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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 11th, 2007, 12:28 am 
User avatar

Joined: 04 June 2005
Posts: 5471

x] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[x] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[x ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[x ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[] Fanny & Alexander
[] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[] Good Bye Lenin!
[] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[x] Singin' in the Rain
[] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[x] An American in Paris
[] Annie
[] Grease
[] Moulin Rouge
[] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[] The Producers (1968/2005)
[] Young Frankenstein
[] Spaceballs
[] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[] Life of Brian
[ ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[] Airplane
[] The Naked Gun
[] Hot Shots

[] Ace Ventura
[] Meet the Parents
[] Napoleon Dynamite
[] There's Something About Mary
[] Old School
[] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[] Liar Liar
[] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[] Benchwarmers
[] Dumb & Dumber

[] 10 Things I Hate About You
[] She's All That
[] Never Been Kissed
[] Bring It On
[] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[] Ghostbusters
[] Back to the Future
[] Police Academy

[] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[] Free Willy
[] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[x] Bugsy Malone
[] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[] Anastasia
[] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[ ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[x] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[] The Little Mermaid
[] Robin Hood
[] Aladdin
[] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[x ] Hoodwinked
[ x] Cars

[] Halloween
[] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[] Scream
[] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[] The Exorcist
[] The Ring
[] The Blair Witch Project
[] Ghost Ship
[] Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[] Carrie
[] The Omen
[] The Shining
[] An American Haunting

[] Forrest Gump
[] Air Force One
[] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

[] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[] The Whole Nine Yards
[] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[] Johnny English
[] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[x ] War of the Worlds
[] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix

[] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[] X-Men
[] Superman
[] Batman
[] Fantastic Four
[] Daredevil
[] Spider-Man
[] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[] Cutthroat Island
[] Jumanji
[] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[] The Mummy
[] Hook
[] The Da Vinci Code
[] Jurassic Park

[] Troy
[] Alexander
[] Kingdom of Heaven
[] Beowulf & Grendel
[] Tristan & Isolde
[] Gladiator
[x] Braveheart
[] The 13th Warrior
[x] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[] Amadeus
[x]The Patriot
[ Titanic
[] The Last Samurai
[] Elizabeth
[] Cold Mountain
[] Amistad
[] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[] The Three Musketeers

[] BeetleJuice
[] Edward Scissorhands
[] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[] Sleepy Hollow
[] Big Fish
[] Corpse Bride
[] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[] The Addams Family
[] Brothers Grimm

[] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[] Van Helsing
[] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[] The Missing
[] Tombstone

[x] Rocky
[ Lethal Weapon
[] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[] The Godfather
[] Scarface
[] Pulp Fiction
[] Reservoir Dogs
[] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[] A Clockwork Orange
[] Thelma & Louise
[] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 31/300

I'm a Sporadic Movie Viewer. lol

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 11th, 2007, 1:28 am 

Joined: 07 July 2005
Posts: 15169

Ms.Gamgee wrote:

[x] Life Is Beautiful

Isn't it FANTASTIC movie?

Altariel Frodo wrote:
timtimtimtim wrote:
You know, it would be cool to do this with bands/songs too.

That would be awesome... if we made a huge list, and x-ed each band we'd heard at least one song from before. If I had more time, I might organize it... but I'm kind of busy right now.

I'd be more then happy to help. I'm especially proficient in the many forms of rock music...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 12th, 2007, 10:21 am 
User avatar

Joined: 18 August 2006
Posts: 520
Location: Deep in the receses of my imagination

[] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[x] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[] The Pink Panther

[] Fanny & Alexander
[] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[] Good Bye Lenin!
[x] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[] Singin' in the Rain
[] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[] Grease
[] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[] The Producers (1968/2005)
[] Young Frankenstein
[] Spaceballs
[] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[] Life of Brian
[] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[] Airplane
[] The Naked Gun
[] Hot Shots

[] Ace Ventura
[] Meet the Parents
[] Napoleon Dynamite
[] There's Something About Mary
[] Old School
[] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[] Liar Liar
[] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[] Benchwarmers
[] Dumb & Dumber

[] 10 Things I Hate About You
[] She's All That
[] Never Been Kissed
[] Bring It On
[] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[] When Harry Met Sally
[] Sleepless in Seattle
[] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[] Bugsy Malone
[] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[] Anastasia
[] The Road to El Dorado
[] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[] Antz
[] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars

[] Halloween
[] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[] Scream
[] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[] The Exorcist
[] The Ring
[] The Blair Witch Project
[] Ghost Ship
[] Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[] Carrie
[] The Omen
[] The Shining
[] An American Haunting

[] Forrest Gump
[] Air Force One
[x] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[] The Thin Red Line
[] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

[] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[] The Whole Nine Yards
[] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[] Johnny English
[] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars(now why dosn't his count as six????)

[] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[] Starship Troopers
[] The Planet of the Apes
[] Serenity
[] Chronicles of Riddick
[] The Matrix

[] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[] Memoirs of a Geisha
[] Hero
[] House of Flying Daggers
[] Azumi
[] Zaitochi
[] Ong Bak
[] Once Upon a Time in China
[] Fearless
[] Seven Swords

[] X-Men
[] Superman
[] Batman
[] Fantastic Four
[] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[] The Punisher
[] Hulk
[] Sin City
[] Constantine

[X] The Lord of the Rings(why not three???)

