, having had a few affairs with 'Drea's cousin, before the two of them ran off together to join a life on the high seas. "But as ye say, we found enough entertainment without ye. Ruckus and all."

She turned fully to Aurora-Rose now, glancing around the ship as she tried to spy the tell-tale sight of red hair. "Where d'ya think Chrissy got to with that breakfast anyway, I'm starved..."

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 19th, 2015, 12:38 am 
Tolkien Scholar
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(slipping in here. Man, I feel ridiculously rusty and scatter brained... :confused2: for now I'm keeping with these two. I might introduce someone to the Pearl later on cause I probably need a pirate... :pirate: )

Somehow, Henry found himself stationed once again in Costello’s ever-charming company. However, this time, the man was not his superior. They weren’t even equals… in fact, they were on different planes entirely this time. Henry had returned to the Caribbean and, more specifically, this destination, upon orders from the Crown.

Despite the unpleasant company, he hadn’t begrudged this assignment. Actually, he had quite welcomed it and he had seen it as a way to remain close to Aleks and continue to mend her. Or at least, that was what he had told himself he was doing. Whether or not he was making any difference was yet to be seen. Still, he was a determined man and would swear up and down that every so often before he had seen a certain light and recognition return to her eyes. She could be restored and whole once more.

So it had been with a light heart that he had sailed away from England and bid farewell to his makeshift little adoptive family there.

That morning, Henry found himself sitting at the large, mahogany desk afforded him during his stay. He was meticulously going over stacks of paper and files that had been ordered to be delivered into his presence.

No longer was he a simple navy man, nor was he an officer. He had found a proper position under the Crown. He had been sent because some of the business being conducted by the East India Company had flagged as being underhanded. There were suspicions held by some of the men in parliament that Costello’s tactics were dishonest. Some even murmured of money laundering. Whereas Henry held his own beliefs and he didn’t trust Hunter in the slightest, he highly doubted such a well to do man would risk his fortunes and status on such a thing.

Regardless, he had been sent as an auditor of sorts.

Truly, Costello had every right not to trust him. On top of everything else, Henry’s purpose was to spy. He was here to report everything that happened – not just the fishy occurrences.

So, he wore two faces quite effortlessly and, day-by-day, he was finding it easier and easier to lie about his purpose here and his mission.

His personal mission, which surpassed anything else that he was doing for king or country, was truly Aleks.

And so, as the morning progressed, he found himself growing weary of sitting in the same, hard chair. He sifted through more papers and sighed wearily, his eyes glazing over. He had been up all night going through these records. If nothing else, both Beckett and Costello could be applauded for keeping their registers and paperwork clean of any wrongdoing. They both had sparkling clean reputations on the outside. Of course, Henry knew better than to believe first impressions and fronts. After all, he was paid to be proficient at both.

He finally decided to give up on the paperwork. He could allow himself an hour or two of leisure before returning to the stacks.

Henry found his way across the polished, hardwood floors. By now they were bathed with rays of morning sunlight. The sky was turning a pale blue and the day promised to be warm but fair weather all together. He paused and nearly considered wandering down toward Hunter’s study and perhaps gleaning some additional helpful information. He stopped himself.

Occasionally, he had to forget about his dedication to his work.

Instead, he forced himself toward a parlor off the main corridor. Inside was a highly polished and well cared for piano. It was an antique by every standard and finely carved and kept tuned despite the many years it had weathered in this home. For all he knew, nobody played it except him.

Lean, graceful fingers traced over the light colored wooden key cover. Henry took a seat noiselessly on the bench before the instrument and he eased back the lid, exposing the ivory keys below. They were slightly discolored due to time, however, somehow that added to the elegance of the entire piece.

He eased his fingers across the keys for a moment without pressing down. It was as if he was trying to remember a particular tune that wasn’t readily coming to mind. Bits and pieces were returning to him.

When fingers finally, fully met the keys, the tune echoed through the quiet house. No doubt it would help rouse a few, grumpy men still trying to catch several last seconds of sleep.

Truly, he didn’t care. Henry’s goal was to catch the always listening ear of a particular someone.


“I’m not who you are waiting for?” A woman appeared behind Aleks. She was already fully dressed for the day and wearing a smirk. Obviously, they both knew that her sudden presence hadn’t startled the darker haired woman. It wasn’t meant to. They weren’t children, after all.

Reagan’s accent was light. Many people might have mistaken it for being Scandinavian in origin or something quite similar. In fact, it was not. The lilt held something that was otherworldly - mysterious and quite different. Her ‘e’s dragged out longer than necessary and her ‘I’s sounded more like ‘e’ than anything else. Even she didn’t fully understand its source or which parent she inherited it from. Then again, she had never truly known her parents… or her family in general.

Her blonde hair was pulled back into intricate braids which both accented her fine, sharp features and also softened them slightly.

She invited herself to sit down on Aleks’ bed. Her smirk faded, however, as the sound of the piano music hit her keen ears.

Of course.

It wasn’t so much that Summers (or whatever he went by. She knew that wasn’t his true surname. She wasn’t a halfwit like most of these Company people) was a nuisance but… he was a nuisance.

He got in the way of her plans…

Ah well, she would just have to figure out a way to work his into her plans. If only she knew what his were.

So many angles being worked in this tiny house. It was exhausting.

She didn’t think much of any of the people in this place. Costello was an idiot, as was his simpering w-hore, Summers seemed like a prude; Aleks was the only one remotely bearable.

“You’re not actually considering running to him like a doting, little wench, are you?” She purred (or taunted, more like). There was a bite to the tone in her voice.