[] Dungeons & Dragons
[] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[] Willow
[] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[] The NeverEnding Story
[] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean(same Question..2!)

[] Cutthroat Island
[] Jumanji
[] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[] The Mummy
[] Hook
[] The Da Vinci Code
[] Jurassic Park

[] Troy
[] Alexander
[] Kingdom of Heaven
[] Beowulf & Grendel
[] Tristan & Isolde
[] Gladiator
[] Braveheart
[] The 13th Warrior
[] The Passion of the Christ--I want to see this!!
[] Conan the Barbarian

[] Master & Commander
[] Amadeus
[] The Patriot
[] Titanic
[] The Last Samurai
[] Elizabeth
[] Cold Mountain
[] Amistad
[] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[] The Three Musketeers

[] BeetleJuice
[] Edward Scissorhands
[] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[] Sleepy Hollow
[] Big Fish
[] Corpse Bride
[] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[] Pan's Labyrinth
[] The Addams Family
[] Brothers Grimm

[] Interview with the Vampire
[] Underworld
[] Van Helsing
[] The Crow
[] Blade
[] Dracula
[] Shadow of the Vampire
[] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[] A Fistful of Dollars
[] The Quick and the Dead
[] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[] Dances With Wolves
[] American Outlaws
[] The Missing
[] Tombstone

[] Rocky
[] Lethal Weapon
[] Die Hard
[] Rambo
[] The Terminator
[] Shaft
[] The Rock
[] Face Off
[] The Bourne Identity
[] Kill Bill

[] Goldfinger
[] You Only Live Twice
[] Diamonds Are Forever
[] Live and Let Die
[] The Man With the Golden Gun
[] Octopussy
[] Licence to Kill
[] GoldenEye
[] Die Another Day
[] Casino Royale

[] The Godfather
[] Scarface
[] Pulp Fiction
[] Reservoir Dogs
[] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[] A Clockwork Orange
[] Thelma & Louise
[] The Blues Brothers
[] This is Spinal Tap
[] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 40/300----48!

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

hhhmmm... but I can think of a lot of movies that arn't on here that i've seen...

Go out and spread the Gospel. Use words if necessary.


We are The Redeemed, we are the ones who are free! We belong to Jesus! We are now alive, and in this world we will shine! We belong to Jesus! ~ "We Shine" by Unhindered

 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: January 12th, 2007, 2:17 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 10 July 2005
Posts: 23149
Location: Where there are handsome heroes and sexy villains.. all that need some lovin' ;)
Country: Gondor (xg)
Gender: Female

[x] Gone with the Wind
[x] Lawrence of Arabia
[x] From Here to Eternity
[x] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[x] Ben Hur
[x] Cleopatra
[x] Doctor Zhivago
[x] Casablanca
[x] Citizen Kane
[x] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)


[x] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[x] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[x] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[x] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[x] Roman Holiday
[x] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther


[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi


[x] The Sound of Music
[x] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[x] An American in Paris
[ ] Annie
[x] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady


[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[ ] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[ ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots


[ ] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber


[ ] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[ ] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys


[ ] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[ ] Bridget Jones's Diary
[ ] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[ ] What Women Want


[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy


[x] The Secret Garden
[ ] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[ ] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven


[x] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[ ] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[ ] Spirited Away
[ ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down


[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book


[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars


[ ] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer


[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[ ] Carrie
[x] The Omen
[ ] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting


[ ] Forrest Gump
[x] Air Force One
[ ] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[x] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[ ] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[ ] Schindler's List


[ ] Rush Hour
[ ] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[ ] Charlie's Angels
[ ] Starsky & Hutch
[ ] Johnny English
[ ] Ocean's Eleven


[ ] Alien
[ ] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[x] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix


[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords


[x] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[x] Hulk
[ ] Sin City
[ ] Constantine


[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[x] Dragonheart
[ ] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[x] Labyrinth
[ ] The Princess Bride


[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[ ] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[ ] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park


[x] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[ ] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[x] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[ ] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian


[x] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[ ] Titanic
[x] The Last Samurai
[ ] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers


[ ] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[ ] Brothers Grimm


[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[x] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[x] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft


[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[x] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone


[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[x] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill


[x] Goldfinger
[x] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale


[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[ ] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers


Total Score: 99/300

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

Hmm....yeah. As you can probably see I'm more into older films than modern ones. I don't like films full of violence and swearing...and as there's quite a lot of those sort of films on the list....I like action adventure, musicals and really anything from 1960's downwards. Modern comedies seem to be relying more on vulgarity and cheap jokes, than the classic type of laughs you could get in films like "Some Like it Hot" and "Bringing Up Baby". Horror films seem to rely on lots of gore and blood rather than a story than terrfies you, rather than sickens you. My main problem with this list is that most of the films were made in the past 25 - 35 years. Also a lot of the films (especially the horror ones) are 15-18's, whereas a lot of the classic horror films, that everyone can watch, aren't there. Most of AU probably can't watch this high rated films (or should I say shouldn't watch), so it's a little bit unfair. I'm disappointed with my score as I know I'm not a "Sporadic Movie Watcher" (heck I watched 372 films last year alone). I'd like to see another list with more U's/PG's 12's and a few more classics.