Chase a couple hearts, we could leave 'em in shreds
Meet me in the gutter, make the devil your friend
Just remember what I said, cause it isn't over yet

-sig by Loafers-

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 22nd, 2015, 11:43 am 

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It did not take long for Eve to spot Varianna. The woman was mid-conversation with Arielle, who had been introduced to the crew as Vari's French half-sister. Eve had nothing against Arielle personally, but Arielle seemed to have something against her. Perhaps she had picked up on Vari's animosity. The dark-haired Frenchwoman watched Eve like a hawk, especially when she was talking with Edward. Here was yet another thing that Eve did not feel that she should have to put up with. Eve was sick of the one who always had to be pleasant, always had to be polite. Varianna took no such trouble with her. Eve had even overheard Vari making threats against her on several occasions. Vari felt threatened, that much was clear.

Suddenly, Jack Sparrow was intervening, leading Vari away from her sister. Eve turned her back on the scene, seized by a sudden realization. Whatever Jack wanted, it was bound to keep Vari distracted from her Edward-finding mission. Jack tended to ramble, which took up a lot of time. Eve could put that time to her advantage, if she so desired. If she should find Edward first, then that would be for her good. Vari would be unable to steer him away from Eve, if Eve was the one who accompanied him to top deck in the first place. Eve smiled to herself and sprinted back down the stairs, overcome with relief and charged with adrenaline. Varianna wouldn't have the chance to get one over on her - not today.

"Well, you're certainly in a hurry."

Eve came to an abrupt halt before she risked bumping into the torso of an unfamiliar man. Her gaze finding his face, she saw that had brown eyes, dark hair and a wry but friendly smile. Also, it would not be incorrect to say that he was giving her a somewhat approving look. Trying to remember who he was, Eve eventually recalled that he was the man who, along with Keyara Pierce, had petitioned to come aboard the Pearl. He wasn't looking in the best of conditions, which wasn't surprising, considering that both he and Keyara had been taken on more as labourers than as actual crew mates. Still, even so, he appeared as happy as anyone.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking..." Eve edged past him. "I've got to go..."


"You idiot man!" Arielle yelled furiously at Jack's departing back. A scowl deepened on her forehead, and she turned on her heel, raising her hands above her head in a gesture of frustration. What right did he have to drag her own sister away from her, just when they were having a most interesting conversation? Still, if Arielle had wanted to plant the seeds of doubt in Vari's mind, then she had succeeded. It was a start, at least. Flinging her head back, Arielle stomped off in the direction of the dining room. She had been so distracted by her plans to destroy Edward and Vari's relationship that she had quite forgotten to have breakfast. Well, she wouldn't deny herself her morning's repast.

However, her plan was soon delayed when she spotted Eve running, no less, back below deck. Arielle watched her, the cogs of her mind turning. She narrowed her eyes and smiled deviously, altering her course at once to follow the blonde. How it would suit Arielle if she were to find Eve and Edward together! Once again, victory seemed within her reach. She would expose Edward for the cheat he really was - and even if he wasn't a cheat, well, who was to say that he didn't want to be? Treasonous intent was still treason, and was punishable as such. Arielle followed Eve on soft, silent feet, her face lit up with glee. Never once did she consider the possibility that what she was doing might only hurt Varianna in the end; as far as Arielle saw things, this was all for her sister's own good.


"Keyara, my dear!" Fabian exclaimed with a smile that matched his tone: downright sarcastic. His alliance with Keyara had nothing whatsoever to do with friendship. They simply wanted the same thing, and that was the destruction of Hunter Costello Nightingale. Nothing more, nothing less. Both of them had lost someone dear to them. In Keyara's case, that someone was the late Cutler Beckett. Fabian's view of Beckett was that he'd been a worthless human being, undeserving of any kind of loyalty or affection. In Fabian's opinion, his loss was greater. It was his brother he'd had to watch die in the service of Costello Nightingale. It was his only surviving family member he had lost; now Fabian was entirely alone, with only Keyara's sour company aboard this ship of renegades.

"You've been looking for me, I suppose?" Fabian shook his head and tutted. "You must be careful, Keyara, not to give the impression of being, shall we say... a tad too keen?" He smirked. "After all, let's not forget the reputation you gained. What exactly were you to Beckett, anyhow? There were some murmurs that you kept him company in his bed." He had no idea if the rumours were true, but he liked to provoke Keyara. "But I shouldn't pass judgement on you for that. After all, we're all only human beings. Along those lines, have you seen that blonde woman?" He raised an eyebrow. "What do they call her - Summers? Now my dear, she is just exquisite, don't you think?" He grinned.


Rosalind settled down in Hunter's chair as the man himself went to the drinks cabinet for some whisky. She accepted her drink with a coy smile and ran a fingertip over the edge of the glass. Before drinking, she considered Gabriel's suggestion of her providing his sister with some female companionship. "I'd be pleased to meet your Nina, Gabriel," she replied amiably. "I'm rather surprised that you'd like your sister to become acquainted with such a scandal as myself. But if you have no objections, then by all means send her to meet me." To be honest, some friendly female company would be pleasant for Rosa. It wasn't that she was lonely; who could be, with Hunter? But she was a little tired of certain hired killers acting as if she was some kind of prostitute. They seemed to believe that they were above her, simply because her ways of demonstrating her power differed from their own. One didn't need a hunting knife to be a powerful woman. Rosalind had proved herself to be a skilled politician; if anything, her piratical past only aided her in this. She had an incomparable insight into how a pirate's mind worked.

Rosa knocked her whisky back in one swift gulp and set the glass aside, her skirts rustling as she gracefully crossed one leg over the other. She watched Hunter unroll a large map out across the desk. She listened carefully to everything Hunter said, her blue eyes very steady, drumming her slender fingertips lightly against one of the armrests. It was not surprising in the least that merchant sailors were turning to piracy. The pirate flag took on a certain allure to those who perceived their lot in life as undesirable. Who could blame them, really?

The mention of Hunter's Uncle inspired a small smile from Rosalind. It would be good to see the man who had brought Hunter up. By all accounts, he was a loyal and devoted man who Rosa would be pleased to meet. However, there was something else on her mind, something that she believed needed to be mentioned. She fixed her arresting eyes on Hunter and raised one pale hand ever so slightly. Rosalind hardly had to try at all to catch a person's attention. "Let me interrupt for just one moment," she said. Some might not have considered it appropriate for a woman to interrupt a man, but to hell with that. Rosalind was far more than just a pretty face, and Hunter knew that. "I believe it would be a good idea for your uncle to join us here. You need those you can trust around you, Hunter. You have to safeguard yourself." She paused.

"Henry Summers," she continued. "Dangerous. He needs to be removed." Rosalind made it her business to keep an eye on things that went on inside this house and out. She wasn't going to live here with Hunter and just wait for a disaster to happen, like a sitting duck. No, no. That wasn't her style at all. "Jenko. She's a loose cannon. There's something wrong about her, everyone knows that." She casually poured herself another whisky. "I've seen this type of thing before. Keeping her inside your house? You may think it safer to keep her close, but something's bound to snap one day."


Arielle watched from a distance as Eve approached Edward and Christine.

"Morning, you two," Eve greeted the pair with a genuinely friendly smile. She was still excited to see Edward, but she managed to keep her feelings on the inside; the only sign of them was the very slight pink flush on her face. If asked about it, though, she could just explain it away with a comment about the brisk sea air. She smiled at Christine and took a roll of bread from her food tray. "Is it alright if I take this? I haven't eaten yet." Christine was one of the crewmates on board who, at least as far as Eve could see, seemed constant in her behaviour - then again, she didn't join in the drinking bouts below deck.

"If you were curious, there were no broken limbs or, indeed, cut throats last night," she said to Edward, nudging him very gently with her elbow. "Bit of a headache, but I'll learn my lesson." Her heart was pounding. She didn't think that she would learn her lesson at all. She'd only drink again tonight, if only for the oblivion that followed.

"Oh, will you?" A French accent purred from the background. Arielle stepped forward, wearing a smug smile. "I didn't know that you had a brain to learn with." She stepped closer and poked Eve sharply in the ribs.

"Ow!" Eve pushed her away and frowned. "What was that for?"

"That was for you being a devious little harlot. You knew that already, surely?" Arielle sneered. Eve stared at her in outraged astonishment.

"Don't you dare call me filthy names!" she snapped. "What the hell is your problem?"


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 22nd, 2015, 3:34 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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Galen glanced over at the captain. He seemed to be making an earnest attempt to discard himself of a talkative young women. Mich of the rest of the crew seemed to be heading in for breakfast. He looked back to Dante. "Yes... What exactily is it that we are searching for again?" No one had seen fit to really tell him any of the details. Sure he was new... But he thought, eventually, they would fill him in. Though it was early in the voyage...
Whatever it was he had been assured that the risk was worth the reward.

Micha glanced back at Galen's question but figured he would let Dante answer. He could smell, over the sweat, rum, salt of the sea, breakfast. Breakfast sounded good... He was never one to to miss the first meal of the day. It was the most important over all. He needed his health if he was going to go on all his adventures he had planned... If they were successful on this quest, however... He wouldnt have to wory about his time being limited. He would have all the time in the world.



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 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 29th, 2015, 11:46 pm 
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Gibbs watched with a frown and a furrowed brow as Jack tottered off and away from him. Clearly, whatever the captain had got into his head superseded Gibbs' own - self professed - wonderful advice.

He knew Vari to be a particularly active sort; prone to action before thought and with a temper that would give the Devil himself a run for his money. Had she been older, he'd have marked her as the beginning reason for the maxim of women being bad luck on board a ship. She lacked that constant demeanor that was desirable, to him at least, in a crew member. A hellbent being was well and good for a fight, but when push came to shove a level head was more desirable when the going got rough.

And, knowing Jack, he was going to put that to some sort of use in whatever he was doing right now. The man scrubbed his face as if he could rid himself of the consternation by simply removing the features of it. No good. He supposed he'd have to follow and assure himself that no real harm came to either of them with whatever they planned. It was not precisely how he wanted to spend his morning, but there was no cure for it. With that in mind he trailed slowly after the Captain, trying to get within ear shot of the conversation without intruding.


It was Hector's turn to be annoyed. He'd meant the greeting to be polite enough - she should be glad he was saying anything to her at all! What with the way she came up, all angles and harsh looks, gunning for a fight with him clear as day. His hands tightened on the wheel, knuckles nearly white, as he adjusted their course a few degrees. He had half a mind to rise to her bait and snap back, but Rory saved him that trouble, offering some sort of conversation to hold on to.

A pleasant and welcome distraction from the anger welling in his chest, bubbling hot as boiling oil.

"Were they now? And I'm certain 'twas an interestin' enough sight. But - not one I've not seen before. You act as though the lot of you don't find your cheer in a bottle on a daily basis. Surely, there'll be a repeat show tonight and I'll catch a seat then. Last night, though...I was occupied keepin' us afloat. You can forgive my absence, I'm certain."


"Yes, Eve made it out without a scratch," she assured the man. "And the rest of the ladies are recovering, although I believe their heads may be a little worse for the wear."

She smiled as the self same woman appeared as if summoned by their conversation. Eve too, assured Edward of her safety and Christine laughed, giving Edward a nod with a playfully smug smile that clearly spelled 'I told you so.' As the other woman grabbed food from the tray she laughed.

"Yes, of course - I have enough for the whole crew. I do believe more than a few of you decided to skip breakfast, and we can't have that happen. You all need to stay healthy or there will be more problems for us all. In fact, take two if you'd like; there are plenty - " the rest of her pleasant conversation was cut short by the angry approach of Arielle. The frenchwoman took it upon herself to scold Eve with slanderous words that made the usually implacable redhead stand aghast.