Yeah, can't you tell Im cynical when it comes to modern films? :P



^ By me and my SS *squiggle hugs*

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 13th, 2007, 5:42 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 01 November 2005
Posts: 4785
Location: Middle Earth

I notice a lot of these make my parents' "wehn-you're-18" list. So I'm a movie lover in training. :P

[x] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[] Some Like It Hot
[x ] The King and I
[] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[] Fanny & Alexander
[] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[] Good Bye Lenin!
[] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days (I want to see this!)
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[x] Singin' in the Rain
[x] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[] Grease
[] Moulin Rouge (want to see this VERY BADLY)
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[] The Producers (1968/2005) (want to see)
[x] Young Frankenstein
[] Spaceballs
[] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[] Life of Brian
[ x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[] Airplane
[] The Naked Gun
[] Hot Shots

[] Ace Ventura
[] Meet the Parents
[x] Napoleon Dynamite (it was AWFUL)
[] There's Something About Mary
[] Old School
[] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[] Liar Liar
[] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[] Benchwarmers
[] Dumb & Dumber

[] 10 Things I Hate About You
[] She's All That
[] Never Been Kissed
[] Bring It On
[] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[x] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[] Tuck Everlasting
[] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[] Lassie
[] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[] Anastasia
[] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[x ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[ x] Cars

[] Halloween
[] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[] Scream
[] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[] The Exorcist
[] The Ring
[] The Blair Witch Project
[] Ghost Ship
[] Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[] Carrie
[] The Omen
[] The Shining
[] An American Haunting

[] Forrest Gump
[] Air Force One
[] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

[] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[] The Whole Nine Yards
[] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[] Johnny English
[x] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[ ] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ x] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x ] The Matrix

[] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[] X-Men
[] Superman
[] Batman
[] Fantastic Four
[] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[] The NeverEnding Story
[] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[] Troy
[] Alexander
[] Kingdom of Heaven
[] Beowulf & Grendel
[] Tristan & Isolde
[] Gladiator
[] Braveheart
[] The 13th Warrior
[] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[] Master & Commander
[] Amadeus
[] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[] The Last Samurai
[] Elizabeth
[] Cold Mountain
[] Amistad
[] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[] The Three Musketeers

[] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[] Sleepy Hollow
[] Big Fish
[] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[] The Addams Family
[] Brothers Grimm

[] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[] Van Helsing
[] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[] The Missing
[] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[] Lethal Weapon
[] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[] The Godfather
[] Scarface
[] Pulp Fiction
[] Reservoir Dogs
[] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[] A Clockwork Orange
[] Thelma & Louise
[] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Oh, I'm not going to bother totalling. I know it's terribly dismal. :(

*edit* Ok, never mind. I totalled and got 58.

<center> all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us

Thank you for five-plus wonderful years of obsession, friendship and fun

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 13th, 2007, 7:17 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 14 June 2005
Posts: 1181
Location: Obessing about NCIS and House,M.D.

[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[x] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[ ] My Fair Lady

[x] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[ ] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[ x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[ ] Ace Ventura
[x] Meet the Parents
[x] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[] 10 Things I Hate About You
[] She's All That
[] Never Been Kissed
[x] Bring It On
[] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[] Ghostbusters
[] Back to the Future
[] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[] Lassie
[] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[ x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[ ] Cars

[] Halloween
[] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[] Scream
[] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[] The Exorcist
[] The Ring
[] The Blair Witch Project
[] Ghost Ship
[ Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[] Carrie
[] The Omen
] The Shining
[ An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[] Air Force One
[] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

[] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[] The Whole Nine Yards
[x] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[] Johnny English
[] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[x ] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(This movie has a funny story when I saw it)
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix

[] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[] X-Men
[x] Superman
[] Batman
[] Fantastic Four
[] Daredevil
[] Spider-Man
[] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[] The NeverEnding Story
[x] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[x] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[] Troy
[] Alexander
[] Kingdom of Heaven
[] Beowulf & Grendel
[] Tristan & Isolde
[] Gladiator
[] Braveheart
] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[] The Last Samurai
[] Elizabeth
[] Cold Mountain
[] Amistad
[] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[x] BeetleJuice
[] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[] Sleepy Hollow
[] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[x] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[] The Missing
[] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[] Lethal Weapon
] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[] The Godfather
[] Scarface
[] Pulp Fiction
[] Reservoir Dogs
[ Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ A Clockwork Orange
[] Thelma & Louise
[] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

100+ Average Movie Watcher /50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
I would say myself that I am average but I good go as a spordic movie viewer.