Certainly, she knew of the strained relationship between Vari and Eve, but she hadn't realized it had grown to encompass Arielle too - who seemed to have a similar temperament to her sister in regards to Eve. That is to say - cruel. Intent on keeping some peace, Christine interposed herself between the women before it could turn into a full on scuffle.

"Come now, there is no need to fight, Eve was simply finding me for breakfast, and Edward was getting food for he and Varianna. I suggest you do the same, if you have yet to eat. We don't have much in the way of choices, but the bread is tolerable I dare say. Here, have some," she offered the plate to the irate woman and gave her the most polite smile she could manage.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 30th, 2015, 11:51 am 
Lady of Gondolin
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"Honestly Lij, if you nip a piece of bread one more time, I will shove my blade through your gut and take it back." Loralaine glared at the blond man beside her, whose expression was the poorest attempt at innocence she had ever seen. If he didn't look like a damn pup lost at sea, she would take her threats more seriously. One did not get between Lainey and her food.

Before Elijah had a chance to retaliate, which Loralaine knew he would only make a fool of himself in his attempts; Layne, Ian, and Alyssandra pulled up across from them. Elijah didn't know much about the trio, but then again he didn't know much about anyone besides himself, Lainey, and Dante. They kept to themselves usually. "'Ello mates." Lij tipped his mock hat down while Loralaine nodded her head towards the trio. Her eyes flitted across each of the older pirates, her lips quirking more and more each new person she set her eyes on.

Now there was a story between the three of them and Loralaine was mighty curious.

Gabriel had been raised by the teachings of his father and the neglect of his mother, so his morals had once been strict and that of a true gentleman. That was until the day he learned about his father's true love, Amelia. Everything he had learned and knew had come to a stand still and the shapings of his own heart took a new turn when his own childhood friend became something much more than that. Although she was still a pirate, Gabriel understood that he was a man who could not judge the heart of others, not his father and not Hunter whose heart has clearly been taken by Rosalind.
While others may think appaling things about Rosa, he has seen nothing but strength and wit from the woman. He was glad that she had taken to Hunter, she had clearly found a way to open the man up more. "Aha, you should not have presented your key, Hunter. Now I know where you keep it should I need a nip of the best whiskey in town." Gabriel slipped his feet off of Hunter's desk, focusing his attention from Hunter to Rosalind. "I must admit it may not be of Nina's best interest as I do adore my sister and wish she retains her innocence." His brows raised, though his smirk belayed any negative connotations of his voice. "But as my mother isn't around and our Aunt has passed..." His voice shook slightly at the mention of his Aunt Mercy. She had been a light in their lives that had died out far too quickly. "...I think it would be of great benefit to have some female companionship as Henry said."

Gabriel wanted the best for Nina and if Rosalind could help even a little, that would be enough for him. How quickly the tides of conversation changed as they moved right into the topic of business. Naturally, Gabriel sat up a bit straighter and his focus honed at the words being spoken. "Rosalind is right, the more people you have near you that you can trust the better. Even if that number is not nearly as much as you would like. You're right about Summers and Jenko, I saw her in the halls on my way here and I can see that she is close to snapping whatever tether is reigning her in." Gabriel would not like to be on the wrong side of that Russian woman. Just passing her in the hall had sent a chill running down his spine.

The mention of pirates set a strange current to run through his body. His desires for one particular pirate were ususally kept under lock and key. While he could not deny his heart, he didn't want to admit publicly that he still wanted the woman. Not when she was meant to be his enemy. "My father should be in Port by the next sundown. His letter came just a day ago and there should be no delays as long as the weather holds. I think his council will be of benefit. He knows these seas as good as any of the pirates. Until then, I think we should decide the best course of action for the time being." Gabriel was nothing more than a man of the Navy, he was no General or Captain, but his father was and if he learned anything from the man it was strategy.

As long as she had been on this ship with Andrea, she had seen the way that Barbossa and her best friend treated each other. Even more so she saw the way they looked at each other when the other wasn't paying attention. Aurora-Rose wanted to just shove them into the Captain's cabin, tie them to the bed, and make them unleash all of that tension upon each others bodies. Alas, she would just refrain and watch the pair of them with a devilish smirk.

As Andrea shifted closer, Rory threw her arm around the woman's waist and kept those womanly curves close to her lithe form. "She may be off squabbling with Sparrow who has most likely found a stash of rum in the brig. Them prisoners sure find a way to have fun even in those shackles." She wriggled her brows, lifting her free wrist and shaking them around as if they were weighed down by metal.

"C'mon Cap'n. Don't tell me the only type of apples you enjoy are those green ones you keep hidden in your cabin?" Aurora shook her shoulders so that her small breasts--that were marginally bigger due to her corset--rippled slightly. A barking laugh went through her at her own actions. Patting Andrea's bum, she glanced at all the pirates gathering together. "S'about time to get to business, aye?"


Dante shrugged, glancing up towards the Captain who seemed to be close to raedy to making his speech. "I know not what we were searching before. But this time it should be a good one."


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: July 30th, 2015, 4:31 pm 
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She’d been so close, so close to learning what Arielle had to say about Eve, when their conversation came to a screeching halt by the likes of the insufferable Jack Sparrow who was now maneuvering her away from her sister. Vari instantly recognized the look upon his face, the flash in his dark eyes, but even if she hadn’t, it was obvious to any that Jack was planning something. Something sneaky or stupid… or both. She tried her hardest to suppress the anger bubbling up and forced a out deep breath. Jack may not be in control of the Pearl at the moment, but he was still one of her Captains and Vari had to respect that, even begrudgingly, as it were.