The Quiet A-U Gentlewomen

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 13th, 2007, 8:07 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 04 June 2005
Posts: 5471

~RinielAranel~ wrote:
I notice a lot of these make my parents' "wehn-you're-18" list. So I'm a movie lover in training. :P

lol, that's why my score was lower too.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 13th, 2007, 8:53 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 04 June 2005
Posts: 1095
Location: West of the Moon, East of the Sun, and Several Miles from Anywhere

[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[ ] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[x] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[ ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[ ] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[ ] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[ ] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[ ] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[ ] Bridget Jones's Diary
[ ] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[ ] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[x] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[ ] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[x] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars

[ ] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[ ] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[ ] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting

[ ] Forrest Gump
[ ] Air Force One
[ ] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[ ] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[ ] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[ ] Schindler's List

[ ] Rush Hour
[ ] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[ ] Charlie's Angels
[ ] Starsky & Hutch
[ ] Johnny English
[x] Ocean's Eleven

[ ] Alien
[x] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[x] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[x] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[x] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[ ] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[ ] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[x] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[ ] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[ ] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[ ] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[ ] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[ ] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[ ] Master & Commander
[x] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[ ] Titanic
[ ] The Last Samurai
[ ] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[x] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[ ] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[ ] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[ ] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[x] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[ ] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[ ] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 80/300

I'm a Sporadic Movie Viewer! :bounce:

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

Gun-toting vikings? That's your theory?</center>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 14th, 2007, 4:48 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 05 May 2005
Posts: 595
Location: USA

[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[x] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[x] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[x] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[x] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[x] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[x] Young Frankenstein
[x] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[x] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[x] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[x] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[x] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[x] Never Been Kissed
[x] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[x] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[x] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[x] Bridget Jones's Diary
[ ] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[x] Sleepless in Seattle
[x] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[x] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[x] Dirty Dancing
[x] The Breakfast Club
[x] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[ ] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[x] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[ ] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[x] Hoodwinked
[ ] Cars

[x] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[x] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[ ] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[ ] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[ ] Air Force One
[ ] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[ ] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[ ] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[x] Schindler's List

[x] Rush Hour
[x] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[x] Charlie's Angels
[x] Starsky & Hutch
[x] Johnny English
[ ] Ocean's Eleven

[x] Alien
[x] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[x] Batman
[ ] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[ ] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[x] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[x] Willow
[ ] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[x] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[x] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[x] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[ ] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[ ] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[ ] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[x] Tristan & Isolde
[ ] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[ ] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[ ] Titanic
[ ] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[x] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[x] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[x] Interview with the Vampire
[x] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[x] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[x] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[x] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[x] Lethal Weapon
[x] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[x] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 125/300

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

Kelenloth wrote:
hhhmmm... but I can think of a lot of movies that arn't on here that i've seen...

Same here, same here. But I suppose Average Movie Watcher isn't so bad...:P

<img src=""><br><a href="">{Hazy Cosmic Jive}}</a>

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 14th, 2007, 5:07 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 29 July 2005
Posts: 11978
Country: United States (us)
Gender: Female


[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[ ] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[ ] Annie
[ ] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[ ] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[ ] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[ ] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[ ] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[x] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[ ] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[ ] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[ ] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[ ] Bridget Jones's Diary
[ ] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[ ] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[ ] Ghostbusters
[ ] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy

[ ] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[ ] Free Willy
[ ] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[ ] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[ ] Lassie
[ ] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[ ] Beethoven

[ ] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[ ] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[ ] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[ ] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[ ] The Jungle Book

[ ] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[ ] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[ ] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[ ] Cars

[ ] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[ ] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[ ] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting

[ ] Forrest Gump
[ ] Air Force One
[ ] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[ ] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[ ] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[ ] Schindler's List

[ ] Rush Hour
[ ] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[ ] Charlie's Angels
[ ] Starsky & Hutch
[ ] Johnny English
[ ] Ocean's Eleven

[ ] Alien
[ ] War of the Worlds
[ ] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[ ] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[ ] Batman
[ ] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[ ] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[ ] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[ ] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[ ] Harry Potter
[ ] The Chronicles of Narnia
[ ] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[ ] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[ ] Jumanji
[ ] The Goonies
[ ] National Treasure
[ ] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[ ] The Mummy
[ ] Hook
[ ] The Da Vinci Code
[ ] Jurassic Park

[ ] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[ ] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[ ] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[ ] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[ ] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[ ] The Patriot
[ ] Titanic
[ ] The Last Samurai
[ ] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[ ] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[ ] The Three Musketeers

[ ] BeetleJuice
[ ] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[ ] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[ ] The Addams Family
[ ] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[ ] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[ ] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[ ] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[ ] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 26/300

10+ N00b

Haha, I'm a Noob!! :P I really need to see more movies...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: January 14th, 2007, 11:11 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 21 June 2005
Posts: 1597
Location: D-Town!!! (detroit MI)

[x] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[x ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[x] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[] Some Like It Hot
[x ] The King and I
[x] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[x ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[] Fanny & Alexander
[] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[] Good Bye Lenin!
[] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[] Singin' in the Rain
[x] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[x] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[] My Fair Lady

[] The Producers (1968/2005)
[] Young Frankenstein
[] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[] Life of Brian
[x ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[x] Airplane
[] The Naked Gun
[] Hot Shots

[] Ace Ventura
[x] Meet the Parents
[x] Napoleon Dynamite
[] There's Something About Mary
[] Old School
[x] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[] Liar Liar
[x] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[x] Benchwarmers
[] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[x] She's All That
[x] Never Been Kissed
[x] Bring It On
[] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[x] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[x] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[] Police Academy

[] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[] Lassie
[] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[x ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[x] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x ] Antz
[ x] Hoodwinked
[x ] Cars

[] Halloween
[] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[] Scream
[] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[] The Exorcist
[] The Ring
[] The Blair Witch Project
[] Ghost Ship
[] Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[] Carrie
[] The Omen
[] The Shining
[] An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[] Air Force One
[] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[] The Whole Nine Yards
[] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[x] Johnny English
[x] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[x ] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x ] The Matrix

[] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[x] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[x] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[] The Punisher
[x ] Hulk
[] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[] Cutthroat Island
[] Jumanji
[] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[] Troy
[] Alexander
[] Kingdom of Heaven
[] Beowulf & Grendel
[x] Tristan & Isolde
[] Gladiator
[] Braveheart
[] The 13th Warrior
[] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[] Amadeus
[] The Patriot
[] Titanic
[] The Last Samurai
[] Elizabeth
[] Cold Mountain
[] Amistad
[] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[] BeetleJuice
[] Edward Scissorhands
[] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[] Sleepy Hollow
[] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[] The Craft

[] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[] The Missing
[] Tombstone

[x ] Rocky
[] Lethal Weapon
] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[x] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[] The Godfather
[] Scarface
[] Pulp Fiction
[] Reservoir Dogs
[] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[] A Clockwork Orange
[] Thelma & Louise
[] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 88/300

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

88. Most of those movies, arnt the kind of movies I watch...

Missing Charlie already!

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 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2013, 8:11 am 
Movie Extra
Movie Extra
User avatar

Joined: 10 August 2011
Posts: 23
Location: The Shire
Country: Norway (no)
Gender: Female

[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[x] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
1 /10

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[x] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[ ] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[x] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[x] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[ ] Moulin Rouge
[ ] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[ ] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[x] Life of Brian
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[x] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[x] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[x] Notting Hill
[x] Love Actually
[x] Bridget Jones's Diary
[x] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[ ] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[ ] Back to the Future
[x] Police Academy

[ ] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[ ] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[ ] Beethoven

[ ] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[x] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars

[x] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[x] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[x] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[x] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[x] The Shining
[x] An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[x] Air Force One
[ ] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[x] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[ ] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[x] Schindler's List

[x] Rush Hour
[x] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[ ] Charlie's Angels
[ ] Starsky & Hutch
[ ] Johnny English
[ ] Ocean's Eleven

[ ] Alien
[ ] War of the Worlds
[ ] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[ ] The Matrix

[x] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[x] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[x] Superman
[x] Batman
[ ] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[x] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[x] Dragonheart
[ ] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[ ] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[x] The Goonies
[ ] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[ ] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[ ] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[x] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[x] Kingdom of Heaven
[x] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[ ] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[x] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[ ] Master & Commander
[x] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[ ] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[ ] The Three Musketeers

[x] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[ ] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[ ] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[x] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[x] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[ ] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[x] Lethal Weapon
[x] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[x] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[x] Kill Bill

[x] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[x] Diamonds Are Forever
[x] Live and Let Die
[x] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[x] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[x] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[x] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[x] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[x] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 113/300

Average Movie Watcher

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser

My God! Som many films I haven't got to watch yet. A lot of these are on my watch list. I'm just a sporadic movie viewer. But I have of course seen hundreds of other films.

Edit: Now I have seen a few others. Finaly seen Pulp Fiction, Singin' in the Rain, Scream and all the Batman films in the Nolan series. They are so good! I'm going to watch 10 Things I Hate About You and Brothers Grimm next.

Edt: Another couple of films added.

[sigs by Legolas]

Last edited by millaindie on June 24th, 2014, 11:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2013, 10:59 am 
User avatar

Joined: 04 June 2005
Posts: 548
Location: Uruguay
Country: Uruguay (uy)
Gender: Female

I was under the impression I did this already :P

[] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[] Fanny & Alexander
[] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[] Good Bye Lenin!
[] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[] Singin' in the Rain
[] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[] An American in Paris
[] Annie
[] Grease
[x] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[] The Producers (1968/2005)
[] Young Frankenstein
[] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[x] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[] Life of Brian
[ ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[] Airplane
[x] The Naked Gun
[x Hot Shots

[x] Ace Ventura
[x] Meet the Parents
[] Napoleon Dynamite
[x] There's Something About Mary
[] Old School
[] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[] Liar Liar
[] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[] Benchwarmers
[] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[] She's All That
[x] Never Been Kissed
[x] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[] American Pie
[] Road Trip
[] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[] Sorority Boys

[] Notting Hill
[ ] Love Actually
[] Bridget Jones's Diary
[] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[] Pretty Woman
[] A Lot Like Love
[x] What Women Want

[] Footloose
[] Flashdance
[] Dirty Dancing
[] The Breakfast Club
[] Sixteen Candles
[] Pretty in Pink
[] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[x] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[] Spirited Away
[ ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[x] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[] Cars

[] Halloween
[x] Friday the 13th
[] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[] Hellraiser
[x] Saw
[] Candyman
[] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[x] Scream
[] Child's Play
[x] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[x] The Exorcist
[x] The Ring
[x] The Blair Witch Project
[x] Ghost Ship
[x] Poltergeist
[] Rose Red
[x] Carrie
[x] The Omen
[x] The Shining
[] An American Haunting