She had woken up on the wrong side of the bed - floor - this morning, and so she hoped whatever Jack had to say wasn’t a waste of her precious time. “I don’t know how much trust you could have with a fellow pirate but, , we have a... mutually beneficial relationship.” She said this with a lopsided smirk, letting him know that whatever he dragged her into had better produce positive results for the both of them. If Jack ever had the nerve to double-cross her, he’d be wise to go into hiding for the remainder of his pitiful life, or else fear a wrath greater than any he’d had the misfortune of stumbling across before.

His toothy grin and charming tone had actually managed to put her in a slightly improved mood in only the way that the infamous captain could. “What is it you need from me, capitán?” She crossed her arms over her black vest and eyed him carefully, a sense of mixed caution and eagerness washing over her.


“Good morning, Eve,” Ed greeted her. “I’m glad to see you made it out unscathed.” His face flushed a bit, not only from being caught talking about her, but just simply from the woman’s presence. She was forever sunny and cheerful, at least most of the time he had known her. It was a far cry from Vari’s sullen, temperamental demeanor, which sometimes made it easier to talk to Eve about any problems he was having. On an unconscious level, Edward preferred Eve’s pleasant disposition and the way she never resorted to threats and manipulation when something happened that was out of her control. Eve was quite the breath of fresh air and his stress melted away whenever she so much as smiled.

He was about to thank Christine once more for the food and conversation, when Arielle manifested from a dark corner of the ship. It was extremely eerie, the way she had elected to approach them. In fact, it reminded Edward of the way a cat crouched low, hidden, before pouncing on its prey. She may have been smaller and weaker compared to a man like he, yet she was nevertheless unnerving and it made a chill run down his back. While Vari was mostly all talk, Arielle seemed to be the one who would act upon her words.

Edward watched with muted horror as Arielle did just that, jabbing Eve none too lightly in the ribs while she taunted her. He stepped forward, ready to drop whatever food was in his arms to come to Eve’s aid, when Christine stepped between the women, blocking Arielle with the tray. He let out a relieved sigh made a mental note to thank the woman later for preventing the catfight that was bound to occur, motioning towards Eve. “Why don’t you and I find somewhere quiet to eat?” He glared at Arielle out of disgust and turned to walk away. Had his hands been empty, Ed would have taken Eve by the arm and lead her away himself, having never been the one to deal outright with conflicts.

When they were far enough away from Arielle, he looked over at Eve and asked her if she was okay. It was directed at her emotional state rather than the hard jab Arielle had inflicted, though that had looked painful as well. He stopped by an area where there were several stools placed around a makeshift table where some of the crewmen liked to play cards. It would do for now, while they ate breakfast and took comfort in each other’s company. He sat down and began dividing the provisions between them, sneaking Eve a bit more when she wasn’t paying attention. It’d initially been intended for Vari, but right now Eve seemed to need it more.

“I’m sorry,” he said suddenly. Ever the apologetic type, Edward felt it necessary to offer her an apology on behalf of Arielle, knowing she would probably never provide Eve with one. He felt bad for not being able to defend her as well as he would have liked, either, but he would be sure to have a talk with Vari about keeping her sister under control. He shook his head and offered her a smile, glad to at least be out of that situation for the moment. “Don’t listen to her. I don’t know why she’s treating you that way but let’s forget about that and try to enjoy our meal.”


Layne chuckled at Loralaine’s comment but Alyssandra appeared to be rather disturbed by it. Threats and lacerations of any sort were no laughing matter, yet the pirates seemed to find it amusing. She blinked back her horror and began filling a plate with food, unsure if they’d made the right decision to join these people for breakfast. If they hadn’t been brought on board essentially against their will, she would be having breakfast at her own table in her house in Montego Bay. She was glad to see her cousin, Vari, and have Ian alongside her, but the uncertainty of it all made her stomach twist out of uncertainty and fear. She glanced to her left where Ian was already eating in the hopes that they could get this over with without any unnecessary conversation. But Layne seemed all too comfortable to strike up a camaraderie with these fellow pirates.

“New here too?” Layne asked, crossing his legs on top of the table while Alyssandra and Ian sat up straight, maintaining their propriety. Just because they were surrounded by scoundrels and ne’er-do-wells didn’t mean they had to forfeit their manners, she thought, using utensils to cut her food into manageable pieces.

Honestly, Alyssandra didn’t care if it looked out of place, or if her wariness was showing at the moment. While she didn’t often feel as though she was above other people, she was certainly a better person than half of the men and women on this ship. For God’s sake, they robbed and killed people and lived outside of the law with no disregard for those they hurt.

She felt someone eyeing her and glanced up at Loralaine, feeling uncomfortable under her scrutiny. Alyssandra quickly looked back down and busied herself with cutting a small red potato in half, pretending it was the most interesting thing in the world.


Keyara wasn’t exactly thrilled to see Fabian, but he was one of the only people aboard this vessel that paid her any mind. While he was hardly a desirable companion, holding conversations with him at least provided her with something to do other than the menial tasks they’d been assigned. She looked down at her dress, hopelessly wiping at the stained material as she half-listened to what Fabian had to say - probably something unworthy of her time. Her mind wandered as she tried to determine where she’d be able to find new garments free of grime and sweat; someone had to have a dress or trousers lying around, even if the garments hung loose on her frame. Not that it mattered - soon enough her clothing would become tight as the baby inside of her grew larger and everyone would know about the secret she’d been keeping.

She’d been caught up in her thoughts and almost missed what Fabian had said, but unfortunately his words rang loudly in her ears, threatening to deafen her on the spot. Her entire body stiffened and the tendons in her neck tightened as she swallowed the bile from the back of her throat. “Reputations aren’t always true,” Keyara said carefully, green eyes boring holes into Fabian’s body. “Nor are they accurate.” Whatever rumors had circulated during her time in Beckett’s company, she could only imagine how embellished they’d become.