[] Forrest Gump
[x] Air Force One
[x] Pearl Harbor
[] Born on the 4th of July
[] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[] Schindler's List

[] Rush Hour
[] Shanghai Noon
[] Bad Boys
[] Smokey and the Bandit
[] Beverly Hills Cop
[x] The Whole Nine Yards
[] Charlie's Angels
[] Starsky & Hutch
[] Johnny English
[] Ocean's Eleven

[] Alien
[x] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[x] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[ ] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[x] Starship Troopers
[x] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[x] Daredevil
[ ] Spider-Man
[x] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[x] Sin City
[x] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[x] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[x] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[ ] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[ ] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[ ] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[x] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[x] Troy
[x] Alexander
[x] Kingdom of Heaven
[x] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[x] Gladiator
[ ] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[x] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[ ] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[ ] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[ ] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[ ] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[ ] The Three Musketeers

[ ] BeetleJuice
[ ] Edward Scissorhands
[ ] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[ ] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ x Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[ ] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[x] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[x] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[x] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[ ] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[x] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[x] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[ ] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 111/300

100+ Average Movie Watcher


 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2013, 3:21 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 26 October 2005
Posts: 2953
Location: Between the Shire and Erebor
Country: Rohan (xr)
Gender: Female

[] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[x] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[x] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[x] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[ ] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[x] Amélie
[x] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[ ] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[x] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[ ] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[x] Life of Brian
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[ ] Ace Ventura
[ ] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[ ] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[ ] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[x] Notting Hill
[x] Love Actually
[x] Bridget Jones's Diary
[x] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[x] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[x] Dirty Dancing
[x] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[ ] Ghostbusters
[ ] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy

[ ] The Secret Garden
[ ] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[ ] Lassie
[ ] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[ ] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[ ] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[ ] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[ ] Antz
[x] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars

[ ] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[ ] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[ ] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[ ] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[ ] Air Force One
[x] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[x] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[x] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[x] Schindler's List

[ ] Rush Hour
[ ] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[x] Charlie's Angels
[ ] Starsky & Hutch
[x] Johnny English
[x] Ocean's Eleven

[ ] Alien
[ ] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[ ] Starship Troopers
[ ] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[x] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[x] Batman
[ ] Fantastic Four
[ ] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[ ] Hulk
[ ] Sin City
[ ] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[x] Labyrinth
[ ] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[ ] Jumanji
[ ] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[ ] The Mummy
[ ] Hook
[x] The Da Vinci Code
[ ] Jurassic Park

[x] Troy
[x] Alexander
[x] Kingdom of Heaven
[x] Beowulf & Grendel
[x] Tristan & Isolde
[x] Gladiator
[x] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[ ] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[x] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[ ] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[ ] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[ ] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[x] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[x] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft

[x] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[x] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[ ] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[ ] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[ ] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[ ] GoldenEye
[ ] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[ ] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] A Clockwork Orange
[x] Thelma & Louise
[x] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total score: 102 out of 300, with a preference for fantasy, adventure and animation movies.


 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: May 23rd, 2013, 3:37 pm 
User avatar

Joined: 03 April 2013
Posts: 6042
Location: The Millenium Falcon
Country: Sweden (se)
Gender: Female

[ ] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[x] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
1 /10

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[ ] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[ ] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[x] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[ ] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[x] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[x] The Sound of Music
[x] Singin' in the Rain
[ ] West Side Story
[x] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[x] Annie
[x] Grease
[x] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[ ] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[x] Young Frankenstein
[x] Spaceballs
[x] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[x] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[x] Life of Brian
[x] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[x] Airplane
[x] The Naked Gun
[x] Hot Shots

[x] Ace Ventura
[x] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[x] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[ ] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[x] Liar Liar
[ ] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[x] Dumb & Dumber

[x] 10 Things I Hate About You
[x] She's All That
[x] Never Been Kissed
[x] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[x] American Pie
[x] Road Trip
[x] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[x] Notting Hill
[x] Love Actually
[x] Bridget Jones's Diary
[x] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[x] When Harry Met Sally
[x] Sleepless in Seattle
[x] My Best Friend's Wedding
[x] Pretty Woman
[x] A Lot Like Love
[x] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[x] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[x] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[x] Tuck Everlasting
[x] Free Willy
[x] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[x] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[x] Beethoven

[ ] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[x] Anastasia
[x] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[x] Spirited Away
[x] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[x] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[x] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[x] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[x] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x] Antz
[x] Hoodwinked
[x] Cars

[x] Halloween
[x] Friday the 13th
[x] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[x] Hellraiser
[x] Saw
[x] Candyman
[x] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[x] Scream
[x] Child's Play
[x I Know What You Did Last Summer

[x] The Exorcist
[x] The Ring
[x] The Blair Witch Project
[x] Ghost Ship
[x] Poltergeist
[x] Rose Red
[x] Carrie
[x] The Omen
[x] The Shining
[x] An American Haunting

[x] Forrest Gump
[x] Air Force One
[x] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[x] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[x] Black Hawk Down
[x] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[x] Schindler's List