The mention of Beckett made her upset, but she wouldn’t let Fabian know that. The man standing before her was merely another tool - a pawn to get to Hunter and slit the ba-stard’s throat. Fabian had no idea what sort of relationship she’d held with the Lord of the East India Company and he certainly had no business delving into those matters. Fortunately enough, Fabian brushed it off and began chattering about one of the females on board. “Lusting after one of them.” She scoffed at the idea of Fabian with the pirate scum. “And you wonder about my decisions…” She hadn’t seen the woman Fabian was talking about, nor did she care to. To Keyara, everyone on board this ship with the exception of herself and Fabian were criminals and should be treated as such.

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 2:01 pm 
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Hunter was a man who saw no shame in taking the advice of a woman. Often he listened to Rosalind's opinions and counsel, weighing her words equal to any man's, if not more so. Of course, they often had their disagreements, clashes of political and sometimes moral opinions, but to him the discussions were invigorating and at times even tension filled. At the sight of her pale fingers raising only slightly he inclined his head to her, ears ready to listen.

Unlike most men he was well aware of the strength women carried within them. His mother had been one of the strongest women he had known and even when she had been preyed upon by her own husband, beaten both mentally and physically, still she stood tall, refusing to let her turmoil show. This streak of defiance and hardy spirit had also echoed within Andrea since they were children, something Hunter had always admired and held in high esteem... until she had chosen her side and turned against her own family.

Hunter knew also that deep down Nina shared the same, strong qualities at heart, no matter how meek and mild the girl appeared on the outside. The younger girl was curious and, Hunter was sure, those curiosities and sense of adventure would only become more pronounced as she aged. A part of him hoped for it, in fact. Of course, there was also Jenko. Far from inciting admiration, the woman simply struck terror within him. Not only was she strong of body but she was strong of mind too and he would have paid good money to see a man lay claim to besting her and continue living after without considerable injury. With the recent addition of Reagan as well, Hunter couldn't help but feel that most of his fate was in the hands of women. It wasn't a surprise for him at all, really, when he and Rosalind had met and instantly taken up a respectable rapport.

He listened to her now, giving her the opportunity to speak and not daring to interrupt her, nodding his head slightly as her words truly did make sense. "Of course." He agreed as she finally finished, his brow line creasing somewhat as his thoughts began to turn within his head. She was certainly right about Jonathon... the man had the best knowledge they could find in regards to the problem of piracy and the strategies which could aid them. He was older and wiser than all of them and his advice had always steered Hunter on a good path. "Uncle Jon's input would be nothing but beneficial to us. I will send word to the house, we shall have dinner and seek his advice then, it shall give Nina an opportunity to join us as well. As Gabriel says, she has little opportunity for female companionship... or any, for that matter."

He considered the matter of his Uncle decided, the other matters however, well, they were slightly trickier. He sighed as he moved around his desk, his ears picking up a familiar sound of piano keys as he went. That was one of their subjects occupied, at least. He could never be sure about the other. Slowly his fingers stroked at the dark hair of his chin, considering both Rosalind and Gabriel's words carefully.

"Your concerns are not unfounded, I shall give you that..." Hunter agreed, his feet slow in their movement as he paced the slightly discoloured rugs, worn down by age and use. "And of course, Jenko has always been... unpredictable. However there are... ways, of keeping her loyal, or keeping her..." He struggled to find a word fitting of his thoughts and he spun on his toes to face them, the slightest hint of a smirk upon his lips. It was not unlike his father's, though he would have never admitted such to himself. "Keeping her directed. Tamed." He seemed pleased enough with those words and he began to pace once more, thinking upon when he had first discovered the Russian woman. "It is no secret that Summers has an interest in her. While we hold her, we hold him as well, but we cannot risk setting either of hem loose. The damage would be... irreversible. Jenko's capabilities especially are worse than you would believe."

He came to lean with his back against his desk, his eyes flitting between the two. He tried to keep a face of confidence, however there were concerns of his own, bubbling beneath the surface, which he wouldn't voice even to his most trusted companions.


Aleksandra stilled, feeling the presence other woman long before she decided to speak up. Although Reagan made no noise, the feel of weight shifting on the floorboards and the slightest reflection in the glass were signs that she was well versed in detecting. She resisted the urge to take a defensive stance, still not trusting the other woman but having control enough over herself now not to think in terms of combat every waking moment. It was hard, akin to battling a deep rooted instinct, but even Aleks now was growing to recognise that the instinct was fabricated and unnatural. A seed placed in her mind which had been cultivated and grown, artificially. She was beginning to understand many things, slowly, but she would not let such revelations show on the surface. Instead she hid them, the need for self preservation taking rank over anything else. Emotions, independent thoughts; she had been taught many years ago that such things were a sign of weakness and weakness... well that was never tolerated. She and Reagan seemed to share an understanding of that, at least, more than any of the others.

"Вы ошиблись, you are mistaken. My intention has not been to wait, for you or any other." Her gaze dragged over her shoulder, raking across the woman who had moved to sit upon the bed as she considered her, the lie slipping easily from her lips, a jigsaw of Russian and English which had improved greatly over the past few years. The bed itself was crisply made, having remained so for the past few weeks. It was rare what Aleks even slept in it, or at all for that matter, the notion of comfort something she didn't believe she had earned. Instead she pushed herself hard, bettering her technique, her skills, training constantly even in the dead of night until fatigue finally became a hindrance. Rest and food had only ever been allowed to her as necessity and certainly never a luxury, at least not where she had come from. Leisure was a concept which was almost foreign to her, hard to understand and even harder to participate in, but she was re-learning, slowly, what it was like once more to be human and not.... not what they had made her... a weapon.

Her attentions were drawn from Reagan, suddenly, by the sounds of piano keys being struck, the melody drifting its way throughout the house. Her eyes flickered, first to the door before back to Reagan, her jaw setting as the woman tormented her with teasing words and insinuations of weakness, of... emotional attachment.

What made it worse was the truth behind the words. She was unable to explain the way that the piano music called to her. It was like a siren's song; a key which fitted a lock within herself which she could not find yet, which was hidden from her conscious mind in waking but whispered to her at night along with her many darker demons. Summers had told her once, or tried to convince her rather, that they had known each other as children, that the music was apart of that, but she held no memories of a time before her education and who she had been taught to be. She couldn't afford to believe such things and yet... there had always been something about him, since the day they had met and a similar haunting tune had carried through the house.

"Doting?" Her laugh was forcibly cold as she leant back against the window frame, her arms folding across her chest as her eyes now held a challenge. "He would disagree. I am варварский to his eyes, a monster, and in mine he is too... героический, too good. I do not run to him. He does not run to me."

Still, despite her words she pushed herself from the creaking frame, her long legs falling into an easy stride as she quit the room. Her words had been the truth, after all neither she nor Henry could ever agree on matters they often discussed. He despised how she worked while she mocked his own efforts, but somehow, over the past two years, they had formed a partnership; a working relationship which, for the most part, had been rather successful, despite an apparent natural competition between them. She couldn't explain it, laying claim to working best alone, yet still, whenever things counted, they seemed to work together whether they admitted to liking it or not.

It didn't take long for her to find her way to the almost empty parlour, her movements hidden in silence and shadow now. She moved to the walls, her eyes tracing the many books displayed on the shelves. She had never tried to read English, at least not that she could remember, yet the titles were easy for her to understand as she allowed Summers to play uninterrupted, if only for a further few moments.

"Your playing is out of tune." Her words were bitter as she spoke out finally, her back turned towards him as she continued to trace her eyes over the spines of the heavy, intellectual books. "The constant melody is aggravating." With her back to him it was easy to hide the faintest of smirks which teased her lips. The insults had become an almost regular occurrence for them, a way of communicating which was easiest, for her at least, and which for the most part held little real venom. She kept her eyes on the shelves and, though to many it would be seen as rude, for her it was a secret display of trust and tolerance. Her smirk increased as she let her words slip back into her native tongue, something she knew frustrated him more than anything. "Обезьяна может играть лучше , чем вы."


Jack had waved off Arielle's shouts of annoyance, ignoring her as best as he could ignore a pain in the head while continuing to steer Varianna away from the increasing interest of the rest of the crew. He could see Gibbs hovering just out of the corner of his eye and he knew the loyal sailor would take some issue with the idea which had suddenly begun sprouting. If there were any two people in favour of keeping the peace aboard the ship, it was Gibbs and Christine. It didn't surprise him, of course, to find Vari slightly wary of his questions and in truth he couldn't blame her. Even he wasn't completely sure what would be in it for her in the end, but as usual he would come up with something to sweeten the pot for her.

He looked down at his fingers, finding more interest in the dirt under his nails for a moment as he tried to drag out a pause for suspense. "Aye... beneficial... what would benefit ye, Vari, eh?" He glanced at her here, trying to act nonchalant though he knew exactly what had her riled up lately. Some might have thought him dim, but he knew exactly what was going on aboard his ship most of the time.

"I hear ye' having troubles with Miss Summers?" Jack's grin spread once more as he knew all too well what troubled both ladies. Really he made a point of staying out of such affairs unless he wanted something, which... of course right now he did. "You scratch my back I scratch yours... savvy?" He nudged her, adding in a wink for good measure before, in a display of fine acting, he let his shoulders sink. "Ah, if only Eve and 'Drea weren't so close, ay? As you say loyalty is something hard come by in pirates..."

He knew exactly what he was doing. Varianna and Andrea's friendship had always been solid, but Jack wasn't shy of putting a wedge between them, if it meant acquiring the charts for himself. They could mend it later, of course, but for now he was only thinking of his own ends.


As Rory draped an arm around her waist, Drea reciprocated with an elbow leant on her shoulder - it was easy enough done, considering her height. She towered just short of Hector, usually, more so if her boots had a heel to them. Without even meaning to her eyes flickered towards the older captain, taking in his angry stance but refusing to feel guilty for it. Slowly, ever so slowly, Rory's manner had a way of unwinding her and the tension between her brows and her shoulders unleashed somewhat, until finally she was chuckling along with the lithe woman's discussion of fruit.

For a brief moment her eyes met Hector's, their unspoken argument forgotten about, before she was turning away, her own, larger assets covered by her shirt and waistcoat, but no less pronounced.

"Are we speaking o' prisoners or y'self, Rory?" She couldn't help but question with a cheeky grin and glint in her eyes, before straightening up fully as a low rumble began in her belly. "The two of y' can amuse y'selves here and discuss y' preferences for fruit, I'll be finding Chrissy with the food."

She hadn't waited for an answer before she was stepping down from the upper deck, striding away from them both and downwards. It didn't take long for her to track down the redhead, just as Ed was escorting Eve away. She picked up on the tension almost immediately as she came up behind Chrissy, taking the opportunity to lean an arm upon her shoulder instead as her other hand came around to steal a stale bread roll.

"Everything all-right here, D'ardaigh Gruaig Rua?" She directed her question to Chrissy, her brows raising as she looked down on the smaller, more gentle woman, using the name she'd coined for her when they'd first met. Her green eyes strayed to Arielle's form, suspicions forming almost instantly as she took in her expression and dark features.