[x] Rush Hour
[x] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[x] Beverly Hills Cop
[x] The Whole Nine Yards
[x] Charlie's Angels
[x] Starsky & Hutch
[x] Johnny English
[ ] Ocean's Eleven

[x] Alien
[x] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[x] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[x] Starship Troopers
[x] The Planet of the Apes
[ ] Serenity
[x] Chronicles of Riddick
[x] The Matrix

[x] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[ ] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[x] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[x] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[x] Hulk
[x] Sin City
[x] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[x] Dungeons & Dragons
[x] Dragonheart
[ ] Eragon
[x] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[x] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[x] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[x] Hook
[x] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[x] Troy
[x] Alexander
[x] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[ ] Tristan & Isolde
[x] Gladiator
[x] Braveheart
[x] The 13th Warrior
[x] The Passion of the Christ
[x] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[x] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[x] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[x] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[x] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[x] BeetleJuice
[x] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Sleepy Hollow
[x] Big Fish
[x] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[ ] Pan's Labyrinth
[x] The Addams Family
[x] Brothers Grimm

[x] Interview with the Vampire
[x] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[x] The Crow
[ ] Blade
[x] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[x] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[x] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[x] Desperado
[x] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[x] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[x] Lethal Weapon
[x] Die Hard
[x] Rambo
[x] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[x] The Rock
[x] Face Off
[x] The Bourne Identity
[ ] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[x] GoldenEye
[x] Die Another Day
[ ] Casino Royale

[ ] The Godfather
[ ] Scarface
[x] Pulp Fiction
[ ] Reservoir Dogs
[x] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[x] A Clockwork Orange
[x] Thelma & Louise
[x] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[x] Natural Born Killers

Total Score: 97/300

290+ Flick Meister
250+ Total Movie Buff
200+ Eclectic Movie Lover
150+ General Movie Appreciator
100+ Average Movie Watcher
50+ Sporadic Movie Viewer
10+ N00b
1+ Loser


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: The Ultimate Movie Survey
PostPosted: May 25th, 2013, 1:11 am 
Tolkien Scholar
Tolkien Scholar
User avatar

Joined: 12 July 2005
Posts: 8885

Let's see how much six years has changed...

[x] Gone with the Wind
[ ] Lawrence of Arabia
[ ] From Here to Eternity
[ ] The Bridge on the River Kwai
[ ] Ben Hur
[ ] Cleopatra
[ ] Doctor Zhivago
[ ] Casablanca
[ ] Citizen Kane
[ ] Around the World in 80 Days (1956)

[ ] Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
[x] Breakfast at Tiffany's
[ ] Some Like It Hot
[ ] The King and I
[ ] The Flying Deuces
[ ] The Great Dictator
[x] Roman Holiday
[ ] The Ladykillers (1955)
[ ] The Taming of the Shrew
[ ] The Pink Panther

[ ] Fanny & Alexander
[ ] Pelle the Conqueror
[ ] Life Is Beautiful
[ ] All About My Mother
[ ] Elling
[x] Amélie
[ ] Good Bye Lenin!
[ ] Whale Rider
[x] Sophie Scholl - The Final Days
[ ] Tsotsi

[ ] The Sound of Music
[ ] Singin' in the Rain
[x] West Side Story
[ ] The Wizard of Oz
[ ] An American in Paris
[ ] Annie
[ ] Grease
[x] Moulin Rouge
[x] The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
[x] My Fair Lady

[ ] The Producers (1968/2005)
[ ] Young Frankenstein
[ ] Spaceballs
[ ] Robin Hood: Men in Tights
[ ] Dracula: Dead and Loving It
[ ] Life of Brian
[ ] Monty Python and the Holy Grail
[ ] Airplane
[ ] The Naked Gun
[ ] Hot Shots

[x] Ace Ventura
[x] Meet the Parents
[ ] Napoleon Dynamite
[ ] There's Something About Mary
[ ] Old School
[x] Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
[x] Liar Liar
[x] Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
[ ] Benchwarmers
[x] Dumb & Dumber

[ ] 10 Things I Hate About You
[ ] She's All That
[ ] Never Been Kissed
[ ] Bring It On
[x] Mean Girls
[ ] American Pie
[ ] Road Trip
[ ] Clueless
[ ] Can't Hardly Wait
[ ] Sorority Boys

[ ] Notting Hill
[x] Love Actually
[ ] Bridget Jones's Diary
[ ] Four Weddings and a Funeral
[ ] When Harry Met Sally
[ ] Sleepless in Seattle
[ ] My Best Friend's Wedding
[ ] Pretty Woman
[ ] A Lot Like Love
[ ] What Women Want

[ ] Footloose
[ ] Flashdance
[ ] Dirty Dancing
[ ] The Breakfast Club
[ ] Sixteen Candles
[ ] Pretty in Pink
[ ] St. Elmo's Fire
[ ] Ghostbusters
[x] Back to the Future
[ ] Police Academy

[x] The Secret Garden
[ ] Tuck Everlasting
[ ] Free Willy
[ ] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
[ ] Peter Pan
[x] Home Alone
[ ] Lassie
[x] Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
[ ] Bugsy Malone
[ ] Beethoven

[x] FernGully: The Last Rainforest
[x] The Prince of Egypt
[ ] Anastasia
[ ] The Road to El Dorado
[ ] Howl's Moving Castle
[x] Spirited Away
[ ] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
[ ] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[ ] Gulliver's Travels (1939)
[ ] Watership Down