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: October 4th, 2015, 12:56 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

Arielle's sullen gaze switched from Christine to Andrea. She tilted her chin at a proud angle, but smoothed her glare into a smile. Arielle may have been bold, but she knew far better than to get herself into trouble with Andrea. She may have yelled at Jack Sparrow's back, but this woman was another matter entirely. As Arielle understood it, she was First Mate to Captain Barbossa - the captain who actually seemed to be running things around here. Arielle saw Sparrow as little more than a bumbling fool. Barbossa and his companion, however, had a little more of the sinister about them. And Arielle, already new to this crew, here only because she was Varianna's sister, knew which side her bread was buttered on.

"But of course," she replied to Andrea's question before Christine had a chance. "Everything could not be better." Her tone was bright and merry, but the intense gleam in her eyes betrayed that something had indeed been going on. Edward and Eve were still on her mind. And who could blame her? Hadn't Blackhaven just led his precious Eve away, desperate to protect her from any accusations of wrongdoing? Arielle was by no means finished with either of them. She would make sure to report back to Varianna on their suspicious behaviour. The more she could fuel her sister's suspicions, the better. It was for her own good. Arielle didn't want Vari to let herself be tricked or cheated on by any man. After all, she knew only too well what that felt like.

Arielle reached out and picked up a bread roll from the plate Christine carried. "Merci beaucoup," she said, flashing her strange smile. "Looks delicious."


“I’m sorry. Don’t listen to her. I don’t know why she’s treating you that way but let’s forget about that and try to enjoy our meal.”

Sitting across from Edward, Eve found herself wondering how he could sound so clueless about the situation. Surely the reason Arielle was treating her like this was as plain as day? Remaining silent for a little while, Eve offered a faint smile and picked at her food. If she'd had any appetite before the confrontation, it had quite vanished now. She felt uncomfortably tense, wondering what Arielle would go and tell Varianna. The woman wouldn't be best pleased when she heard that she and Edward had gone off together by themselves. Maybe one day soon she would try and make good on her wild promise to kill Eve with her bare hands. Thinking of that threat, Eve felt a sudden stab of hatred. Varianna was everything she despised - arrogant, egotistic, smug.

"I can't eat," Eve said abruptly, pushing away her provisions. She took a snatched breath and met Edward's green eyes. How she wished that he could begin to see clearly and actually recognize what was going on. "I'm sorry," she added in a softer tone, not wanting him to think that she was snapping at him. "But isn't it obvious why this Arielle has taken it upon herself to despise me so much? She's only following her sister's lead." She paused and looked away, picking at one of her fingernails. "Vari hates me, Edward. You know that."

She was sick of them both trying to pretend that there wasn't any ill feeling between her and Varianna. Vari's jealousy of their friendship was getting more and more difficult to ignore. Edward seemed to have no intention of doing anything about it. This had to change. No longer would Eve make herself endure that woman's poisonous looks and pointed words. "Haven't you noticed it from the very first day?" she persisted quietly. "She doesn't want me to be around you."


Fabian laughed at Keyara's sneering comment, utterly unperturbed in the face of her disdain. "Pirate or not, she's still a woman," he replied with a grin. "And a very fine looking one at that." He folded his arms and shook his head, as if summoning an image of Eve to his mind. "Unfortunately, I think she's taken. So you won't have to question my decisions, madam." He glanced at Keyara's stained dress, pleased to see that she looked as badly turned out as he did in their present circumstances. "What's that fellow's name again? Blackhaven, or something?" He shrugged. "Anyway, he seems to be nearly always at her side. A pity."

A pity indeed - in Fabian's opinion, a beautiful woman like Eve was destined to better things than piracy. He could just imagine her in a refined evening gown, perhaps one fashioned of pale blue silk with the most elegant of lace trimmings. "Well, to other matters," he said, turning his attention back to Keyara, "have you managed to form any friendships on board yet? If not, I'm surprised. Your polite manner should make you popular. But I gather that you're still quite despised." Making fun of Keyara was an amusing distraction. Besides, it wasn't as if she couldn't defend herself. Snapping at each other all the live long day was practically the only thing keeping the two of them sane.


Rosalind remained serenely seated behind Hunter's desk as the man it belonged to paced around it. She appeared utterly unmoved by his words concerning Jenko, her expression smooth and steady. Rosa had taken into account what her lover had to say, but she did not necessarily agree with all of it. She was well aware of the ferocity of Jenko's 'capabilities', as Hunter called them, but she felt no fear or apprehension of them. Rosa's past, some areas of which she would never speak of, was a dark one. She had seen violence, blood and death, seen it with her own ice blue eyes and felt the threat of it tickle the back of her neck. Death was a harsh mistress, but it was a part of life. Rosa saw no reason to flinch from whatever it was Aleks might or might not do. The Russian woman wasn't the only mercenary for hire in this town, after all...

"Don't look so strained, my sweet," Rosalind finally said to Hunter, seeing the way his gaze darted from her to Gabriel. With one sleek movement, she rose from the chair. She approached him and slid a finger across his jawline, fixing his eyes with hers. Her gaze burned with a mix of sternness, warmth and assuredness. "You need not fear Jenko, or Summers - either one of them. Yes, it is wise to keep an eye on them. But it would be unwise to believe that we are at their mercy. This game is of our making." She ran her finger down to his chest and gently pressed against his heart. "We will form and bend the rules." She said no more; she did not need to. There was something unnerving about her calmness, the way she stood almost smiling at the threat of disaster.

"It shall be pleasant to meet your Uncle Jon," she fluidly changed the subject, perching herself on the end of the desk. She winked at Gabriel. "Is your father very dashing? A man who has spent so much time at sea must always be dashing. It's one of my rules." And with that, her manner had changed again, back to coy and carefree.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

 Post subject: Re: +| Beyond the Edge of Night - a PotC RP |+
PostPosted: November 5th, 2015, 12:07 pm 
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[[ *coughcoughBUMPcough* and all that piratey jazz ;) :pirate: ]]

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