[x] The Lion King
[x] Sleeping Beauty
[x] Tarzan
[x] Cinderella
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Snow White
[x] The Little Mermaid
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Aladdin
[x] The Jungle Book

[x] Finding Nemo
[x] Shrek
[x] Ice Age
[x] Monsters, Inc.
[ ] Chicken Little
[x] Toy Story
[x] A Bug's Life
[x] Antz
[ ] Hoodwinked
[ ] Cars

[ ] Halloween
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] A Nightmare on Elm Street
[ ] Hellraiser
[ ] Saw
[ ] Candyman
[ ] The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
[ ] Scream
[ ] Child's Play
[ ] I Know What You Did Last Summer

[ ] The Exorcist
[x] The Ring
[ ] The Blair Witch Project
[ ] Ghost Ship
[ ] Poltergeist
[ ] Rose Red
[x] Carrie
[ ] The Omen
[x] The Shining
[ ] An American Haunting

[ ] Forrest Gump
[x] Air Force One
[x] Pearl Harbor
[ ] Born on the 4th of July
[x] Saving Private Ryan
[ ] The Thin Red Line
[ ] Black Hawk Down
[x] The Pianist
[ ] An Officer and a Gentleman
[x] Schindler's List

[x] Rush Hour
[x] Shanghai Noon
[ ] Bad Boys
[ ] Smokey and the Bandit
[ ] Beverly Hills Cop
[ ] The Whole Nine Yards
[ ] Charlie's Angels
[x] Starsky & Hutch
[ ] Johnny English
[x] Ocean's Eleven

[x] Alien
[x] War of the Worlds
[x] Star Wars
[ ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[x] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
[x] Starship Troopers
[x] The Planet of the Apes
[x] Serenity
[ ] Chronicles of Riddick
[x] The Matrix

[ ] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
[ ] Memoirs of a Geisha
[x] Hero
[ ] House of Flying Daggers
[ ] Azumi
[ ] Zaitochi
[ ] Ong Bak
[ ] Once Upon a Time in China
[ ] Fearless
[ ] Seven Swords

[x] X-Men
[ ] Superman
[x] Batman
[x] Fantastic Four
[x] Daredevil
[x] Spider-Man
[ ] The Punisher
[x] Hulk
[x] Sin City
[x] Constantine

[x] The Lord of the Rings
[ ] Dungeons & Dragons
[ ] Dragonheart
[x] Eragon
[ ] Willow
[x] Harry Potter
[x] The Chronicles of Narnia
[ ] The NeverEnding Story
[ ] Labyrinth
[x] The Princess Bride

[x] Pirates of the Caribbean
[ ] Cutthroat Island
[x] Jumanji
[ ] The Goonies
[x] National Treasure
[x] Raiders of the Lost Ark
[x] The Mummy
[ ] Hook
[x] The Da Vinci Code
[x] Jurassic Park

[x] Troy
[ ] Alexander
[x] Kingdom of Heaven
[ ] Beowulf & Grendel
[x] Tristan & Isolde
[x] Gladiator
[x] Braveheart
[ ] The 13th Warrior
[x] The Passion of the Christ
[ ] Conan the Barbarian

[x] Master & Commander
[ ] Amadeus
[x] The Patriot
[x] Titanic
[x] The Last Samurai
[x] Elizabeth
[x] Cold Mountain
[ ] Amistad
[ ] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[x] The Three Musketeers

[ ] BeetleJuice
[ ] Edward Scissorhands
[x] The Nightmare Before Christmas
[ ] Sleepy Hollow
[ ] Big Fish
[ ] Corpse Bride
[x] Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
[x] Pan's Labyrinth
[ ] The Addams Family
[ ] Brothers Grimm

[ ] Interview with the Vampire
[x] Underworld
[x] Van Helsing
[ ] The Crow
[x] Blade
[ ] Dracula
[ ] Shadow of the Vampire
[ ] Vampires (John Carpenter's)
[ ] Frankenstein
[ ] The Craft

[ ] The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
[ ] Desperado
[ ] The Mask of Zorro
[ ] A Fistful of Dollars
[ ] The Quick and the Dead
[ ] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ ] Dances With Wolves
[ ] American Outlaws
[ ] The Missing
[ ] Tombstone

[ ] Rocky
[ ] Lethal Weapon
[ ] Die Hard
[ ] Rambo
[x] The Terminator
[ ] Shaft
[ ] The Rock
[ ] Face Off
[x] The Bourne Identity
[x] Kill Bill

[ ] Goldfinger
[ ] You Only Live Twice
[ ] Diamonds Are Forever
[ ] Live and Let Die
[ ] The Man With the Golden Gun
[ ] Octopussy
[ ] Licence to Kill
[x] GoldenEye
[x] Die Another Day
[x] Casino Royale

[x] The Godfather
[x] Scarface
[x] Pulp Fiction
[x] Reservoir Dogs
[ ] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[x] A Clockwork Orange
[ ] Thelma & Louise
[ ] The Blues Brothers
[ ] This is Spinal Tap
[ ] Natural Born Killers

Total Count: 110

I was cured all right.

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